• Published 19th Oct 2019
  • 1,427 Views, 44 Comments

Ex-Bolts Rising - Melody Song

Okay, so Lightning Dust and Wind Rider are still mad about being kicked off the Wonderbolts. Sure, the sudden cancellations of numerous Wonderbolt performances has been increasing. Those two things couldn't possibly be related, right?

  • ...

The Final Stretch

Author's Note:

Now comes the chapter you've all been waiting for!!!

~Melody Song

Spitfire flew over Lightning Dust, eyeing her. The plan was to let the mare tire herself out, then zoom ahead to the finish when they got closer. Rainbow Dash had suggested it. Lightning Dust glared up at her.

"What's the matter Spitty, your shame weighing you down?" Lightning Dust sneered

"Don't let her get to you Spit, it's what she wants. Don't let her in." Spitfire thought, looking straight ahead. Lightning flew up and shoved her. Spitfire easily steadied herself and kept flying.

"What's the matter...daddy's girl?" Spitfire gasped and stopped mid-flight.

"How do you-"

"My dad used to work for yours. Such a shame he got locked up. Isn't it Spitty? Daddy's little girl."

"Don't. Call me. That. I'm. Not. My Dad's. Little. Girl!" Spitfire yelled, and her eyes flashed red with rage. She shook her head, blinking.

"There it is. Dad told me about the Flare's magic. He told me how much your father desired it and was willing to destroy his own children to get it."

"That's why. That's why he killed..." Spitfire's voice broke as she remembered.

"Yes. Doesn't it make you mad? Doesn't it make you want to cry?"

"Shut. Up!" Spitfire raised her voice again.

"That's it. Feel the anger." Lightning Dust urged

"What are you doing to me?" Spitfire asked, gripping her head.

"Nothing." Lightning smirked, circling her. "That fire magic is highly unstable, you know. For a hothead like you, it only takes a little to set it off. What I don't understand is why you don't use it."

"What?" Spitfire growled, ignoring the "hothead" comment. Her confusion overpowered her anger at the insult.

"The fire magic combined with the evil that runs through your very veins could make you more powerful than Celestia. Why won't you allow it to!?" Lightning Dust flew at her and pinned the mare onto a cloud "You could be a force of pure evil and you won't let it control you!"

"Let me go Dust!"

"Not until I make you lose control!"

Lightning punched her in the chest, then her face. Spitfire yelped as she felt her nose begin to bleed. She kicked her back legs up and sent the mare reeling. Lightning snarled and flew at her. Spitfire leapt up and they met each other. Lightning gave Spitfire and uppercut, and Spitfire growled. Her hooves lit up with flames and her eyes flashed red. Spitfire swept Lightning's legs out from under her, pinning the mare. Lightning swiped with her hooves at the mare. Spitfire shook her head. The magic faded, and Lightning wrapped her hooves around Spitfire's, flipping her over. Lightning punched her a few more times, then flew off. Spitfire struggled up, watching the mare.

"Spit, wake up." a pillow hit her in the face. Spitfire groaned and raised her head, which was throbbing. She was lying in bed in her private room, and could tell two ponies were standing above her.

"Huh?" Spitfire grunted, putting her hoof to her temple.

"Come on Spit, you said we had training first thing in the morning." Spitfire's knew Soarin was talking to her, she recognized his voice. But she couldn't make her eyes focus. "Is everything okay?"

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. I'm-" Spitfire coughed violently.

"Thpit?" Fleetfoot's voice sounded above her. Spitfire groaned and shoved her face into the pillow. Fleetfoot lifted her head gently, and Spitfire felt the mare's wing graze her forehead. "Thoarin, she'th burning up."

"What?" another wing touched her forehead. "Oh yeah, you've got a fever alright Spit, you should stay in bed today."

"No, I-" Spitfire pulled away and sneezed, rubbing her nose. "You said we needed to go to practice. Let's go." Spitfire struggled to sit up, but a hoof on her shoulder pushed her down.

"Thpitfire." Fleetfoot's breath touched her ear. "You're in no condition to fly. Get thome thleep."

"Will you stay with me?" Spitfire asked wearily, sinking back into her mattress.

"Spit, if you're sick, then Fleet and I need to lead the practice."

"Not you Clipper, Flatfoot." Spitfire snapped

"Me? Why?"

"Because I'm your Captain and you have to listen to me." She joked weakly, then grew more serious. "Stay, please?" The bed sank down a little as Fleetfoot sat beside her.

"Of courthe I will. Clipper, you can handle the otherth for the day, right?" Fleetfoot asked him

"Are you kidding? The stallions are almost as bad as delinquents!"

"Don't." Spitfire muttered "Don't call them delinquents. Just...don't."

"...Okay Spit. You don't have to tell me why, I won't." hoofsteps started up and became farther away, then a door opened and closed.

"Tho, any reathon you wanted me to thtay?" Fleetfoot's hoof touched Spitfire's mane. Spitfire smiled, closing her eyes.

"I feel safe around you." There was silence for a minute, then Fleetfoot spoke, changing the subject.

"You know we're here for you, alwayth."

"Yeah, I know." Spitfire coughed a few times.

"Thoarin'th right. You don't have to tell uth anything you don't want to. But we will alwayth be by your thide. No matter what recklethth thing you put your mind to." Fleetfoot said, stroking her mane. Spitfire laughed softly.

"Yeah, I know Fleet. Best friends forever, right?" Spitfire forced one of her wings into the air. She felt Fleetfoot intertwine her own wing with Spitfire's.

"Yeah, forever." Fleetfoot paused "Or maybe...more than friendth." Fleetfoot whispered, and Spitfire heard it.

"Maybe after I've shaken off this cold we can have dinner." Spitfire smiled as she heard Fleetfoot gasp.

"She kept that promise. Now I need to keep mine." Spitfire muttered. She pulled herself up and spread her wings. "I'm coming guys."