• Published 15th Dec 2011
  • 2,468 Views, 18 Comments

Hush Now, Quiet Now... - FanNotANerd

It's always the quiet ones.

  • ...

Chapter 1

It was late in the night. Luna’s moon still hung high in the sky, and most everypony was sleeping peacefully. Except for one.

Fluttershy tossed and turned, sweat breaking out on her brow. “No,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to…she lied…No!”

After a moment, her voice petered off into disjointed mumbling. She gritted her teeth, caught in the grip of a nightmare that refused to let her go.

She suddenly awoke, sobbing quietly. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean it. You left me no choice.”


A beam of sunlight slanted through the window, illuminating golden motes of dust that floated through the air. It was this beam of light that awoke the canary-yellow pegasus sprawled on the bed.

Fluttershy’s eye snapped open, pupil contracting to a pinpoint in response to the light. For a moment, she just stared through the window, following the ray that had stirred her from her slumber.

It took her a moment to realize the source of the light. When she did, she forced herself out of the bed, muscles aching in protest. Her sleep had been…fitful, to say the least. The nightmares were back again, lending visions of such horror that she was almost afraid to sleep. Over and over, during the night, she’d woken up screaming, heart hammering in response to some unknown terror.

But even sleep-deprived as she was, she refused to neglect her animals. Even though her eyes had difficulty focusing and she swayed on her hooves, she still made sure to deposit a couple carrots in a bowl for Angel, and add a scoop of sunflower seeds to the feeders outside. The birds were unusually quiet that morning, but Fluttershy was quick to attribute that to the early hour. Even Angel was still asleep in his bed.

The pegasus forced her aching muscles into action, despite their fervent protests from their treatment during the night. It had been two weeks since the first nightmare. Two long weeks. Every night since then had been plagued by awful dreams, each more horrid than the last. She could never remember them when she woke up, but…then again, she didn’t really want to. The cold sweat they left her in was all the indication she needed in that regard.

It was bad enough to lose the sleep she did over them. The effect they would have on her waking life was one she didn’t want to contemplate.

I should probably see Twilight about that, she thought as she walked toward Ponyville, with no particular destination in mind. In fact, she was just about to head to the library when she remembered Twilight was out of town. Oddly, she hadn’t told anypony where she was going, or that she was going anywhere, but her friend had already demonstrated some…eccentricities.

Fluttershy trotted past the library, which had stood empty for several days. Ever since Twilight had left. For a moment, she debated visiting Sugarcube Corner to get some comforting sweets, but then remembered Pinkie Pie had left town with the Cakes the day before. They also hadn’t told anypony that they were going anywhere, but Pinkie was prone to impulsiveness. Probably nothing to worry about.

As this newest realization occurred to her, she slowed to a walk, some of the spring fading from her step. If any of her friends would be able to help her with her nightmares, it would be one of those two.

The pegasus glanced toward the pharmacy, noting the slightly askew Open sign on the door. She let herself in, jumping slightly as a bell tinkled above her head.

“Fluttershy!” the stallion behind the counter called. “Good to see you! How’s that medication I prescribed for Angel working?”

Fluttershy frowned slightly, confused. Medication? She didn’t even remember Angel being sick.

She shrugged it off, blaming it again on lack of sleep. “Just fine. He’s looking a lot better.”

The pharmacist, whose name currently escaped her, grinned. “Good to hear that! Now, what can I do for you?”

His smile faded as Fluttershy’s unkempt state sank in. “You okay? You’re looking a little scruffy.”

Fluttershy tried to smile reassuringly, but it came out as more of a pained grimace. “I’ve just been having some trouble sleeping. That’s why I’m here.”

The pharmacist nodded in sympathy. “I hear you. Insomnia’s a nasty thing.”

“Oh, it’s not insomnia,” Fluttershy said. “I’ve been having nightmares, and was wondering-“

“Dreamless sleep’s what you’re after, huh?” the pharmacist cut in.

Fluttershy glared at him. That was twice, now. She hated being cut off. It made her feel unimportant. She’d never told anyone, but it annoyed her more than anything else.

The stallion was facing away from her, rummaging through the shelves behind him. “I’ve got just the thing. Give me a moment…”

The pegasus gritted her teeth as an uncharacteristically violent rage exploded inside her. The pharmacist kept on talking, bringing out a pair of small glass pill bottles.

He turned back around, his friendly smile fading when he saw Fluttershy’s expression. “What’s the look for? Do you prefer drops?”

Fluttershy blinked. It took her a moment to recognize her surroundings. She was standing on the bank of the river that ran beside the town.

The pegasus frowned in consternation. How did she get there? Wasn’t she just talking to the…

Fluttershy’s brow wrinkled as she wracked her brain. Where had she been before this? Something to do with…

After a moment, she gave up. She simply couldn’t remember. Might as well just sit here for a moment, and listen to the birds in the trees. Their song was a familiar, comforting melody, and she soon found herself humming along with them. She hadn’t realized how little birdsong she heard at her house, despite the feeders she had hung up outside.

The pegasus smiled serenely, closing her eyes in bliss. This was something she could spend all day listening to.

Her nostrils wrinkled slightly as a cloying, metallic scent drifted past. Within moments, it became stronger, until it was nearly overpowering. Fluttershy took a step back, eyes flashing open. It took her a moment to realize what she was looking at, and when she did, she scrambled backward, stifling a scream.

Blood. The river was full of blood. The rushing stream was now sluggish and languid, and dyed a deep crimson. Her hoof bumped against something that gave off a dull clack.

Fluttershy forced herself to look down, despite the voice of reason screaming at her to forget all this and run, just run!

But she looked down anyway. The sticks and bits of driftwood that lined the sides of the river were gone, replaced by a hideous collection of bones, some bleached white by the sun, some still with strands of muscle and sinew hanging off them. The pegasus backed up in horror, her back hoof skidding off a unicorn skull and crunching through a yellowed ribcage. And through it all, the birds continued to sing, a perverse parody of the scene before her.

The stench of blood and decay clogged the air, as the river of blood flowed on…and on…

Now she ran. Crashing through underbrush without a thought for her own safety, ignoring the line of blood that appeared on her chest after being whipped by a branch. On she ran, sobbing in terror, wishing she could just fall asleep and leave this hideous vision behind.

Except she couldn’t sleep. Not with her nightmares still plaguing her. The one refuge every sentient being could always take was denied to her, twisted by visions even more horrid than the one that still tormented her.

She kept running even when she had left the brush behind her, barely able to notice that she was headed back toward Ponyville. She ignored the shocked glances of a pair of unicorns as she galloped past them, driven to near mindlessness in her terror.

One earth pony placed herself in the terrified pegasus’ path, shouting something a distant part of her recognized as her name. When Fluttershy didn’t stop, the muted orange pony lowered her head, planted her hooves, and physically stopped the pegasus.

She placed her hooves on Fluttershy’s shoulders, saying something in a loud voice. Fluttershy blinked. Then the ground rushed up to meet her, and everything went black.



The pegasus forced her eyes open, squinting against the light. It took a moment for Applejack’s concerned face to swim into focus in front of her.

Applejack smiled. “Yer awake. Good. Ah was worried Ah’d have t’ lug you back to th’ farm myself.”

She put on a good façade, but a quaver in her voice betrayed her nervousness.

Fluttershy cleared her throat, feeling as if she’d just swallowed a bucket of coals. “What happened?” she whispered, voice hoarse and rusty.

Applejack’s smile faded. “You don’t remember? You came charging out of th’ forest like an Ursa Major was chasin’ you.”

The pegasus rubbed her forehead with a hoof. “I did? I just…”

She shook her head in an attempt to clear it. So tired…

“I can’t even think,” she whispered. “I can’t remember anything I did today. Every time I sleep…”

Applejack took a step back. “Fluttershy, I want you to tell me what’s wrong. This isn’t you.” Her voice was high with panic.

Fluttershy held her head in her hooves, moaning. It felt like iron spikes were being driven into her skull. “Nightmares,” she managed. “Horrible dreams. I can’t sleep…haven’t slept. Can’t remember...”

She felt a hoof on her back. “Fluttershy, don’t worry. Ah’ll help you. It’s too bad Twilight’s out of town-“

Fluttershy cringed at the sound of the unicorn’s name, letting out an involuntary whimper.

“Otherwise she could do some of her magic and help you,” Applejack finished, edging away. The bitter tang of fear started to make its way into her subconscious. Something here was very, very wrong.

She tried to help me, Fluttershy thought, eyes wide yet unseeing. She tried. And failed. They can’t help me. Nopony can.

“Who tried to help?” Applejack asked. “Twilight?”

Fluttershy froze. She hadn’t meant to say it out loud.

“Believe me,” Applejack was saying. “Whatever it is, there’s always somepony who can help.”

“Not me,” Fluttershy whispered. “You can’t help me. You can’t stop me. I can’t…”

“Fluttershy, look at me.”

The pegasus stared at the ground. “Look at me!” Applejack snapped, grabbing her head in her hooves and tilting her head up.

The moment Fluttershy saw her friend, she knew that everything she’d said was a lie. Applejack was smiling cruelly, as if this entire mess was some sick joke. This pony didn’t want to help her.

“Let go of me!” Fluttershy snarled, twisting free of Applejack’s grasp. “I see what you want!”

“But Fluttershy,” Applejack said, creeping closer. “I just want to help.” That sultry grin was still plastered on her face, mocking Fluttershy’s terror.

“NO YOU DON’T!” Fluttershy screamed, lashing out with a hoof. She connected squarely with the pressure point on Applejack’s jaw, sending the earth pony to the ground.

It took a moment for what she’d just done to occur to her. She quickly glanced around, making sure nopony else had seen her. Nothing. Good. They could pretend to be concerned, shower her with their false sympathy, but they didn’t really understand. They didn’t want to understand. They were all against her, laughing at her downfall.

The pegasus hissed in rage, pawing at the ground. Well, if she was going to hit rock bottom, they were coming with her.

Something new appeared in Fluttershy’s eyes. Something that, had Applejack been conscious, would have sent her running for the hills.

Fluttershy looked back down at the unconscious pony at her hooves, a horrible, gurgling laugh escaping her mouth. She tried to stop it, but found she couldn’t. The situation was just so…absurd.

It took a few minutes for her laughter to peter off, but when it did, the seriousness of the situation suddenly came to her. If anypony else saw what had happened, they would jump to conclusions. All they needed was an excuse to turn on her, and this would be a perfect opportunity.

Her imagination conjured up an image of a desultory pegasus fixed in a stockade, face smeared with rotten vegetables and other refuse. I always told you she was unbalanced. It was only a matter of time.

String her up! I want to see her burn!

Kill her!

She had come to Twilight for help. She remembered now. The unicorn had smiled weakly, giving her some line about how dreams were beyond the influence of magic.

Lies. All lies. The unicorn had lied to her face, and done it with a smile. Fluttershy had no regrets about what she’d done. It was almost funny that nopony had thought to check in the library’s basement. The dragon had been a bit more difficult. Thick scales, and all. She’d had to poison him, force Twilight’s stock of deadly nightshade down his throat. It hadn’t been pleasant, but she was beyond caring.

With no recollection of what she’d done, she’d gone to Pinkie Pie. The pony had laughed at her troubles, claiming it was the best type of medicine. Her laughter had become steadily more mocking, until Fluttershy was forced to silence it.

The Cakes hadn’t done anything. But they’d seen. They couldn’t be allowed to spread their panicked words around the town, now could they? They wanted to see her fall, anyway. In any case, the most recent batch of pastries had been given…a special addition.

It was almost surprising how many dull knives she found in Sugarcube Corner. In retrospect, the Cakes probably wished they’d sharpened a few of them.

It was lucky nopony had heard them scream. Fluttershy had had nearly enough of blood at that point.

But Applejack had seen. She knew. She had to be silenced.

Fluttershy felt a moment’s regret for having to do this to her friend, but the memory of her sultry grin quickly dispelled it. She was just like the rest of them. And she would do everything she could to watch Fluttershy burn.

“No,” Fluttershy snarled. “I won’t let them.”

She gathered up the prone earth pony, grunting from the strain. Applejack was heavier than she expected. But after a moment’s effort, she succeeded in lifting her off the ground and taking to the air.

So Applejack wanted to help her? Well, now she wanted to help Applejack.

That’s what friends did for each other, after all.

Note: Let me know what you think. This is my first attempt a psychological horror, and would appreciate honest, unbiased feedback. If you want, I can write a quick additional chapter detailing Applejack’s "silencing", which will be on a level similar to Cupcakes. But to be honest, here seems like a good place to end it.

Comments ( 17 )
#1 · Dec 15th, 2011 · · ·

Uggh, god enough already we don't want another scenario like Dash is always the victim in gore stories

69219 I...uh, what? I think you said you didn't want a gory Dash execution scene. I never even mentioned Dash. The hell are you talking about?

I say go for the extra chapter. It's pretty good. Though, I would have had the other "silencings" as their own chapters but I'm no writer.

Uh huh....

Well, psychological horror is one of my favorite genres, so I desperately want to like this story. As it stands however, I'm really just not feeling it, for two main reasons.

First, you're going way too fast. What really defines psychological horror, at least to me, is the descent, the protagonists slow and terrifying fall into the depths of insanity. Here, you've already started with Fluttershy already over the edge, already lost. There's no anticipation, no build-up. It's just there.

Second, and more importantly, this isn't really psychological horror, at least not yet. With those last few lines, you effectively turned this into a gore story starring a deranged killer nothing more. It felt like you were shoving aside Fluttershy's plight in favor of having her murder her friends.

So... yeah. Interesting start, decent writing, but I just can't get into it. Sorry.

69327 I know. I'll probably end up shelving this idea for development into a multichapter later. Which won't be written any time soon, seeing as I already have another multi on the go. Can't blame me for trying.

69359 I can and I will blame you for trying! How dare you attempt to do something new and interesting?! Who the hell do you think you are, some kind of writer?!

In all seriousness though, I meant what I said about your writing. It's pretty good; some more work on building the atmosphere and this story could have been delightfully terrifying.

#7 · Dec 15th, 2011 · · ·

If you're going to make another psych' horror make it more confusing,and have more and more ponies disappearing everyday;and make it look like another ponies doing it :pinkiecrazy: But over all it was good

Point taken: a good horror has to be longer. Thanks for the feedback.


69245 I think he means with all the horror fics that involve dash then something with fluttershy ressembling a lot of them comes a long it gets a bit old.But in my opnion it's a nice story nice as in idea not the other term.

#12 · Jan 6th, 2012 · · ·

this is scary

do not want :applecry::applecry::applecry:

im offended u made such a scary story about mlp fim

WELP! Not like I wanted to go to sleep.

The nugget that stands out to me is that you know blood smells metallic. Interesting tidbit to share, since it tastes like something coppery in your mouth. An acknowledgement of such a fine detail shows definite talent brewing beneath the surface.

I can't say I really enjoyed this one, though. Fluttershy's tipping point is entirely absent. Recurring nightmare's can do a lot to damage a person, but the rushed feeling that quickly led to the murder of half the cast? I understand everyone likes to write a dark story or a clop story now and then, to get it out of their systems (I've yet to do either, myself, though I prolly should), but this one just doesn't seem to have a REASON behind it. Fluttershy decides to murder her friends for smiling at her wrong, for laughing, or for other such tiny reasons. She's not that frail and volatile, I don't think. Though, in canon we do know that Fluttershy sits upon a powder keg of untapped RAGE, I'm just not feeling comfy seeing it go so far so quickly. Then again, I'm not into dark stories for my MLP fanfics, so meh. Just not my cup of tea, I suppose.


300259 I must say, I'm surprised to see that out of all my stories, you chose to read what is arguably one of my worst. Yes, I know it moves too fast, and the psychological effect is completely lost as a result. At the point that I wrote this, I'd just finished a particularly disturbing collection of Stephen King short stories (one of them being The Mist) and needed some kind of outlet to get all the f*ck out of my head. That, and I wanted to experiment with horror a little more.

As for knowing that blood smells metallic, I could say it's because I'm a biology major who inferred that because hemoglobin is structured around iron atoms...but in reality it's just because I'm not exactly the most coordinated person, and a bit of a risktaker. That combines into a delightful recipe for an alarmingly high self-injury rate.

In any case, thanks for the review. I know my reply may seem a mess of petty self-justificatons, but I still appreciate any sort of cohesive, well-structured feedback.

I liked it! Kinda reminds me of Rocket to Insanity.

I thought it could have used a bit more fleshing out. The story itself seems to be decently paced, (perhaps a little fast) but the setting and premise seem to be very hollow and unfulfilled. This story gave us about 5 paragraphs of vague explanation to work with. It's not entirely a bad thing to keep the reader in the dark, but the darkness just seemed a bit empty - if you get what I mean.

I'm far from a writer or reader that knows what he's doing; but the one recurring thing I see in fantastic stories is how they 'set the stage'. The reader, for the most part, likes to have a strong connection not only with the lead character(s), but also with the setting and environment. It's almost as if you want to show them a picture of where and what is going on -- with text. It feels as if this was a bit left behind in favour of advancing the plot.

For example, the scene where Fluttershy is admiring nature, and is brought to reality with the gore. I've found that juxtaposition of opposites (death and beauty/life) is an extremely powerful device, and if both sides were weighted a bit more, it would really add to the atmosphere and overall feel of the story. You did it well, just a little more 'oomph' would make it far more powerful.

Hopefully some of this made sense. All in all, I did enjoy it. I think you should try writing another one of these! :twilightsmile:


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