• Published 14th Aug 2012
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The Dragon's Notebook - Arby

Spike makes a steel resolve to protect Rarity at [i]any[/i] cost...

  • ...


I refused to come out of the library for the next week of my own volition. Twilight attempted to get me out of the house, and even Rarity tried to regardless of her own sadness. She kept insisting on getting me to go play with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, or help Rarity, or anything that didn't involve working. One of the few times where she wanted me not doing my job, and I refused. As earlier, work took my mind off of the bad memories. I kept thinking about where books went, sorted, and the like. The perfect distraction. Being with Rarity would only remind me of the ponies I killed.

I would have gotten better faster if I didn't go to sleep every night atop of the dreaded notebook. I wanted to tell Twilight about the Death Note so badly and get it out of my life. I could have been disowned, or ratted out to the Princess, but I didn't care. I just wanted the ability to sleep another night without thinking about the murders. I never did tell her, obviously, so it took me longer to recover.

After that week of seclusion, I actually stepped foot outside of the library to try and cheer myself up. Almost right after I left, the Cutie Mark Crusaders practically kidnapped me and took me to Sugar Cube Corner.

“Hiya Spike! Are you finally ready to have a cheer up party? Should we invite the entire town of Ponyville?” Pinkie piped up, shoving a cupcake into my claws.

It was similar to the cupcake the Cakes gave me on my birthday. I ignored the looks the CMC and Pinkie gave me, looking at the sapphire-encrusted cupcake. I didn't know what to say, so I took a small bite of the cupcake, grinding the pastry and sapphires in my teeth. I looked down at the floor, but I felt the eyes watching me. Pinkie, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo... even Mr. & Mrs. Cake were watching to see if I had a positive reaction.

Looking up to Pinkie, I saw her hopeful smile dampen into a tepid grin. I realized my expression must have sapped the life out of her, and I did my best to smile.

“I guess, Pinkie,” I responded, swallowing what was in my mouth.

“YA~Y!” Pinkie exclaimed, hopping over the counter and bear hugging me.

The three fillies cheered quickly, and I found myself smirking along with them. I may be a guilty murderer, but that doesn't mean laughter still doesn't get to me.

I wandered through Ponyville after leaving Sugar Cube Corner, seeing the usual folk parading the town. Regardless of my mood, I kept a sheet of the Death Note hidden in my scales, just in case I had to 'take care of somepony.' And wouldn't you know it, just the opportunity popped up.

While passing by a park that day, I overheard some chatter about Rarity. Glancing in the direction, I spotted a group of stallions. None of them looked respectable. Rebellious manecuts, ghetto clothing and an irritable voice to match an irritable personality.

“Heh, Rarity is sad right now. She just needs somepony to cheer her up, and if nopony else will, why not this pony? Ha!” a stallion with a distinguishable sickly green mohawk said.

“Hey, back off. I called dibs,” another stallion with a humble, shaggy brown mane retorted.

“C'mon, the lady requires a stallion, not a colt,” the third one replied, sporting a typical bandana.

I rolled my eyes in disgust. They may not have a single chance, but they still plan on approaching Rarity... in THIS vulnerable state.

“Shut up, Madmax,” the mohawk said to the shaggy maned pony.

“I'm speaking the truth, Snap,” Madmax replied to the mohawk.

“And this is why you don't have any girls,” the bandana said over the quarrelling.

“Go away, Delt,” they shouted.

Thank Celestia they have pea pods for brains, I thought, pulling out my sheet of paper from my scales.

I poked a small hole in my underbelly once more, allowed some blood to flow onto the tip of my claw, and looked at the sheet of paper. Everything was set, yet I froze up when staring at the paper.

Murder. It wasn't right, but somepony had to do it. Forgive me, Twilight, for I am about to sin.

I quickly wrote their names down, specifying their deaths as SUICIDE. The details entailed the three going to a secluded location they know, and killing themselves in a way that they couldn't be found... easily. After the 40 seconds passed, they promptly left the park, presumably to die like idiots. I almost vomited as I committed the act, but I held on. I was calm, even. I didn't shake when writing, or even before writing. I froze up, but... I guess it shows how much easier this has become. Not to mention, killing those three bozos was a done-deal. Offing them wasn't just protecting Rarity, but the others as well.

I quickly burned the paper I wrote on, and refused to empty that cupcake into a nearby garbage bin. It was sickening that I was adjusting this much to... murder. Even if I had adjusted, I would never be okay with it.

Some things just had to be done, though... and I grew another inch.

The entirety of Ponyville didn't come to that party, but quite a few did beyond the usual circle. Of course, you had Twi and the gang as well as the CMC, and that was good enough for me. Several others came since Rarity has also gone through a tough time. The other photographer had cancelled his appointment due to the string of murders, and even if he attempted to hit on Rarity in that last week, I probably wouldn't have killed him. The party itself managed to change it, and I found myself smiling once more. I wasn't perfect, but I was able to look at that notebook.

Still never found murder to be easier, but I've gotten the worst out of my system. I realized how much harm it could do, and the power was too tempting for one as unstable as I.

The light, cheery attitude of Pinkie and the rest was just what I needed. Unlike working relentlessly in the library, this was a fun, light-hearted distraction. I lost myself in cupcakes, hot chocolate, smores, and other treats Pinkie threw together in her usual record time. I played a few games such as pin the tail on the pony, bashed in a pinata, and indulged in other party games. I didn't know at the time, but my smiling face brightened up the mood of the others.

Rarity was still the same. I couldn't tell her reaction. Ever since the deaths started, she's been unsure how to proceed with her business. Afraid to take ventures, or make partners. She even asked Fancypants to keep his distance. I felt very, very bad that her business actually suffered from my selfish attempts at keeping her safe. It got to a point where I wondered if my three kills actually amounted to anything good. Sure, a couple of scumbags died, and Rarity hasn't pursued another reckless relationship, but that could have been due to fear... or, hopefully, a realization that random dates could lead to something terrible. I hoped so much that it was the latter... but ever since I got the Death Note, I learned that every time I hope, I'm dead wrong. More on that later.

After I had exhausted myself with games and sweets, I had sat down next to Twilight, resting on her shoulder with one of her forelegs wrapped around my head. She hummed joyfully, sipping hot chocolate through a straw while the party proceeded. It was funny, thinking back to our days in Canterlot. While most ponies, and sometimes myself, were out partying and playing games, Twilight Sparkle would be in her room, grumbling about incorrect theories in textbooks, or how she doesn't have the latest volume of so on and so forth. This was completely different; no longer a boss or shut in, but instead my mother and a loving friend. The fact that she's here, cradling my head, is a direct testament to how much Twilight has changed, and how much she cares for me. Her friends are partying, celebrating life and happiness, and she's cradling the head of a sorry bastard. It almost brought me to tears right there. I nuzzled myself into her coat, and exhaled sweetly.

“Mom, I'm glad that we came to Ponyville,” I mumbled.

Twilight stopped, humming questioningly. “What do you mean?”

“In Canterlot, you were such an egghead. Shut in, never had fun, reclusive. I had hung out with a few ponies, but never truly had... friends, myself. I was merely a dragon, seen as a pet. We come to Ponyville, and we both gained friends,” I responded.

Twilight acknowledged me by kissing me on the head before sighing happily. I almost lost myself entirely in happiness, but one thought kept nagging at my mind.

“I fell in love, mom. I fell in love, and I've had to watch the one I love grow sadder each and every day.” I paused, remembering why. “And I'm scared of loving her, because all these others close to her are dying.”

Scared of loving her for fear of dying myself? It was certainly true. If she returned my love, it's like taking advantage of the situation I caused. Taking advantage of the deaths... the murders. It was slimy, and I would be lost in the love and affection so fast, so easily. I would lose sight of myself. The true me would die, replaced by a sick bastard who murdered others for his own happiness. But I'm not.

I murdered others for her happiness. The road may be bumpy, and she will feel pain, but I can't help it. In order for one to be happy, they have to experience pain. If we lived in a world without suffering, we wouldn't know happiness. This was worth it in the end.

“Why, Spike?” she asked.

Because I'm scared of dying...? Yes.

“Because I'm scared of dying,” I replied.

She gave me a tight embrace, nuzzling my scalp. “Spike, everypony is scared of dying.”

“No, they're scared of things such as spiders, or height. Who actually grasps death? To not exist, to die in a horrible manner? Golden Shutter... it came out of nowhere, and even if I don't blame myself, I just...” ... need to stop, Spike, before you give away what you've done.

“It's alright, Spike. I'm here, and not even death will claim you before your time. Just enjoy yourself. If you truly love Rarity, then you'll do what makes you both happy,” she said, taking another sip of her drink.

Count on Twilight to be an egghead and a sweetheart at the same time. I love Rarity. I have since we first met. Maybe at first, it was physical, but the more I got to know her, the more I felt a need to make her happy.

I love Rarity, and I thought, for sure, that I will make her happy. I don't care if I die. If she ever discovered what I've done, and my death would make her happy, I will willingly accept it.

I may not be in tip-top shape and bright and peppy for good, but this party was definitely what I needed, regardless of how much I loathed my dirty work.

Now, about Rarity... I had learned this only recently, but after I got up again to play games with the others, Rarity dragged Twilight up to Pinkie's bedroom...

“Twilight, I do apologize for dragging you up here when you were nuzzling little Spikey-wikey, but I have something to discuss,” Rarity said, closing the door to Pinkie's bedroom.

Twilight sat down on Pinkie's bed, shifting uncomfortably. “Does Pinkie Pie even know we're up here, Rarity?”

Rarity sighed, turning around to Twilight. Their eyes met and Twilight responded by looking away. Rarity frowned, furrowing her brow.

“Yes she does, but don't try to diffuse the situation, Twilight. I have something very important to discuss, and I want you to be honest with me. No attempts to make me smile and whatnot,” Rarity declared.

Twilight didn't respond, looking back to meet Rarity's gaze. She pondered attempting to talk her way out of it, Celestia knows it wouldn't be hard, but Rarity would only fight back more aggressive in the future. Sighing, she nodded. Looking to the floor, Rarity took a deep breath before speaking.

“These deaths, all of them have one thing in common. Me.” Rarity looked up.

“No. Just no, Rarity. It isn't your fault, either,” Twilight responded.

Shaking her head, Rarity stepped forward. “I'm not saying that, Twilight. All I know is that each of the victims have had some form of interaction with me. Only Golden Shutter has had positive interaction with me before passing on, Celestia rest his soul. My point being is, Twilight, I am not one to believe in coincidences like this.” She walked to the bed, sitting next to Twilight. “I don't know if it's a curse-and don't tell me there is no such thing-or if it is a sick, divine prank, but-” Rarity bit her lip, pondering her next words. She scanned the room for potential inspiration before looking over to Twilight. “I'm scared for you girls, and I'm scared for our little Spikey-wikey.”

Twilight nodded, resting a hoof on Rarity' shoulder. “I understand, Rarity. Things have been out of the norm, and it's natural to think something is up-”

“But Twili-”

“Ah, let me finish.” She looked over to Rarity, seeing her nod. “Which is why I want to understand it myself. An accident or two may be unlikely, but this many deaths in close proximity, relating to you? It's definitely weird.”

“Not just that, but I have pursued a relationship with them all at some point, excluding Golden Shutter. Only Golden Shutter and Blackhoof were nice to me, while the others that died... starting with Prince Blueblood, had all been uncouthly arrogant,” Rarity said.

“What's more is that all of the deaths have been accidents, excluding that dreadful Snap-trap and Blackhoof. About those two, it's rather convenient that the moment I have a breakdown with that fool, he goes missing the same day. Blackhoof was a sweetheart, and had a literal sweetheart. No records of heart problems.” She exhaled coarsely. “Yet he died of massive heart failure, and not the kind that sneaks up on you like a wild beast hunting his prey. He died of something that should have been detected earlier than when it occurred. Whether or not it's a string of accidents, they have all been close to me at some point.” Rarity stopped, waiting for Twilight's response.

“I've thought that myself, and it's why I have been so iffy on talking to you. I was sure you'd think I was being too analytical, but it's strange no matter how much we look at it. If I want to check for anything abnormal, I'd have to ask for records on medical conditions, histories of mannerisms and whatnot to see how these accidents could have occurred. One thing we'd have to do is find out where Snap-trap is, and if he's dead, that adds more to this potentially supernatural mystery,” Twilight said, rubbing her chin.

Rarity shook her head. “And that's why I fear for you, and...” she stopped, shaking her head and clenching her eyes shut. “Twilight, I believe you know Spike's feelings towards me, correct?” Twilight seemed taken aback, but nodded. “I've known about them, and before you ask, I haven't been ignoring them. After all that's happened, Spike fighting to protect me from the Diamond Dogs, cheering me up after the Grand Galloping Gala, getting Hoity Toity to come see my fashion lineup, even sacrificing his magnificent fire ruby...”

“I love him through and through, Twilight. He's just so young, though. He's comforted me in the past, and even if I love him, I do a horrible thing by seeking other stallions. To pass the time, maybe to help me remove this nagging feeling about Spike. Celestia's sake, he's a dragon! This isn't natural, and even if it's not illegal, I'm scared of proceeding any further than now. I love the little darling, but what if it's ruined? I've taken and taken from him, and now that all of this is happening, what if-” she choked, feeling tears dripping from her eyes. “What if I take away his life? Am I dooming those close to me? I can't bear the thought of ending little Spikey-wikey's life early! What is a mare supposed to do when love leaves her shaken to the core and the ones doing the shaking are dropping like flies?” She burst into tears, wrapping her forehooves around Twilight.

Twilight's recently discovered motherly instincts kicked in, and she quickly wrapped her forelegs around Rarity, petting her mane and shushing her.

“Spike is strong, and his love for you is even stronger. If you claim to love him, do what you think will make him happy. Make use of the time you have with him.”

Rarity blinked, her sobbing slowing to a halt. She leaned backwards, staring at Twilight. Upon seeing her face, Twilight levitated a box of tissues over to Rarity who quickly cleaned her running mascara.

“Then I shall. Twilight, we are going to dispel anything that could possibly endanger Spike, and if it comes to it, I will die trying.”

Being poked on the head, I sniffled out of a reverie pre-bedtime, I looked to the poky source. Twilight had nudged me, and I did a quick stretch from atop the wooden stool at her work desk.

“Yeah, mom?” I asked, scratching my scalp.

“Spike, you're tired. Normally, I'd respect your choice to sleep when you're tired, but you looked like you were petrified on the stool. I called your name twice, and I had to physically touch you to wake you,” she responded.

Looking around the library, it was dark, lit only by the glow of a lamp sitting on the work desk. Looking down at what I was crafting, it was an attempt to recreate the famed Sonic Rainboom by Rainbow Dash. The Rainboom was perfect, but Rainbow looked like bad cavepony drawings. I chuckled.

“Yeah, I guess I should sleep,” I said, pushing the stool back and sliding off the edge. I yawned again, stretching my arms into the air. “Mom, where'd you go earlier? You were gone when I came back from whack-a-diamond-dog.”

Twilight chuckled. “Well, I had to tinkle. Couldn't keep my hooves off of the hot chocolate. Pinkie makes great cocoa.”

“Well okay. I'm gonna sleep now. G'night, mom,” I said, strolling upstairs.

Twilight eyes me from behind. “G'night, Spike. Sweet dreams.”

Downfall the Dark's Definitive Discoveries on the Dastardly Defect of Life: Death, Vol 1,” Twilight said, plopping said book onto the work desk.

She looked at the black cover, taking note of the '3rd Edition' on the cover before delving into the story itself. She saw the table of contents, skipping the first three and looking at the last two: Potential Supernatural, and Confirmed Supernatural. Her instinct told her to run, due to her inner scientist debunking the thought of supernatural, but after what happened with Pinkie and Zecora, anything was a possibility. She flipped to the pages of Potential Supernatural, and skimmed the topics.

“'Smiting,' 'Holy Suicide,' 'Five-senses Destruction,' and 'Bad Luck?' This is by far one of the more mature books of this library,” Twilight said to herself. “Shame I haven't read it, it could be very informative.” She flipped over to Confirmed Supernatural, noting the abundance of topics there.

“'Voodoo,' 'Curses,' 'Divine Wrath,' 'Supernatural Disasters,' 'Killer Notebook,' 'Shadow Execution,' and 'Liquified Souls?' What a bunch of hoopla! UGH!” Twilight shouted, tossing the book across the room onto the shelf. “I can't believe the 'confirmed' supernatural is more hocus than the potentials!” She exhaled coarsely.

She looked up to her room, praying that Spike was asleep before sighing. She walked across the room and pulled out a book as she walked into the kitchen. She sat down at the table, levitating bread and jam along with a butter knife as she opened up the book. Just a simple book; Solar Tzu's The Art of War. She sighed, smiling happy.

“Might as well get some light reading before bed,” she said, spreading the jam atop the bread. She put the jam and butter knife away before flipping to bookmarked page. “Where was I? Oh yes,” she said, removing the bookmark.

She read the page quickly, flipping to the next one before coming up to a particular line that always irked her. She sighed, resiting the urge to hunt down the translator.

“'Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.' I loathe how many ponies misquote this, not to mention it's totally untrue.” She smirked, quickly losing it. “If I believed that, the girls... and Spike, would all be suspicious characters. Ha!”