• Published 14th Sep 2019
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Diaries of an Equestrian Overlord - KitsuneRisu

Take a look at the entire events of Season 1... through the eyes of a Princess.

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10th January

9.00 AM

Cheerilee's initial report is in.

While most of the other classes have accepted her sermon as truth, as comes every year there appears to be dissention in the ranks.

This year, it is class 3-B at the schoolbarn.

As this class is one of the advanced classes, most of the students already have their marks, and most of them are already used to Cheerilee's yearly buffer of information, having heard it at least two times before.

She has informed me that two of the richer and more influential fillies (comparatively) are stirring up hostilities by being incredible brats, taunting the mark-less Ponies with childish names and silly memes.

My first initial thought was to extract them from the town, but I do remember that Ponies tend to notice more when their young suddenly go missing as compared to, say, a homeless bum.

I hope their peer pressure does not cause a sudden shift in mentality, but hopefully the problem will be contained to that single class.

10.34 AM

It appears that the Apple family filly, Apple Bloom, has decided to vehemently ignore Cheerilee's sermon. As noted previously, she shares her sister's strong-headedness and bull-like obnoxiousness. From her dealings with her class rabble-rousers, she has taken on a personal campaign to force her Cutie Mark to appear.

There are two ways I can deal with this.

Firstly, I can hope that her onslaught of too many activities in short bursts of time will not be able to sufficiently influence the mark in any way, due to a lack of time and focus.

Secondly, I could simply leave her be, and as fillies are she will grow bored with this futile attempt at forcing her mark and eventually be distracted by something mundane, like a worm, or socks.

I will not do either.

Either of them requires me to not do anything and merely sit back and hope. I do not hope. I am the lord of Equestria, and even personally dabbling in the affairs of an insignificant Pony is not beneath me.

This is how much I care for my subjects.

Personally, I do not think there is anything to worry about, anyway. According to my records, every Pony in the extended Apple family has found that his or her special talent lies in the realm of fruit. Fruit is neither a hindrance nor a benefit, per se. They are merely tools used in the art of survival, and I do indeed love a good warm fritter with ice cream on the side.

You have to really appreciate an entire family whose 'special skill' lies in harvesting. I am glad I have the all powerful skill of sun magic. I think it's more flexible, personally.

In my research I have found there is a correlation between the name of a Pony and their special skill, which in turn affects their Cutie Mark.

It is not a direct correlation between name and mark, and so I had not documented it before in my dairies, but the name of a Pony seems to follow the rules of determinism.

To further exemplify, if one were to call your daughter 'Smarmy Git', she will most likely turn out to be a smarmy git. If you were to call your daughter 'Twilight Sparkle', she will most likely turn out to be an amazing Pony after my own heart. From then on, their marks would appear to appease their inner nature and special talents of both being Smarmy and Magical, respectively.

Let us also, for example, look at Applejack, who was born into a family which is highly specialized in apples. They named her with some sort of apple-related pun, because that is the thing in their family, and I will respect their tradition. Needless to say, there was an extremely high chance that she would end up doing something with apples, which was, in fact, the case. She then develops an apple-based Cutie Mark to show that her ability lies in apples.

This explains why Ponies seem to be named after their cutie marks or special abilities. This is ridiculous, however. Thankfully, it was only in earlier generations of Pony where this was far more common. In more recent times, I have found the naming of Ponies to be far more varied and creative.

Took them a thousand years to get to this point.

In this case, regardless of whatever mark Apple Bloom might develop, her special talent will most likely be related to blooming apples.

But still, I dislike errant marks wandering around thinking they own the place. So I will still insist on her attaining a mark which is representative of her skills.

Of course, there is the slight chance that I could be entirely wrong, and that her name will not be enough to determine her future outcome. With her higher-than-normal will, this might very well be the case, and she might simply be talented in something else altogether.

But for now, only time and my gentle guidance will tell.

1.30 PM

The replacements of the descrying devices that Spike had planted after the parasprite incident all work fine. There are now outdoor monitoring devices along with indoor ones, so I can now keep track of the public sphere of Ponyville without trees and houses blocking.

Still no audio, though. Who'd have thought it would be so much trickier than visual?

It appears that Apple Bloom is now attempting to seek assistance from Twilight's friends in order to get her mark faster. I wonder what the big rush is, honestly. It almost seems that she's pressured to get it under some sort of time constraint.

Oh, Applejack, what are you giving away so many apples for? You still owe me three back-payments for the reconstruction of your barn. Does no one in the entire town understand the basic fundamentals of business and the need for a high annual GNP?

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