• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 7,894 Views, 578 Comments

The Legend of Zelda: Wielders of Harmony - My Little Epona

Link wakes up in Equestria as a pony. He's lost the Master Sword, the Ocarina of Time, and Navi is nowhere to be seen. On the bright side....now Epona can talk.

  • ...

A Journey Begins

(One short walk and long explanation later….)

Princess Twilight paced in endless circles. It seemed her hooves had already worn a groove in the floor around the shimmering map-table. It made Link tired just to look at her.

“So many things….” She murmured. “They all make sense now! Like your weird magic, and your weird clothes, and….well, everything!”

“Any idea how I could have ended up in this world?” Link asked. “What brought me here?”

“Well...it depends.” Twilight said thoughtfully. “What do you think….well, what sort of magic in your world could make you travel across time and space?”

“I’m honestly not an expert on this.” Link admitted. “But...it may have something to do with my last memories of Hyrule.”

“And that was?” Twilight asked.

“Well, I was riding through a field, and then was trapped in the middle of a lightning storm.” He said. “Epona threw me, and then….I woke up in a field outside Ponyville.”

“Well, with what we know...” Twilight said, rubbing her chin with her hoof. “It could be any number of things. I have no idea right now. I need to do research. Lots and lots of research. So much research!” Link eyed her with alarm as the pitch of her voice rapidly rose.

“Guys?” Epona said, cutting into Twilight’s tirade about research. “There’s this weird picture on my...er...um...side. Yeah. My side. And it’s glowing. Why?”

“What?” Twilight glanced over at her. “Oh, that’s a Cutie Mark! And….oh. Sweet Celestia, you’re all glowing!”

What?” Link yelped. “Is that even supposed to make sense?”

“Look at us!” Saria said. There was flashing light not only from the mark on Epona’s “side”, but coming from underneath Link’s tunic and Saria’s jumpsuit as well. Twilight sounded like she was hyperventilating, and fanned herself with a hoof.

“You’re all being called by the map!” She said.

“I’m sorry.” Link said, rubbing the bridge of his—nose? Muzzle?—with a hoof. “You totally lost me. We’re being called by the what?”

“The map.” Twilight repeated, pointing at the table in question. Ah. That map. Link followed her line of gaze to a spot high in the air, and caught sight of three glowing marks hovering there.One was the Wingcrest of the royal family, colored gold as it was usually depicted, but the right-hand piece of the Triforce was emerald green. Another was the jade-tinted mark of the forest—four curves forming a spiral-like shape. And the third was the Triforce again, enclosed in a copper-colored horseshoe. They spiraled through the air, eventually settling on the map….rotating slowly around a volcano across the ocean from Ponyville.

“The Dragonlands?” Twilight said, soundingpuzzled. “Why on earth would the map send you there?” Link stared at the volcano a second, completely at a loss for words.

“Well, I guess we’d better start packing for a trip to the Dragonlands!” Lyra said cheerfully.

“I have always wanted to travel the world.” Octavia agreed.

“It’ll be so dang awesome to see new places!” Vinyl added.

“Just another mission…...” Bon Bon sighed, mostly to herself, it seemed.

Link stared at them for a second. Not this again….

“Hey….Epona? Saria?” He said. “Can I talk with you guys really quick?”

“Um, sure.” Epona said. She and Saria followed him, trotting to a corner of the room, away from the others.

“They can’t come.”Link said.

“Why not?” Epona asked. “I think we’ve both seen that their companionship could be very beneficial. In fact, without them you probably would have been….how do I put this delicately….an abandoned corpse picked clean by wolves?”

Saria shuddered, squeezing her eyes shut. Link shot Epona a frown.

“Sorry.” Epona sighed. “But I’m right. I, too, probably would have been…..er, deceased by this point.”

“But I’m more prepared now.” Link argued. “I know that things are….well, different in this world. And I can face it now. I don’t need others to help me anymore.”

“But do you even know what you might run into in that place?” Epona asked, pointing a hoof at the volcano on the table.

“I’m sure the princess would help me if I asked for advice.” Link said stubbornly. “I really don’t need four others trailing me, watching me in case I need help.”

“Hey. Listen.” Epona paused, looking as if she was considering her words. “I know you’re….used to traveling alone. But it seems to me as if the companionship of these other ponies could be...good for you.I don’t think you’d be sorry if you brought them.”

“What do you think?” Link asked, turning to Saria, desperate for a second opinion.

Saria just shrugged helplessly.

“Fine.” Link sighed, turning back to Epona. “You win.”

“Good.” Epona gave a small smile. They trotted back over to the group, Link’s head drooping with defeat.

“Well...” He sighed. The four he was talking to obviously tried not to look too anxious.

“You all can come.” He said.

“YES!” Lyra said, jumping up and down. “I mean….that’s cool. Very cool.”

“You can probably take the train as far as Baltimare.” Twilight suggested. “And then, it’s just a boat ride to the Dragonlands. Would you like me to see if I can set something up for you before you go? Just so you know for sure that you’ll have a ride?”

“No thanks.” Surprisingly, it was Bon Bon that spoke up. “I’m pretty sure I can find us a ride, at least. And we can handle train fares by ourselves.”

“Um….” Link said awkwardly. “What’s a train?”

“Oh!” Twilight looked startled. “Well….do you know what a wagon is?”

Link nodded.

“Imagine several wagons with roofs, all linked to each other….and they’re not being pulled by horses.”

“Okay….then...” Link trailed off. “Well. That sounds strange.”

“But it’s fast.” Bon Bon said. “And we can get to Baltimare easily.”

“Be careful on your journey!” Twilight said. “Though the Dragon Lord is friendly to ponies, not all of the dragons themselves are….trust me. I speak from experience.”

“Okay, got it.” Link said, nodding. He was still a little weirded out by the idea of a horseless carriage.

“Shall we meet at the train station?” Octavia asked. “In...say…..twenty minutes?”

“Sounds good to me.” Said Bon Bon, grabbing Lyra and beginning to drag her away. “I have to go make sure Lyra packs what she needs to. Such as basic necessities, like a toothbrush.”

“But I remembered it last time!” Lyra protested.

“Yeah, but that time to forgot toothpaste. I had to let you use mine, which, lemme tell you, is gross.”

“What, sharing toothpaste? You obviously had no siblings.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

As the door slammed behind them, their bickers faded into silence.

“We should go too, Octi.” Vinyl said. “Those socks aren’t going to pack themselves!”

“Socks?” Octavia spluttered. “Who said I wore socks? Now you’re just being crazy!”

“But your drawer is full of them.” Vinyl said, looking confused.

“Let’s just go.” Octavia grumbled.

“I promise I’ll make Link wait for you.” Epona said, grinning, as they turned and began trotting away. They laughed, but Link just rolled his eyes.

“Well, you ready to go now?” Epona asked.

“I am...” Saria said in a quiet, faintly confused voice.

“Yeah, let’s go.” Link turned around to leave, hoping maybe he could ask someone outside for directions to this “train”.

“Hey, can you wait a second?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah?” Link said, turning around. “What is it?”

“Your journey is sure to be a crazy one….” Twilight said, trailing off. Link blinked at her, wondering where she was going with this.

She held out a book.

“Would you mind keeping a journal?” Twilight asked. “I know it’s pretty weird to ask…..especially since we just met today. But….this is such a new experience. Other worlds--! Ah, never mind. I’m getting distracted. All I’m trying to say is thatI’d love to document this….you know, for history. But if you don’t want to do this, that's totally fine as well! Don’t feel pressured to do this. Really. Don’t.”

“Actually, it’s fine.” Link said, cutting into her nervous-sounding ramble. Hetook the book from her hooves, tucking it into an open space in his inventory. “It’s probably a good idea. I must admit I’ve never thought of doing this. I should, though.”

“Well, that’s great!” Twilight smiled, letting out a faint sigh of relief. “Have a safe journey. Hopefully, this friendship problem won’t be too hard to figure out. It’s pretty strange that the map is calling total strangers from a different universe all the way across the ocean. But I hope everything goes well!”

“Um...yeah.” Link said, somewhat lost. “But thanks for all your help.”

“Anytime.” Twilight said.


“What do you mean I can’t bring it?” Vinyl’s whine grated painfully on Link’s ears. He winced, stepping away from her.

Octavia smacked her forehead with a hoof, groaning.

“Listen….” She said slowly. “I’m pretty sure the Friendship Express doesn’t allow weapons of mass destruction to travel like this.”

“But I need it!” Vinyl protested, wrappeing her forelegs around the body of her bass cannon. Octavia rubbed the bridge of her muzzle, forehead creased in an expression of irritation.

“Okay...” She eventually said. “What about your bass cannon junior? I’m sure that’s small enough to be legal…...but we can hope it’s not.”

“Oh!” Vinyl perked up, seeming to not here the whispered end of that sentence. “You’re right! Just wait here a sec!”

“But if the train comes, we can’t wait—” Lyra started, then choked on the cloud of dust Vinyl had left as she sped away.

“Don’t worry.” Octavia assured them with a sigh. “She’ll back soon.”

“I hope so—” Bon Bon started.

“Back!” Vinyl cut her off, screeching to a stop right next to them, almost as if she’d never left.

“Wait—but—how—” Link stuttered, looking from her to the new black, box-shaped object she was carrying. It was impossible for someone to run that fast.

“Actually, you know what?” He sighed. “I’m just….not gonna ask.”

“That’s probably a wise decision.” Bon Bon agreed.

“Um...guys?” Saria interrupted. “What’s that?” She pointed off into the distance.

“That?” Bon Bon said. “That would be the train.”

Link’s first impression of the “train” was that it was big. Big and loud. The princess had been right—it did look a lot like a string of wagons, but he had no idea how it could be moving by itself. He decided it was probably just magic or something…..

The train came barreling into it’s station, letting out a blast of steam as it screeched to a stop. The doors shot open, disgorging a crowd of ponies from inside. Within the hustle and bustle as the ponies sorted themselves out, calling to friends, picking up luggage, or checking for all their family members, the small group went unnoticed.

Once the platform began to clear, Bon Bon motioned for the others to follow her. She took the lead, which Link was glad for, as he had no idea what they were supposed to do next. A pony wearing a hat took their “tickets”, pieces of paper apparently supposed to let those on the train now that they were allowed to be here.

Another pony, also in a hat—what was it with these ponies and hats?—directed them to the two rooms they had rented for this journey. They were quite spacious, as apparently Rupees were worth more in this world than they did in Hyrule. It’d taken a bit of figuring, but eventually it was Bon Bon who realized their worth, because Link had told her they were solid gems.

“So, who wants to get food?” Vinyl asked as soon as they’d set down their baggage. “Cause after all this excitement, I’m STARVING!”

“Me too!” Lyra agreed.

“Why not.” Octavia said, shrugging.

“Saria, do you want to come with us?” Epona offered.

“I….” Saria said, looking hesitant. She still seemed scared and shaky from the adventure of earlier. But, after a second of consideration, she nodded.

“Great!” Epona smiled warmly at her. Saria seemed to ease up a tiny bit.

“Link, would you like to come with us?” Lyra asked. “Or….something?”

“No thanks.” Link shook his head. “I’m really not that hungry.”


The others turned, trotting out of the room. As they left, Link heard Epona talking to Saria.

“You know,” she said, “Link’s told me a lot about you!”

“Really?” Saria asked, sounding surprised, and then the door swung closed behind them.

Link gave a small smile. It sounded like Saria would be okay.

He sighed, reclining on the floor, and opened his new journal.

The First Day of the Journey, he wrote,around noon.

Princess Twilight asked me to keep this journal while on my adventure. I’ll oblige, even if it’s much harder to write with these strange new appendages. I hold the pencil by clamping it between my two front hooves, then suspend it above the paper and write.

Do ponies use their mouths to do this? Is that what I should be doing?

Well…..it doesn’t matter much now.

I may as well begin this journal by talking about my companions.

Four ponies have chosen to come with me on this journey. I’m not sure if I should be flattered they care….or worried that they’re so interested in a random stranger.

Lyra, as I can see, is obviously obsessed with finding out about the bipedal world...that must be the reason why she chose to come.And I guess Bonbon is coming because she’s Lyra’s best friend?

But why Octavia or her sister Vinil Vinnil Vienil however you spell her name?

You know, in spite of their tendency to be stubborn, confusing, and occasionally loud….I’m sort of glad they’re coming with.

Sort of.

I think in some ways, Epona may be right….though I would never admit it to her. I do owe them for their help within the forest….but I’m so unused to traveling with others. It’s so strange to look up and see flesh and blood bodies eager of conversation….rather than the endless stretches of Hyrule Field.

Whenever I talked, it was usually to Epona. Sure, Navi would have probably been a more likely candidate for conversation, but I guess I liked venting my thoughts to someone who wouldn’t know how to interrupt me. Maybe that’s why Epona now knows so much.

This mode of writing is starting to make my hooves ache.

This is a random change of subject, but I feel I must get it out somehow. Curse this new body! It’s stunted all my abilities completely. I can barely play the ocarina anymore….let alone swing a sword. Or even use a shield! Would it be okay if I practiced in this trane train during the journey?

...yeah, probably not.

Link paused for a second, considering his next words.

You know, it seems Saria isn’t finding herself too out of place among these ponies, he continued. It’s funny….it’s hard to believe she’s not the same thirteen year old who gave me her ocarina as I left the forest. I’m still not entirely sure of her mental age….I guess that’s one thing I should have payed more attention to during the Deku Tree’s lessons. I do remember that the KokIri, mentally, age much slower than Hylians. But I’m just not sure how much slower. But now that Saria’s no longer scared and confused, she’s…..so much more mature than I remember. She’s still the kind, sweet, helpful girl she always was...but she’s much more serious. More reserved, most likely more dignified as well.

Though the KokIri stay young all their lives, do they truly remain children?

Well, Mido hadn’t changed a bit in seven years…..maybe Saria’s just different. She knows firsthand what lies outside the Deku Tree’s protection. The darkness that this world truly contains…..rather than the multicolored vibrancy of children’s imaginations.

I think I hear the others returning now. Yes...that’s Saria laughing. It’s good to hear she’s getting along with the others.

My hooves are sore.

Even though the injuries I retained from Phantom Ganon are healed,the fight left me tired out. I think it’s time I conclude this journal entry.

May the goddess protect you.


Author's Note:

well....so it begins! hope you enjoyed!