• Published 4th Dec 2019
  • 6,346 Views, 273 Comments

The Trixie Clause - TCC56

Whomever kills The Great And Powerful becomes The Great And Powerful. Hat, cape and talking in the third person are mandatory. On a related note, Twilight Sparkle is having a very bad week.

  • ...


The meeting with Ambassador Inge went wonderfully after that. They spent more than an hour showing how Great and Powerful Twilight was by having the guards bring in objects, the Ambassador smashing them and then having Twilight reconstitute them again.

Eventually the Ambassador even got around to why he had come in the first place - to negotiate the possibility of the Equestrian Weather Bureau extending their reach northwards to Yakyakistan. That part was actually easy, once Twilight's credentials as being Great and Powerful were accepted.

In the wake of the unexpected success, Twilight considered - while the curse was bad, maybe she could work with it? Live life normally instead of hiding until she solved it?

There was only one way to find out.

The lecture hall emptied out a bit faster than normal - less so because of the usual vigor for students to escape class and more because of a mounting sense of confusion.

"The guest lecturers that Princess Celestia brings in every year keep getting weirder," commented the pale blue unicorn to his companion as they trotted out towards lunch. "I get that this is Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns but you'd think somepony would make her show some restraint."

The other - a pale orange mare - was less sure. "She's the Princess, I'm sure she knows what she's doing. Besides, that was Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

"I know," the stallion bemoaned. "She reminded us of that almost every sentence. In between reminding us of how powerful and famous she is."

"Great and Powerful," cut in the mare.

Hearing the phrase for roughly the four hundredth time in the last hour, the stallion twitched. "I know she's a Princess but she doesn't have to rub it in!"

"On the plus side, that really was a fascinating lecture on her former student and why mind-altering spells backfire so often." The mare lit her horn, shifting her saddlebags to a more comfortable place. "It really makes you think." She paused. "Maybe the name was part of the lesson? She was showing us what a small change in expression can do to perception?"

Her companion considered that. "...You're right. She doesn't change anything about her presentation except she speaks in the third person, and look at how it changes how we see her! She really is brilliant!"

Dear Princess Twilight;
I hope you're doing okay. Things are kind of chaotic here at Canterlot High - Rarity's gotten herself into trouble again. We're trying a student news report, and she did her part on emerging fashion trends. Like everything around here, it got out of hand immediately. She declared that rainbows are the next big thing and suddenly everyone at school has their hair dyed in rainbow colors. Dash thinks it's really cool but Rarity's been low-level freaking out for two days now. Have you dealt with anything like this?

Dear Sunset Shimmer;
The Great and Powerful Twilight Sparkle is familiar with this kind of problem! She has indeed dealt with similar things before and would like to hear more about the specifics of your situation.

Sunset Shimmer?

Octavia got the nod from Vinyl, and touched the button for the intercom. "First of all Princess, thank you for agreeing to record for us. I know your schedule is certainly quite packed, and your making time for a charity song is kind of you. Now - as this is a choral section of the song, your voice will be layered in with the other celebrities and musicians whom have generously donated their time."

The grey mare glanced to her partner for a moment before resuming. "The stand in front of you has the lyrics. You need not worry about perfection as the harmony of multiple voices will cover any less than perfect moments. Simply focus on keeping the proper timing and words, alright?"

In the recording booth, Twilight nodded nervously. She had a bad feeling, but skipping out on a charity event was too high a price to pay just for her own vanity. And the sales from this song would go towards helping starving chicks in Griffinstone!

From the booth, Vinyl started the recording and Octavia set the audio marker. "Barn Aid, Twilight Sparkle track, take one."

The first stanzas passed by as she waited - Octavia pointed at the Princess at her cue.

And as best she could, Twilight sang.

"Things may come and things may go
Some go fast and some go slow
Few things last, that's all Twilight Sparkle knows
But friendship carr--"

The music abruptly cut, and Octavia's voice came from the booth. "Princess, I'm sorry but you, ah. Could you re-read the lyrics please?"

Twilight buried her head in her hooves with a groan.

"Starlight? The Great and Powerful Twilight Sparkle has a question."

"Let me guess, it's about the curse."

"It is. Twilight Sparkle is trying to figure out - if she has to pick up Trixie's legacy, does that mean Twilight is supposed to make out with you?"

"...Get out of my bedroom."

"So that's a no?"

"Get out of my bedroom, Twilight."

The convention had been going amazingly so far - it wasn't a large one, but since the return of the Pillars there had been a significant boost to SwirlCON's attendance numbers. While originally it had been more of a scholastic conference on Star Swirl's works, the return and inclusion of the other five had given the convention more of a festive, celebratory atmosphere.

Pinkie Pie had approved.

For Twilight, it was the perfect crossroads that allowed her to attend a lecture on quantum thaumodynamics, pick up some Flash Magnus-themed merch for Rainbow Dash, and watch an impromptu rap battle between two costumed ponies pretending to be Rockhoof and Mistmane - all in the same two-hour slot.

SwirlCON was amazing and Twilight was having a great time.


"Your colors are wrong."

She stopped. "Excuse Twilight Sparkle?"

The pale pegasus pushed his glasses back up his muzzle. "Your Star Swirl cosplay. The colors are all wrong, you're missing the bells and not a single one of the stars on your cloak or hat is in the right position."

"Twilight Sparkle is not cosplaying." Twilight took off her hat and looked at it. Now that this random pony brought it up, Trixie's outfit did have a passing resemblance.

Instead of letting it go, the pegasus snorted. "I'll say you aren't. Even in the most charitable sense that costume could never be considered a real Star Swirl outfit." He sneered at her. "This is what you get when somepony with no appreciation for the true genius of Star Swirl comes to a convention."

He failed to notice that Twilight was twitching with barely-restrained anger. "Did... did you just imply the Great and Powerful Twilight Sparkle is lacking in her Star Swirl knowledge?"

"Obviously you are," he noted before turning his nose up. "You're even giving yourself fake titles. What a wannabe loser."

Twilight's bail would be posted by Rainbow Dash several hours later (because she wasn't getting her Flash Magnus licensed replica shield otherwise). The offending pegasus would not recover from the stun blast until the next day.

Author's Note:

Story Tone Meter


Sitcom Clip Show Hijinks