• Published 19th Sep 2019
  • 863 Views, 17 Comments

A Magical Issue - My Little Epona

Rainbow Dash asks Twilight for help when she doesn't know how to raise her twin foals.

  • ...

Another Event Gone Wrong

Chapter 3

Another Event Gone Wrong

“There.” Twilight gave an exhausted sigh, replacing a stack of books on a shelf. “Rainbow, are there any more out there?”

The Pegasus streaked past her, checking the hallway.

“Nope.” She reported, landing next to Twilight. “We got ‘em all.”

“Great.” Twilight staggered to a chair, collapsing and burying her face in the table next to it. The morning was barely over, and still it had been the most exhausting day of her life. But there was still more.

“Twilight?” She heard Spike calling her, but his voice seemed to be coming from a long way.

“Twi?” Now Rainbow was talking.

Why couldn’t they just be quiet and let her go to sleep? All she wanted was sleep. Was that too much to ask for?

A hoof was laid on her shoulder, shaking her gently. She stolidly ignored it. Someone poked her with a very pointy claw, and she squirmed, feeling annoyed, but still refused to open her eyes.Wild bugbears couldn’t have made her move now.

They stopped touching her and calling her name. Maybe they’d given up.

Twilight allowed herself to relax, drifting further into the soft embrace of blackness. Everything would be fine.


It was a very rude, cold call back to reality.

Her eyes flew open and she yelped loudly, inhaling a mouthful of icy water. Coughing and spluttering, she flailed backwards out of her chair, her limbs feeling like icicles. Her mane, which usually flowed out behind her like it was in a wind, hung limp over her shoulders.

“What—cough—was—splutter--THAT?” She gasped, glaring at Spike at Rainbow, the former who was holding Rainbow’s twins, the latter who grasped an empty bucket.

“Sorry, Twi.” Rainbow said sheepishly. “We couldn’t get you to wake up.”

“You have an appearance to make at the Ponyville Schoolhouse.” Spike reminded her, which did nothing to improve her mood. She glared furiously at him through sodden lashes, but all he had to offer was an offhand shrug.

“Well, I can’t go with this sopping mane.” Twilight groaned, tossing it over her shoulder and spraying icy droplets through the air.

“Oh!” Rainbow tossed aside the bucket. “I know!”

She leapt into the air and started flying in tight circles around Twilight, buffeting her with winds.

“What are you--” Twilight was interrupted as the words were torn away from her mouth.

“The Rain-Blow Drier!” Rainbow Dash offered, bringing the cyclone to a stop. “Remember it?”

“How could I not?” Twilight grumbled.

Then she remembered the unfortunate side effect of Rainbow’s mane-drying technique.

“No no no no no!” She cried, leaping out of her chair and rushing over to one of the walls. She twisted her head and peered into the crystal, which offered a slightly warped but clear reflection of herself.

Her mane had sprung up into tight, tangled curls, which were still trying to flow as they did normally, making it look as if her whole coiffure was jiggling wildly.

She slunk to the floor, covering her head with her wings.

“It’s...okay, Twilight.” Rainbow said, hesitantly approaching. “It only sort of looks like indigo jello….”

“SORT OF?” Twilight yelled, flinging her head up, her eyes glowing with a mad light. “I HAVE TO MAKE A PUBLIC APPEARANCE AND IT LOOKS LIKE I DECIDED TO WEAR JELLO ON MY HEAD!”

“Relax, Twilight.” Spike came up next to Rainbow. “You’re going to wake the twins.”

Twilight glanced at the sleeping foals, and a tiny bit of her sanity returned.

“Sorry.” She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “I guess I just need to stop by Rarity’s before I head to the schoolhouse….”

“You may want to hurry.” Spike suggested. “You were supposed to be there five minutes ago.”

“WHAT?” Twilight leapt to her hooves. “WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY SO?” She sped out of the room, leaving a sparkly indigo trail in her wake.

“Behold the Sonic Twiboom.” Rainbow sighed. Spike carried her saddlebags over, and she let him help her strap them back on.

“With luck, the twins should be asleep for a while.” He informed her. “And good luck catching up with Twilight.”

“I’ll need it.” Rainbow sighed again. “Thanks a million, Spike. See you later.”

Spike gave her a shrug and a smile as she trotted out of the room, pursuing Twilight.

It took her a little bit of time to reach Rarity’s boutique, burdened as she was with her twins. She pushed the door open, setting off a jingling bell.

“Welcome to the Carousal Boutique!” Rarity chirped, striding out of a back room. “Where every garment is chic, unique, and—oh, well hello, Rainbow Dash. It’s nice to see you.”

“Likewise.” Rainbow grinned. “How’s it going?”

“Oh, quite well!” Rarity said eagerly. “In fact, my Manehatten branch—well, my guess is that you’re not actually here to talk fashion, are you?”

“I must admit I’m not.” Rainbow chuckled.

“Well then, what can I do for you?” Rarity trotted to one of the clothes racks lining the wall, sorting a few dresses hanging up.

“Have you seen Twilight anywhere?”

“Oh! You just missed her, darling.” Rarity frowned in concern. “The poor thing came charging in here like she was being chased by a bugbear, with her mane an absolute disaster. I helped her sort it out, and then she dashed off again. To the schoolhouse, I believe?”

“Thanks, Rare!” Rainbow dashed back to the door. “See you later.”

“Of course, darling.” Rarity gave a half amused, half puzzled chuckle as Rainbow vanished.

What was with ponies being in such a hurry today?

Rainbow took off again. As she sped through the air, she began to feel Rainshine squirming around in the right saddlebag.

“Looks like she’s awake.” She said, slowing as she drew near the schoolhouse before dropping to the ground. She craned her neck over, flipping open the pouch.

Rainshine’s head popped out, and the filly blinked sleepily. In spite of all her worries, Rainbow couldn’t help but smile. This adorable little miracle was her own child, and she couldn’t help but feel proud for her. Sure, raising a Unicorn would be difficult for her, but….just look at that pwecious wittle face.

“Fillies and gentlecolts!” Twilight’s voice, forcefully cheery, was what snapped Rainbow out of her mental baby talk.She jerked her head up, realizing she stood at the edge of a crowd watching the princess give her speech.

Her friend smiled, waving a hoof, and levitated a large pair of golden scissors into the air.

Rainshine let out a fascinated coo. Rainbow turned her head to look at the filly, who was staring at the scissors with the same starry expression she’d stared at the bookshelves.

“Oh, no you don’t.” Rainbow said, alarmed. “No way.”

“I know pronounce the new and improved Ponyville Schoolhouse….” Twilight hovered the scissors over the glossy red ribbon stretched across the paved pathway to the enlarged building. “…….open!” Amid cheers, she tried to close the scissors.

They snapped shut with a click, but not on the ribbon, as they now were being tugged over the crowd. Rainbow glanced at Rainshine, who’s tiny face was creased in concentration, her horn sparkling with magic.

The cheers gradually turned to panicked yells, ponies jumping aside as the scissors hurtled crazily through the air. Rainbow stared, slack-jawed, as the shiny, dangerously sharp projectile came careening her way.

“RAINBOW!” Twilight’s voice cut through the chaos like a foghorn. “DUCK!”

“Wha? Oh, right.” Rainbow dived to the side, barely avoiding losing a great deal of her mane and part of her scalp. The scissors, blades quivering, buried themselves in a tree.

“Well, that was crazy.” Rainbow sighed, brushing dirt off her coat.

“WATCH OUT!” Somepony yelled, and Rainbow barely managed to duck as the scissors gave a mighty lurch her way again, causing the tree they were stuck in to come crashing down.

“Rainshine, no!” She said. “Those are NOT a toy!” The filly stolidly ignored her, frowning intensely, and the crowd scattered as the scissors swung wildly around again.

“Nooo! Bad! Stop!” Rainbow groaned. The scissors did a full 360, knocking out a stallion in the crowd.

“FREDERIC!” The normally-reserved Octavia screeched, throwing ponies aside. “SPEAK TO ME!”

Twilight’s eye twitched.

WE HAVE HAD QUITE ENOUGH!” She bellowed in a Canterlot Royal voice that would have rivaled Princess Luna’s. She leapt forwards, her hooves slamming down squarely on the scissors, and they dissolved into liquid.

Rainshine let out a whimper of disappointment.

Twilight stood in a puddle of molten gold, her right eye twitching jerking uncontrollably.

“Uh….” Rainbow waved a hoof in front of her face. “Twi?”

The Alicorn didn’t blink.

“I think we broke her.” Rainbow said in a loud whisper.

Author's Note:

Well, here's another one! I realize this story's plot is kinda moving at the speed of a freight train, but its also mostly a one-shot, so.......yeah. Enjoy!