• Member Since 28th Nov, 2015
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30, loves mlp, godzilla, transformers, and lots of other stuff




(Sequel to "The Price of Freedom Mk. 2")

Based on The Legend of Spyro Trilogy, and The Lord of The Rings (somewhat)


Equestria has now reached its longest period of Harmony in over a thousand years. All thanks to Prince Dusk Shine and his friends, who have proven time and again that together, they are true guardians of their world. However, a shift in the Balance has been sensed, and a time of testing is upon Equestria. Great change is on the horizon, and thus the Sisters of the Sun and Moon have sensed their time has reached its end.

The time has come for a new ruler to lay claim to the throne of Equestria, and none could be considered more fitting than Dusk Shine himself.

All save for the Alicorn prince, who has been having recent doubts on his ability to truly lead. Twice he has allowed himself to be used by nefarious forces, and twice have others needed to save their world in his place. Could this be a sign of the changes to come? That not only are the Princesses passing on their mantle to a new generation.....but the alicorn prince, and his friends are set to be succeeded by a new generation of heroes to wield the Elements of Harmony? Noone knows for certain. But the wheels of fate are turning, and none can escape it.

Especially not now, when evil has begun to stir in the hidden corners of the world. A fallen emperor from ages past who ruled the ancient world through fear, and anarchy has gathered the Dark Forces of Equestria to unite under one banner, and annihilate their shared enemies. But for many, such a thing is not so simple when this conglomerate of villainy consists of tyrants, conquerors, megalomaniacs, and servants of Darkness. Even so, one among their number has grander plans of his own.

And it is how Lord Tirek knows this "Grogar" is not who he seems.

So it is that the dark centaur makes preparations of his own. To set into motion a plan centuries in the making by a force of greater evil, festering in the heart of Equestria. A dark being who existence may spell doom for all of Equus' children. Under the nose of the deceitful ram, and with his powers of Darkness growing, Tirek will set forth to gather all evil to him. And in time, he will summon an army of darkness great enough to overthrow the tyranny of light. And this being who claims to be Grogar will prove to be instrumental in seeing the dark designs of Lord Tirek until the time comes to remove him from the board entirely.

A great Legion of Doom will rise.

War will cover the lands in fear, and terror.

And unlikely allies will emerge to aid Prince Dusk Shine, and his friends as they face the greatest challenge of their life.

In the rising tide of evil, the time has come to prove, once and for all, that Friendship is Magic.

And nothing will ever be the same again.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 50 )

*reads story summary*

...well that was a weird story.

Hey Kahnac, don't you think that you should make Flash Sentry a girl?

I'm just asking because I saw how King Sombra called Flash Sentry as Dusk Shine's boyfriend, and I think that it's weird and probably wrong to other viewers that homosexuality exists in the Harmoniaverse.

You don't have to change Sentry's gender if you really don't want to. I'm just saying that I believe that with Dusk Shine being a male and Twilight and Flash loving each other in the Canon series, it would make a whole lot more sense for the Flash Sentry of the Harmoniaverse to be a female. That's all.

Also, please tell me that he (hopefully SHE, later on) is ALIVE AND WELL!!!

I believe that the girl version of Flash Sentry is called: Flare Warden. If you want a picture of what that would look like, just look up "Dusk Shine and flash sentry girl". There should be a picture at or near the top.

I hope this isn't homophobia talking. Because there shouldn't be an issue of two male characters being together when the whole gogdamned fandom has no issue shipping same sex characters together. Even if I was planning on making the two a couple, why should I be condemned for it when Lyra and Bonbon are supposedly an official couple? With all due respect, if people can make same sex relationships in their fanfics, then so can I. As one of my friends once said: fuck the haters.

Okay I understand. I just had to be sure, only because I felt that it would make more sense, and I was afraid that people wouldn't want to read your stories because of it.

That would make them hypocrites given they've probably shipped same sex characters together in this fandom, and read plenty of fics based on that. And if the shot made Lyra and Bonbon an official couple, then people should have no issue with this kind of thing. And if they have issues, they can just leave. Noones making them read this. This is MY story, and i'm making it for the same reason other people write: because I want to. I just like sharing my creations with others, for good or ill.

Okay, I understand. Sorry for asking. I just had to be sure.

Just wondering, are we allowed to say Nocuturnus' true identity here or later on?

Only if you censor it like me, because I don't want folks knowing Nocturnus is Flash Sentry, made into The Nightmare's new host just yet unless they want to.

I was actually wondering about that. How do you censor words on this site? I haven't been able to find out on the internet.

Click on the three bars on the far right: there's an option that says 'spoiler', and allows you to actually sensor what you want to keep hidden, unless people don't care about spoilers. Because when you clock on the black bar, it shows what you've censored to whoever clicked it. It looks like this 'Sp'.

I absolutely love this Epilogue, with the way it's been done, as well as foreshadowing future events. Keep up the good work with this story! 👏

Comment posted by kahnac deleted Apr 10th, 2020

Thank you kindly!:D Much more to come, I promise you.:)

What does the incantation that Sombra said mean in english?

I had to change the chant since Google Translate doesn't "retranslate" sentences in different languages, but this new one means "Dark one born from the essence of many, come forth to serve your dark master!", with the master being Lord Tirek.

I can only imagine what the Mane 6's reaction to the Ophiotaurus extermination of the past will be, ESPECIALLY Fluttershy's.

Don't worry: i'll make sure TIrek mentions that when they first tangle with The Tiracians.......after you read the next chapter.^^;

Are you talking about the chapter called: A Dark, Deadly Alliance is Formed, or the chapter that is going to come after that?

Are you talking about that comment I made in the last chapter?

Alright. Then I can tell you, it's going to be AFTER this chapter, and few later in. A trap will be devised that'll pit the Mane Six against this first Tiracian Soldier to test its strength, and physical prowess. Needless to say, it'll be as hard as fighting a Garthim and Nomu.

Just asking (if it's not an error), why did Sombra say that he was trapped for THREE thousand years instead of ONE thousand?

Because i'm sick and tired of Celestia saying "1000 years ago" over, and over again. It's implausible that all of the villains they faced were all active in the same period of time............well, it isn't, but it was getting repetitive, and old. So I developed an intriguing idea: each of the main villains who were imprisoned were so for a period of time based on the seasons they each debuted in. King SOmbra emerged in S03, so he was in the ice for 3000. I also went a bit further, and set the villain defeats of the ancient times decades apart from each other. I'll consider making a timeline for my series eventually, but hopefully you see what i'm trying to get at here.^^;

Hey Kahnac, how are you doing?

Since you haven't posted anything in a while, and given that this is an uncertain time for us all, I just wanted to check and see if you're doing okay, and when you think the next few chapters will be posted. Also, you haven't posted the Character web for Dusk Shine, just so you know. I just wanted to be sure.


By the way, in this chapter at the beginning, you said Princess Twilight Sparkle instead of Prince Dusk Shine. Sorry I didn't mention it to you before, but I kind of felt like leaving it be out of nostalgia, and to remind myself that I can always PRETEND TO MYSELF that Twilight is in Dusk's place in this story. Also, I didn't really get answers from my latest comment in the next chapter to if you're doing okay, and when you think the next few chapters will be posted.

Why do some people have an issue with me using Dusk Shine instead of Twilight Sparkle? With all due respect, why should it matter? It's MY story, and I want Dusk Shine to be part of it, first of all. And noone's sexist favoritism is going to change my mind, even if they hate me for it. Second............ thank you for pointing out that editing error. I don't know why I put that name there, but it must have been a quick-type mistake. That's fixed now, at least. But now, with the greatest amount of respect I can muster: PLEASE don't talk as though I was wrong in using Twilight in her genderbent form. That makes ME seem like a fucking sexist, and I don't like that. And I was going to explain that i'm fine in a blogpost, but fimfic wouldn't let me at the time I tried to type it. So I decided not to waste my time with it. Just be assured I am perfectly fine, and as good as ever. That's all I have left to say, now.

Of course not! I'm very sorry about that! I don't have a problem with it, I just like to PRETEND is all. This is YOUR story, and that's okay. Anyways, good luck with your story! I hope you're doing alright in this uncertain time!

No, don't worry: i'm doing alright. I just have an issue with people second guessing my decisions, and ideas. It's nothing personal......and I.....kind of let my hatred for that make me lash out at you. For that i'm also sorry. That's just what happens when you have too many people in your life repeatedly act like you don't know what you're doing, and that they want you to change it. And I don't like people telling me what to do unless it's at work of some kind where i'm being payed to do something: THAT'S the difference. But I hold nothing against you, even if your "pretend" thing is a bit weird. But not THAT weird, though. Besides: I AM using Twilight Sparkle. I just made a minor change in story universes continuity by giving her/him a Y chromosome just to see how different things might be.

Actually, there's an in-canon reason why Twilight Sparkle is Dusk Shine in this universe: and let's just say it's because someone of immense, divine stature wanted to see another AU come into being, and got more involved with this MLP world behind the scenes. Who it is i'll reveal eventually......if I can get my ass back to work on it, that is.^^;

It's okay, I understand. And besides, that's just how I view it, and I wouldn't want it to affect you. Anyways, moving on from that, I wish you good luck AND health for the future! I cannot wait to see what's in store for this story!

Thank you very much for that. I truly do appreciate it.:)

So then, this takes place AFTER Frenemies?

Obviously yes. Didn't I make that clear enough in the story?

Ok. Sorry. I just wasn't completely sure, at least considering that Twilight's Seven takes place before Frenemies in the MLP: FiM series.

By the way, when Spike was talking to Fluttershy alone, I noticed that it was Twilight's and Shining Armor's instead of Dusk's and Shining Armor's. Also, how do you add something from a story chapter into a comment?

I saw, and fixed it now. So Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Now aside from wording, and editing mistakes, what did you think of the chapter itself? I don't write these just to be corrected on mistakes - at least no on purpose.^^;

I believe that the chapter was truly excellent, just like all of the other stories and chapters regarding the Harmoniaverse!!! I don't blame you for taking so long to write. In fact, I was worried you had COVID-19 for a while! Either way, keep up the good work, and hope to see more chapters soon!

Believe me: even if I had Swine Flu again, it wouldn't stop me from writing or drawing. Only a lack of inspiration, and creativity are what keeps me from working on this. Thankfully, I know now what I need to either drink or eat to get the drive I need to work on my stuff. Either way, glad you still like it.:)

By the way, I asked how you put something from a chapter into a comment (with those words in gray boxes), and I haven't gotten an answer yet.

Sorry I forgot about that. But are you asking me how to copy, and paste words into a comment entry?

Yes, of course. I'm sure you've seen comments with words from a chapter inside grey boxes. That's what I'm talking about.

I'm not really sure that I do, to be honest.

Okay, just had to be sure. Thanks anyway.

Sure, no problem.^^;

Before I read this, I must know: Why is Twilight the only character who's gender you inverted?

No real reason. I just wanted to do it, so I did. Also to give Dusk Shine more limelight, because I like him.:)

Are you going to be getting back to this story soon, not to mention the Tragedy of Laurana and Grogar? Just wondering.

I can't make any promises at the moment. :(

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