• Published 23rd Oct 2019
  • 2,368 Views, 143 Comments

Dear Diary - KitsuneRisu

These are the final pages of the diary of Fluttershy, collected from her home and from the waters of the pond by her retreat. We hope she returns to us soon.

  • ...

14th of March, 1129, Thursday (cont. 2)

14th of March, 1129, Thursday (cont. 2)

The evening air was cool and refreshing, in more ways than one.

After what happened earlier today, we both figured that it would be good to take a break, as it were. Rainbow is still here ‘officially,’ so she isn’t going to get into trouble for taking some personal time. Besides, she was still poking around the town and doing her own investigations, so it’s not like she’s not looking for Twilight (who I still think is fine!)

This led me to ask the big question:

Why here?

Damsire is a pockmark on the face of our great lands. There is nothing grand, nothing huge, nothing spectacular.

It is where my sanctuary is, and that is all.

The town is perhaps the size Ponyville once was, back in the day (remember Ponyville?) and just like Ponyville, the biggest feature is probably the library that stretches back a hundred years or so, judging by the dust.

We have a few lakes nearby, a mountain range, and way too many goats!

So, why here?

And what was Rainbow looking for?

She told me that Applejack was her first stop to see if her network of business partners or whatever it is they call it could find out more about the artefact itself.

And here was because of, well, the library.

She said it was here or Barnsend, and she just picked here first because of me, really.

That is a nice sentiment.

Rainbow thought (she’s coming into her own wisdom!) that if Twilight were to go anywhere to research this strange thing she found in a cave, it wouldn’t be back at the castle, because she knew nothing about it yet.

Rainbow was very confident that Twilight was unaware of what it was, and all her pre-research didn’t speak of this item. Rainbow said she knew this because Twilight went in thoroughly unprepared, unequipped and unorganized.

I did question this, saying that our mutual friend was one known to over-prepare for any situation, and why should this be any different?

Rainbow made a fair point, saying it like this: you may pack along your canvas bags if you think you might be going shopping, but if you’re just walking around looking at stuff and won a ‘100th customer’ prize, suddenly you have a new washing machine that you need to carry home yourself.

It sort of made sense, I think! I kind of get it, even though I’m not sure how having canvas bags will help with carrying a washing machine home anyway.

Somehow, I suppose, Twilight won a contest and brought a washing machine home with her that day.

Oh! Well, not home, I suppose. But to research!

Rainbow said she overheard Twilight mention the names of these two towns—Barnsend and Damsire—many times in the past when it came to places of deep lore and history. Of course, that may have nothing to do with what happened now, but she figured to come check anyway.

So, the library, huh!

I don’t even remember the last time anyone stepped hoof or claw into the library here. In fact, it’s been shut ever since I arrived a year back.

Its windows are boarded up tightly, not letting in even a fly.

Not a single print disturbs the dust that blankets the porch.

I shan’t lie, dear Diary. It is a spooky place. And be it that I have grown from my younger, fearful days, there are still things around that cast fear deep into my heart.

I never liked that old building.

Even the animals stay away.

Rainbow told me she would go tomorrow, just to poke around. She isn’t expecting anything, but she told me that she’d just give it a look-see just in case. After which, she’ll be out by tomorrow afternoon onwards to Barnsend. If anywhere, Twilight’ll be there because she’s certainly not here.

I told Rainbow to be careful.

I’m not sure why.

It just felt prudent at the time.

Either way, here’s today’s report!

Loveacres Reserve Tally


  • (Flying Squirrels have recovered! Hooray!)
  • Cottontails - 8 (Defluffed tails)*
  • (Otters cured!)
  • Opossums - 1 (Coma)
  • Brown Bear - Stung in ear

*Medication is not working. Ahhhhhhhhhh (increase dose)


  • Porpoises and dolphins—Big argument broke out again. Mediation required tomorrow.
  • Fix beaver dam (2/3rds done)
  • Plant Bluemoon Corn seedlings
  • Clear out old nests to make way for the migration