• Published 18th Jan 2020
  • 1,325 Views, 146 Comments

The tale of a Huntsmans corp - Trickstermkcee

During a terrible year of suffering for humanity, over 3 billion people died of disease, another billion to war, and the rest left to survive on their own, this story focuses on a group of survivors and soldiers, in a new world, just trying to live.

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Prologue: The Devils Den

Prologue: The Devils Den
Year,2135, December 19, Friday 9:36PM

Two young men slinked through the quiet trenches. There was the sound of air going at high speed that broke the quite ground below. Both men lugged guns around their back and shoulders. They were just average survivors in the city of New York, with the outbreak of a genetically modified Bubonic plague in 2098, the world had come to a crashing halt. With humanity holding its heads high, it fought the plague with its advanced medical technology.

Then it mutated, and became more than a killer plague... It started to raise hell itself. People became feral and turned on each other, public execution by military was common, bodies laid strewn about the streets. Trench warfare and fire fights between resistance groups and military troops were common, bloody, and ended when everyone on one side was dead... That’s how it was always done.

The two young men who crept through the trenches of war torn New York were extremely different. The man who walked in front was named Thomas Willard, Age 19, A.K.A Skyline. He wore a dark brown leather coat and a dark black t-shirt. He carried two M1911’s on his legs and carried a revolver tucked into his holster strapped to his chest. He wore dark blue jeans and had a scar running from his left eye to his forehead. He had light brown hair and a ball cap on his head, he also carried a camel backpack holding a AKM and a M16 assault rifle. He was part of a small local gang in New York.

His teammate carried a .50 Caliber sniper rifle along with 2 Makarov handguns in his tactical vest along with multiple clips. He carried a vector in his hands, which was banged up and scratched, the words, “Never stop smileing!” Which was written on the side. The mans name was Jason quartz,Age 23, A.K.A Storm cracker and he was ex-military and loved guns. There was never a situation that Jason couldn’t get out of. He was slick like a snake and knew how to make others listen. He also was a bit of a ladies man, which tended to help...get information.

They moved through the silent trench’s with expert footing as to avoid any mines that may lay in the trenches.

“Why are we navigating these trench’s again?” Thomas mumbled, his reply was “So we don't die.” There was only 1/4 of a mile till their objective, a convoy that was stocked to the brim with ammo,weapons, and food. A friend of theirs informed them of its route, and had learned that the convoy stopped at a checkpoint to refuel and to allow the soldiers to rest. Jason’s plan was to take them by surprise and to hijack the main convoy truck and to escape to a hidden garage that was located in the area of downtown New York, in a abandoned police station.

It was during winter and a awful snow storm had fallen over the city and was making it that no one could see 5 feet in front of them, it was the perfect cover. Thomas arrived right at the end of the trench and pulled out his AKM, which had a combat sight, fitted for night time combat, a extended magazine, and a suppressor.

——— Thomas 1st person ———

I quickly climbed out of the trench and turned around and reached down, offering my hand to Jason. He jumped up and grabbed my hand, and I quickly pulled him up, turning around and began to sweep the area with my AKM. Their was a low moan as 2 infected stumbled through the blizzard, I pulled the trigger once, then once more and they fell to the ground.

Infected were a common sight in the city, it was usually the survivors of the green plague that had experienced serious nerve overloads and would merely stumble around, groaning and grunting, slashing and swinging at anything they could get their hands on. They were like zombies, except they aren’t invincible, they were still human.

“Clear.” I mumbled out as I smiled. Storm moved forward toward the somewhat bright light, and I followed behind him, we had arrived at the end of the large highway area were we hurried up it and towards the vantage point. I yanked out a pair of binoculars and looked toward the flood lights that surrounded the checkpoint and inside,right by the main exit sat the target, the convoy.

The first thing I saw was a military Humvee, which was parked in front of a large truck and behind that their was a large armored vehicle that I could not make out due to the heavy snowfall blocking my sight.

“This isn’t right, I was told that it was guarded by light armor!” Jason stated in a nervous voice.

I looked at him and said,”it’s probably just a heavily armored swat truck, like the one we have in the garage, plus we’re already here and we’re taking going have to get past everyone at the checkpoint.” Jason just nodded and put on a determined face before quickly pulling out a pair of binoculars to survey the area, he soon placed them away and withdrew his Vector. He moved behind me and grabbed my shoulder, “You ready?” he mumbled, in response I gave a brief smile and a thumbs up.

———-20 minutes Later———

Quickly I sprinted across the street toward a knocked over SUV. I arrived first and scanned the windows for signs of enemy snipers, though I didn’t spot anybody at first, but noticed a barrel poking out of a apartment complex window 2 buildings down, 3 stories high. I looked back to James and put up 3 fingers before pointing at the complex.

He nodded and we moved towards it, nervously creeping towards the building. Jason had withdrawn his revolver and taken aim at the rifle which peaked out of the window sill, he shook his head, “Its a fake, probably to dissuade anybody with a brain from heading this way. We got to keep going, if this blizzard dies, we might to.”

I nodded and checked around, we quickly moved down, I reached into my holster with my right hand and pulled out one of the two M1911’s out of the holster and put the rifle over my shoulder using its strap. This was about to get serious.

————Jason 1st person————

I watched as Thomas placed his AK over his shoulder and yanked out one of his pistols. I took the sign and switched from my .50 to to my two Favorite russian handguns, the Makarovs, a cheap and easy gun to buy on the black market, and even easier to get ammo for.

I checked them to make sure they would operate properly, then continued to follow Thomas. Immediately I spotted three guards who were walking along the road, they were whereing tactical vests armed with M4’s and M1911’s. We took cover and waited as they made their way toward our position.

“Hey, you heard about that crazy grenade guy?” Asked one of the three soldiers.

“Yea, I was there, remember?” Replied the other soldier. Before the conversation could continue, there was three quick “PSST” sounds and the soldiers fell to the ground, 1 hole was in each of their heads. I stood up and rushed over to the first soldier I could get to and did my best impression of the soldier, who looked to be a sergeant of sorts.

“This is Echo One, we have been engaged by a large group of resistance troops on 5th street over!” I stated with the sound of urgency as I pulled the trigger of the M4, causing it to fire a couple rounds before dropping it to the ground.

I started to pull off the armor on the soldier and place it on myself, when the voice of a very frantic radio operator responded with “Roger Echo One, sending a Humvee to your location ASAP, over!” I gave a small smirk as I went to work placing the armor and clothing over my own.

As I placed the last of the gear on myself and Thomas hurried over to me and grabbed my bag and rifle before hurrying into the old building to my left. He whispered the words “Good luck.” Before disappearing into the pitch blackness of the shadows, I smiled and whispered a small prayer before using his new M4 to take quick bursts at the knocked over car just down the street.

Within minutes of firing, their was the distant roar as the engine of a Humvee as it came flying around the corner and hurried toward me. If I had been a real enemy on the other side of the street I would been scared out of my wits. It was a tan green Humvee with a .50 caliber heavy machine gun, I could see 4 soldiers in the passenger seats as it quickly came to a stop. The gunner was on a swivel and was checking the building with his gun, while all four soldiers disembarked from the vehicle. The first soldier to arrive at my location was a sergeant who quickly asked me what had happened as he indicated to the 3 dead soldiers.

“It was ambush... I was lucky enough to duck into one of the building and survived the shooting.” I said with a fake panic toned voice as I carefully aimed my M1911 at his throat before firing it once, causing him to fall to the ground, making it seem as if he was shot from afar.

In seconds the gunner was firing his gun at the non-existent snipers possible location, the three remaining soldiers hurried toward cover but didn’t get far as Thomas fired his M16 shots in burst, taking down the soldiers with relative ease. I holstered the handgun and took aim and pulled the trigger of the M4, firing a couple of shots straight into the gunners head, causing him to go limp on the gun.

————Narrators view————-

Their was silence as the two young men quickly dragged the dead bodies out of sight into the dark building. They then hurried over to the humvee and got in, started up the vehicle and did a quick turn around before driving toward there target, the checkpoint. Little did they know, things were about to get a little complicated. As they drove down the street, both of the men noticed how the patrols were scarce when as they headed down the streets.

They also noticed how their was more smaller checkpoints than their was originally supposed to be. As the two passed the 6th checkpoint, James mumbled something about not having planned for this and Thomas responded with a sigh and a reassuring smile,”We’ll make it, trust me... I am prepared for anything.” He stated with a upbeat tone, but James could see that he was sweating bullets.

Finally, they arrived at there destination, the checkpoint. It was known as Blitz outpost, one of the top 3 military held checkpoints in New York. People would say that what Thomas and James had just accomplished was legendary. As they drove towards a large area of parked Humvee’s and jeeps, they could also see the tank they thought had been some sort of S.W.A.T vehicle was in fact in operating order and was sitting next to the convoy truck.

“Dude... How are we gonna beat that!” Thomas stated with horror as he examined the quite thick armor that the tank was sporting.

“You realize that we’re stealing a convoy full of GUNS and AMMO... Right.” Jason stated with as much sarcasm as he could put on it. Thomas just laughed at his own stupidity and Jason joined in with his own chuckle.

———-Thomas 1st person———

I pulled the vehicle into a open space in between two large looking buildings. The building were simply a mess hall and a barracks, but they would soon would be nothing. As I got out of the truck and closed the door, I heard somebody talking and quickly moved to the wall, Jason quickly followed my lead and got nice and friendly with the wall.

“Man, I hate this checkpoint job!” A young Australian accent stated as a single soldier moved into view. “I mean what’s the point of watching this snowed in point for the non-existent resistance force, I mean come on! We crushed most of the resistance last week when we raided that old subway downtown... What could possibly be left?” He snorted with a annoyed look on his face.

Another soldier simply shrugged as they walked past the small opening. I launched out and grabbed the soldier by the neck before twisting sharply, and was rewarded with a quick SNAP and the soldier stopped struggling while James quickly took down the silent soldier with his bipod knife.

The two quickly dragged the bodies into the dark and placed them into the humvee’s back seats before quickly moving along towards our target.

‘This was about to get interesting’ Thomas thought to himself as he reached the front of the truck and put his hand out to the side, blocking James from moving forward. James understood and pulled out his silenced Saiga-12 and turned the corner. Three quick suppressed snaps were heard followed by three quick to follow thumps.

“Clear” stated James as he came back around the corner, he had a little bit of blood stained on his jacket and he smiled slightly. I turned the corner and pulled open the truck door and pulled myself up into the vehicle, I reached up and pulled the visor down, snagging the pair of keys that were placed there and grinned like a mad man. “It’s show time mate!” I laughed as I put the key into the ignition and put the supply truck into drive.

———Narrator point of view———

There was silence at the front gate as two guards stood talking to each other, wrapped in a deep debate involving Harry Potter and lord of the rings. “Harry Potter is clearly the better series, seeing as it lasts longer than your joke of a 3-book series!” Yelled out the first guard as the second guard, who’s face was the color of a tomato.

“Harry Potter can go burn in HE-“” the first guard went to yell but was interrupted when the gate burst open and the supply truck booked it down the road with a single guy in the back firing a M4 at five jeeps that flew through the wreckage that was the gates, armed with 30. Caliber guns and even a M1 Abrams tank chasing right after them. The two soldiers stared in silence before the second soldier mumbled “Harry Potter su-“ but was cut off when the first soldier socked him in the jaw.


James fired his stolen M4 with quick bursts as to avoid the 30. Calibers thick stream of bullets.

“Take THIS!” Yelled James as he grabbed a grenade out of a crate, pulled the pin and tossed it toward the speeding vehicles. The first Jeep flew right by the grenade and wasn’t anywhere near the grenade, but when it went off, the snow all over the ground flew up and slammed into the window shield. With snow blocking the drivers sight and a suddenly very stupid looking snowman for a gunner, the Jeep flew off the road and slammed into a house, causing it to crumble onto the Jeep. In the front seat, their was Thomas, who had pulled out his vector and was spraying the Jeep that had attempted to push them off the road. Both the driver and gunner fell limp in their Jeep, causing to slow down and crash into another Jeep attempting to go for their back wheel. With a few quick turns, they had lost most of their followers and where well on their way to losing the others.

“JESUS THESE GUYS ARE PERSISTENT!” Yelled Thomas as he snapped his M1911 at the random car that had 2 soldiers in it. The vehicle spun out and slammed into another Jeep and they flew off to the left. At that moment things got 4 times crazier. Two M1 Abraham’s burst out of two large roads and started to follow the jeeps, while at the same time two helicopters flew into view. The issue with this was that the helicopters belonged to the LMB (Last mans Battalion) and the tanks also had the same markings. Well...fuck...

————40 seconds later————

Their were explosions everywhere as two LMB tanks pursued a large fleeing armored truck carrying two crazy survivors and a helluva lot of guns.

So far the two survivors had managed to take down one of the Apaches via using a heavy machine gun and spraying the cockpit full of very angry bullets, this caused it to spin out and crash into a rather large building with LOTS of glass windows, poor window cleaner. Right now the man in the back of the truck was frantically searching through the crates of guns, looking for something, no, ANYTHING to stop those god dam tanks.

“ KABOOM!” A explosion erupted from the road just next to the truck, causing it to jump on to its left side of tires as it hit the highway, flying down the mostly open road.

“I FOUND SOMETHING!” Yelled Jason as he yanked out a gun that looked a lot like a RPG-7... Wait, why was that in here!? James face made something that looked a lot like a devious smile, although no one could really tell with the blood splattered in his face from all the work he was putting in.

“ENJOY THE FALL, YOU-“ the rest of the sentence was unheard as he fired the rocket right into the ground behind the truck, causing a large hole to form in the ground and allowing for both tanks to attempt to stop, but there tracks were jammed and one flew straight into the hole and fell right toward the ground, causing it to crash and the rounds to explode because of the heavy impact and the effect of gravity.

Somewhere in the background there was somebody telling the words “SCREW GRAVITY!” before the explosion. The second tank drifted right over the edge, barely missing falling in.

It pulled up right next to the truck and attempted to lift the truck by sticking the barrel of its gigantic gun into the back of the truck and lifting up. At that moment the second attack chopper flew into view and had found its target, the rather large support pillar holding up the highway, the apache fired multiple missile barrages, which quickly met there destination and with that it flew off towards the close by military helipad.

It was taken out by a stray missle that had somehow missed the pillar and found the next best thing, the helicopter. This would be the end of the two vehicles and its passengers as they fell into the burning inferno that was once cars. What no one else saw was a strange flash of light and they suddenly disappeared.

Author's Note:

Hello and welcome awesome readers and writers! MY FIRST STORY!!!! do give serious criticism, the best way is to learn is from the comments! Also if you noticed this is a story relating to the division! Maybe we’ll see some cool stuff, maybe we won’t! Also to those readers who seek to find funny references and love to find little jokes and such, find and place them in the comments, and give what their related to and you’ll win... something I don’t know... Enjoy and have a good day! Also Please support the Changelings and help to revive our fandoms please! Also go griffins! Also please don’t quit reading just cause I f the first chapter, read on!