• Published 15th Sep 2019
  • 2,664 Views, 137 Comments

Sweet as Honeydew - Obsi

Accompanying Twilight as she returned from her expedition in his world, the breezie Honeydew has to learn how to live with his marefriend... in the incomprehensible vastness that is the world of Equestria

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Chapter 4- Rarity

“Coming~” Rarity sang, casting a glance at her mirror to make sure her mane sat just right. It was her first customer today after all, certainly the time one had to be most fashionable… especially if the customer in question happened to be a strong and sensitive stallion. Maybe she should put on some lipstick, just in case.

Once more her doorbell rang, prompting her to hurriedly shout “Just a moment!” and give herself one last look over before rushing (in a fashionable manner) down into the public section of Carousel Boutique. Briefly ascertaining that all the dresses were on display, fitting the newest trend and immaculately color-coded to make each one shine brilliantly, she deemed it ready for whoever was impatiently waiting outside to be bedazzled!

Which was nopony. Her doorstep was as barren as her shop had been two minutes ago. “Hello?” she called, just to make sure. But none of the few ponies she saw on the street paid her any attention aside from a few raised eyebrows. Closing the door, she let out a groan, which turned into a tired yawn. First she’d barely made it out of bed in time to take care of her own appearance, and now she was getting pranked first thing in the morning. What a great start to a day.

As the door feel in lock, the bell rang once again, and Rarity gave it a tired glare, a wish on her lips about how she needed a prank-proof method of announcing customers.

Then something dropped out of the bell, impacting on the ground with dull thud.

“Eeek!” Rarity shouted, jumping back from the insect that was curled up on the ground, but still moving. Swallowing, trying not to look directly at it, she reached out with her magic to a nearby broom, ready to sweep up the groaning insect-

Wait, insects don’t groan. Tentatively stepping closer, Rarity inspected what she’d believed to be a large beetle.

“Oh my gosh, Honeydew!” with a gasp, she gently lifted the breezie onto a nearby stool, where he, to her immense relief, rolled around to grip his head. Thank Celestia, he doesn’t seem to be injured. “Honeydew, can you hear me?”

“E-e-everything’s ringing…” he muttered, his head dangerously swaying as he attempted to sit up. “It didn’t sound that loud first time.”

“Y-yes, I suppose it’s much worse when you’re inside of the bell.” Rarity sighed in relief as it became apparent she’d neither killed nor deafened her friend’s true love. “I, uh- s-should I call Twilight for help?”

“No, no, it’s okay. Headache’s already passing.” he muttered, though he was looking a little green.

Luckily Twilight has carefully warded him, he would have surely lost his hearing otherwise.
Rarity mused as she levitated a thimble of water as well as a rag from her kitchen. Better to be prepared for all circumstances, especially if you were running a fabulous boutique. “Darling, if you feel like it, would you please tell me what you were doing inside of my doorbell?”

It took him a few moments to answer, during which he seemed to struggle with swallowing… something, before washing it down with a greedy gulp from the filled thimble. “I-I wanted to call you. You didn’t hear me when I shouted for you. So I thought I’d use the thing that got loud when Colgate let me in. but I wasn’t heavy enough to make it work with the rope.”

“At least that explains how the bell rang twice. But going inside of a bell really isn’t a good idea. You and Twilight need to find a better way for you to make your presence known.”

“S-she said she’s working on it.”

“Either way, you have gotten my attention now so…” grinning, she fluttered her eyebrows at the breezie before striking an elegant pose and playing out her prench accent. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, darling, how may I help you?”

“Well..” he began, awkwardly tapping his hooves. “Twilight said that she wanted to ‘go on a date’, and I agreed, but I wasn’t sure what that meant and I asked Colgate, but she said it doesn’t have anything to do with traveling and that you would know best. So, uhm… yeah.” he closed, rubbing the back of his head with a nervous grin.

There was a moment of silence, as Rarity’s horn sparked, flipping her store’s shield from ‘open’ to ‘closed’. This would require her full attention.

“If it is advice you seek, you certainly have come to the right place! I am an expert of romance, a connoisseur of passion, a-”

Honeydew blinked, tilting his antennae-laden head.

“-I can help you.”

“You can?” jumping up on his hooves, he rushed in to embrace the edge of her hoof. “Thank you!”

“It’s not such a big deal, darling, really, I’m glad I can help. So, a date.” as much as she wanted to appear professional, she couldn't contain a little squee of delight. “It is important that we find the exact right location for it-”

“But… Colgate said it wasn’t about travelling.”

“Aaand that I teach you the terminology.” Rarity closed with a sigh. “A date is simply something you do together with somepony you love, like watching a movie, taking a walk or going to a restaurant. Those are the classics.”

The breezie scratched his head. “Like that camping trip with Rainbow Dash?”

“Not… exactly. And please spare me the details, she’s been bugging me since you returned, asking me to make you a suit of armor out of those mosquitoes you killed. Can you even believe that? I am a seamstress, not a blacksmith! It’s like she thinks it’s the same thing!”

“So, uhm, a date is about doing something pointless with someone else?”

“Wha-” blinking, Rarity refocused on Honeydew. “No, it’s not pointless, it is romantic, something you both enjoy! Don’t breezies have some way of courting another?”

“Of course. We help each other with work.”

“And… then?”

“Then we sleep with one another.” he explained, seemingly oblivious to Rarity’s gasp of surprise. “But we already do that, so that can’t be it.”

He is gossip-gold! Rarity snickered with a barely hidden grin. I’ll definitely have to question him later. “Well, I’m afraid we ponies tend to add a couple more steps. Dating for example is an activity that both of you will enjoy doing together. Like…”

“I think Spike suggested that we have a picnic in one of Twilight’s bucket bushes.”

“You mean a potted plant?” she raised an eyebrow. “But how would you both-”

“She was gonna shrink herself.”

“Ooohohoho, Darling, that is a great idea!” Inside of a potted bush, the surrounding leaves would throw beautiful shadows over the pair, creating the perfect romantic atmosphere, especially with the lights they could emit from their feelers. It was classy, romantic, yet also so unique! It was almost a shame that he was already with Twilight. If not, she might have tried her own charms on the little fairy.

Sometimes, friendship could be a burden. Still, that didn’t stop her imagination from thinking up a few dozen ways to perfect the scenery in her mind. “Well, you’ve got a location and an activity you’re already halfway set. But we’re not just looking for an opportunity to have fun, this will be your chance to impress, to utterly bedazzle her! And for this, you must look the part.”

“What do you mean?” he asked, looking over his forelimbs. “T-Twilight says she likes how I look. Don’t you?”

“Oh, don’t worry, darling, you’re still adorable, but a date isn’t the time to merely look ‘good’, it is when you have to look the best! Thankfully, I can also help with that.” With that, she swept her forehoof across the numerous displays of her latest fashion. “Carousel Boutique dresses. Any style, any color, any size you want! I am sure to have the perfect style for you.”

“I am not sure how a colorful blanket would help, Rarity.”

Her hoof dropped to the ground as her brain attempted to process the word he’d just used to- to describe her work! “Those aren’t blankets, Honeydew, they’re dresses. Clothing, you know?”

“And what are they for?”

“You- you wear them.”

“Like a blanket?”

“No… like clothing.”

Once again, Honeydew tilted his little head, causing his feelers to sway from side to side, like they’d been disturbed by a stiff breeze.

“It’s made to be worn, Honeydew, they’re not blankets!”

“But what do they do then?”

“They allow you to look your best!”

“But… I would still look the same, wouldn’t I? Just with a dress on me.”

“No- I mean yes-”

“Is it magic?”

“NO!” she shouted, pressing a hoof on her own face.

“Then how does it change my body?”

“It doesn’t!”

“Then what does it do?”

“It makes you look good!”

“But what for?”

“To impress Twilight with your appearance.”

“Wouldn’t she think that the dress is pretty instead of me being pretty?”

“That- that is not how it works-”

“Then how does it work? What is the dress for?”

“It- It- it keeps you warm.” Rarity closed, lowering her head in defeat. “Clothing keeps you warm.”

“Like a blanket?”

“Yes…” she sighed. “Like a blanket.”

“Then why didn’t you say so right away?” Honeydew asked, utterly unaware of the meltdown he was causing in the unicorn’s mind.

“Just… promise you’ll wear it once I made it for you, okay?” To anyone who knew her, the agony in her voice would have been painfully apparent.

Honeydew hugged her hoof, gleefully thanking her in breezish. With a tired smile, she gently patted his little head. Ultimately, it was a mission for love, and that was a call she could never refuse.

The next day, Rarity welcomed the breezie with open arms, after he’d gotten Rainbow Dash to open the door for him. Still a few minutes away from officially opening her boutique for the day, there simply was no other option than to interrogate him.

“So, how was your ‘little’ date?” she practically asked immediately upon seeing him.

“Good!” he grinned. “And Twilight loved it when I said the things you told me to say. She told me that ‘such a corny line can only come from Rarity, honey,’ and then she laughed.”

The white unicorn’s chuckle came to an abrupt halt. “Oh, did she?”

He nodded excitedly. “Mhm. I’m not sure what it meant, but the corn we ate was really tasty, so it must have been a great compliment.”

Aaand already her chuckle was back. “And what about the dress, darling, did it help?”

“It certainly kept us warm.”

“That’s not quite what I meant-”

“But it also smoked a lot when we burned it.” he muttered, wearing a thoughtful look as her rubbed his chin.

Rarity’s eyebrow twitched.

Author's Note:

Second-last chapter here. Thank you all for reading and commenting on my stories, your feedback is always valuable.

Now, if you haven't read my latest blogpost, I have decided to end this story with the next chapter, which will be out before the new year. read the blogpost for the reasoning behind this decision.

In essence, it means that I am cutting the planned Rainbow Dash chapter, which was referenced here. If you wish, I could give a summary of what was going to happen in that one, but I decided not to write it, as it boiled down to a single scene I wanted to write and everything else just being fluff to get to that scene.

AAAANYWAY, I enjoyed this chapter. just some silly joking. See you next week, when we will end the story with Chapter 5- Pinkie Pie

This is Obsi,
signing out