• Published 9th Sep 2019
  • 2,634 Views, 67 Comments

Rockabye Dragon - L Drkheart

The young Prince Spike grows learning about the kingdom he would one day rule and about himself with the help of his family and friends, however, in the shadows a new threat waits to strike...

  • ...

A Mother's Love

Celestia waved with a practiced posh grace. The nobles proudly walked away, feeling heard by their princess, even when the doors closed and Celestia slouched a bit in her seat. The guards cracked a smile but straightened up when the Princess’s royal assistant entered. Raven Inkwell with her signature clipboard in hoof.

“Should we collect Spike, your highness? You look like you could use the pick-me-up.”

“No need Raven, I believe Spike is in the middle of his lessons with Star Gazer so I’d hate to interrupt. What of my niece and nephew?”

“The prince is out with one of the maids, one Miss Rose. As for the young princess, I believed I saw her not that long ago hanging around the guardhouse. Likely she was watching the training sessions that were scheduled. One guard in particular if I had to guess.” Celestia giggled and shook her head. Her charges were growing and she couldn’t be more proud. The smile vanish though as she became more serious.

“How far along is SMILE? Anything new from the pony we captured at the Summer Sun Festival?” Raven sighed and shook her head.

“He still refuses to speak. The only thing we have gotten from him is his insistence that soon they will be too numerous to be stopped. As for SMILE, we have chosen the top hundred ponies from across the kingdom to join us. Their skills range from espionage to inventing and spell crafting. Even at their full power though, it’s possible we will still be spread too thin.”

“Yes, and with the incidents lately, it seems no matter what I do my family will continue to be dragged into these battles…” She stood and walked to one of the windows overlooking the gardens. “I just want them to be safe… Raven, I can’t lose them. They’re all I have.” Raven put a hoof on the goddess’s leg, she wasn’t married but she had a sibling she would do anything for.

“It may be time to think about adding new kinds of training to their schedules. They need to be stronger to deal with the coming storm.”

“Turn my family into soldiers… my own son. I had hoped to spare them all but in the coming years, Equestria will face more dangers than it ever has before. I can’t see what they will be but they are stirring. I will not lose any creature to the dangers of today. I will consider your proposal Raven thank you.” Raven bowed her head.

“Of course Princess. On a lighter note, the entry tests are all ready for the new sprout of unicorns that will be applying for your school.” Celestia cheered up a bit. She always loved watching new unicorns give their all in the pursuit of magic and knowledge. She just wished that the unicorn judges weren’t so mean at times with their judging. She opened her mouth to ask for the names of some of the candidates but was interrupted by a guard bursting through the doors.

“What is the meaning of this?”

“My princess, we have a strange guest at the gates demanding to see Princess Cadence.”

“Strange how?”

“She’s… some kind of enchantress.” Celestia’s face hardened and she walked back to her throne.

“Bring her to me.” Four guards escorted a mare hidden within a pink cloak. After pulling down her hood with magic, Celestia saw this was a white Earth Pony with a black mane. The ends of her mane were different colors. Her eyes were snowy white. She bowed her head, his legs shaking from the sight of the princess. Celestia’s face showed no joy or fear, she has heard of this pony before. “What business do you have here?”

“I-I’m sorry for intruding… I came with a message for Princess Cadence. My name is-”

“Prismia. The enchantress that Cadence defeated to earn her right to become a princess. Your foolish use of the Cosmic Spectrum plunged the town of Tall Tale into darkness and hatred.” Prismia flinched at the reminder but she kept bowing.

“I’m… not the same as I was. I learned my lesson thanks to Cadence. Her heart healed my mind and heart from the effects of the stone. I owe her everything…” Celestia softened her gaze a bit, the mare seemed sincere. She asked Raven to bring Cadence and she sent the guards away, saying she would watch Prismia. They waited in silence but when Prismia saw Cadence, she rushed over and hugged the Princess.


“Prismia! I haven’t seen you in ages! How are you?”

“I’m fine… Tall Tale isn’t the same without you but things are better. Ponies are trusting me a lot more, they don’t mind me appearing for parties and such. It was all just like you said it would be.” Cadence nodded but then frowned as she tilted her head.

“If things are going so well, why come here?” Prismia’s smile disappeared and she looked away.

“It’s… your mother. She has fallen ill. Your dad has been so busy staying by her side and I wanted to do something. Your family were the first ones to trust me after what I did… so I came to get you.” Cadence froze as if she had just been slapped.

“Ill? Is it bad?” Prismia bit her lip and forced herself to look at the Princess of Love. Cadence saw the truth in those eyes and covered her mouth in shock. Tears threatened to escape her eyes. “No… please no.”

“I’m sorry Cadence… they’ve done everything they can.”

“Cadence…” Cadence looked at Celestia as she offered her a hug and she rushed into it, holding her caretaker and crying into her barrel. “You have my permission to go home. Spend the time you need. I advise taking a pony with you, no pony should go through this alone.”

“I-I want to take Shining Armor…”

“Then I shall send his parents a letter. I’m sure they will understand the need. You can send me a letter in case of anything. I owe your parents so much. Without them, I wouldn’t have the wonderful niece I have today. A mare so brave and strong, so full of life and love. Give them my regards.” She sniffled and nodded, running to go grab some things. Spike was walking toward the throne room to tell his mom what he learned today. A cookie in hand from doing such a good job today. He saw Cadence and saw her crying.

“Cady? Are you okay?” She skidded to a stop and smiled at the sight of the dragon.

“I’m… I’ll be okay Spike. I just have to go for a few days… Come here.” He hugged the cookie as he was afraid and sad that she was leaving. He obeyed though and ran into her arms.

“W-will you be back?”

“Of course my little dragon… I just need to see my mommy. I’m taking Shining too so you don’t have to worry about me okay?” The dragon nodded and felt a bit better knowing she would have Shining there. Still, he felt like something was wrong.

“Can I meet your mommy someday?” Cadence blinked several times and nodded, promising him she would introduce them. With that promise, Spike kissed her cheek and gave her his cookie. She took it and kissed his forehead. “Be back soon Cady.”

“I will Spike… I will.” They shared one more hug and she let him run to Celestia while she packed some things.

. . .

Shining made sure to fix his armor as he waited for Cadence. Princess Celestia had pulled him out of training and explained what she knew and that Cadence had asked him to join her. He couldn’t reject her and he wanted to be there if things went south. Celestia called a carriage for the two and the guards pulling it agreed to stay in Everwood to protect it while Cadence and Shining were there.

“Are you sure about this Cadence? I can come with you.” Blueblood asked while he and Cadence were walking out of the castle. She smiled sadly and put a hoof on Blueblood’s shoulder. “I… it’s not safe.”

“That’s why I ask that you stay here at the castle Bluey… if something happens and Aunt Celestia isn’t around somepony needs to protect Spike. I trust you to do that.” Blueblood blinked and looked down, unsure of his ability to do what she needed of him. “Come on Bluey, where’s that noble pride of yours? We’ll only be gone for a few days. Besides, I’ll have Shining by my side.” He looked up and saw Shining Armor. The two shared a nod and Blueblood smiled.

“Just don’t do anything stupid okay…”

“Heh, I won’t if you don’t.” They shared a hug and he waved as they took off. On one of the balconies, Celestia and Spike waved as well. Shining rubbed Cadence’s back gently. “I already miss them…”

“I know… I feel the same way about Twily.” Cadence blinked and turned toward him.

“I didn’t give you time to say goodbye! I’m so stupid, I should have-”

“None of that. My family knows my duty and they know that I’d do anything for you. If you need me, I’ll always be there.” The two shared a blush and Cadence hugged him.

“Thanks Shining… I need that right now. I never really thought… about losing someone. I guess the idea of being an alicorn made me think… maybe I’d be able to save everyone. That I could keep them from leaving me.”

“No creature has that power Cadence. You can’t blame yourself for this.”

“No… but I can blame myself for not being there more. Not coming home more.” Shining offered a hug which she accepted.

“How long has it been?”

“Since… her birthday a year ago now. I've just been so busy with Spike, lessons, and everything that I forgot more ponies needed me. Celestia would always come with me. To go alone feels strange.”

“So Tall Tale, what kind of place is it?” Cadence smiled as her eyes grew sparkly.

“It’s a tiny Earth Pony village. Lots of farming, herding, along with mining thanks to it being so close to the crystal mountains. The winter season gets so cold that we always get a lot of snow! School would be out for weeks and then we would have to wrap it all up by hoof. I used to push clouds. There is a forest nearby with all kinds of creatures and caves for kids to play in. In summer, there are waterfalls and hot springs that are hidden here and there. It’s all small but cozy. The ponies there all know each other and help each other with anything they need, my parents were co-mayors for a long time before they retired. A branch of the Apple Family is in charge now but my parents act as advisors.

“So your parents, what are they like.”

“They were… they are the best parents I could have ever asked for. They took in a pegasus filly that they found in the forest without a second thought. They raised me to be true to myself and with so much love that inspired me to take up foalsitting and matchmaking though that often got me into trouble.” She giggled. “They were stern when I needed it but kind and amazing ponies whose faith in me never swayed. They promised that one day I’d make the whole world feel like how they did. Proud.” Cadence smiled and wiped her eyes.

“Heh sounds to me like they may have seen the future.” Cadence playfully pushed Shining away.

“I still have a long way to go before I can say that they were right but I won’t stop trying. Now, how about you tell me some stuff, like how is training going?” The two talked for the entire ride until the pegasi guards announced that they were approaching the village. Shining and Cadence looked out of the windows and Cadence was shocked to see the village had expanded to have a windmill, a central square tower, and a large local fair. “Wow… it’s grown.”

“I like it, the windmill looks cool.” Cadence stared hard but figured that she should have expected the town to grow after all hasn’t she? “Ready Cadence?” Shining asked and after a deep breath, she nodded.

“I’m ready.” They landed in the town square and ponies all stopped and walked over to see what the commotion was when Shining and Cadence stepped out. Ponies gasped and bowed. “That isn’t necessary here. This is my home as much as yours so I ask that I be treated as such please.” They all raised their heads, some looking confused but others raced toward Cadence, hugging the princess. They asked if she remembered them. One by one, memories of all the fillies and colts she took care of returned, and Cadence eagerly embraced them all.

Shining grinned as the young foals pulled Cadence along to see everything new. He followed and added his own opinions here and there, especially when they showed a new game shop was built and he was telling Cadence how they had some of his favorite games. Even a first collector’s edition of Ogres and Oubliettes! The colts began to argue with Shining whose campaign and characters were better while the fillies were asking Cadence about her life in Canterlot and if Shining Armor was her coltfriend.

It was another hour before the two were able to escape the children and after promising to play again soon, they headed for Cadence’s old house. Her parents lived on just at the edge of town, her father built his home there so in case of a threat he would be the first to see it and he could warn the town. Once he had a family, more neighbors moved out there so that he wouldn’t be the only one under threat.

The house was large, two stories high and wide enough to house at least six ponies. It had a straw roof, faded yellow and pink paint, and a subtle ornate carving into the wood of the home. Cadence examined the carving and tapped her chin.

“Huh… this was done by someone with knowledge of old magic. Likely Prismia.”

“So this is where you grew up… it’s impressive.” Cadence blushed.

“It wasn’t always this big, over the years we’ve had to make it bigger to house ponies that come without a real way to start their lives. After a while of working, they usually have enough to start a life here. Many ponies owe my parents, including me.” They knocked and just then, a doctor opened the door.

“Princess? You came! I was just… well she seems to be in an amazing condition. I imagine she is desperate to leave this house.” Shining and Cadence were shocked, from what Prismia had said they expected the worse.

“You’re saying she’ll okay?” Something flashed for a moment as if the doctor had a mask and it shattered it lasted for the barest of moments. Shining had seen it, he was sure but the doctor moved aside.

“She can tell you herself. She’s a stubborn one.” Cadence ran upstairs in excitement and hope, Shining walked in and gave the doctor a glance before following upstairs. The doctor looked away and hesitated before he left. Shining found Cadence standing frozen outside a door as voices came from inside. She looked at the door handle as it was encased in her magical hold but the magic faded and Cadence reached up to turn the knob herself.

“I can do this…” She murmured and opened the door. The room inside was a warm sunny yellow. Orange and pink accents were here and there. The wooden floor squeaked and there was a wooden shepherd’s cane leaning against the wall. The window was open, giving the room warmth. There were pictures telling a life story, starting with a young filly that was pink with a yellow mane. She grew through the pictures until they started to introduce a light blue stallion with a dark blue mane. They were in nearly every picture together until a third pony was introduced. A pink filly with a purple, yellow, and blue mane.

“Wow…” Shining touched the picture of Cadence and turned to see the pink pony with a blonde mane laying in a bed in the center of the room. The pony was older than in any of the photos, but her soft blue eyes seemed to still have so much life in them. She teared up at the sight of her daughter and she leaned up.

“Cadence… my little princess.”

“M-mom…” Cadence began to cry and ran to the bed, hugging her mother tightly. She kept sobbing even as her mother rubbed her back and shushed her quietly, telling her that she was okay. Shining felt his own eyes tearing up at the exchange. “I-I-I missed y-you so much!!”

“I know, I know.” Shining smiled seeing Cadence slowly calming down as her mother began to sing her a lullaby. He felt a small tap on his shoulder and turned to the blue stallion. Cadence’s Father.

“We should give them this time.” He nodded and followed the older pony out. He led Shining downstairs. “So you must be Shining Armor.” Shining blinked.

“Y-yeah. How did you know?”

“Are you kidding? That girl of ours can’t stop thinking of her personal knight.” Shining blushed and looked down. “Heh relax kid, we have no problem with you two. No father talk from me. You have proven yourself time and time again, I only wanted to thank you and… ask for your help.”

“Anything mister…”

“Cotton Ribbon.”

“Mister Ribbon.” He poured some tea into cups, his legs shook and he was forced to lay the pot down. Shining rushed over to help but was stopped by Cotton raising a hoof.

“Not that old yet… it’s just hard. Time can be a cruel mistress but I guess I should be more thankful. I lived more than a full life and I still have time. Unlike my love.”

“W-what? But the doctor said she would be fine!” The older stallion smiled.

“So he did keep his promise… I must apologize for laying on him such a burden.” Shining realized what those words meant, his heart sinking.

“She’s not better… is she?” He shook his head, finishing pouring the tea, and took a sip.

“No… there will be no miracle cure, no changes in fate, no second chance.” Shining felt sick as he looked up at the room.

“But Cadence… Why lie to her?”

“Because my wife asked me to. She was told that she may live five more days, each day getting worse and weaker. Until it would all be over. I wanted nothing more for her to take that choice, to stay with me for every moment she could… but her heart couldn’t take that. Couldn’t accept that she would get so weak to the point that she wouldn’t even be able to even say goodbye. She chose another path. She has decided to take an experimental drug that will give her the strength to ignore the pain from the sickness.”

“Ignore the pain?”

“Yes, she will seem to be just as she was before but the effects will only last for half a day. After that, all the effects that she held back will come and she will die peacefully.”

“W-why?! Why that?! Cadence wouldn’t want this time to be a lie!”

“I know, but it’s not our choice. My wife wants to give Cadence one more day, to be her mother again. She already took the drug right before you arrived… there is no stopping it now.” Shining Armor’s eyes widen and he realized they were already on a ticking clock.

“What did you need me to do?”

“Spend the day with us… don’t let Cadence know. We will tell her at the end of the night. She will have one last day of memories. Please help us make those memories special.” Shining bit his lip as he angrily downed his tea and wiped at his eyes. He knew that lying to Cadence would hurt but with the end already coming, what else could he do? He knew Cadence would regret it if some of her last memories of her mother were arguing with her. He lowered his head.

“I’ll do it… for her.”

“Thank you, my boy… I know it’s hard. I’m barely holding it together myself… I love her you know? I love them both…” Shining saw in the stallion’s eyes the pain and sadness that he was holding back. This wasn’t time for grief, there was plenty of that later. He wanted to give them his brightest smile. Shining nodded and the two went back upstairs. They opened the door and saw Cadence laughing with her mother. The old mare’s eyes caught sight of Shining and he teased her daughter.

“So this is your young prince, I think he looks like your dad no?”

“MOM! Ew stop!” They laughed and Cotton walked in with the tea.

“Hey what’s wrong with looking like me? When I arrived in town I had plenty of mares who liked my looks!” Cadence’s Mother smirked at her husband.

“And you ended up with the only one not fawning over you.” They shared a kiss and she looked at Shining. “Well come over boy, you’re just as a part of this family as anypony else if my daughter’s letters are anything to go by. We never had the chance to meet. I’m Sunrise Peach but Peach is fine.”

“S-Shining Armor.” The two shared a look and Shining sat beside Cadence. The group just talked for a while before Peach said she wanted to go to the fair with them. Cadence said he should stay in bed for a few days but her mother refused, saying that she spent more than enough time in bed. She wanted to have some fun with her princess. After getting out of bed, the group of four headed for the door.

They started by getting some lily and mushroom pizza in a local restaurant, where Shining accidentally added some spicy cheese topping to his slice. Everyone shared a laugh as he snatched Cadence’s juice and chugged it down before collapsing onto her. After that, they went to a large candy store. Cadence sighed as her mother was rushing around, trying everything. She said that Peach had always been a fan of homemade sweets and these were always her favorite. Usually, her father would stop her from going overboard but he only laughed.

With that mess finished, they went to see a play being put on by the kids of the town, a special play called Cadence Rising. The kids of the town all come together to play through the day of Cadence’s fight against Prismia and how she earned her place alongside other alicorns. Cadence watched the play with tears at how the town saw her as their hero and how funny it was with added battles against the cursed rock itself. Shining cheered at the battle.

After thanking the foals for the play, they headed for the game store again. Cadence and her father read a book together as Shining played some games against Peach. Again and again, he found himself losing. Only once he had fully given up did she reveal she had cheated a few of those times.

Lastly, they headed for the fair. The sun was beginning to set when they got in. They started with the biggest rides, one of which was a spinning ride that caused Shining to throw up. He watched as the family got into a small coaster. It took them all around with plenty of screaming. The next ride Cadence dragged her father onto, was one that would go up and then drop down. Shining was left alone with Peach.

“Thank you.”

“Huh?” Shining jumped as he had been watching Cadence in line. “Thanks for what?”

“For giving me this time… for letting me be selfish.” She coughed and Shining saw there were drops of red on her hoof. “My daughter means everything to me… I was never able to have foals. We tried so many times… only once did it ever happen. She was to be a filly. We were so excited… but then a bad winter came. It was so cold… it damaged so much but we never imagined that it would take from us the one we loved the most before we ever met her…” Shining looked down as the mother cried.

“I’m sorry…”

“Don’t be… there was no one to blame. We gave up and were content… but then one day I heard a cry in the forest. Cotton thought imagined it. I was so sure I hadn’t. I ran off and he gave chase. We eventually found her… a perfect pegasus baby in the north with no note… no name… nothing. She took her in and I gave her the only gift her big sister would ever be able to give. Her name.”

“Cadence…” She nodded and smiled as Cotton and Cadence got on and her husband looked ready to throw up himself.

“We were truly blessed… I have no regrets. I’ll soon see my first daughter again and I can tell her stories of her sister. The Princess of Love. The mare that carries with her all we are.”

“She is truly something special isn’t she…”

“That she is… and you are too. She sees something in you that I doubt even you see. Please promise me that you’ll take care of her. Please.” Shining faced the dying mother and stared into her deep eyes.”

“I swear it on my honor as a stallion, a knight, and as someone who loves her.” That made Peach smile and she thanked him again. The two shared a hug before Cadence and Cotton rejoined them. They played some games, Shining winning some snail toy for Cadence while Peach won a plush windigo. The group ended their day after a ride on the Ferris wheel. Cadence laid her head on Shining and thanked him for helping make the day so perfect. “I-I didn’t do much.”

“Yes, you did… you let me live a sweet lie. If only for a few hours.” He froze at her words and he felt cold in his heart.

“How… when did you find out the truth?” She didn’t look mad, in fact, she only pressed closer to him.

“The play… she cough and I saw the blood. I knew then what she had done… I knew I should be mad but I can guess how this day will end. Why you all are trying so hard? She will die… won’t she?” Shining winced and looked down.


“...” Cadence sniffled and cried into his side. “I’m scared to lose her… I’m so scared… but love doesn’t leave. It can’t be destroyed. I know that no matter where she goes, she’ll always be with me… in my heart.” Shining raised her face to better see it and he nuzzled the side of her face.

“We all will be. Spike, Celestia, and Blueblood are there right now, standing by you. I’m here too, and I’m not going to let you go through this alone.” She sniffled and blushed. The two shared their first kiss just as the ride ended. They wiped their eyes and followed Cotton and Peach home. They were told they could stay in the guest rooms but then Peach stumbled and had a coughing fit. Everypony rushed to her side and helped her to her bed. Peach saw that Cadence had no fear in her eyes and knew that her daughter had figured her out already.

“Heh… I had forgotten how smart you were… should have known we couldn’t fool you forever… I’m sorry I lied Princess.” Cadence held Peach’s hoof against her cheek and shook her head.

“No… I don’t care. I know you just wanted the best for me.”

“And now you have it. You have everything you could want.” She kissed the hoof.

“I already had most of it, right here with you and dad… you were all I needed.” They shared more stories of the past, stories of fun, and some of the sorrow but all were something special for the two. After she was done, she asked Shining to come up to her.

“Stay true to your heart my little pony. It will never lead you wrong.”

“I… I won’t… Thank you for everything.” She waved off the thanks playfully.

“Ehh, I just did my job.” She asked them to leave while she shared more time with Cotton. After a while, they were called back in and saw the medicine was taking its toll. Her breathing was shallow and she couldn’t move. Cadence stared but didn’t cry, she didn’t want to start crying to be the last thing her mother saw from her. She approached and touched her horn to Peach’s head. Pink magic came from the horn and swirled around the room like a storm of a thousand pink sparkles. Her mother stared in awe. She smiled and cried as she stared into the eyes of her daughter.

“Addio Mamma.” Cadence whispered and kissed her head as Peach breathed her last. The sparkles disappeared and the three remaining ponies, allowed themselves to break.

Author's Note:

Man I forgot how much I love writing this story, the family stuff with Spike, Blueblood, Shining, Cadence, and Celestia. This though was fully Cadence and Shining, really focused on them without Spike having to be there as every chapter usually has the story on Spike. Next chapter whenever that may be, will be focused on Spike and Celestia as the young dragon will find himself getting into trouble at her school for gifted unicorns on the day of a certain filly's entrance exam. Maybe several fillies we know. I hope you all enjoy this chapter! What I will working on next will be on my story Path of the Son along with other ones as I'm in a mood. A mood of Apple Bloom and Spike actually but will write other pairs as they come to me.

Comments ( 11 )

it's been nearly 3 years. But it was worth the wait!

Thanks heh. I really loved this chapter for Cadence and Shining

Same here. Keep up the great work, Light!

Damn. This was heart wrenching. I'm guessing the former enemy and town are canon? I never did read Cadence's backstory before. You did very well with this. Really eager for more.

Yeah if I remember right the town being a earth pony town and the evil sorceress was the reason she was chosen to be a princess. I like the idea of her humility being from her parents. I also wanted to show more and more the strength of Cadence and Shining being together since the show doesn't.

That's far worse. Discord did an insanely great job acting as him but to see the real Grogar is very bad news and hell yeah, super excited.

That's a great idea, maybe he could even come visit his daughter at some point in time.

so worth the wait thank you so much as always i love all ur stories

Ive been looking for a proper story in which celestia mommysits spike and this fits the bill.

Well I figured if I was gonna do it go all the way with Celestia raising Cadence, Blueblood and especially Spike. It's how a small ,makeshift family get better by being together

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