• Published 26th Oct 2019
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 10 - twilightsparkle3562

Welcome to Season 10 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!

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Episode 18: "The Very Quiet Kirin"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: Luster Dawn and her friends meet a Kirin who enrolls at the School of Friendship and whom acts socially different than they do.
Britt Irvin as Luster Dawn
Brad Swalie as Cherry Tomato
Gavin Langano as Icarus/Gallus
Ingrid Nilson as Quiet Play
Tara Strong as Princess Twilight Sparkle
Devyn Dalton as Ocellus
Shannon Chan-Kent as Smolder
Lauren Jackson as Silverstream
Katrina Salisbury as Yona
Vincent Tong as Sandbar
Nicole Oliver as Celestia
Tabitha St. Germain as Luna
Kelly Sheridan as Starlight Glimmer
Ian Hanlin as Sunburst
Kathleen Barr as Trixie
Veena Sood as Fire Blaster

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 10, Episode 18
"The Very Quiet Kirin"
By Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)
Edited By SuperPinkBrony12

It was a well known fact by now that the students at the School of Friendship came from various backgrounds and races. And not all of them shared the same personality. It was what made the school unique from other schools in Equestria, which was both a good and bad thing depending on who you asked.

For Luster Dawn, being enrolled at the School of Friendship was challenging, but she was managing to get adjusted to her new life. One morning, she arrived at school like always when she noticed something. "Hey, Cherry Tomato, is that a new student?" She asked, directing her first Ponyville friend to a young kirin who was being escorted into the school by another kirin.

"Yeah, didn't you hear what Headmare Starlight said two days ago?" Cherry Tomato replied. "There's to be a kirin joining our school. Apparently, she is very shy."

"Kind of like I was," Luster Dawn commented as she observed the two kirin walk into Trixie's office. "Is she in any of our classes?"

"I'm not sure, but we'll find out. Come on, let's get to class before Vice Headstallion Sunburst forces us to." Cherry Tomato encouraged and led Luster Dawn away.

Arriving into Celestia's class a short time later, Luster and Cherry took their seats along with the rest of the students.
Once Celestia took their attendance it appeared to the class that she had something to say. "Good morning, everycreature," She began as the students quieted down. "As you probably have heard, we have a new student joining us today. She is a kirin who I think will be a fine addition to this class."

Right then and there, Luster realized just what Celestia was talking about.

"Um, Professor Celestia," Icarus the griffon asked, raising his claw. "This is the student that Headmare Starlight talked about, right?"

Just then, the door to the classroom opened and in stepped Trixie with the young kirin behind her. Right away, Luster began to realize that there was something strange about this particular Kirin.

"Everycreature, this is Quiet Play," Trixie announced, introducing her to the class. "I trust you will all be very welcoming of her."

"Hi," The kirin replied in an almost silent voice. "I'm Quiet Play. Forgive me if I don't sound like all the other students. I'm new here."

"She seems anxious," Cherry Tomato whispered to Luster Dawn. "I told you that she would be shy, right?"

Luster said nothing, wanting to learn more about this Kirin as time would go on.

Sitting at the front of the class, Quiet Play stood at attention while Professor Celestia taught her class. Naturally, Luster Dawn couldn't take her eyes off of the kirin. She wanted to get to know Quiet Play a little better, but she would have to wait until the day was over before she would have a chance.

Once the day had ended, Luster Dawn arrived in the school's library and noticed Quiet Play sitting alone at a table at the far end of the library.

"Hey," Luster asked Ocellus and the rest of her friends at their usual table. "Quiet Play, she's…sitting over there by herself."
"Yeah, we asked her if she wanted to sit with us, but it seems like she doesn't like company," Ocellus replied. "There's something odd about her. I mean, I'm usually quiet but this is very odd behavior for a kirin."

"Yona thinks kirin doesn't want to be friends," Yona added, looking over at Luster Dawn. "Very sad."

"We can't just make assumptions about her," Luster Dawn firmly protested. "Why don't I talk to her and see if she can join us? Maybe she'll be more comfortable around ponies, I hear two of our professors once visited an entire village of kirin, so maybe ponies are more friendly towards kirin."

Good luck on getting her to come over here," Gallus replied with a shake of his head. "Believe me, we've tried."

Taking a deep breath, Luster walked over to the table where Quiet Play was sitting. But no sooner did she make her way over, then did Quiet Play get up and move to another seat at the table.

"Hey, uh, Quiet Play?" Luster asked, taking another deep breath.

"Hey, Quiet Play." Quiet Play replied in a monotone voice, mimicking Luster's statement.

"Um, no," Luster Dawn stammered, slightly taken aback. "I'm Luster Dawn, one of the students in Professor Celestia's class. I was wondering if you wanted to come over and sit with me and the rest of my friends."

"No thank you," Quiet Play whispered, trying to concentrate on the homework in front of her. "I don't socialize as well as others. Now if you don't mind I wish to be left in peace."

Opting to reluctantly keep her distance from Quiet Play, Luster sat down at the end of the table. "So…what do you do for fun?" She asked the kirin, hoping to start up a conversation.

"I'm busy right now," Quiet Play answered, her eyes locked on the homework assignment as Luster noticed Quiet Play took her left foreleg and flapped it. "Leave me alone, please."

"Um, okay," Luster Dawn nervously replied while producing a forced smile. "I-if you want to join us, there's an extra seat for you at the table. So uh, just come over i-if you feel like it."

Quiet Play said nothing as Luster returned to the table. She couldn't help but feel slightly taken aback by the new student's behavior.

"Told you she would be difficult to talk to," Gallus sighed. "I don't know about you guys, but she seems a little…odd for our school. Don't you think?"

"I wouldn't say that, she's no more odd than I am and you all accept me," Ocellus remarked. "I'm sometimes like her, but I don't shut other creatures out. At least, I don't do that intentionally anymore."

"Might as well leave her alone, if she doesn't want to be friends I doubt we can force her. Even dragons know when it's better to back off." Smolder shrugged her claws, returning to her homework.

However, Luster Dawn's head was turning with thoughts and opinions about Quiet Play's situation. Surely there was a reason why the kirin was being so aloof, and she was going to find out what that reason was.

Once she left the school, Luster made her way over to the Castle of Friendship, hoping that Princess Twilight might be home. If anyone would have the answers it would be her. "Why can't Quiet Play talk to me or even be open with me?" Luster thought to herself.

Walking up to the castle's front doors, Luster knocked on the door in the hopes that it would be Twilight answering it. After all, Luster had become Twilight's personal pupil for a reason.

But after a few moments, the door opened to reveal Celestia on the other side. "Oh, Luster Dawn," Celestia chuckled rather sheepishly. "What can I do for you?"

"Sorry to disturb you, Professor Celestia," Luster Dawn replied and shrank back a bit. "Uh, I just was wondering if Princess Twilight was home. I want to talk to her."

"She's doing some last minute business in Canterlot, but she'll be home in a little bit," Celestia explained and gestured a hoof. "Care to come in? Luna's not around right now, I could use some company."

Accepting Celestia's gesture, Luster made her way into the castle.

"So, is there something on your mind that you wish to ask Twilight about?" Celestia asked, turning to face Luster Dawn.

"Um, P-Professor Celestia," Luster Dawn struggled not to stutter. "About Quiet Play…don't you think she seems... different?"

This put Celestia in a somewhat awkward predicament, but being the benevolent pony she was, she was more than willing to listen to Luster Dawn in place of Twilight. "Yes, she does seem... different," Celestia answered as they walked into Twilight's large library. "But you must remember that she has only been here for a short time. It was her first day after all. And the kirin up until recently were a solitary species."

"True," Luster Dawn nodded. "But ever since I moved here, I've had to learn to be more open to other creatures. I just thought that maybe I could get Quiet Play to come out of her shell."

"Give her time, Luster Dawn," Celestia suggested, draping a wing over the young unicorn. "We all need to take our time in order to properly adjust to major changes. I've seen it before in many of my students, Twilight included. They take time to get used to their surroundings before they can truly make friends."

At that moment, the doors to the library opened and in stepped Twilight, suddenly noticing Luster Dawn with Celestia. "Oh, hi Luster Dawn," Twilight greeted, feeling both surprised and delighted at having her personal protégé in her presence. "I...wasn't expecting to see you here. What can I do for you on such short notice?"

Having said her own piece, Celestia left the young unicorn and new Supreme Ruler of Equestria alone in the library.

"It's…it's about this new student at the school," Luster Dawn explained once she and Twilight were alone. "She well…seems socially different."

Immediately, Twilight began to think back to when she was a student of Celestia's and how socially awkward she herself was. "In what way?" She asked her student.

"Well, just today, she was sitting alone at the school's library. I tried to invite her over, but she told me to just leave her alone quite sternly, so I did," Luster explained. "I mean, you used to be like her once upon a time, right?"

Twilight nodded. "I didn't really learn how to make friends until I came to Ponyville, and even then it was a concept I had to come around to gradually. As for Quiet Play though, it's something else. I haven't met her personally yet, but from what I understand, this new student might have some kind of disability."

Luster was surprised to hear such a statement from her mentor. "Disability? Like that bully Princesses Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy confronted at their flight school reunion?" Twilight blinked in surprise. "What?" Luster answered. "It was in the Canterlot Chronicle, wasn't it? Ponies with disabilities are usually not very nice."

"That is not true at all, Luster," Twilight firmly replied. "Not everypony or everycreature with a disability is mean. There are lots of mean ponies and creatures that have no disabilities at all. In fact, disabilities can come in all shapes and sizes."

Luster still couldn't picture what Twilight was trying to say. To her, Quiet Play seemed like any other student at the school.

"Just give her time," Twilight continued, as she proceeded to make her way over to her library's large bookshelf. "In fact, why don't you read this book?"

Passing the book onto Luster Dawn, Luster read the cover of the book out loud: Disabilities, why they make us unique.
"Not to add to your homework pile," Twilight chuckled. "But I want you to read the first few chapters over the next few days, and then share with me what you learned from it. Will you do that for me?"

"Of course, Princess Twilight," Luster Dawn nervously replied with a bow. "If you say so." And with the book in her aura, Luster Dawn left the library and proceeded to make her way home.

That night, Luster Dawn went about reading the book Twilight had given her. In her mind, Quiet Play was different and socially awkward. This resonated in a personal connection with Luster Dawn, at least that's what she thought.

"Luster?" She heard Fire Blaster say from outside her bedroom door. "Dinner will be ready shortly."

"Hey, Mom, can you come in here for a second?" Luster Dawn asked and Fire Blaster complied, entering her daughter's bedroom. "Princess Twilight gave me this book to read. What do you think of it?"

Taking the book, Fire Blaster skimmed through the book, carefully reading what was inside of it before passing it back to Luster Dawn. "It's a book on disabilities," Fire Blaster remarked, as she sat next to her daughter. "Why would Princess Twilight give this to you?"

"There's…there's a new student at the school who well…seems different. In fact, she's very quiet and doesn't really want to make friends." Luster Dawn explained.

"So, what's wrong with that?" Fire Blaster asked.

"Mom, it seems like she doesn't want to be at our school." Luster protested.

"I wouldn't say that, dear," Fire Blaster gently replied. "Maybe she wants to be there but isn't sure how to fit in. What's her name?"

"Quiet Play. She's a kirin. That's all I know about her." Luster answered.

Taking in what was said, Fire Blaster looked up at the ceiling and tried to think of how to address her daughter's concerns. "Well, kirins have been living under a code of silence for a long time from what I heard. Maybe she's just a quiet kirin."

"A very quiet kirin if you ask me," Luster Dawn remarked. "But I used to be just like her. I was always a quiet pony, right?"

"Indeed you were, Luster," Fire Blaster nodded. "In fact, it was somewhat alarming for your father and I. We knew that there was something odd and we were going to have you evaluated, but then the Legion of Doom attacked and…"

"Yes, I remember you and Dad were saying that to me," Luster Dawn interrupted quite bitterly. "But I guess that's the drawback of being socially different, right? I want her to be friends with me, but…"

"You can't force her to be friends with you, Luster," Fire Blaster interrupted back, getting up to walk out of the bedroom. "If she wishes to be left alone, you need to respect her wishes. Still, it's nice of Princess Twilight to help you get context through that book."

Putting the book aside, Luster made her way downstairs to dinner, still keeping the thought of Quiet Play in her mind.

The next morning, Luster Dawn returned to school where she noticed Quiet Play making her way out of Trixie's office. Curious, Luster decided to follow Quiet Play and as she followed her, Luster heard Quiet Play talking in a low voice.

"Counselor Trixie thinks you are special in every way, Counselor Trixie thinks you are special in every way."

"Um, Quiet Play?" Luster Dawn asked. "How… are you doing today?"

"Counselor Trixie thinks you are special in every way." Quiet Play said again, which made Luster blink in surprise.

"Well, I don't think she considers me special," Luster Dawn awkwardly chuckled. "We are all special. Anyways, I was wondering how you're adjusting to life here at the school."

"Why do you ask me?" Quiet Play spoke up, suddenly sounding like she was angered.

"Oh, just making…idle conversation, I guess," Luster Dawn shrugged. "I hope you're looking forward to Professor Luna's drama class later today. We'll be doing scenes from MacPony. I heard there was one of you kirins who had a thing for theatrical productions, maybe you'll do well there."

Quiet Play said nothing and instead made her way to class. Luster felt slightly taken aback, but remembered the words her mother and Princess Twilight explained to her. Maybe Quiet Play still lived by that oath of silence.

"Now Cherry Tomato," Luna directed during drama class. "MacPony comes to the three witches demanding answers from the weird sisters. I want you to put some oomph into your dialogue when you deliver. Add some flare to it!"

Taking a deep breath, Cherry Tomato walked towards Ocellus, Smolder and Silverstream, all of whom were wearing long robes and standing around a makeshift cauldron. "Double, Double, Toil and Trouble," They chanted. "Fire burn and cauldron bubble."

"By the pricking of my claws," Silverstream spoke up. "Something wicked this way comes."

Watching from the audience, Luster Dawn noticed how Quiet Play remained silent throughout the whole performance.
"How now, you black and midnight gags?" Cherry Tomato tried to say, but Luna wasn't impressed.

"That is not correct, Cherry," Luna corrected him. "It's secret black and midnight hags, Cherry Tomato."

"What is't you do?" Quiet Play whispered, much to Luster's surprise. "Answer me to what I ask you."

"How does she know that?" Luster Dawn thought. "Nopony can remember Shakespony that well." Still, Luster stayed respectful as Luna directed Yona and two other students to the stage.

"Gallus, come forward," Luna called, directing Gallus up to the stage. "You shall play the part of MacPony."

"Um, I'm a griffon, Professor Luna." Gallus remarked.

"That doesn't matter, young griffon!" Luna sternly spoke up. "Just think of yourself as…MacGriff if that helps." Taking in Luna's suggestion, Gallus did as he was told.

But then Luster got herself an idea. "Um, Professor Luna!" She called, catching Luna's attention. "Why don't we give Quiet Play a chance?" This caused Luna to look back in surprise at Luster's suggestion. "She can be…one of the three witches."

Rising to her hooves, Luna walked over to Quiet Play and looked down at her. However, when Luna looked down at Quiet Play the young Kirin began to slightly tremble, as if she were suddenly stricken with fright.

Luna became concerned as a result of seeing this. "She looks nervous, Luster Dawn," Luna advised. "I can't force students to do things they don't want to do."

"Give her a chance, Professor," Luster encouraged quite fiercely. "She's a big fan of Shakespony from what I've seen."

"Yeah," Ocellus added, still in her witch costume. "Give her a chance. A play's the thing for getting you out of your shell."

"Yona agrees with Ocellus and Luster!" Yona excitedly added! "Quiet Play do great in play!

But Quiet Play became even more nervous and it took some of Luster's magic to even get the kirin onto the stage. Standing in between Ocellus and Silverstream, Quiet Play began to shake and tremble with fear.

"Um, is everything all right, Quiet Play?" Ocellus asked, noticing the kirin shake all about.

"She doesn't look so good," Gallus remarked before they began to hear Quiet Play silently cry. "Yep, she doesn't look so good."

Right away, Luna began to feel concerned. Something was definitely not right.

"I'm sorry," Quiet Play whimpered while backing away. "I'm just, I'm just…" But she couldn't finish the sentence. With tears forming in the corners of her eyes, Quiet Play ran off crying much to the shock and dismay of the rest of the drama class.

"Quiet Play, wait!" Luster Dawn cried as she and the rest of the class stood there in shocked silence. "Quiet Play!" But it was too late, Quiet Play had run away and was nowhere to be seen!

"I'm sorry, students," Luna spoke up in a remorseful tone of voice. "I'm afraid that Quiet Play is not ready yet to perform in front of an audience."

Just then, they heard the school bell ringing signaling the end of the class period. In stunned silence, the class dispersed, except for Luster Dawn.

"Luster Dawn," Luna sternly called, stopping the young unicorn from leaving the theater. "I want to talk to you," When the two were alone at last, Luna demanded. "Kindly explain to me what the heck just happened there! Why did you try to make Quiet Play perform when she wasn't ready yet?"

"P-professor Luna," Luster Dawn stammered, looking up at the alicorn quite nervously. "I…I didn't know that she was going to…I mean, she seemed engaged in the performance. I was only trying to be helpful, honest!"

Sighing in disbelief, Luna walked over to Luster and sat down next to her on a bleacher. "I understand your intentions, Luster Dawn," She told the unicorn. "But Quiet Play cannot be forced to do something she doesn't want to do. No one can. Just like no one could magically compel you to make friends, that was something you had to do on your own."

"But she's been quiet the entire time she's been at the school, Professor Luna," Luster Dawn sadly remarked. "I mean, she isn't like all the other students here. Is what I'm doing wrong if I want to get her to be friends with me?"

At that moment, Luna realized she was going to have to dive deep into her past as a Princess of the Night. "Luster Dawn, I'm going to be perfectly honest here," The former princess sighed. "Quiet Play was born with a disability that will make her different from other students no matter what. Her being a kirin only makes it worse. It's a social disability that sometimes a creature is born with and has for the rest of their life. I know because I've helped some ponies in their dreams who are just like her."

"In what way, Professor Luna? And is at all like what I have?" Luster Dawn wondered.

Activating her horn, Luna produced a screen from the time when she was princess and had helped ponies with their nightmares. "Well, some of them communicated to me in different ways, Luster Dawn," She explained as the screen showed creatures communicating in a variety of different ways and not always verbally. "Some of them flapped, some of them could only cover their ears and some of them could only repeat what I said to them. It was frustrating for me, but I had to learn to accept ponies and creatures for who they were. Quiet Play is one of those creatures. Her dreams have indicated as much."

"So what you're trying to say," Luster Dawn sighed as Luna made the screen disappear. "Is that I don't deserve to be friends with Quiet Play because of…"

"Certainly not, Luster Dawn," Luna interrupted while putting a hoof to Luster's mouth. "You can be friends with Quiet Play, but you'll have to change your approach. The usual ways won't work with her. That's part of why she was brought in with Counselor Trixie, to ease the adjustment."

Now realizing what she had actually done by putting Quiet Play on the spot, Luster took in what Luna had said and left the theater. For the rest of the day, whenever she looked back on the event she was filled with nothing but guilt. It was still with her when she returned to the library when the school day was over.

"Luster Dawn?" Cherry Tomato called, going over to her as he sensed something was wrong.

"Sorry, Cherry. I'm not in much of a talkative mood," Luster sadly sighed, her back turned towards Cherry Tomato. "I feel ashamed."

"Because of Quiet Play?" Cherry remarked. "I'm sure your intentions weren't bad, Luster. You were just trying to be a good sport and get her to participate. You couldn't have known she would react the way she did."

"I…I mean…how else was I supposed to know that what I was trying to do wasn't working?" Luster shouted in frustration, causing the other students in the library to shush her. "Sorry, sorry," She apologized and then went on speaking to Cherry in a softer tone. "You get my point, though, Cherry. Because of me, Quiet Play may not even want to come back here even if I did apologize. I thought I was doing a good thing for her."

"And you were doing a good thing," Cherry firmly replied as he sat down at a nearby table. "It's just that you didn't know the full extent of Quiet Play's condition. After all, there's a reason why she seems different than the rest of us. Professor Luna filled us all in after she was done speaking to you."

But Luster just kept her eyes locked onto her homework. "Look, all I wanted was to get to know her. Introduce myself to her, Cherry. Make her feel welcome. How was I supposed to do that when she wouldn't even talk?"

Another loud outburst led to more shushing from the other inhabitants of the library. "Sorry, sorry," Luster again apologized before turning back to Cherry Tomato. "Professor Luna showed me something after her class today, something from when she was Princess of the Night and had to go into ponies dreams. She showed me what happened when they…would have difficulty trying to talk to her."

"Perhaps what happened to Luna is what's happening to you right now." Cherry Tomato suggested, much to Luster Dawn's dismay.

"I'm probably going to get detention for this, Cherry Tomato, making her upset despite my best intentions to befriend her." Luster Dawn sobbed and got up.

"I wouldn't say that, Luster. Perhaps maybe you can reintroduce yourself to her, but with supervision this time." Cherry Tomato encouraged, but Luster Dawn had already left.

That night, Luster couldn't sleep, trying to figure out how she was going to be "punished" for forcing Quiet Play into a situation she didn't want to be in.

When the sun rose the next morning, Luster returned to school still racked with guilt. Headmare Starlight was already there, waiting for her.

"Luster Dawn," Starlight declared, gesturing the unicorn to come forward. "Would you come with me, please?"

Without saying a word, Luster did as she was told. Following Starlight into her office, she saw Trixie, Sunburst, Celestia and Luna had all gathered.

Quiet Play was currently sitting at Starlight's desk.

"Um," Luster asked nervously. "Hi…Quiet Play."

But the young kirin said nothing, she just turned away from Luster Dawn.

"Luster Dawn," Trixie spoke up as Luster stepped forward. "The reason we all called you in this morning was because of what happened yesterday."

"Look, I know I had good intentions…" Luster tried to explain.

"And we commend you for having them," Celestia warmly interrupted. "You were just trying to be a good friend and classmate to Quiet Play. But I'm sure Professor Luna talked to you about…"

"Yes," Luster interrupted back, further approaching the kirin. "Quiet Play," She struggled to find the right words. "I…I'm sorry for what I did to you yesterday. It's just, I couldn't help but notice you were liking the scene that we were performing and… I thought that maybe… you wanted to participate."

"I know you wanted me to participate," Quiet Play finally spoke in a full sentence (albeit with her quiet voice). "However, just because I like something doesn't mean I have to participate in it. I have what is known as…autism, something that is only made worse by my kirin nature.."

"Autism? I've…never heard of that before," Luster blinked in surprise. "What does it mean?"

"I was born with Autism." Quiet Play answered.

"Yes, but what does it mean?" Luster Dawn demanded. "Please, I need to know if I'm going to understand you at all, Quiet Play."

"Autism is a disorder that among other things makes one withdrawn and socially awkward," Luna explained, walking up to Luster Dawn. "Remember what I said about the ponies I helped who would flap or do other things? That's what Quiet Play does."

At that moment, Luster began to think back to when Quiet Play was echoing her words in the library.

"There…" Luster Dawn stammered, looking back to the group of ponies at her left. "There was a moment when she was echoing me and I got somewhat annoyed by it. Is that part of this 'Autism' that you have, Quiet Play?"

"Yes," Quiet Play answered. "Sometimes it makes me feel comfortable if I repeat what others say."

"And that is what is known as echolalia," Sunburst added, stepping forward. "Which part of what Quiet Play has."

"Is there a cure for this 'autism'?" Luster Dawn asked, only for the other faculty to shake their heads from side to side.

"I'm afraid not, Luster," Starlight replied while sitting behind her desk. "When one is born with something like that, they have that something for the rest of our lives. It can't really be treated either, at least not in the traditional sense. But many who are autistic go on to lead successful and productive lives. It's clear to all of us that Quiet Play wants to be friends with you, but you're going to have to be willing to be friends on her level. Do you understand what that means?"

Taking in what Starlight had said, Luster took a deep breath and looked right at Quiet Play, trying her hardest to not mess up with what she needed to do. "Quiet Play," Luster softly spoke to the kirin. "I know I made you upset yesterday, but…if I promise to understand your feelings and boundaries better and be respectful of them, would you… like to be friends with me?"

It took a moment for Quiet Play to try and think of how to respond to Luster's question. When she didn't respond right away, Luster feared the worst.

"I… would like to be friends with you, Luster Dawn," Quiet Play spoke up at last said, causing Luster Dawn to forget all of her ill feelings and smile back at Quiet Play. Respectfully, Luster didn't approach Quiet Play any further and kept her distance. "I would like to be friends with you, Luster Dawn." Quiet Play echoed.

When Luster Dawn returned to class that day, she had a better understanding of Quiet Play and her overall situation. And that afternoon in the same library as the day before, Luster and her friends watched Quiet Play sit alone at the table across from them.

"Well, at least you two made peace with each other," Cherry Tomato remarked, much to Luster Dawn's relief. "And you've gained yourself another friend in the process."

"Do you think that maybe she can hang out with us at least once in a while someday?" Ocellus pondered.

"Maybe, but we have to accept her for who she is, guys," Luster Dawn answered. "I've learned now that just because somecreature is different, as long as you respect their boundaries and understand them for who they are, then they will open their friendship to you."

"Sounds like something you should write to Princess Twilight about. You know, kind of like she used to do with Professor Celestia." Gallus suggested in a slightly teasing tone.

"Maybe I will." Luster declared and began to do exactly that, write a letter to Princess Twilight, explaining what she had learned from the experience of meeting a creature with a social disability.