• Published 19th Oct 2019
  • 2,675 Views, 57 Comments

From Grass to Bedrock - Animatorsnake

Steve is the last Crafter, he’s built many things, he’s defeated many foes, explored as far as he could see… but there’s one thing he hasn’t done – explore another world.

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Chapter 1 - Start From Scratch

Equestria, Everfree Forest; Midday

Steve approached one of the dark trees within the strange forest, the tree itself was a mix between looking like a dark oak tree, and the spruce tree in color, but in the design… well he was definitely familiar or can compare it to any known tree he knows of. Preparing for what would come next – whether it be broken knuckles or this tree falling over – Steve pulled back his right arm, and punched the tree.

...Nothing, he was fine, with that test over, Steve took his few seconds of punching and took a chunk of the tree off. With a single block of what he now sees is called, “Everfree Log”, the rest of the tree stayed floating like so with little change at the slightest. So, I can still do what I do with zero changes at the slightest. Means that I can make a tower of blocks without issue.

Gazing to what patch of the sky he could see, he pointed upward with his right fist and smirked victoriously. HA! BEAT THAT PHYSICS!

With that known, Steve spent the past five minutes doing what he does best, collecting resources from his bare fists with tools. After chopping down the single tree with his fists, he turned the logs into planks, then turn those planks into a wooden pickaxe, and proceeded to dig down.

The dirt and cobblestone were the same, he did find a vein of coal… a really big vein now that he thinks about it, but he didn’t mind the extra coal. He then made some stone tools, except for a hoe, and chopped down at least four to seven more trees.

With two to three stacks of wood, two stacks of cobblestone, some of the dirt he dug – at least sixteen – his stone tools, a stack of torches, half a stack of coal, some sticks,a crafting table and all his original stuff… he was ready.

He had two goals right now – well several but these two were at the top of his list – one, he needed to get out of this forest stat, it was miracle no mobs spawned in this pitch darkness… he wasn’t certain if mobs could spawn in this world. So he needed to get out of here fast; the second goal was to find wool to make a bed, with a bed he can change the day-and-night schedule and create his spawn point wherever he slept… or at the very least, that’s the idea for him, he wasn’t certain if he can do that in this world, but it was better to have somewhere nice to sleep than nothing at all.

So with all this thought up, Steve did the best tactic when he was lost and needed a good direction to walk toward to. Pulling out the sixteen dirt blocks, he started jumping upward to the sky until all sixteen blocks were gone. Good thing he didn’t need more or use his other blocks, because he was high enough to see a good distance around himself.

He had no idea where or what was what from what he could see; to the south-east appeared to be some ruins of a castle, south was plateau and red hills, west was even more trees, and finally north… north was promising.

Holy golden apples, what is that?

Further north was a marble castle that was built to the side of a gigantic mountain, it was bigger than anything he has ever seen before. What really caught his attention, wasn’t the castle – though that was an interesting fine – but the numerous resources he could find in that mountain.

The diamonds and gold I could find in that thing… Okay, whoever brought me to this world, thank you so much!

However, there was another interesting thing in Steve’s peripheral vision, just closer to him, but was a distance away, was a village. He wasn’t certain a village of what exactly, but they sure did have some colorful homes… a few interesting ones too.

With his mind made up, Steve dug back down and got ready to head north to the village. Maybe I might meet somebody who can talk for once… though considering I don’t speak, I don’t think that would be helpful.

Steve starting making his way north, though unaware of his surroundings, several green-glowing orbs gazed at him, a hungry look in their eyes.

Equestria, Ponyville; Midday

The party ended shortly due to everypony having to focus on repairing the damaged buildings, Twilight waved goodbye to the princesses, but she left some of the guard to stay behind to watch over the town for now. Only five of the guards stayed behind, two of them were mares while the other three were stallions.

“Hellow Miss Twilight, I’m Sergeant Rockwall; here are Privates Tiny and Smoke, Private First Class Lovely Sound, and finally Corporal Dice n Slice,” said Rockwall, bowing his head.

“Please, just call me Twilight, no need to be formal,” said Twilight.

Rockwall was an earth pony, he had a scar near his left eye, he could still see through both luckily, he was the kind of stallion who served under the guard for a long while, a veteran.

Tiny and Smoke were both pegasi, they were best friends who both joined the guard together, with Tiny being as his namesake said, somewhat shorter than Smoke, while Smoke had a pretty lengthy mane for a stallion.

Finally Lovely Sound and Dice n Slice were both unicorns and mares; Lovely was a daughter of noble, but she was surprisingly nice, and had a Manehattan accent, who was chipper all the time. Dice n Slice, was the opposite of Lovely, due to her name being too long, most guards call her Dice, this resulted in many of said guards to learn she didn’t take no backtalk whatsoever.

Dice was the kind of mare who was serious about everything, and spoke as little as possible, but when she spoke, it was mostly to give her report to her superior and speak to those lower ranked than her – mostly to tell them to get back to work.

“So you’re the princess’s student, nice ta meetcha dear, Lovely, Lovely Sound; my family owns a shipping company back in Manehattan, and unlike other nobles, we try out best to help the community than some… notable ponies.”

Twilight smiled in return and shook her hoof, soon she said her greetings to the other guards, and the five went back to do their business to patrol town or help out with the repairs. Speaking of repairs, Twilight and her friends went to help out themselves with fixing the town, helping to pick up materials used to fix some holes in some buildings, bring food to the workers, and taking care of any injured animals or ponies.

With Spike, the two helped organize with fixing the town and helping those in need, the party almost raised some spirits, but Pinkie agreed that she stop the party early so everypony has home to go back to once things are over. It was a good excuse for her to make another party once the town gets better; Twilight noticed one of her friends approaching her, it was Applejack and she did not look good.

“What’s wrong AJ, did something happened at Sweet Apple Acres?”

“Nah, that’s not that… You seen Applebloom, I asked Rarity and she hasn’t seen her or her sister anywhere in town.”

Hmmm, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle are missing… oh no.

“Get the girls, I can think of only one place where they could be at right now of all places.”

Both mares looked at one another and spoke the exact place. “The Everfree Forest.”

“Zecora’s!” Both mares gasped in shock, turning around to look and find Pinkie behind them, also with her were the rest of their friends. “What, I’m not wrong.”

“Well, if they are at Zecora’s I can’t blame them, the town wasn’t safe with Discord around, but I hope they’re safe still, I don’t want them heading back to town by themselves in those woods,” said Applejack.

“Well we better get those dears before it gets dark,” said Rarity. The six soon headed off, Twilight left Spike in charge to handle with things back in town. The six made their way to Fluttershy’s, since it was the safest place to enter the Everfree.

Equestria, Everfree Forest; Afternoon

As Steve got further away from the spot he woke up at, he now noticed how dark it was in this place, Steve pulled out his torches, but then realized when holding a torch in a dark area, it lights up the area rather than putting it down. I suppose some things did change now.

So instead of putting down torches to light the way, with sword in one hand and a torch in the other, Steve made his way through the forest. This place was darker than the dark oak forest, yet no signs of any monsters luckily.

For the last what felt like an hour and a half went by, Steve soon put away his torch when more sunlight could be seen through the leaves. Another interesting thing Steve realized was that compared to blocks he place which have a blocky-look, everything else had way more detail, this also meant that he could technically go through leaves instead of standing on a block of them back home.

Guess that means I can’t wait on top a tall tree during night, unless I want to fall face first to the ground, through leaves and branches.

Heading through the trees some more, he paused when he heard a familiar sound – the growl of a beast. Slowly reading his sword, Steve scanned his surroundings when he noticed something off about some bushes, they appeared to be moving… breathing.

Steve’s eyes widen even further when he realized the bush wasn’t a bush, but was some sort of wooden wolf. The wooden wolf wasn’t alone as there were two more, making that one to a three now.

The wolves started to circle him, and these weren’t normal-sized wolves, as they were pretty big, as long as three blocks. A sap dribbled down their maws, their manes were made of leaves and twigs, and most of their body were made any manner of whatever was in this forest… oh and the smell was horrific.

My lord, they smell worse than rotten zombies!

One of the wolves growled, trying to intimidate Steve, rather Steve was simply curious how creatures made of wood were alive. Ready to slash them, Steve paused and thought for a moment; putting away his sword, Steve pulled out his axe instead. I wonder…

One of the wolves charged, seeing that wolf come at him Steve backed off and seeing his chance, swung his axe down onto it’s head. The moment it made contact, Steve brutally tugged his axe out; the light from the wolf vanished, as it soon turned to a pile of sticks and leaves.

Both the wolves and Steve were shocked at the immediate reaction his axe had with that one wolf. Slowly he gazed at the other two wolves who now didn’t look so ready to attack him. With a battle charge, Steve raised his axe, the two wolves whimpered and ran off, until Steve couldn’t see them in sight anymore.

Shrugging to himself, Steve returned to wielding his sword. That worked way better than I imagined, welp, next time I see them, I might bring out my axe again.

Before Steve continued to move on, he noticed something behind some bushes, moving them aside, he found a dirt path, an actual path.

Looking down both ends of the path, he noticed one end had some recent prints on the ground; kneeling down to see what they were, he found several pairs of small hoof-prints. Horses, no, they’re way too tiny for baby horses. What kind of creature made these?

Seeing how these prints were fresh, Steve decided to follow that end of the path instead. Soon, the further he traveled down the path, the more light bathed within the forest, so much so that he didn’t need his torch anymore to see.

He began to notice the trees were slowly changing to a vibrant hue and color, not once has he ever seen such colors before, sure he seen many things but, the numerous colors was simply beautiful. Steve paused when he heard a distant scream, the scream sounded young and… really loud; sprinting toward where the scream – or rather screams, now that he could hear more than one – came from, he spotted the same wooden wolves from before.

There were six this time and they all scraped and scratched at a certain tree, trying to reach for something within it’s branches. Steve noticed three small colorful silhouettes from the treetop, one of them squealed in fear as one of the wooden wolves nearly gotten close.

For some reason, hearing another in pain, in fear woke some primal force within Steve; wielding his sword in his right hand and his axe in his left hand, Steve readied himself. One of the wolves noticed him and soon the rest began to prowl toward him; each one of them snarled as their sap spittle flung from their maws, their claws dug deep into the dirt and grass.

Both Steve and the wolves faced each other, seconds went by as a sudden breeze blew by, the leaves flew through him and the creatures. With a howl, the lead wolf charged at Steve, dirt flung as it’s paws impacted against the ground, charging right forth it’s next meal to come.


Using his sword, Steve blocked one of the wolf’s swipes and with his axe he slammed the flat side against the wolf’s face, staggering it before finishing with a swing of his sword down it’s neck. The wolf gagged before the light within it’s eye sockets vanished, crumbling into a pile of sticks. The rest of the pack didn’t stagger back as two more charged forth with vigor.

Steve dodged the first wolf, but the second managed to smack him to the trunk of a tree, sliding down to the ground, he was dazed for a moment when he quickly rolled to the side to dodge the same wolf that smacked him.

Using his sword he stabbed into the creature’s wooden rib cage, watching it squirm in what appears to be pain, then finishing it off with his axe right to the face. Once done with that wolf, he turned to face the other wolf when sudden another one sneaked up behind him, however, learning to always be aware of your surroundings, Steve immediately turned around and swung his sword to the side of the wolf’s face, not killing it but making it back off a little.

Sadly, this came with his sword breaking, so he switched his axe from his left to his right hand; seeing two of the pack defeated the remaining wolves approached together, and that’s when Steve would witness something extraordinary.

All four wooden wolves, slowly coalesce together as parts of themselves and surrounding foliage soon became various parts of even larger entity. After watching this all happened, what stood before Steve was a gigantic wooden wolf, not as big as the Ender Dragon, but it was big indeed, at least seven blocks by length, three blocks by width, and three or four blocks by height.

Unsure now of his odds of winning, if he had armor – basic leather or even iron armor would do – he could have a chance against such a beast. With no sword and only his axe, Steve was out of options… that is until he remembered something earlier about this world.

Certain items of mind react differently than they would back home… so that means maybe…

Steve pulled out one of his torches, holding with his left hand; now with torch in hand, he noticed that while not only did showed light around for at least three to five blocks, depending how dark it was, there was also an almost smokey look to it. Curious, Steve prayed to whatever gods were out there that what he was thinking would work.

The giant wooden wolf didn’t seem to notice what was exactly being held on the strange creature’s other limb, but was ready to gobbled it up anyway. Backing up slightly, the wolf charged it’s head with jaws open, ready to swallow the creature whole; seeing this, Steve pulled his left arm back and tossed the torch into the wolf’s maw.

What came next, the affect was immediate, as a cascade of flames engulfed the giant wooden wolf in mere moments. With the sticks and leaves not being drenched in rain for days, they were so dry that no matter how much moisture was still on them, a simple ember would have been enough to lit it aflame, but a torch – specifically a torch made by Steve that never looses it’s flame no matter the conditions it goes through – just quadrupled the speed for the flames to spread.

The wolf cried in agony as it tried to roll around the dirt, but to no avail as the flames stuck like clay to a potter’s hands. The wolf ran away, both in fear and agony, deeper into the woods until a small speck of light was the only visible thing seen.

Making certain the close was clear, Steve kept his axe firm in his right hand and brought a shovel in the other just in case. Waiting for several seconds, Steve put away both items; before checking those stuck in the tree, Steve quickly plopped down a crafting table, and made a new sword real quick, recollecting the crafting table back into his personal inventory.

That… was close… I hope I didn’t started an unintentional forest fire… I moved away from that phase of my life.

Steve noticed that the wolf that smacked him earlier didn’t do much damage, so the necessity to use a potion wasn’t needed, though he definitely needed food to restore hearts… he was halfway through his hunger. Maybe the ones I save got some spare food I got have.

Remembering why he fought these beasts, Steve turned to face the three, not standing to close to not scare those still hiding up above. He could see their surprisingly large eyes eyeing him, but trying his best to be friendly, he sat down and made himself as less threatening as possible.

“What the heck is that thing girls?”

“I don’t know, what should we do?”

“If it tries anything, I’ll beat it senseless!”

Well then, that’s a colorful way of saying thanks to somebody that saves you three. Due to not being able to speak, Steve wasn’t certain how to communicate to them, but before he could think of a way, one of the beings came down the three.

“SWEETIE! What are you doing, get back here!?”

“But, it saved us girls, it can’t be that bad, right?”

Steve watched as he saw another impossibility before him; what came down was a light gray white foal, with an interesting color for a mane and tail, it also had a strange mark on both flanks and… Wait, is that a horn?!

“Hello, my name is Sweetie Belle! Thank you for saving me and my friends!” said Sweetie, extending a hoof to shake.

Steve raised a brow at the gesture, but carefully extended his right arm and shook Sweetie’s right front hoof. Soon the rest of Sweetie’s friends came down; the second one had a pink bow, had a yellowish fur and reddish mane and tail, like Sweetie, she too had marks on her flank but no extra appendages.

“Whoa, you’re mighty tall, even though you’re sitting down! What’s yer name partner? Oh by the way, name’s Applebloom!” shouted Applebloom.

Huh, her voice has this strange tone in it… I like it, makes me wanna ride Strider.

The last one to arrive had orange-like fur and her mane and tail was another color Steve wasn’t familiar with, however, unlike the other two, she had two extra appendages in the form of wings, feathered ones like the parrots Steve has seen in the jungles of his world.

“Hey, my friend just asked you your name!”

“Scootaloo, don’t be rude; this is my friend Scootaloo, sorry she’s just a tad protective of her friends,” said Applebloom.

Steve nodded in understanding, he was pretty protecting of his home, animals, farm, stuff, and even the neighboring villagers. Hmmm, now I look at them, they look a lot like the horses of my world… except they got large eyes, are colorful as the Overworld sky, and way smaller than any horse or quadruped I seen before.

“Don’t speak much huh, well there’s nothing wrong with that, we should head outta here soon. After seeing that meanie Discord, we decided to stay at Zecora’s until things quieted down. Once we saw a bright light back at town, we thought things got back to normal… then we caught the attention of some Timberwolves when we tried heading back and then you saved us and, yeah, now we’re here meeting you… Mr?”

Ah, so that’s what they’re called. Steve quickly pulled out his journal, writing down the creature he met and his new experiences and meeting the three tiny horses he met.

Day 0 – Arrived in new world, met strange wooden wolves called Timberwolves – hostile, axes do more damage to them than a sword. Found out that I can still do what I normally do back in my world, but with some slight changes – torches now create light when held and can cause fires when put near something flammable. After facing a pack of these Timberwolves and facing a giant version made of four of the six I faced, I saved what appears to be three tiny horses.

“HEY! We’re not horses, we’re ponies!” shouted Scootaloo, having climbed on Steve’s shoulder.

At least they can understand my writing… now that I think about it, if they can read what I write, maybe? Quickly, Steve turned to a new page and wrote a few quick sentences.

Hello, my name is Steve, I’m a Crafter; sorry if I was rude that I don’t know what you are, I’m not from around here. I can’t speak… I’m mute.

“Oh, that’s terrible, well it’s alright Mr Steve, and as to what we are; I’m a unicorn, Applebloom is an earth pony and Scootaloo is a pegasus, but together we are the Cutie!”


“CRUSADERS!” Hearing all three of the fillies scream out what appears to be some sort of group or club, Steve rubbed both sides of his cube-shaped head, before giving a small smile in return, continuing to write down on his journal.

Well, it was nice meeting all of you, however, what are three young lasses such as yourselves doing in such a dangerous place. I mean I didn’t intended to be here, but do to certain circumstances I am, but I doubt there could be a good reason for the three you being here.

The three looked at one another until Applebloom stepped forward. “Well, to put it short, a big meanie came to our town a caused all kinds of trouble. We decided to stay at Zecora’s, a friend of ours who lives in the Everfree Forest, and don’t worry her place was safe, as she placed some protections around the place to scare off the creatures of the forest.”

This friend of theirs must be pretty experienced to live in a place like this.Well, I guess that makes sense, but seeing as you are here and not at your friend Zecora’s, I assume it’s safe to return back home?

“Yep! We should totally bring you to Ponyville and show you to Rainbow, I bet she would find you awesome!” said Scootaloo, hovering in place. Seeing her float for a little bit before falling to the ground, showed a sort of wonder within Steve’s eyes. Man, I feel jealous, if only I could fly in the sky myself.

As the three fillies were about to lead Steve back to their home, when they heard what appeared to be a loud noise. It sounded familiar to the three fillies, to Steve he didn’t recognize what could be making that noise, but he did knew where it was coming from. Before he could react, the last thing Steve saw was a rainbow-colored blur crashing into him, next was complete darkness.

Author's Note:

Welp Steve has gotten his first taste of Equestrian hospitality, though I hope no misunderstandings occur with this new development.

Now that I am reviewing things, I'll add the colored text for the thoughts of characters, especially Steve. If you guys got any questions on the story itself, any tiny edit changes for the story, or anything else, just PM me or comment below.

I plan to make a blog that details per chapter the current inventory for Steve - from his armor, what he was currently holding in his left hand at the end of the chapter, and everything else - however, expect some accuracy errors like the number of actual sticks Steve would have from having to mine and chop down the number of trees, which means the number of times he needed to remake a new axe or pickaxe, which also means the number of leftover sticks he'll have... I'll do the math in my freetime, but I'll have some leeway with the exact numbers, just know these sort of things can't be done in a day.

Update: Okay, I did the math on Minecraft, and I now know how much Steve would actually get from chopping down seven trees - size vary - and how many pickaxes he went through to mine three stacks of cobblestone and 48 blocks of coal ore.

I'll show everything the blog I mentioned, I'm also now adding Steve's current level in the story - EXP level - now his level back in his world was unknown so I'll use the excuse that it restarted when he arrived in Equestria.

With that, I can now start writing chapter 2; expect some story-changes for chapter 1 to fit with the current tests I did for myself.

(Edit): Colored text:
Twilight Sparkle