• Published 28th Sep 2019
  • 2,447 Views, 449 Comments

Godling CYOA - AkumaKami64

You are a new god born in the midst of the Windego Winter, and must now choose a race of creatures to guide and protect, and make a place for both of you in the History of Equestria

  • ...

The Gift and the Missing

You come to your conclusion, and close all senses to the world as you turn inwards, looking deeper than yourself and into the very essence of the divine domains. As a god, no matter how young, you are the link between these powers and reality. More specifically, the link between them and your followers. You focus your will over your Kirin's spheres and bring them into three separate, binary orbits. Three sets of opposites, paired into a trifecta of strange dances.

You do not choose what dance shall be yours yet. You have to contemplate just how you're going to recruit two other gods. You could always uplift some of your followers, or even...not create new gods, but...you were born out of the need for a new god, the need for help in the face of the windigos. Your could use that need to inspire your brethren to arise...but that would mean raising and teaching two other godlings, and you were less than a year old! Of course, you could always try the old fashioned way and...breed a godling to rule as your son or daughter. The only problems were that A. You didn't have a body yet and B...You hadn't even figured out what sex you were yet.

You could join up with some. There were other young godlings, but the only one you knew of for sure was in the lands Chaos recommended you stay away from...And given that one's rather strong pull on Harmony, you were sure it would be less than thrilled with being a God of Material AND Spiritual. There were plenty of your peers with little in terms of followers. But would that be too much? As a junior, you'd likely be taking a more subordinate role. And the only one you were on any speaking terms with was-

"Well, aren't you becoming interesting."

You'd like to say that He's less intimidating. That you sensed His arrival. That, if you had a body, you might not have released your bowels just now.

You'd like to say that.

Your senses return to normal and He is here. He is standing amongst your followers, smiling coyly, like a slithering monkey's drum. They are as blind to Him as they are you. But wherever His tail sways, you can feel and see that His presence is felt. Glares, arguments, even a minor brawl. "Interesting choices," He muses, heedless of the disturbance His very being caused.

You narrowed your gaze at Chaos, wondering why He was here. Along with a hundred other things about Him. You stare at Him warily, inquiring as politely as possible what He is doing here?

"Oh, no reason," He answered insincerely, picking at His claws which, strangely, sounded like the pleasant melody of a thousand chirping birds. "Very nice work with the Airships, and you even got a dragon out of it!" He praised, clapping like a hyena flies. "Good thing too. It would have been...interesting, if unpleasant if you had chosen to take part in that war," He mused thoughtfully.

You tilt your head and feel your mind assaulted by two separate streams of images. One was your Kirins siding with Sombra, the other with Amora. Both showed the different battles, culminating in...your death. You die in both scenarios. There were slivers, showing how you might have survived by fusing with the Crystal Heart, or bonding with Amora or Sombra, or even a Kirin. But they were slim branches on a large trunk. Your death was the most likely outcome. Death, but not your end.

Chaos smiles and you shiver.

The images converge and continued, showing Chaos Himself emerging. He was doing...would have done...something to the spiritual equivalent of your corpse. Your very being shudders in revulsion as you saw yourself rise as not a god of death, but a truly Undead God. An anomaly...an abomination...something that, to your knowledge is a very rare event once thought impossible.

Chaos chuckles, making you understand. He was impossible, raising a god was not outside His abilities. "In fairness, Amora would have probably found a way to restore you in the Pro-Crystal version, maybe," Chaos commented idly. While undesirable, you feel you should at least be happy to know Chaos would have prevented you from having such a short life.

That thought dragged you back to the mystery of Chaos. Why would He help you at all? Far bigger questions were how was He this powerful or where were His followers? Things you were growing very concerned about the answers of. Also...How did Chaos NOT have a physical avatar? He was overwhelmingly powerful, but He remained in the same incorporeal state that you were. Was He...unable to?

He rose an eyebrow at you, at your very telegraphed thoughts, and you knew that was wrong. He was like this by choice. For now.

"Anyway, I'm just here to leave you and your followers a little gift. You'll be needing it soon," He said playfully as He flew and coiled past you, his talons dipping to touch the ground. You narrowed your eyes, knowing something was there, and it hadn't been before. What it was, you didn't know, but it could be nothing simple. "Got to say, I'm loving the trinity thing you're going to have," Chaos mused, looking truly and honestly curious now. "Believe it or not, not a lot of Godlings pick that one. I would have, if I hadn't picked...well, I think you know," He remarked with a smirk of your mother's yodeling.

Wait, you didn't have a mother!

But He was correct. You didn't need any more knowledge to know that Chaos was probably a Mono that specialized in Material.

You narrowed your gaze as Chaos looked into the eyes of a Kirin. One you knew to be a friend of Quick Blade. "External and Metaphysical magic? Pity, they'll be missing out on the mannequins, but I suppose the puppets will be extra good," He mused humorously, knowing you wouldn't understand what he was referencing. "But I do very much approve of the Flowing-Steeps," He remarked before scowling flatly. "Those ponies are the more solid types."

Ponies? Did He mean Pegasi, Unicorns, or Earth Pon-

"All of them," He answered with an eye roll, His arms folded. Well, that answered that, you suppose. Still, were they His followers or just something he had to deal with? "Well, it's been fun, Little Godling, but I am a busy God," Chaos quipped as he began to soar off. Before you can even contemplate asking Him a parting question, the God of Discord vanished as His body moved behind a group of Kirin, His form disappearing as each inch left your sight.

You have very uncertain feelings about Him, but you weren't exactly willing to step on the toes of the biggest fish in the pond.

It has taken you the better part of two days to fully form your existence to be of one of the three conflicting pairs, to be one of a future trinity. Just from your surroundings, you're tempted to take Life and Death. Those two forces are obviously in abundance in the Grand Swamp, but you hold off for now.

In that time, little has happened, but it is a little that is of importance. You settled down to a campfire. It is here you find Shaded Gold with a group of hunters. Specifically, ones that often led hunting groups.

"Cragadiles, horned toads, ophiotaurui, centiwasps," Hollow Wind spoke up, his voice wary but relieved as he leaned on a spear. "Fairly bog standard for us, even if it's more diverse than I'm used to. It'll be dangerous for the first year or two, but once we set up, the wildlife will eventually learn to stay away from us."

Shaded Gold nodded absently. "And there have been no signs of anything thinking and speaking?" he asked, staring intently at the fire.

"Besides the occasional bufogren? No, not really," Melon Chilly answered as she ate a red berry.

The Leader of the Hunters scowled with a mild glare at her. "No, or not really?" he questioned in a hard tone.

Melon swallowed nervously on her food. "None, Shaded," she corrected, slowly eating another. "The harvesters found a lot of stuff that isn't poisonous, so, that's also good news.

Shaded hummed, looking back to the fire. "One group hasn't came back yet," he noted idly.

And this was what had your attention.

"We're in a new land, Shaded. Every year before the windigos, at least one greenhorn got lost on their first patrol," Hollow reminded without concern, getting nods and murmurs of agreement.

"And they're only a few hours late," Melon remarked dismissively. "We never worried before Moonpeak."

Shaded sat there, seemingly satisfied with their points. But you weren't. And neither was someone else. "Drunk on peace already?"

Everyone, even you, turned to look at the new arrival in the form of Quick Blade. Most of the hunters scowled while Shaded just looked back at the flames. "You do know this is a Hunters Only meeting, right?" Melon asked awkwardly.

"I'm fully aware of your in-hut meetings, yes," Quick answered with his typical bluntness.

He raised an eyebrow as several of the hunters stood, glaring at him...until a flame blazed, and it wasn't the camp fire.

Shaded Gold was every bit his namesake, the large tips of his fires a dark shade of gold, his eyes bright with a controlled rage. And, just as suddenly, it vanished, staring in calm disappointment at the stunned group. "Sit down and shut up. I invited him," he informed flatly.

They all promptly obeyed, except for Quick, standing nearby while eyeing the head hunter curiously. "Why exactly am I here?" the thinker-Kirin inquired, the hunters a bit annoyed with his lack of fear in the face of Shaded's obvious ire.

"Because when everyone is either agreeing or disagreeing with me, I think I need to get an outside opinion," Shaded answered with a grumble. "What do you make of this missing group?"

"I think you're a paranoid flankhole that is at risk for becoming a, what was the word? Pyromaniac," Quick Blade answered in the bluntest voice possible, making even you wince a bit.

"Watch your tone you ignorant little-!" Hollow started, only to be silence by Shaded's eyes and horn glowing. "But Shaded, he-"

"Is completely right, and that's not an insult. I think," Shaded retorted calmly, raising an eyebrow at his fellow member of the Kirin Trinity. You just now realized each of the three were going to probably prefer one god over the other two. "I'm assuming Pyromaniac means I use fire too much?"

"Basically," Quick Blade answered with a shrug.

"So you think there is nothing to worry about?" Shaded questioned with a frown.

"Buck no. I think your friends are forgetting that this isn't the grove," Quick answered honestly, looking a bit surprised that Shaded got that impression. "I was saying that as my reason for why you should ignore them."

"You have a weird way of encouraging others, Quick," Shaded stated with an amused snort.

"I don't do encouragement, I do facts," Quick Blade corrected, glancing off to the tree line. "Fact is, if I was living in this place and some strangers just arrived, I'd pick a small group off to learn about them too. Disregarding sapient creatures? It's doubtful everyone in a group was entirely too adventurous to risk getting lost this early. So if I had to guess, either something captured them, or is trying to. With eating or interrogating them being equally possible intents. Unless it's both, in which case..."

Shaded nodded to himself. "Thank you."

"For what?" Quick asked with a head tilt.

"For proving I'm not completely crazy yet," Shaded elaborated as he stood up, giving a hard look to his fellow hunters. "I'll be back by dawn. Mess with Quick Blade and you'll be practice-hunting with me, and you will NOT be the hunter," he promised as he stomped off with his spear.

"Are you just hoping he'll get killed out there or something?" Melon accused with a scowl as they all gave him variations of sour looks and death-glares.

Quick Blade tilted his head. "Why would I want that? Shaded Gold's death would probably doom us all," he stated honestly. The hunters all looked taken back by that, but had no response. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go talk with Frozen Meadow about looking into making a well here.

Note to yourself, make sure they tried to dig where Chaos left his "gift".

Quick Blade wasn't wrong, you knew. Shaded was important in the immediate sense, keeping the hunters together and stable, as a well trained defense against future enemies. Frozen Meadow was the mid-term component, for prolonged survival and occupation depended on food and medicine. Quick Blade was NOT the long-term, he was the all around-term, finding new solutions to all manner of issues. If there was a long term part to their survival, you'd suppose it'd be you.

And that is why your spirit flung after Shaded's form, moving with him to the dark and nightly dangers of the Grand Swamp. You intended to help him, but you had to figure out how.

The most immediate but rash option was to just become a God of Life and Death, right now. Doing so would give you better access to the forest and know if the group was dead, and how. But that was permanent. There would be no way to switch to being a God of Heart and Mind or a God of Material and Spiritual.

You were going to think of shorter titles for those. Gods of Renewal, Balance, and Soul? Unimportant for now. What was important was, while the most effective, it was the most costly in a sense.

Option two, was more basic. You were connected to every Kirin here, and those with them of other races to varying extents. While still young, you could use that to try and find them if they were still alive and, hopefully, steer Shaded towards them.

Option three, something you could do was...in a manner, bless him. It wouldn't improve him physically, but it would give him a sixth sense. Which would be you noticing things around him that he didn't or couldn't on his own. Didn't really help towards the goal, but it was something.

Option four was the opposite of the third in a manner. Even without being a God of Life and Death, you could still manipulate and infuse yourself with the forest, one area at a time. It'd be tiring, but it'd allow you to scan through the place along with or separate from the Head Hunter, maybe even divert a few surprises when you could.

Alternatively, for fifth, you could do absolutely nothing. Not exactly the greatest option, but it was there. On the upside, Shaded was one of the best, if not the very best of the hunters. It'd be hard for anything to take him down and, even then it'd have to catch him before he escaped back to the camp.

But there was...something else you could do. You really weren't sure what it was or what it would do, but it was something you knew could do that could help, somehow. By You, this was annoying. There was some...thing at the edge of your awareness. You didn't know how or when it got there, just that it was linked to you and would, for lack of a better term, obey you. Which, in other words, translated to a mystery option. Lovely. For all you knew this could smite half the forest...Okay, you doubted that, because if that was something most Godlings could do, the world would be charred over already.

Still, the only upside was that you were almost positive this was not something Chaos did to you or gave you. It felt...natural, normal. But you were still so young and new to this, you just couldn't grasp the knowledge to give you the answers.

Author's Note:

End of Chapter
Hey guys! Hope you're all having a good Halloween. My uncle's surgery went alright and...I THINK life is starting to level out, thankfully. Hope you all enjoy this chapter. Gave you all a bit more of Chaos, Shaded, and Quick. There's some mutual respect between the later two, behind less than polite words, and the former has left you...something, which your Kirin will dig up pretty soon.

A. God of Life and Death
B. Kirin Connection
C. Shaded Blessing
D. Godling Scouting
E. Nothing
F. Mystery

Survey Questions:(Optional/Not Required)
SQ1: Suggestion titles for God of Life and Death, God of Heart and Mind, and God of Material and Spiritual.
SQ2: As the Godling, what is your opinion on Chaos so far. Ally, enemies, trust, don't trust, etc. Just a small(or large, lol) summary of your mindset towards him after two meetings.

PS No, Joining the Crystal War was not insta-death, but it was very likely.
PPS Survey questions are mostly for aesthetic interactions and to get a feel for what everyone is thinking.

Tallies on the last two polls:
Bedrock of Society:
Internal Magic-10
External Magic-17

Supremacy of Physical-5
Supremacy of the Metaphysical-20

Flat Society-4
Steep Society-23

Solid Society-4
Flowing Society-20

Temporal Rights-9
Immutable Rights-12

Individuality from Society-1
Society from Individuality-9

Foundation of Godhood
