• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 8,284 Views, 518 Comments

Spike's Turnabout - PonyJoel

It's time for a change in Spike's life. No more abuse, no more being used, no more loneliness. His decision will change Equestria's future for everyone.

  • ...

Arise in New Beginnings

Author's Note:

A brand new day for everyone.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

It's now 9:00 in the morning. Spike wakes up looking for Twilight in the bedroom then he realizes that Twilight isn't here. Realizing that he is at Lemon's house in Pony Central. One thing that Spike needs time to adjust is, waking up with no chores or given long lists by Twilight Sparkle. His routine now diminished, Spike can look forward to better things. Spike gets out of bed and stretches a little then he walks down the stairs to the kitchen. He sees Lemon Zest making lemon pancakes. Also, Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat are sitting at the table.

"Morning, everypony," Spike said.

"Morning, Spike," Lemon, Sugarcoat, and Sunny said.

"Where's Sour Sweet and Indigo Zap?"

"Sour is needed back at Sugary Skies Bakery. Indigo Zap left an hour ago to train at Foal Mountain," Sunny said.

"Yea, however, they told us to say good morning to you," Sugarcoat said.

"So, after breakfast, what do you two have planned?" Spike asks.

"Well, I have to return to the library. Then later today, I have ballet practice," Sugarcoat said.

"I'm managing the weather team in Pony Central. Later in the afternoon, my team and I are needed to bring in the heavy rain," Sunny said.

"As for I Spike, I have a whole lot of lemons to pick up in the Lemon Tree Orchard. You are more than welcome to come by and keep me company," Lemon said.

"Oh, is there anything else I should do?" Spike asks.

"Nope. All I want is your company. We can talk, share stories, and have a little picnic."


"Of course," Lemon smiles. "I don't want to carry the burden of using you like Twilight and her friends done. I'll ask for help when it's needed. When I start lemon picking, all you have to do is talk to me and watch on how I get things done."

"Alright, Lemon,"

Lemon finished making lemon pancakes and gives everyone three stacks with maple syrup. She sits next to Spike and starts eating. Spike decides to pour a glass of lemon juice for everyone. The girls smile and pat Spike's head for his generosity. After eating, Sunny fly to Pony Central's Weather Command Station and Sugarcoat trots to the library. Lemon and Spike clean the dishes together, clean the kitchen together, packed up a few snacks and drinks.

"I'll carry the picnic basket," Spike said.

"You sure, Spike?"

"Yes. It's the least I can do."

"Alright then, let's get moving."

Lemon Zest and Spike walk towards the orchard. Spike places the basket near a lemon tree that doesn't have baskets.

"So, Lemon Zest? How do you pick lemons from the trees? You buck the trees for lemons to fall?"

"No cause trees have feelings, like you and me. I have other methods of picking down the lemons. Follow me," Lemon said.

Lemon walks towards the stage that is set up in front of the orchard. Spike follows Lemon onto the stage. Lemon turns the speakers around. The speakers are now facing all of the trees then Lemon grabs her guitar and tunes it to the speaker.

"This is the part you want to cover your ears, Spike,"

Spike wasted no time to cover his ears. Lemon tests the sound system a little to see the sound frequency. After a few moments of silence, Lemon Zest plays her guitar. The sound frequency is so loud that all of the lemons in the orchard fall into the baskets. She stops playing her guitar.

"And done," Lemon places her guitar down. "So, like my method for picking lemons?"

Spike gaze from all the lemons falling. Never in his life, he'd ever seen anything like that.

"Now, all I gotta do is pick up the baskets."

Spike is frozen. He's shocked and amazed by what he just witnessed. Lemon couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.

"Alright, Spike. It's time for me to pick up the baskets."

"Want my help?"

"No need. I got this," Lemon trots to the garage and walks out with a wagon. Spike decides to walk with Lemon as she gathers the baskets around the orchard.

"So, you do this every day by yourself?"

"Not really. Sunny Flare and Indigo Zap come to help me now and then. I'm used to working alone and listen to my music. Now that I'll be having you from time to time, I won't be alone. Plus, you won't be alone either. It's a win-win scenario."

"Sure is. Do you have family here?"

"My family left Pony Central. I haven't heard from them in years. I took over the Lemon Tree business the moment they decide to have musical careers."

"You miss them?"

"Not really. My friends are my family, Spike. You are part of that family as well."

"Thanks. Last night when I told Twilight about you and the girls, I meant it. You and they are my friends. My family. I'll do everything to make sure it stays that way."

"So will us, Spike. We care about you. Considering it's only been a day since we met. I've never seen a baby dragon or any creature endure that kind of suffering and still stay strong. Most times, other creatures end it all before finding purpose in life. I'm glad you were strong enough to fight for your life. Live the way you should. Be around those who truly care about your well-being."

"Thanks, Lemon Zest."

"You're welcome."

The two walk back to the house. Lemon has a wagon full of lemons that she now needs to organize. From the sour to the sweet to the rotten.

"Alright, Spike. Organizing these lemons should take an hour."

"What can I do to help?"

"Enjoy yourself. I can handle things here, Spike. How bout you take 20 bits from my drawer and go on a little shopping spree."

"Really?" Spike said excitedly.

"Sure, I'll meet you by Sugary Skies Bakery. It's one of my many locations to sell sour lemons."

"Alright, Lemon. I'll see you there."

Spike goes in the house, he found 20 bits from Lemon's drawer and leaves the house. He walks the long path to the gaming store he went to yesterday. On the way there, he sees several ponies chatting and having a good time. It reminds him of Ponyville a bit. Spike walks in the gaming store and looks around. He wants to see if there is a new edition of the Power Ponies comic. The gaming store does not sell comic books. Spike leaves the gaming store to explore other stores in Pony Central. He finds a comic book store then enter.

"Ah, a new customer. Welcome to Comic Station," Controller said. "Can I get you anything?"

"Yea, do you have Power Ponies comic books?"

"We sure do. And when you buy the newest edition of the Power Ponies, you get a free Power Pony Saddle Rager Poster."

"Cool! How much?"

"10 bits. 50% off for new customers living in Pony Central."

Spike pays Controller the 10 bits. Controller gives Spike the comic and poster.

"You have a nice day, and welcome to Pony Central."

"Thanks, Controller."

Spike leaves the comic book store. He decides to visit Sugarcoat since the Pine Tree Library is around the corner. Spike walks around the corner and knocks on the door. He hears hoofsteps coming closer.

"Sorry, the library is...Hi, Spike."

"Hi, Sugarcoat. Am I interrupting you?"

"No, no. Please come in."

Spike enters the library. He sees Sugarcoat wearing her ballet outfit.

"So, what can I help you with?"

"I wanted to visit you. See how you are doing?"

"I'm doing great, Spike. How bout you?"

"I'm doing well. I just bought a new Power Pony comic with a free poster."


"So, how often you practice ballet?"

"Every other day. It helps me relax and be a better dancer. My life isn't all about books and studying. I balance my studies with my hobbies well. Wanna see me practice?"


Sugarcoat practice her ballet skillset. Twirling, posture, and balancing on one hoof as she dances. Sugarcoat continues to dance precisely and elegantly. After ten minutes of dancing, Spike claps in amazement.

"Wow, Sugarcoat. You dance like a professional."

"Thank you, Spike."

"You're welcome."

"So, how's your day, Spike?"

"It's pretty good. I saw how Lemon picks her lemons, helped her a bit, got to buy something good for me, and I got to see you dance elegantly. My day is enjoyable."

"Good, Spike," Sugarcoat pats him.

"Well, I better get going. I'm meeting Lemon at Sugary Skies Bakery."

"Alright then, take care, Spike."

"You too, see you next time, Sugarcoat."

Spike leaves the library and walks down to Sugary Skies Bakery. Lemon Zest trots towards Sugary Skies Bakery.

"Hey, Spike. Had a good shopping spree?"

"I did. Here's your change," Spike gives Lemon the 10 bits back.

"Spike, you should keep them."

"No, no. I got what I wanted."

"Alright, then," Lemon said as she enters Sugary Skies Bakery. She and Mrs. Pudding have a little arrangement. Half sour and sweet lemons for 70 bits. Lemon Zest thanks Mrs. Pudding for her time and leaves the bakery.

"So, how many lemons you've sold?"

"70 lemons. Half sweet and half sour."

"Nice. Where to?"

"The Weather Command Station."

"Nice. Hopefully, we can see Sunny Flare."

"We'll see, Spike."

Lemon and Spike trot their way to Pony Central's Weather Command Station.

"How many lemons do they buy?"

"Nearly half the wagon at times, Spike. This week is an annual celebration of it's founding."

"Wow, so I'm guessing you'll be having like a thousand bits?"

"More like 500 bits. I still have to take the rest of the lemons to a supermarket."


Lemon and Spike walk in Pony Central's Weather Command Station. They are both greeted by Star Bolt, a red pegasus with a black mane, and a scar on his left eye.

"Good morning, Lemon Zest," He observes Spike. "Seems, we have a new resident in Pony Central. What is your name, son?"

"I'm Spike. Spike the Dragon, sir."

"Nice to meet you. I reckon you with Lemon Zest on lemon duty?"

"Yes, sir," Spike salutes.

"I hope when you get your wings, you'll be able to join our weather team or our defense team in Pony Central."

"There's a defense team in Pony Central?"

"Yes. Mostly guarded by the elite fliers known as the Shadowbolts."

"Has a dragon ever volunteered or wanted to be a Shadowbolt?"

"No. Dragons often isolate themselves from pony kind. You can be the first to join them if you want to."

"I'll look into that when I'm older."

"Good. Also, welcome to Pony Central."

"Thank you," Spike smiles.

"You're welcome. Lemon Zest, how many lemons you carried today?"

"I have a little over a thousand in the wagon. How many you need?"

"According to the chef, she needs 400 lemons."

"Sour? Sweet? Or both?"

"Half and half."

"Coming up, Star."

Lemon trots to her wagon. Spike decides to help Lemon bring in the baskets to Star Bolt. After a half-hour, Spike and Lemon Zest brought in exactly 20 baskets of lemons.

"There you go, Star Bolt. Enjoy the freshly grown lemons."

"We will, here's your pay," Star Bolt gives Lemon Zest 400 bits in a bag.

"So, after the supermarket, where to next?"

"Home. After this, we go home, Spike."

"Cool. It gives me time to hang up the poster in the room you gave me. Then I can read my comic."

Lemon Zest and Spike trot to the supermarket. Outside, the manager is waiting for Lemon Zest. She hands him 530 lemons that are left. In return, she receives 530 bits.

"Huh, you were right about getting a thousand bits. My math was way off," Lemon chuckles.

"Still, it's a lot of money in one day."

"Here, Spike," Lemon gives Spike 200 bits in a bag. Spike's eyes widen.

"I can't take this..."

"Sure, you can. You did help me. I want you to have it. You can buy what you want whenever you're with somepony else for the week."

"Thank you, Lemon Zest. Mighty generous of you to give me this much."

"You're welcome, Spike. For now on, when you and I work, I'll give you a good portion of the profit."

Spike smiles, tears of happiness roll out of his eyes. He hugs Lemon Zest for her kind gesture. Lemon returns the hug then puts Spike in the wagon.

"Time to head home, Spike."

Lemon trots her way back to the house. Spike starts reading his comic book. He decides to read out loud so Lemon can hear all the action. After a while, Lemon puts the wagon away. Spike and Lemon head over to the lemon tree that didn't have lemons to have their picnic. They are now seeing Sunny Flare's team bringing the clouds to Pony Central. Indigo Zap helps Sunny's team place the clouds around town.

"Well, Spike. Time to head inside. We wouldn't want to get rained on?"

"Nope. I don't want to get sick."

Lemon and Spike head back to the house. It starts to pour heavy rain. Sunny Flare and Indigo zap knock on Lemon's door. Lemon opens the door and allows Sunny and Indigo to come in.

"Thanks for letting us, in," Sunny said as she pants.

"You're welcome," Lemon said.

"So, sales were good, Lemon?" Indigo asks.

"Yea, everything worked out fine."

"Good," Indigo said. "This morning's training did a number on me."

Spike goes upstairs to put his poster on the wall in his room. "Perfect," Spike places his comic on top of the drawer and heads back downstairs to be with his friends.

It is now noon in Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle didn't dare to sleep after Luna gave out nightmare punishments. She doesn't want to experience what Spike went through. She already suffered enough. Twilight is still clutching onto the picture of Spike and her. Imagining she's holding onto her baby dragon. She ponders what to do next. How to get Spike back? Endless thoughts and ideas flood her mind in the room. Applejack is working in the apple tree orchard. She refuses to sleep, not wanting to endure Luna's nightmare punishment. Pinkie Pie is drinking sugar to keep herself awake, avoiding sleep for the week as possible. Rarity forces herself to stay awake by working a lot in the boutique. Rainbow Dash flies all around Ponyville to keep herself awake. Flying through clouds as the water inside keeps her awake and wet. Fluttershy couldn't bring herself to slumber. She is too terrified to sleep. She drinks tea to keep her awake.

Later in the day, everypony meets up at Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie Pie, in her sugar rush state, is super hyperactive. Bouncing all over the place as the girls stare.

"I believe by avoiding sleep this week we don't endure Luna's nightmare punishment!" Pinkie said hyperactively.

"Yea, just six more days to go," Rainbow yawns a bit.

"I'm sorry, girls. It's my fault. It's my fault that I put you all in this situation," Twilight said sadly with her head hung low.

"It's not your fault, sugarcube, it's all of our faults," Applejack stated.

"We used and unfortunately abused, Spike. We made mistakes, Twilight. It's up to us to learn from them," Rarity said.

"Or correct them!" Twilight stated her eye twitching.

"What do ya mean, Twilight?" Applejack asks nervously.

"I mean, sometime later, we find a spell to reverse what has happened and turn things back to the way they were. Bringing Spike back to us and making things right with him," Twilight said as she rubs her hooves together.

"Uh, Twilight. I think you should let Spike go. It's unhealthy to cling on to him," Applejack stated.

"Yea, can't have you go insane since he resides in Pony Central," Rainbow stated.

"Also, Twilight, Spike has new friends and a new family. He doesn't need us. We didn't need much of him," Fluttershy said.

"Yea, unless it was work for him to do while we go out or work. We caused Spike to go away, darling. We should accept it as is," Rarity said.

"You're all a bunch of..,QUITTERS!" Twilight shouts angrily.

"Twilight, calm down," Applejack said sincerely.

"If you won't help me! Then so be it! I'll work alone!" Twilight shouted as she stomps her way back home.

"Let Twilight cool off for a while," Rainbow said.

"Agreed," Everypony in unison said.

It's not 3:00 in the afternoon in Pony Central. Spike, Lemon Zest, Sunny Flare, and Indigo Zap is playing Parcheesi in the living room. It's now Spike's turn to roll the dice.

"My turn," Spike rolls the dice. He gets an 8. "Nice, I'm two spaces away from getting in front of Indigo."

"You ain't passing me, boy. My turn!" Indigo rolls the dice and gets a 3. "No!"

"Well, it's my turn to roll the dice," Sunny said. She rolls the dice and gets an 11. "Yes! Exactly what I needed."

Spike, Indigo, and Lemon groans as Sunny win a second time.

"Darn, you Sunny for winning twice in a row," Indigo stated.

"Not my fault that the dice rollings were on my side."

"I bet you used your wings to manipulate the dice roll circulation."

"Manipulate? Me?" Sunny said as she chuckles.

"Wow," Spike said. "The storm is getting heavier by the hour."

"Well, gotta make up the loss of time with rainwater. Lemon's trees and other farms need water," Sunny said.

"So, how long will it last?"

"Until tomorrow morning."

"So, now what?" Indigo said.

"Storytime?" Spike asks.

"Hmm, nice idea. Anypony else?" Indigo asks. Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest have no ideas for the time being. "Well, alright then, let's start sharing stories. Spike, since it's your idea, how bout you start."

"Very well. Over a few months ago, I saved the Crystal Empire from King Sombra's return."

"No way," Indigo said. "You're making that up."

"It's true. There's a crystal statue of me holding the Crystal Heart."

"When we go to our hangout on November 3rd, you are showing us that statue."

"Will do. Also, ponies at the Crystal Empire call me, Spike the Brave and Glorious!"

"Okay, now I think you're exaggerating," Indigo said.

"Yea, I mean. You a savior of the Crystal Empire? I won't believe until I see it, Spike," Sunny said.

"Then get ready to be amazed when you find out for yourselves."

"We will, Spike," Lemon said.

Spike continues to tell his tale about the time he saved the Crystal Empire. Sunny Flare, Indigo Zap, and Lemon Zest were amazed a little from Spike's experience. Indigo still think it's a make-believe story, however, considering what has happened last night, Indigo will believe anything Spike says.

"Alright, Brave and Glorious Spike, I have to meet up with some recruits at the Crystal Empire, tomorrow. Want to come with me?" Sunny said.

"Sure, what kind of recruits are we talking about?"

"Some for weather team and some that are qualifying to become Shadowbolt material."

"So, is Pony Central affiliated with the Crystal Empire?"

"Yes. Over a thousand years ago, Pony Central and the Crystal Empire were on mutual grounds helping each other. Since their disappearance, thanks to King Sombra, Pony Central has been on our own for a long time. Now, it's time to rebuild and reconnect for the loss of time," Sunny said.

"You'll be the first to witness my true tale. Then everypony else here in Pony Central will believe me."

"Any other adventures you experienced, Spike?" Lemon asks.

"Yes, however, there were more so for Twilight and her friends. I wasn't involved as much," Spike said. "There is one thing I can tell you, though. I am friends with a Draqonecuus."

"What?!" Indigo shouted. "No way! No way you're friends with the Lord of Chaos, Discord."

"Well, the baby dragon is right," Discord said as he laughs. Sunny, Indigo, and Lemon hug each other. They know Discord's capabilities and not want to displease him. Discord walks out of the mouse hole and grows in size. "Ah, much better. That mouse hole is quite damped if you know what I mean."

"Hey, Discord. What's up?"

"Just thought I check in on my friend once in a while. How are you feeling overall?" Discord said as he floats around the room while eating a bowl of nails.

"I'm alright. I'm with my new friends, Sunny Flare, Indigo Zap, and Lemon Zest," Spike said pointing to the trio that is hugging each other fearfully.

"Ah, are they treating you better than Twilight and her friends?"

"Yes, they are, Discord."

"Good. Just remember that I too am your friend."

"I will, Discord."

"Good. Also, I sensed a dark presence lurking, so be aware of your surroundings.

"A dark presence?"

"Yea, something is stirring. Something is bound to happen sooner than later, Spike."

"Alright then, thanks for the warning."

"You're welcome. I'll be on my way," Discord said as he borrows an umbrella and floats away in the storm.

"Okay, you three. There is nothing to be scared of," Spike said.

Sunny Flare, Indigo Zap, and Lemon Zest stop hugging each other. They thought for sure that Discord would use his chaotic power on them.

"Discord is my friend. He won't cause you or the others any trouble," Spike said.

"Thank goodness," Sunny said. "I was afraid of back there."

"Same," Lemon and Indigo said.

"So, what now?" Spike asks.

"I'm going to take a nap," Indigo said.

"I'm going to meditate on using my wing power," Sunny said.

"I'm going to catch on my reading for a while, Spike," Lemon said.

"Alright, I'll be playing with my Power Pony action figures in my room."

"Dinner will be ready by 7:00," Lemon said.

"Sounds good to me," Indigo, Sunny, and Spike said.

It's now 5:30 in the afternoon in Ponyville. Twilight is searching for different time spells in the Castle of the Two Sisters. She's unable to find what she's looking for now. "Soon, I'll find the right book! I'll figure out how to reverse everything that's every happen!" Twilight laughs sinisterly and insanely.