• Published 28th Nov 2019
  • 1,668 Views, 62 Comments

Smitten - Natedogg2006

Pinkie Pie has a crush on somepony special. ..... So what else is new?

  • ...

Interlude: Idle Gossip

"So Rarity, I have been meaning to ask you something in all seriousness. When you ask us to come down here to model for you, do you actually need a model, or is it all about gossiping?"

Rarity's face remained entirely too blank as she responded. "I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about darling."

She remained with that expression as she casted her critical gaze around a dress loosely hanging off of Twilight. A dress that Twilight felt had about six layers too many, and did not seem to even remotely fit her in either size or style. The entirely too professional manner the fashionista was conducting herself in was what made Twilight finally offer.

"Ok, you can ask me about how it's going between Pinkie and me."

"Oh, well if you insist dear. I have actually been just a little curious about how things are going with the two of you." Her face brightened up significantly at that. Twilight could only smile while trying to stay still as Rarity drove a few more pins in while adding yet another layer of fabric.

Twilight had to force herself to not show just how delighted she was to bring up the subject being that, truth be told, she had wanted to talk about it too. "It's been going so good. I think I'm having more fun then I ever have in my life."

Rarity continued to smile brightly as she did another pass around Twilight. "I would guess that dating Pinkie would come with quite a lot of fun. Almost makes me regret only going on one date with her." Twilight gave as close to a threatening look as she could manage while covered in a mountain of fabric. Rarity could only laugh. "Oh come now darling, I doubt I ever would have had the same kind of fun with her you have." Twilight sensed there was more to that statement, and decided letting it hang there was the best way to draw it out. She could tell the brief silence was very awkward for Rarity. "The kind of fun that doesn't allow you to get back to Ponyville until the next day?"

Rarity at least had the decency to look sheepish at what was essentially an admission of what she'd been fishing for. Twilight decided to make her pay for it nonetheless. She saw the other unicorns look turn stern as Twilight broke her modeling pose to look up as if in thought and tap her hoof against her chin in an exaggerated way. "Hummm, do I want to tell what I was doing with my marefriend, in private, while on a date, to the biggest gossip in Ponyville and possibly Equestria?"

Rarity looked like she tasted something very sour at that moment. "Well if you really don't feel like telling then I won't pry." She said this while somewhat gently pushing Twilight's hoof back to the ground and attaching another piece of fabric in a way that seemed completely arbitrary. Except that it restricted her models leg movements that much more. Twilight rolled her eyes.

"It was totally a mistake that we ended up staying in Canterlot. I forgot all about the peace conference and there were no trains back to Ponyville until morning. If anything it almost ruined our date."

Rarity was a master of flipping her emotions on a dime when she wanted something. She was now giving Twilight a smile somewhere between impish and sultry. "It almost did. So something happened that saved the experience."

"Nothing happened," Twilight said flatly in an attempt to shut down the path of the discussion. It didn't phase Rarity in the least.

"Nooooothing...." She was now somehow mixing puppy dog eyes with flirtatious eyelash fluttering. It wasn't really working on Twilight, but it did tell her the fashionista was not dropping the subject anytime soon.

"..... We cuddled a little." Her unrestrained hoof went up to her friends muzzle to cut off the avalanche of squees she was sure was coming. "But it was more out of practicality then anything else. The only place we could find to stay was my old lab and the bed was small."

Twilight waited for the fire to die down in Rarity's eyes just a little before she decided it was safe enough for her ears to remove her hoof. The look Rarity gave told Twilight she was unconvinced. "You realize that it would be very practical for one of you to take the floor in that situation right?"

"Yes, but neither of us wanted to be rude and make the other sleep on the floor. And we weren't going to both sleep on the floor just to be polite and waste the bed. So, like I said. Practical."

Rarity deepened her stare at her model. "..... Did you like it?" Her smile was now very smug as she held Twilight's gaze.

Despite her efforts Twilight felt her face heat up just enough that she was sure Rarity would notice. "..... Yes." Twilight was worried when she didn't manage to get her hoof up to Rarity's muzzle before she could move away. Luckily the other mare seemed much more calm now.

"That really is wonderful darling. I wouldn't expect you to be moving quite that fast in your first relationship. You two must get along so well together."

Twilight felt herself blush a little more at that, but she smiled when she thought about it. "Well we've been friends for a long time now, so I guess we sort of naturally skipped over the getting to know each other part." She felt her blush deepen more. "Plus I've been learning a lot about myself just from being with her. I've been kind of realizing...." She couldn't find the words to finish the statement as her blush became too intense. Rarity's smile was entirely too knowing for her comfort at that moment as well.

"It really is peculiar just how close romantic feelings can be to that of close friends when you break it down, don't you think?"

Twilight could only nod to confirm the mares understanding. There was silence for a few minutes while Twilight calmed down and Rarity now seemed to start stripping unnecessary layers from the outfit.

"So if I might ask, how many dates have you two actually been on. You may be further along then some couples, but you've still only been going out a few weeks or so."

"Oh, well I guess it kinda depends on your definition of a date. After Canterlot we've both been a little too busy for another of those kinds of dates, but we've been trying to make time with each other as much as we can. I'm actually going to Sugar Cube Corner to join her on her lunch later today."

Rarity batted her hoof at that. "That doesn't count dear. A real date isn't lunch or drinks. I'm talking about taking a good space of time to just be with each other."

Twilight smiled warmly. "We were planning something like that this upcoming Saturday. And I guess if you define it that way, it would be our third date."

Rarity was now back in front of Twilight and giving her a very smug smile. "Third is it? My my my, that is an important one."

Twilight scowled. "You're back on that."

"I've no idea what you're talking about darling. So what were the two of you planning to do together?"

Twilight tried to maintain her scowl, but she felt her face starting to warm again. "I've been practicing my cooking. She was going to come over to the library and we were going to cook something nice but simple together. Then I was going to set up my projector and we were going to eat while watching a film or two."

Rarity's smug smile curled a little extra on one side. "Isn't that also on the night Spike was joining the crusaders for that sleep over at Sweet Apple Acres?"

"..... , ..... Ok so I've thought about it. Is that what you really wanted to hear. I really like her and I know she's more experienced then me so of course I've thought of where our relationship might go. But I'm honestly not planning for anything to happen, because more then anything or anypony in my life ever has, dating Pinkie has taught me that not having a plan doesn't have to be scary it can be fun so I'm just going to keep having fun with her and..."

Twilight finally realized how fast she was speaking as she was gently silenced by a hoof to her own muzzle. "I didn't mean to embarrass Twilight. I was honestly concerned you might be overthinking that sort of thing and I just wanted to give you an opportunity to talk about it if you needed." She smiled a sweet smile that managed to calm Twilight down. "But it seems I was underestimating both you and Pinkie Pie. And how strong the bond between the two of you has become."

Twilight's lips turned to a warm smile as the other mares hoof pulled away from her lips. "Sorry, I didn't mean to freak out. Just old habits that not even Pinkie can get rid of. But she's helping me work on it."

"It really does seem like you and Pinkie are good for each other." She resumed her pacing around her model, now removing whole sections of fabric here and there. "I'm truly happy to hear everything is going so perfectly for the two of you."

Twilight's smile remained for a few moments, but then a thought came to her that made it falter just a little. "Actually," it faltered a little more as the word seemed to instantly cause Rarity to reattach another layer. "I still don't know a lot about dating. Is it really true that it's normal for ponies to act different at the start of a relationship?"

Rarity's pace at attaching fabric slowed. "Oh, is that all?" She gave a little giggle. "In a general sense I guess it is true. Ponies tend to try to put their best hoof forward when they want the object of their affection to like them. Although some would debate and say that one should act like themselves if they want ponies to like them for who they are."

"Yeah, that second one sounds a little better to me."

Rarity seemed to notice those words make Twilight a little downcast. "What's the problem dear? You can tell me."

"... Pinkie... I think she keeps trying to act like somepony else around me."

"Oh, I'm sure she's just trying to impress you darling."

"She already did that. A long time ago when we all first became friends. I've known her long enough to know the kind of pony she really is, and I know she's been trying so hard whenever we're on a real date. When we're just doing little things together she's... her, and honestly I've had the most fun like that. Am, am I doing something wrong to make her think she still needs to act differently with me?"

Rarity hesitated, forgoing her usual dramatics in favor of looking at Twilight seriously for a few moments while she thought. "Unfortunately Twilight, I don't think I can help you with that one. All I can offer is to tell you that I think you actually are at a significant crossroad in your relationship, and for a much more serious reason then I was joking about before." Twilight gave a slight cringe at that, to which Rarity leaned forward and gave her a gentle hug through the many layers of fabric. Pulling away she asked, "have you brought this up to her yet?"

"I didn't really know how. I wasn't even sure it was happening at first. I mean, if she treats me a little differently because we're going out then I wouldn't mind that. But it seems like when she's thinking about it she tries to act like a totally different pony. I've been mostly just doing little things to get her excited to try to see if I can get her past that and get her to act like the Pinkie I know and, ... And that seems to work usually."

"Hummm. I think this is an issue you're going to have to be a little more up front about darling. But if you ask me, I think everything will be alright."

Twilight managed a small smile. "You really think so?"

Rarity met her smile with a much warmer one. "I do indeed. Now, I have some other ponies coming to model for me. I think I've done all I can with this design."

Twilight matched her smile before lighting her horn. With a flash and a pop she was suddenly standing next to the dress. She managed to snort a little laugh when she found that the "dress" had enough structure to not completely collapse to the floor when she did. Rarity gave her a scowl at that. "What, were you actually going to use that for something other then interrogation?"

Rarity turned away in mock indignance and also to hide a little color in her cheeks that was unavoidable to notice with her fur. "I really have no idea what you're talking about darling."

Twilight could only giggle at that as she stepped down from the pedestal Rarity had her on. She noticed Rarity levitating a second one over to sit next to it as her magic struggled to simultaneously hold the copious amounts of fabric together as she dragged the garment to the back. It was then that she heard the bell of the shop door jingle and the unmistakable sound of Rainbow Dash groaning.

"Ugh, how do I let you talk me into these things Shy?"

Looking over she saw Rainbow Dash barging in while Fluttershy timidly followed behind, clearly wishing Rainbow had at least knocked first. "I'm sorry Rainbow. Rarity asked me to model for her but she said she needed two pegasi. I just didn't feel comfortable asking anypony but you."

"Yeah yeah, I know. If it was anypony but you I'd never do this. Oh, hey Twilight. Rarity manage to snare you too?"

Rarity was coming back out from her back room at that moment, piles of various fabrics beside her hovering in her magic. "A lady does not snare anypony. I just need models for a very important event. The two of you will be helping me make a couple of mares very happy."

Rainbow Dash just rolled her eyes at that. "Yeah, and I'm sure it's going to be a real blast while we do. At least tell me this won't take too long. What exactly are we trying on for you anyway?"

"Wedding dresses!" Rarity said with just a little too much enthusiasm in her voice. Rainbow let out another groan. Fluttershy's eyes went wide and her cheeks went red nearly instantly.

"Oh sweet Celestia this is gonna suck. You owe me big Shy. You're paying for dinner after this, and I'm taking us somewhere expensive and ordering a full course meal."

Twilight had to fight back her own blush as well as a little giggle as she could tell Fluttershy could only partially understand what was being said to her. The mare only managed a stiff nod while responding. "Um, ok. That's fine Rainbow Dash. We could do that if you want."

"Good good. There are two rooms in the back. Rainbow, you are in the left, Fluttershy on the right." Rarity had to give them each a nudge to get them moving for completely different reasons. As they passed her Twilight felt words come to her mouth before she thought them.

"You know, there's a new place in town that features Canterlot cuisine. It's really good food that's also really over priced."

Rainbow laughed at that. "Oh yeah, that sounds perfect. What do you think Shy?"

Rainbow gave her friend a gentle hip bump at the words, but she was unaware that in her state it nearly took the other mare off her hooves. She didn't manage a response before they were off the shop floor.

Rarity came to stand next to Twilight with a devious smile. "Marvelously done darling." Twilight felt herself blushing at what she realized she'd just done. "Twenty bits says I have those two swooning for each other within two weeks."

For some reason Twilight's mind flashed back to a conversation between herself and Pinkie Pie. Once again words appeared in her mouth. "I'll go forty on it taking two months."

Rarity was caught off guard, but she was more impressed then shocked. "Oh ho, jumping in with all four hooves. I'll take that action. Not even Applejack thought Rainbow would be that dense about it."

Both mares shared a laugh as they bumped hooves in agreement. As Twilight turned to leave she heard the doors to the back opening.

"Wow. Shy, that actually looks really good on you."

Elsewhere in Ponyville
Later that day

"Thanks Mrs. Cake. I'll have all the signs for the sale done by tomorrow I promise."

Pinkie Pie couldn't quite hear the older mares response as she walked through the door to her room on the upper floor of the bakery. Her work day was done, but she was bound for a lot of extra time later, which given her mood she really didn't mind. Without closing her door and without removing her apron she made her way over to her mirror. She smiled at a small flower pinned delicately to her aprons strap. Her marefriend had apparently picked it on her way to meet her, having thought it matched her eyes perfectly. Looking at it now Pinkie could tell she'd been right. However, this for some reason now caused her smile to turn down just a little.

After removing the garment carefully she now turned with a purpose. "Gummy, I was right. I'm really going to need your help if this is going to keep working." The small alligator was still in basically the same place he'd been when she'd left her room earlier, except with his head slightly turned to the side. "Ah great, I see you've been super busy while I've been gone. It happened again. I don't have enough time to prepare for these small dates so I end up messing stuff up, just like I did on our last date. I hope you managed to prepare the list I needed."

At this point Pinkie seemed to break from her one way dialog and quickly dart over to her nightstand to dig through a drawer. She slipped back over to Gummy and slipped a scroll under the small reptiles claw, an action that left him stiffly teetering on top of it as his tale held him aloft.

Pinkie slipped back to her original position before speaking again. "Great Gummy, I can always count on you. Lists work for Twilight so I'm sure they can help me." She slid the list out from where she'd just placed it before taking it into her hooves and allowing it to unfurl.

It continued to unfurl all the way across her floor and out her open door. Light taps could be heard as it seemed to now be rolling down the stairs, followed soon after by the sound of the bell on the front door to the bakery ringing as the scroll was now apparently rolling it's way through the streets of Ponyville.

"Ah yes, my complete list of all the things I could do to make Twilight hate me and not want to be my marefriend anymore. If I know all the ways I can screw up then I can avoid them and everything will be perfect. Eh-hem:"

"Number one: Being too clingy."

"Number two: Not being clingy enough."

"Number three: Kissing her too much."

"Number four: Not kissing her enough."

"Number five: Being too excited."

From behind her Gummy seemed to randomly and silently open his mouth. Pinkie somehow seemed to hear this and turned to him and stared in apparent shock and confusion.

"What... Don't be silly Gummy." She said this as she recovered from her shock and gave a yank on the scroll. A few moments later she heard the door to the bakery close again just before she caught the scroll as it rolled back into her hooves. "Of course she wouldn't like me anymore if I acted like myself. No pony ever liked me like that after they got to know me like that before." She said this with a gentle smile that didn't reach her eyes as she tapped her pet on the head in playful reprimand. Then even the hollow smile faded. "Of course, neither did acting like the exact opposite of myself." Her ears drooped and her hair flattened a little as she continued. "Or anything in between so far."

She then brightened up almost instantly, her smile almost so big on her face somepony might think it looked painful. "But that's why you made me the list Gummy. Now that I know what the problems are I can avoid them." Her smile turned down again as she looked over to a table on the side of her room. There stood a picture of her and all her friends together. She focused in on the purple unicorn hugging tight against her in the image. "And I really really want to avoid them this time." Her smile rose just a little but was not as happy as her usual ones. "She's worth all of it. Now I gotta get those signs made. If I manage to finish them tonight I get to take all day off tomorrow to prepare for Saturday."

Author's Note:

Ok, first a serious question. I never used any obviously suggestive language, but did the way I play with the subject in this chapter go far enough that I should add a tag to worn about it? Let me know in the comments if you could.
Other then that I'm still fifty fifty on this chapter. On one hand I want the conflict to be out in the open finally, but I also feel like I was a little blunt about it. Especially with pinkies part. If there is no pinkie part then you'll know something didn't survive another edit. That would at least bring it closer to the length I thought it would be originally. Let me know what you think good or bad.