• Published 7th Oct 2019
  • 1,407 Views, 19 Comments

Friends Til The End - ShowShine

When two children’s lives crumble before them, they run away and find each other

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Meet Spike

An eight year old purple dragon with green scales happily ran around a field, sniffing the air for something good to eat. He stopped in his place and got on his hands and knees, starting to dig. After several minutes of digging, he pulled out a shiny emerald. It wasn’t very big but he was beaming with joy.

“Mom look what I found!” He exclaimed, showing a large dragon who was blue with green scales. She smiled at her sons excitement.

“Put it in the pile with the other ones, I bet your father will love them.” She said. Spike nodded his head and placed the emerald in a pile of gems that was laying on a blanket. His mother had found most of them. Spike climbed onto his mother’s back as she picked up the blanket of gems with her teeth. She opened her wings and flew up into the sky.

Spike smiled and closed his eyes, letting the wind blow in his face. His mother looked back at him and did a little spin, tossing Spike into the air. He landed in his mother’s arms and gripped onto her. Soon they approached a cave, landing in front of it. Once they landed, Spike hopped out of his mother’s arms. A large purple dragon with white scales walked out of the cave, stretched out his wings. He looked down at the small dragon.

“Hi dad!” Spike said with a happy wave. His father gave him a stern look, baring his sharp teeth that would make a pony tremble.

“Did you find any gems?” He asked, his voice deep and booming. Spike nodded his head and rummaged through the gem pile. He pulled out a handful of tiny gems to show to his father.

“Great job son, go put them in your hoard.” He commanded. Spike nodded his head and ran off deep into the cave. The male dragon turned around and looked at his wife with a smile.

“Did you find any good gems Scythe?” He asked, giving his wife a kiss on the cheek. She nodded her head and opened the blanket, revealing hundreds of large, shiny gems.

“I found a few Dart.” Scythe stated. Dart licked his lips, drooling a bit.

“You found some rare gems.” Dart said in a matter of fact tone. Scythe playfully rolled her eyes.

“I know what rare gems look like. That’s why I choose that hunting spot, it’s filled with rare gems.” She explained. Dart thought to himself.

“Talking about hunting, why don’t we have fish for dinner. We haven’t had it in a while.” He suggested. Scythe nodded her head.

“That’s a good idea. The river is usually empty because everyone’s too lazy to go there.” Scythe stated. Dart nodded his head and licked his lips.

“And it’s salmon season, the best type of fish.” Dart said, his stomach starting to growl.

“Spike lets go, we’re going fishing!” Scythe shouted. Spike ran over to his mother with shiny blue powder around his mouth.

“Were you eating a sapphire?” His mother asked. Spikes eyes darted around and he started to sweat a bit.

“Uh, no?” Spike said as if it were a question, giving his biggest grin. His teeth had blue powder on them too. Scythe chuckled and picked him up, wiping the powder off of his lips.

“I’ve told you this before, you can’t eat any snacks before dinner.” She scolded. Spike nodded his head and climbed out of his mother’s arms. He climbed onto her back and held on tightly. With that, the family took off to the sky.

Spike stared in awe at the river, watching hundreds of fish swim around. There scales shimmered with the water. The current was rather fast and could easily sweep someone away if they fell in.

“Today I’ll teach you how to catch fish.” Dart stated. Spike looked at his father with wide eyes and a large grin.

“Really?!” He asked in disbelief. Dart nodded his head and reached towards a tree. He pulled down a large set of vines and placed them in front of Spike.

“Since you’re so small, you’ll have to use a net. When you get older you can start using spears and even your teeth.” Dart explained. Spike could barely stand still from all of his excitement. Dart picked up the vines and started to tie them together. “Copy what I’m doing, this is how you make a net.” He explained. Spike nodded his head and started to tie some vines together.

Scythe watched her husband and son make nets when her ears perked up. She heard something rustle in a nearby bush. She peaked her head in to see nothing. On the ground there was a set of hoof prints that were leading away from the bush. That was odd since ponies were usually too scared to get near a dragon. She could also make out the smell of blood but it was very faint. Someone must have killed a deer recently. Scythe shrugged it off and looked back at the river.

“Mom look!” Spike exclaimed happily. He held up a small net with two large salmon flopping around in it. Scythe smiled.

“Great job, lets see if you can catch some more.”

Spike laid in a small hole in the cave, drifting off to sleep. His stomach was filled with smoked salmon and gems. The whole cave was silent and the only noise heard was the crickets chirping from outside. Spikes ears perked up when he heard the sound of hoofsteps entering the cave. He ignored it, assuming that he was dreaming. The hoofsteps continued, making him stir in his sleep a bit. It was starting to bother him a bit.

He sat straight up from his hole and looked around. He could see the faint shadow of two ponies. He held back a gasp and got on all fours, crawling towards his parents. Once he approached his mother, he started to shake her hand a bit.

“Mom, I think someone is in the cave.” Spike whispered. Scythe sleepily opened her eyes and looked at Spike before quickly darting up when she realized what he said. Scythe turned around to see two ponies, one was a unicorn and the other was a pegasus. She gasped when she noticed what they were wearing.

“Darth wake up, Scale Collectors are attacking!” She exclaimed in fear. The unicorn charged at Scythe levitating a rope with sharp spikes on them. He wrapped it around her mouth. Dart sat up and turned around, growling. The pegasus kicked a potion bottle at him which hit him between the eyes. Dart quickly collapsed to the ground.

“Dad!” Spike shouted. Scythe picked Spike up and pushed him outside of the door. She opened her mouth, snapping the rope into tiny bits.

“Go Spike, go run to safety!” She ordered. Spike froze in fear as he watched his mother get ambushed by two violent ponies. He quickly turned around and ran off. The pegasus turned to the unicorn.

“Get him.” She ordered. The unicorn nodded her head and chased after him. Spikes feet pounded on the ground as he ran away. He made his way towards the river, knowing He could follow the stream to safety. He could head hoofsteps behind him, quickly gaining. Tears ran down his cheeks as he struggled to keep running. Spike saw the river a few feet away and he sped up.

“Stop!” The unicorn exclaimed. She shot a beam of magic towards Spike, hitting him into back of the head. His eyes rolled back and he stumbled slightly. He tilted into the river, making a big splash. Before the unicorn could get to him, the rushing current swept him away. The unicorn shook her head.

“Boss isn’t gonna be happy about this.”