• Member Since 26th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Some Leech

I...I am a monument to all your sins...


Comments ( 54 )

That was hot as hell my friend.

Long, but at least it's wednesday.


I'm good. I'm excited because Pokemon Sword and Shield I coming out in a little over a week.

Great story!! Can't wait for more!!

Oh shit!
Hope you enjoy it! :twilightsmile:

ty ^^

I plan to. Hey who's your favorite MILF/Cougar/Mature Lady in the MLP series?

That's a loaded question

If Cele counts, then her
If not, probably Mayor Mare (go figure, considering the story I did with her)

Cool. Mine is definaltly Mrs. Cake, I love the chubby blue lady. Would you be interested in doing a story with them sometime?

Mrs. Cake is firmly on my "to-do" list

Between comms, collabs, and trades, it's a matter of finding the time.

Can't wait, I wanna see her impregnated again and fucked in all holes by a massively looong thiccc cock!

You had me at Stormy Flare. Looking forward to this.

0 likes and 14 connents? Am I seeing things correctly?

It takes a total of 10 (Any combination of likes or dislikes.) 'Votes' before the public starts seeing it. It's supposed to detract from people being biased one way or the other into reactively liking or disliking a story (I think... I could be wrong though.)

My god that was hot as hell. I really hope she got pregnant from that.

Pretty sure she did with all that cum blasted into her womb.

It's been awhile since the last Rumble story. I'm hoping he sees Zabari again.

Don't worry, I got another in that series in the pipe.

It's comin >u>

Don't you mean, it's cumming? XD

Leech, you're a damn porn savant. This was hot as :yay: many kudos and a fave for you!

5 star clopfic

Your stories never disappoint!


You'll make me blush!

A few days later, the daughter shows up with car trouble and winds up in the same situation.

Wouldn't mind that as a sequel lol


Depends on the commissioner, but I'm not opposed to the idea! :raritywink:

Quick! Someone commission this genius!

Great work keep it up

I need a sequel so bad.

You, me, and everyone else that love this story need one apparently.

“R...remind me to b...break down near here again,” she croaked, glancing back at the mare’s golden eyes.


Reasonable conversation and mild innuendo gave me hope for a decent fix. Aaaaaand then sexual assault and rape. Why are clopfic writers troglodytes...

Just to clarify a bit, this was a commission.

I'm having to build a new computer and wasn't really given an option to turn down the work.

... Regardless. Even the big standard stereotypical "oh no I seem to have forgotten my money" premise would have been better. Or the mare having any autonomy beyond a blank fuckdoll that exists to get inexplicably aroused when a complete stranger sexually assaults her, exposes themself, and smells bad.

I don't disagree
If I hadn't been working from a scripted idea, with specifically requested points, I would have done things differently.
Still, the client was pleased and I was adequately compensated, so it is what it is.

For what it's worth, I hope it hasn't offended you excessively :fluttershyouch:

... changed over to an upvote for being literally the most mature porn writer I've ever encountered. Most respond to literally any criticism by calling in the ego backup squad or shouting ESSJEW rants.
Not offended, just stating what about the fic made me uncomfy, and pointing out it's a common issue of fics written solely for titillation purposes.

For what it's worth, I was once approached to write a second-person romance fic with Starlight involving "sensuous" belching and farting. They offered me $100. I found out that day my dignity is worth... at least $101. It was very hard to walk away from it, since I've been offering comms basically for free for like ten years.

I appreciate your candor and downvote reversal! Sweet lord, I could write books about all the various material I have turned down!

In regards to my maturity, thank you for the compliment. I consider my work, at best, to be mediocre; it's my robotic work ethic and routine publications that are my strong selling point. I don't, nor would I ever, get my undies in a bunch over a comment on a story; I've bit more important stuff to worry about.

But I digress. Thanks for the comment and, with any luck, I hope you find more enjoyment in some of my other works! :yay:

can we see the books?

Of all the stuff I've turned down?
It's all sorts of stuff; everything from guro and stuff to diapers and babycon.
I'm not one to judge kinks, though there are subjects I'm either unwilling or unable to bring myself to write.

... You uh, still kind of called Leech a caveman... :unsuresweetie: Maybe it'd be nice to make an exception to the thought of all clopfic writers being troglodytes? :twilightsmile:

Anyways~ I'm probably gonna skip this story, I just cannot understand why so many people enjoy size difference/hyper size stuff :rainbowderp: It just confuses me.

I've gotten other weird requests but the "sensually farting glimmer" thing has stuck with me. For like... five years?

Also slipped a sly comment on one of your pieces that I did like, because my stash is secret and felt you deserved me telling you about something I enjoyed for being mature and taking harsh criticism on the chin.

The size difference and hyper is mostly just implied/informed, sadly.
Is a good kink tho.

I mean yeah it's not the worst kink I've seen, but it's just so insanely common :rainbowderp: Like it's almost EVERYWHERE... And I just can't bring myself to like it, tolerate it sure, but I just can't enjoy it :unsuresweetie:

Don't blame me, I just get paid to write a good number of these :fluttershbad:

What? :pinkiesad2: No no no! I've NEVER blamed you Leech!
I've enjoyed your other writing quite a lot! And I've got a few of your stories waiting in my read later folder.

I was mostly just talking about how I personally don't see the appeal in that particular kind of Kink.

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