• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 725 Views, 1 Comments

The Little Butterfly - Sunset Awesomness17

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The Little Butterfly

It was late into the evening, the sun had just gone down and the wind had decided to pick up. It was a fine Friday night, and seven girls are having a slumber party together. Their friend, Pinkie Pie, also known as the party girl, had set it up at her house. Pinkie Pie is a nice young lady, bright and cheerful, very fun to be around, and loves to bake and throw parties. She can be a little obnoxious at times though.

Among her, are her friends, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer. Rainbow Dash is the sporty one of the group, very active and cool. She loves outdoor activities and dangerous adventures. She is also known to be quite loyal to her friends and family. The girl next to is very similar. Applejack is also very active outdoors and loves outdoor activities and adventures as well, though she isn’t as good of an athlete as Rainbow Dash. She has a country accent and is very honest to the people around her.

Rarity is the classic type. She loves romances, mysteries, and fashion. She is very generous and always tries to maintain a look that is clean and ladylike. Princess Twilight Sparkle is not from the same world that the other girls are. She is a princess in another world, but she came here for a mission and met them. So they became good friends since, and when her mission was over she had promised to visit a few times. This was one of those times. Princess Twilight is incredibly smart. She is your typical nerdy type, loves to read and loves science.

The girl next to Princess Twilight is Fluttershy. A girl who wears her name well. This girl is very sweet and kind, always caring of others, but she is very shy. But when she is around animals, something she really loves, she immediately brightens up and comes out of her shell.

Lastly, but certainly not least, is Sunset Shimmer. The newest member of the group. Sunset is a very confident and strong willed girl. She is nice and is fun to hang out with. The girl had some very unfortunate events in her life. Things that she did, things that she isn’t proud of, things that some still hold her accountable for. But she is very strong and is trying to better herself as a character.

All seven girl were gathered around in Pinkie Pie’s bedroom. Rainbow and Applejack wear sitting on beanbag chairs. Rarity and Twilight we’re sitting on a couch. Fluttershy, Sunset and Pinkie Pie were on Pinkie’s bed. The lights had been shut off and three candles lit. The only other light that stood in the room was the moon outside the window, at least until Pinkie Pie covered the window with a certain.

The girls had just told a bunch of scary stories in favor of Halloween that was coming in a few weeks. But there was one story that stood out from the rest. One that no one even saw coming, nor did they even expected it to come from the girl who told it.

“Okay, looks like it’s your turn Fluttershy!” Pinkie Pie said to the shy girl in the far right. The poor thing had been hiding behind a Sunset Shimmer, holding on to her for dear life for most of the time. The only time she didn’t, was during Rarity’s take, who of course was not the best at scary tales. The meek girl poked her head out from behind Sunset Shimmer.

“W-w-what?” Fluttershy said. It was so quiet and faint, that if you weren’t paying attention you would have missed it.

“Oh come on, Fluttershy! You can do it!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Darling, it is only a story, it doesn’t have to be scary.” Rarity said, flipping her hair with a flick of her wrist.

“Ya don’t have to do it, sugarcube.” Applejack put in.

“Are you kidding? You want to let her tell a story?” Rainbow Dash chimed in. Everyone gave her a harsh glare. “What? I’m just saying!”

Sunset looked from Rainbow to Fluttershy, but she didn’t speak. She just kept watching the conversation unfold. Twilight omg he other hand did speak up. “I agree with Rainbow here, it’s not really something that Fluttershy may be up for.” Twilight looked into Fluttershy’s eyes. “You don’t have to do it. I personally don’t like scary stories.”

“Girls.” Fluttershy tried to get their attention.

“I think she would do just fine girls.” Rarity continued.

“Huh! No she can’t. There’s not a scary bone in her.” Rainbow said.

“Girls!” Fluttershy tried again, raising her voice. She was visibly becoming a little irritated. Everyone looked at her in surprise. “I got one.”

“What?” Rainbow asked. She didn’t know if she heard correctly.

“I got a story, I hope you don’t mind.” Fluttershy repeated. She looked down at the ground a little bashful. Sunset looked over her shoulder at her and smiled. She gave a simple nod and Fluttershy began her story.

“Well, my mom used to tell me this story when I was a little younger, and she told it to my brother.” Fluttershy said. “I’m not sure if I’ll be as good of a storyteller as Mom, but I’ll try.” Then she cleared her throat.

“Once upon a time, there was a little village in the far corner of the land. And in the little village lived a little girl and her family, which her her mother, father, grandpa and grandma, older sister, and her little brother. Even though the family lived far out into the country, they were well known in the village.” Fluttershy paused before she continued.

“The little girl was called Butterfly. The little girl was as pretty as a princess and had the face of an angel. Such delicatecy held within that little girl. The little girl was young and didn’t understand many things. Sometimes bliss is a blessing, and sometimes it can be a curse.” Fluttershy looked down at the ground. She continued the story staring at it.

“But Butterfly was very strong. She never wanted anyone to know how she truly felt and so she resolved to hide it within her for as long as she could. Then one day Butterfly’s mother had told her that an old dear friend was coming for a visit. Someone that Butterfly had never met. Although it did made her nervous at the thought of meeting someone new, her mother was the one thing she ever truly trusted, so she decided to keep an open mind on the matter.”

“It was only a day later that the friend came. A day when most of her family was out of town for the week. The friend came in a nice, roomy carriage, one with nice velvet seats inside. This carriage also had doors as well. Butterfly waited for what felt like an eternity before the doors finally opened to reveal a rather bulky middle aged man. He was buff, tall, and seemed to be well off his feet. He had dark red skin with jet black long messy hair. His teeth were yellow, and he had three nasty scare across his face. His eyes were a dark yellow and he had a lighted cig stuck between his yellow stained teeth.”

“Eeeeew! How dreadful!” Rarity interrupted. Everyone gave her hard look. “What it is, you can’t expect me not to comment on that.” They shook their heads and Fluttershy continued.

“Butterfly gained a sick feeling in her stomach just by looking at the sight before her. A feeling of dread working it’s way into her heart. Her mother rushed out and greeted him with nothing but incredible warmth, which surprised Butterfly at how her mother responded. Her mother then instructed her daughter to greet the nasty creature. As her daughter did so, in the most polite way she could, her mother immediately let the scary man into her home.”

“At first all went well for the beginning of the visit, but then the newcomer started to ask her mother strange questions. “Violet, you look rather beautiful today. You certainly have matured since I’ve last seen you. You know, when we did that thing?” The man said. He smiled his nasty smile. Her mother did not answer, but seemed to be fixated on cleaning the counters. He kept his eyes on Butterfly’s mother. Then he got up silently and somehow walked a crossed the little kitchen where they sat. He got up real close behind her, so close Butterfly swore she could see his breath blowing down on her mother’s neck.” Fluttershy gave a little pause once more. She took a quick glance at the other girls to see that they were all looking very intently at her. She immediately dropped her eyes back on the ground and continued.

“ I’d like to have a word with you, Violet.” He said in a whisper as he leaned in close to where his lips hovered over her mother’s ear. “You owe me, remember. You promised.”

The little girl’s mother gave a heavy sigh, and then looked at Butterfly. She made her way around the man and toward her daughter, kneeling down to her level, speaking low in her voice. “Go to your room sweetie. And whatever you do, no matter what you hear or what happens, don’t you ever come out. Okay?” The little girl hesitated for a moment. “Please?” Her mother pushed on.”

“Butterfly was surprised at this. She didn’t feel right leaving her mother with that awful man, but she had no choice, she had to obey. So she did as she was told and went into her room. Moments later she heard the sound of a high pitched scream that seem to have come from her mother, scaring Butterfly. Butterfly got so scared for her mother, fearing the worst of her mother’s fate. The little girl forgot all about her mother’s orders. She yanked her bedroom door open and rushed out. “Momma? Momma?! Are you okay?” She cried, calling out for her mother. She walked around the house, searching for her mother. When she got to the kitchen, she saw a huge puddle of blood, and Butterfly began to tear up as her fears were looking as if they were true. The little girl held on to the little hope that her mother was okay. She followed the trail of blood into a large dinning room.”

“The room was darken and empty, but she peered deep inside as far as she could see. She spotted something laying down on the floor, something that looked like it was human size. Butterfly tried to see if it was her mother, tried to listen for any breathing, but it was silent and her vision was weak in the darkness. So daring to move in further, she looked around the room to make sure she was alone and walked closer to the figure. As she grew closer, she started to realize that it wasn’t her mother. It was him.”

“Then it is said that before the little girl had the chance to think, a pair of red stained hands wrapped around the child, one covering her mouth. “I told you not to come out of your room. Now you must join your father.” And then a the little girl felt something slice her skin, all the way through her chest, and soon the, darkness consumed her too.” Fluttershy said. “It is said now that that she still roams the Earth, trapped within the land forever.”

When Fluttershy was through, she looked up to see various faces or horror and disgust. “Um, well. Uh....who wants to go next?” She asked, unable to erase the horror in her friends eyes.

“Eh.......I think we should go to bed. It’s late, hehe.” Pinkie said, her voice higher pitched than usual.

“Oh okay.” Fluttershy said, as a yawn suddenly made its way out of her mouth.

“Uh, yeah. Totally.” Rainbow said. She patted her sleeping bag and layer down on her side.

“Ah agree, goodnight Sugercubes.” Applejack said, repeating Rainbow’s actions. The other girls followed suit, Pinkie Pie turned on a night lamp. Then she, Sunset, and Fluttershy shared the bed, and they all went to sleep.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! So the story to this changed about 3-4 times lol! I had no idea where this was going but I must say that it was a little creepy. I hope you guys enjoy it, this was only meant to be a little scary thing for Halloween. I know I’m not the greatest at scary stuff but, I decided to give it my best shot. Thank you for reading and have a great day/night!:twilightsmile:

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