• Published 31st Oct 2019
  • 4,268 Views, 34 Comments

Daughter Of The Gerudo King. - Neutral Boy

In her disappearance, Twilight is discovered by the Gerudo King Ganondorf and her life changes on. Question is, will her former home ever be safe without her?

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Prologue: The Sparkle and Gerudo.

Hyrule, a vast medieval fantasy world created by the Golden Goddesses.

Before the creation of Hyrule, when all was chaos, three Goddesses, Din, Nayru, and Farore, descended from a distant nebula and began creation of what would become the world. Din "cultivated the land and created the red earth". Nayru "poured her wisdom onto the earth and gave the spirit of law to the world". Farore "produced all life forms who would uphold the law".

With their work completed, the Golden Goddesses ascended to the heavens, and the mythical Triforce, an object capable of granting any wish, was hidden in the Sacred Realm, waiting for someone to find it and bring complete prosperity or ultimate destruction to the world.

Although, even when the kingdom of Hyrule is in peace and prosperity, things took a turn when the fragments of chaos appeared in multiple area to cease control of the sacred relic for their own evil gain and plans. Thus, began several wars in Hyrule throughout the years.

Many of the soldiers, royalty, and the Sheikah tribe have died to protect the relic. Many of the defectors, fiends, and monsters have fallen to take the relic, but none have ever succeeded.

Years later, the last war has stopped and the land of Hyrule is finally at peace again.

Unbeknownst to everyone, the evil across the lands is far from finished.

Far off away in the Gerudo Mountains, fires have spread out all across a defensive town. The ones who caused the fire are a bunch of mercenaries, looting up everything and any supplies to steal in each buildings. A lot of were screaming and running from the attacks while a group of armed knights are doing their best to protect the innocents. Each knights have fallen into battle by the assassin, archers, swords, spears, and halberds.

Only five knights are remaining, but have already been injured as they're surrounded by the group of mercenaries, ready to take their last stand.

Before they were close to getting killed, something unexpected happen.

A lone rogue figure with a torn black robe jumps high and lands right next to the knights. He pulls out two daggers from his robe and slashes at multiple mercenaries with remarkable speed. He glances toward to the five knight and speaks to them.

"If you knights do have the balls to die battle, then you better live to fight another day. Flee from here, I'll hold them off while you take the refugees out of this fallen town."

"B-But young lad, what ab-"

"I said I'll hold them off! Don't make me ask you a third time!"

Not want to anger the dagger wielder any further, the knights nodded and proceed to evacuate the citizens while carrying two injured knights who are still breathing.

As the fire still spreads across the town, the robe dagger wielder grips his weapons and glares at his enemies. Some of them are shaken, not know of what they are dealing with while others is still confident to take him down.

"Now then, who wants to die foolishly first?"

On the other side of town a few blocks away, the mercenary bodies are blown away by a tall male figure with one sword in one hand and holding a mercenary by the throat on the other hand.

The male's appearance is about 7 feet tall, olive dark skin, amber eyes, and red hair.

He grunts in annoyance of no strong fighters in a mercenary group as he throws his enemy to a glass window, shattering it into pieces.

When all his enemies is gone from his sight, he turns around to walk away until some muffling sounds stops him. He hears some sounds coming from the collapsed building. He sighs and walks over to the building. Lifting and throwing the parts away, he lifts another one and pauses upon looking at something.

He sees a small female Hylian kid curled up in a ball crying, only a different kind of Hylian he hasn't seen before. The Hylian's appearance has light violet skin, long midnight blue with magenta and violet streak hair, deep purple eyes, Magenta six-pointed star, surrounded by five smaller white stars on her hands, a short purple horn on her forehead, and some torn up clothing.

The male thought that her parents might've escaped the attack, got killed, or perhaps abandoned her to die here. Shaking his head, he was making on what to do with the kid. Either leave her here to die or take her with him.

A minute later, he decided to pick up the kid in his hands and walks off, ignoring the kids attempt of protest and telling him to let go of her.

After exiting out of the burned town, he uses his magic to summon his horse nearby waiting for him. Before approaching his ride, a loyal guard of his appears to him with some loot and bows to him.

"The mercenaries have been dealt with, Lord Ganondorf."

"Excellent work, you have done well."

Ganondorf's guard looks up and spots something in his Lord's hands.

"My lord, what is that you are holding?"

"It's a female Hylian, but not like this one I never encounter before. Besides that, I have looked into some useful information earlier. There are several locations that I must go to look for, including the whereabouts of the ancient relic hidden somewhere in Hyrule."

Ganondorf looks up in the sky and sees that a rainstorm is approaching soon.

"For now though, we are going back to the Gerudo Dessert. Take this Hylian kid with us."

He hands the kid to his loyal guard and jumps onto his horse.

"As you wish my lord."

That said, Ganondorf gallops his horse to the dessert. His guard on other other hand draws up a circle on the ground and enchants some words. A moment later, the ground shakes and out comes a rock centipede. The guard then jumps on it wile holding the kid. He whistles to the centipede and it obeys as it proceeds to follow Ganondorf.

The storm arrives and washes over the burned town.

Ganondorf looked up in the sky and tighten his fists, imagining the blue sea up in the sky drowning as the red sky takes over.

"Soon, the relic will be found and the entire world of Hyrule will engulf in flames under my foot as I, the future Gerudo King, shall create a new order in my own hands. Not even Hyrule's best warriors can stop my true dream and destiny."

Author's Note:

Hey everyone and my fellow followers, how's it going? Sorry it took so long. I had to deal with some things and also busy with starting over on a couple of my games cause I just felt like it. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing okay and enjoy a happy Halloween.