• Published 15th Mar 2020
  • 1,071 Views, 7 Comments

A Pegasus Promise - Waterwindearthfire

In a tragedy's aftermath, Fluttershy will take on her to honor a promise she made to a dear friend.

  • ...

Chapter 7 - Doubt

There is no love of life without despair of life.
- Albert Camus, unicorn -

She wasn't making any progress...

After eight months of intense effort, personal sacrifices and sweet dreams that had replaced the awful nightmares of the early days, Fluttershy had finally hit the insurmountable wall she had long feared, as predicted by Nurse RedHeart.

Just a month earlier, at the superb evening at Sweet Apple Acres, Fluttershy was confident that her wing would fully recover. She was enjoying Applejack’s exquisite "shy rainbow cider" with her friends, already anticipating the joy that her sonic rainboom would bring her.

Then her luck suddenly turned. Ever since that month, nothing had worked, nothing was progressing.

She hadn't made any significant changes since that important night.

Worse still, she had not been able to reach her maximum speed. The same speed she had reached long before, the day Spitfire visited Ponyville to use the flying force of the pegasus to create a tornado.

She had noted this major problem during one of her sessions.

She found herself unable to increase her speed any further without experiencing excruciating pain in her left wing, which cramped every time she tried to go faster.

The situation was becoming dangerous. Fluttershy had almost crashed several times to the ground, the pain in her wing paralyzing her in full flight.

The first time the injury occurred, it had worsened to the point that Fluttershy had to stop her session. And even after touching the ground, the pain kept drumming continuously in her wing, forcing her to clench her teeth, subject to constant torture.


“Goodness! Owww, owww, owww!” Fluttershy whimpered as she landed on the ground. “What is happening to me?”

Confused and injured, Fluttershy decided to end this horrible session.

The strange pain was way too strong, she had no other choice than to walk to Carousel Boutique.

Her wing, in addition to the sensitive and still apparent scars, was now tense and stiff. Something was very wrong and this made her worry.

A lot.

That pain... it’s like that day in Everfree! When the trunk hit me and… owww! This is unbearable!

Every time Fluttershy took a step, she suffered from her phantom wound. It was causing a tearing pulse in her wing... She almost fainted a few times, bordering on unconsciousness, but finally arrived in sight of the shop, her cheeks dripping with tears and her legs shaking and flickering.

Please Rarity!, Fluttershy prayed silently, weaker and weaker. It hurts so much, I… I need you!


Something feels wrong...

Rarity could not shake off that feeling.

Celestia’s sun was high up in the sky, its rays shining through the kitchen window. The atmosphere was warm, cozy, comforting. Ideal for a dinner break in between two orders. And yet...

Something definitely feels wrong...

She was on edge. She shouldn’t be.

Granted she had many orders she had to work on during the upcoming days, but this was all easy work. Scarfs, coats, things she could do in her sleep. Same as always.

Did I make some sort of mistake for Carrot Top’s order? No! She did ask for a light green scarf. And I’m sure it will match her eyes perfectly... Then what is it?

She put on her apron and started cutting tomatoes. She settled down for a simple sandwich with some tomatoes and mayonnaise. It was always like this around that time of year when orders started piling up. It became her to-go food when she was in a rush.

She wouldn’t call it a tradition, but it usually brought her comfort to fight off the most stressful of days.


What is this dreadful feeling?

She had just set her sandwich on a plate when a horrible apprehension suddenly seized her heart and urged her to look out the window.

She hoped that this dizzying presentiment was simply due to the stress of her multiple commands, but she quickly disenchanted when she saw the pegasus in the distance.

It's way too early though, she shouldn't be here for several hours,, Rarity worried, quickly taking off her apron.

But only on her doorstep did Rarity realize how urgent the situation really was.

I knew it! Something is wrong!

She was shocked to see Fluttershy in such a sorry state, limping and shedding tears. Driven by panic, Rarity rushed outside to join her, fearing that another tragedy might have disrupted her friend's life.

Fluttershy, extenuated, threw herself into her arms, crying her heart out. Rarity could feel the tremors and jolts running through Fluttershy's body. Curiously, however, Fluttershy didn't seem to be suffering from any external injury.

“Fluttershy darling, what is happening to you?”

Fluttershy, with great effort, took deep breaths to calm herself and interrupt the flood of her tears. She raised her head to Rarity. Her eyes, usually joyful, expressed a mixture of despair and incomprehension.

Seeing Fluttershy's eyes, Rarity felt a shiver run down her spine.

“I... I don't... know! My wing horri...bly hurts me...Ra... Rarity,” Fluttershy sobbed. “I tried to... to fly faster... and I... I think that something in my wing... broke again...”

At that moment a painful spasm ran through Fluttershy's wing again. The whimper of the pegasus broke Rarity's heart.

Fluttershy had been through so many hardships already. Rarity prayed to Celestia that this was not yet again the case. After so many happy months, Fluttershy didn't deserve to fall back into the world of suffering and despair she had just left.

Fluttershy started crying again, hugging Rarity a little harder against her in a trembling embrace.

Rarity sat down in the grass. never letting go of Fluttershy as she cried in her neck.

Rarity patiently lulled her the same way she used to during Fluttershy’s period of nightmares. She hummed with infinite tenderness the melodies she had sung to soothe her. She waited for Fluttershy’s tears to fade and for her breath to return to a normal rhythm.

After a long time, Fluttershy managed to calm down, despite occasional sobs. Rarity lifted the pegasus head to lay a kiss on Fluttershy's forehead.

“Oh Fluttershy, my beautiful Fluttershy,” softly said Rarity. “Wipe your tears, please. You are so much prettier when you smile. Do not let your charm be wiped away by these horrible tears. I beg you, I do not want you to lose that gorgeous smile again, darling.”

Rarity tenderly wiped the Fluttershy's tears with her soft hooves.

Minutes later, Fluttershy had stopped crying but was still huddled up with Rarity. Nestled close to the unicorn, she felt safe and secure... Rarity's gentleness pleased and soothed the pegasus, which now, more than ever, needed her friend's comforting presence.

Fluttershy's cheeks became red and warm where Rarity had caressed them with her hooves, chasing away the tears that flowed on them.

“Fluttershy darling, may I examine your wing? I would like to see if you have any external wounds. We shall then go to the hospital to verify if you have nothing broken.”

Fluttershy nodded softly and shyly.

Delicately, patiently, Rarity smoothed every feather on Fluttershy's wing. She then massaged it to the great relief of the pegasus, which could not help but have a shiver of pleasure. Rarity's massage soothed the pain she had been feeling since the end of her flying session.

Slowly, taking advantage of Rarity's caresses on her wounds, Fluttershy was recovering from her unpleasant experience.

Then it happened.

Rarity grazed an extremely sensitive area of Fluttershy’s wing immediately causing her intense pain, violently tensing her wing again. Fluttershy let out a brief cry of pain and surprise.

“Fluttershy! I’m so sorry! You are right, something is wrong. we need to go to the hospital. Can you walk?”

Fluttershy whimpered.

“I… I might need your help… Please?”

“You don’t even need to ask, darling!”


The nurses were pleasantly surprised by the impromptu arrival of their miraculous patient, the one that had surprised the entire hospital staff with her extraordinary recovery. Fluttershy was their little ray of sunshine, the living proof that an iron will could change a dark destiny.

Through perseverance and intense effort, Fluttershy had performed a true miracle.

The nurses walked over to Fluttershy and Rarity, all smiling, to inquire about Fluttershy’s new progress. But then, they noticed Rarity and Fluttershy worried expressions. Their smiles faded.

“Ladies, we have a problem. We need to see nurse Redheart.”


The X-ray procedure was more complex than expected.

Fluttershy had a hard time moving her wing to position it properly without hurting herself. With a lot of effort, moaning and a few tears of frustration, Fluttershy finally succeeded, with a little help from Rarity who was trying to ease her suffering as best she could.

While Fluttershy nervously waited in the other room with Rarity, Redheart carefully examined her X-ray. She had a pretty good idea about the origins of Fluttershy's problem. As she suspected, unfortunately, she quickly identified the problem.

She sighed.

She would have liked to reassure Fluttershy, persecuted by such a cruel fate, but she was once again the bearer of bad news.

She went to them.

“Miss Fluttershy, miss Rarity, over here, please,” Redheart told them as she invited them into a meeting room.

Fluttershy reluctantly entered the room with Rarity. She felt as if she was entering a tomb, as if the air had suddenly thickened, along with her apprehensions.

The X-ray procedure had awakened the stabbing pain in her wing once again. Since then, Fluttershy did not dare to move it until the final verdict had been pronounced.

She was afraid to hear what she feared and only the comforting presence of Rarity at her side gave her the strength to face the nurse in front of her, rather than flee out of the room, out of the place that had seen Rainbow take her last breath.

After closing the door, Redheart faced the two mares with a smile that was meant to be reassuring, but Fluttershy still had a bad feeling that she couldn't suppress.

“Miss Fluttershy, I have examined your X-ray and I am now convinced that you have no broken or disrupted bones. Everything is in order.”

Rarity immediately lifted a hoof to her heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Celestia be praised, that’s marvelous!”

Fluttershy, for her part, said nothing and kept staring at Redheart. She guessed that the nurse hadn't said everything and that a darker truth was hiding behind these encouraging words.

Redheart's uneasiness increased when she noticed Fluttershy’s fixed gaze on her. She understood that she was waiting, aware that something was coming. She decided not to wait any longer.

Poor Fluttershy...

“However, miss Fluttershy, I must warn you. Your pain seems to be due to the metallic pieces implanted in your wing. It would seem that at a certain speed, the way the air interacts with your wounded wing makes all the metallic pieces in it quiver and put pressure on your bones, creating this unbearable pain you felt.”

Goodness… No!

Fluttershy understood immediately.

It was very bad news. The worst.

Suddenly dizzy, she felt like she was falling into a bottomless well as a powerful vise crushed her heart. She held her breath, unsure if she wanted to hear the rest. She didn't want Redheart to confirm her suspicions about her promise.

Sadly, the nurse did just that, shattering Fluttershy's last hopes.

“Miss Fluttershy, my colleagues and I know about your intention to get back at the best of your flight capacity for your... sonic rainboom project. It’s a wonderful thing in our opinion. But I'm deeply sorry to say that you will never be able to reach your past speed. This is your new limit. To go past this limit could turn out to be extremely dangerous.”

Fluttershy felt like falling again. Her dream, her wish, her promise, made to her most precious friend, was flying out of her reach...

Redheart began to speak again, but Fluttershy couldn't hear anything as she sank into an abyss of despair.

“… try to see the good side. You worked so hard to fly again... please, do not risk everything for your project,” concluded Redheart in a tone that expressed her deepest regret.

Fluttershy burst into tears in Rarity's arms.


Since she had received the bad news, there hadn’t been a day when Fluttershy had not shed bitter tears. She had spent the rest of the entire month making futile attempts to increase her speed.

Always without success.

Every time she tried to fly faster, the dreadful pain came back and threatened to paralyze her in midair, and if it did, her flight would turn into a violent and potentially fatal fall.

Since the evening at Sweet Apple Acres, none of her many attempts had worked, and despair, through her countless failures, had quickly returned to her heart.

With just over two months left for achieving her promise, she was stuck, unable to reach even half the speed required to perform Rainbow’s sonic rainboom.

Fluttershy was hopeless.


That morning, after a horrible snowstorm, the most intense since the beginning of winter, Fluttershy had started her session in the same dreary way as any of her previous sessions. She was more depressed than ever, her morale destroyed by her ever-increasing failures.

But she had to try to display a confident attitude.

I can’t let all my efforts go to waste. Come on Fluttershy! You are stronger than that!

In front of the animals in her cottage, who encouraged her as best they could, she had taken to flying higher and higher in the sky.

The day before, Fluttershy had prayed once more to Celestia and Luna to give her the strength to make her promise come true. Now it was time to see if her prayers had been answered.

At the ideal height to perform a sonic rainboom, Fluttershy began her descent, letting gravity help her reach her maximum speed. Once that speed was reached, unsurprisingly, she felt the excruciating sensation in her wing.

Usually, at this point, she would stop her movement to catch her breath and rest her painful wing.

But not this time…

I. Made. A. Feather. Promise!

Determined to fight against the fate that had been foretold, Fluttershy decided to keep going. Biting her lip, she continued to descend, the pain bringing tears to her eyes. Then when it became too unbearable, the pain threatening to make her lose consciousness, she tried to stabilize herself.

To no avail.

Her wing was no longer responding as she was so stiff.

She panicked when she saw the ground approaching rapidly and redoubled her efforts. At the end of the most perilous maneuver of her life, she managed in extremis to stabilize herself to avoid a fatal collision with the ground. She violently zigzagged in the air, her tensed wing preventing her from performing her manoeuvers properly, then she landed hard in the thick snow cover from last night’s storm.

Every one of her creatures who had witnessed the scene rushed towards the snow-covered pegasus, worried that she hurt herself.

Fluttershy whimpered, aware of how lucky she was to be alive. As her animals gathered around her to comfort her, Fluttershy cried bitterly, disappointed and resigned at the unlikelihood of her project succeeding.

At the end of this particularly dangerous and demoralizing session, Fluttershy sadly greeted all of her pets and walked back to Rarity's shop, brooding all the way there.

Whatever flame of hope that had been trying to survive in her heart since her last visit to the hospital, had just been abruptly extinguished.

Nurse Redheart had tried to brighten the pegasus mood, reminding her of the tremendous progress she had made. But what was the point of having come all this way if she couldn't reach the goal she had set for herself?

Fluttershy had tried to rebel against fate, proving to everyone once again the strength of her will, but this time she seemed unable to make a difference.

It was impossible for her to perform a sonic rainboom, impossible for her to honor her friend the way she wanted, the way Rainbow deserved.

I… I can’t do it... I let you down Rainbow...

More demoralized than ever, Fluttershy sadly made her way back to Rarity's home, her left wing extremely sore, hanging limply along her side, the tip of her feathers making furrows in the light snow.


It didn’t take long before Rarity noticed Fluttershy’s ever-growing sad mood.

Fluttershy had returned from her snow-covered session with red eyes. She had cried again, leaving no doubt about the result of her training.

All that sadness crushed Rarity's heart and she took her shivering friend to her bathtub. Fluttershy needed to be warmed up as quickly as possible to prevent an illness from adding to the growing list of her problems.


As she combed Fluttershy’s freshly washed mane, Rarity thought back to all the happy months they had experienced not so long ago. The long walks, making dresses, and…

I guess even tending the garden was... nice… sort of.

Yet, all of that went awry in just one month.

One month since the optimistic, smiling Fluttershy had given way, a second time, to the sad, gloomy Fluttershy. Since the evening at Applejack's farm, her morale had begun its dizzying descent into the deepest abyss. All of her previous confidence and joy had dried up. And tonight, more than ever, Rarity was feeling Fluttershy’s pain.

Rarity wanted to help her friend recover from Redheart’s unpleasant news, but Fluttershy had locked herself in silence again to the dismay of the unicorn and their friends Applejack, Pinkie, Twilight. Rarity felt as if she had gone back in time, ten months earlier, when she was taking care of Fluttershy during her stay at the hospital.

Shortly after the bath, Rarity took Fluttershy to the kitchen for a nice meal. She was concerned about Fluttershy's health.

No helping with the household chores tonight, she needs to rest!

While Fluttershy was napping under a warm blanket, Rarity resorted to asking Sweetie Belle for a little bit of help making supper.

“Rarity, is Fluttershy gonna be okay?”

“I hope so, Sweetie. She had suffered too much already, I am not about to fail her. I will cheer her up”

“Well if you told her that you lov… Hmph!”

Rarity removed her spoon out of Sweetie’s mouth.

“Hush now little devil! Fluttershy has enough on her mind. I do not wish to trouble her about feelings that I’m not sure I fully understand myself. Plus, I don’t want her to feel even worse if she has to turn me down. This is not so simple Sweetie, a confession must be done at the right time.”

Rarity then took an unimpressed glance at the smoke coming out of the stove.

“Speaking of time Sweetie, how’s the dessert coming along?”

“Oh… Oh no!”


They all settled down to eat and even though cooking was not Sweetie Belle forte, Fluttershy ate all of the crème very brûlée without flinching. She even managed to put on a faint smile when Sweetie Belle asked her how it was.

Sweetie Belle was the first to finish her meal. She quickly left to join her friends Applebloom and Scootaloo in a hurried goodbye to the two mares. Left alone with Rarity, and after a long time, Fluttershy suddenly broke the silence in a trembling voice, her eyes watering as she stared at Rarity.

“Rarity... Am... am I a good friend? I feel so useless, I am incapable of doing the only thing that I promised to Rainbow. I can't do anything right... I... I do not deserve to be her friend...”

“Sweet Celestia, Fluttershy darling, surely you jest!” Rarity interrupted her, shocked by her words “Of course you are a good friend! Rainbow was lucky enough to have you as her friend! Pinkie, Applejack and Twilight also! Celestia be my witness, I have the chance to be your friend! Darling, please, don't be so hard on yourself!”

“But... I... ”

“But nothing,” Rarity continued in a softer voice. “Fluttershy, when you decided to make that promise to Rainbow, you didn't even know if you would be able to fly again. The odds were against you but you never stop trying. You made it for you and for Rainbow. And look at you now, darling, you fly like one of your lovely birds. You are a treasure of perseverance. You have honored the memory of Rainbow by showing so much courage. She would be so proud of you and you should be too, my darling.”

Fluttershy certainly needed reassurance, but Rarity’s word came right from the heart. No false flattery, just honest comments.

Applejack would be proud, the unicorn thought, relieved to see Fluttershy smile faintly and continue eating.

At the end of the meal, Rarity decided to take her protégée for a trip to Ponyville’s spa. She and Fluttershy needed comfort these days and haven't seen Aloe and Lotus in a month.

Poor girls, they must be worried sick.


“MISS RARITY AND MISS FLUTTERSHY!” shouted Aloe and Lotus in unison, happily stamping the ground with their hooves when the two mares came in the hall. “WELCOME BACK!“

“We were worried for our favorite customers,” said Lotus

“It's been a few weeks since your last visit, no?” added Aloe

“Thank you, ladies,” Rarity said.“You are correct, we didn't come here for what feels like an eternity, well... a month if I remember correctly. We shall need a complete service this evening. Fluttershy and I need relaxing care and you two are the only ones capable of taking care of this task.”

“Oh? Could it be that our advice on the proper way to massage a pegasus isn't enough anymore?” Lotus whispered in the unicorn's ear with a naughty little smile at Rarity's sudden embarrassment.

“Hum... No. Your... Your advice was indeed a big help in the last few months, but this evening we need a little more... comfort... than usual.” Rarity said, destabilized by the knowing smile the two sisters exchanged.

“Please, follow me then,” invited Aloe. “I suggest starting with a massage.”

The following hour was beneficial for the two clients who let themselves be massaged by Aloe and Lotus expert hooves

Rarity, always the curious lady, had talked a lot with Aloe and Lotus about the latest rumors in vogue at Ponyville, the couples of the hour, secret love affairs and the most outlandish anecdotes. The unicorn was savoring the moment while keeping an eye on her sad protégé, hoping this could lift her spirit.

During the massage, Rarity noticed that Aloe forgot to massage some parts of Fluttershy's wing.

No! Wait a minute…

On further inspection, Aloe did not forget them… she purposely avoided them. Rarity realized with dismay that these were the same areas that made Fluttershy moan with desire.

Those little minxes! They tricked me into arousing Fluttershy! Rarity realized without knowing whether to be angry or amused by the audacity of the two sisters.

Aloe caught Rarity's eye and smiled when she realized that Rarity had probably figured out their little scheme.

Fluttershy, for her part, had listened to the latest gossip with a distracted ear. She had also politely answered questions from the two sisters who were dying to know how she felt about her move into Rarity’s house.

“A gossip which has circulated a lot around here,” said Lotus with a wink to Rarity and Fluttershy. You know, two mares, sharing the same bed, the usual thing...

The two friends reacted exactly as the two sisters had hoped. Rarity's cheeks became red but she held her head high in front of Lotus and Aloe's amused gaze, while Fluttershy, twice as red, preferred to hide behind her long mane after emitting a shy squeak.

Aloe allowed herself a smile.

I like what I see.

After the massage, a beauty mask, a trip to the sauna and mud bath, Rarity and Fluttershy ended up basking in the large central hot water pool.

Aloe and Lotus made sure the two friends had everything they needed and then they slipped away, leaving the unicorn and pegasus in their privacy. Once away from their ears, the two sisters began to converse with excitement.

“Even if miss Fluttershy looks a little bit down tonight, I feel they’re even closer now. Come on Aloe! You can’t still pretend they’re not a couple.”

“I never said they weren’t a couple, Lotus. I just said they need to tell us first. But they sure do look cute together. I just hope miss Rarity will be able to comfort miss Fluttershy. ”

“Nothing better than a soak in the spa to let a tongue loose. I’m sure they’re having a special talk right this moment. Let’s see how it turns out. Maybe we’ll witness a love declaration tonight.“

“That would be marvelous. Oh! By the way, I’m pretty sure miss Rarity knows about our little scheme.”

“Great! Then she knows who she needs to thank later!”

They exchanged another knowing smile and then went off to their respective occupations, far from the two friends who shared, alone, the large pool of water.


“I am very sorry Rarity,” Fluttershy whispered, ears dropped.

“Sorry? For what purpose, darling?”

“For today... Rarity, this morning I did something very foolish, dangerous even. You asked me to never do anything that may be risky and... I didn't respect that rule. I… I could have died...”

She then told Rarity the whole story.

Her intention to carry out her promise, ignoring the limit imposed by her condition. Her fear when her wing became so tight that it no longer obeyed her, and her catastrophic landing. Once she was done, she dared to look at Rarity.

The white unicorn had let her tell her story, without interruption, looking even paler than usual. Her lip was trembling. Her watery eyes expressed great sorrow and the pain of Fluttershy’s betrayal.

She was wounded.

Fluttershy closed her eyes, she didn't want to see Rarity's broken look again. She wished the unicorn would slap her with all her might rather than see that devastated look on her face again. She wanted to apologize once more.


The question pierced Fluttershy’s heart with its cold and poisonous tone. She looked at Rarity.

“Wh...What?” Fluttershy asked, unsettled.

“I said why. I once asked you one thing, one simple thing: to not put yourself at risk while trying to do your sonic rainboom so why did you do such a reckless thing, Fluttershy?” Rarity asked again, a cold glow shining in her eyes as she pronounced each word as if it were poison.

When Rarity began to move towards her, an aura of unhealthy anger emanating from every pore of her skin, Fluttershy began to retreat to the edge of the pool.

“Because... because I had to do it,” clumsily tried to explain Fluttershy's getting more and more uncomfortable. “Rarity you... you don't understand, I must do a sonic rainboom.”

“No, you don't have to do it, you just want to do it, Fluttershy. The only difference between the latter option is that you deliberately put your life in danger,” said Rarity, her tone becoming more and more acute, threatening to become a scream of rage. “After all the things Applejack, Pinkie, Twilight and I have done to help you, that's how you thought of thanking us... by dying?”

Fluttershy was now squeezed between the pool wall and the fashionista bubbling with rage. She whined, tears in the corner of her eyes.

“Ra... Rarity I... I never meant to do you any harm! It's just... I really need to do a sonic rainboom. You... you all did your tribute to Rainbow... and I can't do mine... I had to try pushing my limit!”


Fluttershy whimpered

“Rarity, please, try to understand! I need to do a sonic rainboom... I... I made a feather promise!”


“I... I'll keep trying,” said Fluttershy, tears running down her cheeks.


Fluttershy's last resistance broke and she began to cry intensely. She pushed Rarity aside, got out of the pool, and ran out of the room rushing past the two sisters at the reception desk, who exchanged a sad look as they watched her leave in the night, galloping with tears streaming down her cheeks.

“That wasn't what I had in mind,” Lotus sighed.


Left alone in the pool, Rarity didn't take long before she felt regrets. She had spoken in anger and said things she would probably regret for the rest of her life.

Oh Rarity, you foolish soul... You have been such a horrid friend. Why did you react so violently? Against Fluttershy of all else. The poor thing didn't need that.

She should never have raised her voice to Fluttershy like that. And yet, it was infuriating to see the pegasus throwing her life away like it meant nothing. Did Fluttershy not understand how important she was to her friends?

Doesn't she understand how much she means to me?

Sweetie Belle's words about her relationship with Fluttershy came back to haunt Rarity. The life of the unicorn had changed so much at Fluttershy's side. She couldn't, no, wouldn't imagine a world without the pegasus by her side.

All her thoughts were about Fluttershy.

And the horrible way she treated her.

Determined to apologize to Fluttershy, Rarity walked out of the pool and immediately went to the reception desk to meet the two perplexed sisters there. The unicorn quickly paid the bill, preparing to go out to find the pegasus.

“Is everything alright, Miss Rarity? We saw miss Fluttershy a few minutes ago and... she didn't seem... well... relaxed...” said Aloe

“It's my fault, we had a fight and I said some very bad things tonight. I must find her now... and try to make amends... if possible.”

“We wish we could help but she didn't say where she was going,” apologized Lotus

“I think I already know where I can find her,” Rarity reassured them. “Now if you'll excuse me, I have a friend to comfort.”


In the cool air of that sweet late winter night, Fluttershy was looking up at the stars, sitting in front of Rainbow's grave, tears still streaming down her cheeks. She didn't even wipe them off, she didn't have the strength to do so. Rarity was right, she had put her life on the line, without even thinking about the pain her actions would have caused her friends if she had died.

She understood the anger that had driven Rarity out of control, but she couldn't help crying. Her friend's words, though true, had hurt her badly.

Her sad thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a cavalcade. The sounds of galloping diminished to stop completely a few steps behind her.

Fluttershy didn't turn around, she knew who was behind her. Only one pony knew of her tendency to take refuge near Rainbow's bust at every moment of intense sorrow. Her friend Rarity.

If she still considers me a friend...

“Why, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy held her breath, this question had been at the very heart of the drama of this evening. However, the question was no longer threatening but rather insistent.

“I'm sorry Fluttershy, I... I can't ask you to forgive my horrible behavior at the spa but, I want you to know that I care about you. Very much. In the end, even if you don't make a sonic rainboom, I will still like you. And I think that I'm ready to hear your side of the story, darling, so... why a sonic rainboom?”

Fluttershy didn't answer right away, enjoying her friend's last words that put a little balm on her heart. However, the rest was much more delicate. The answer to Rarity's question might break the bond of friendship between the pegasus and the unicorn.


“Because Rainbow's death is my fault, Rarity...”

Fluttershy ignored Rarity's hiccup of stupor and revealed the secret she had kept buried in her heart for too long.

“I asked Rainbow to stay a little longer in the forest that day. I wanted to gather as many plants as I could take. I... I didn't want to go there until much later. If I hadn't asked her to stay, we would have come back sooner, and we would never have met the timberwolf. I never told anyone but you Rarity, because I feared the reaction you and the other girl would have. But I can't keep this secret anymore, I will tell the other girls too... soon. Rarity... It was my selfishness that took Rainbow's life.”

Only the silence of the night answered her, which did not stop her from continuing.

“Rainbow did the impossible in order to save me, and she succeeded. I will always be grateful for that. I feel like I should do the same for her. The sonic rainboom is an impossible dream for a pegasus like me and I think it's only fair that I give my all in this project as a tribute to all the efforts Rainbow went through to save me,” concluded Fluttershy as she turned to face Rarity. “That way, I'll feel like I'll have saved her, somehow...”

She waited for Rarity’s reaction. She would understand if Rarity, disgusted by her selfishness that had cost Rainbow’s life, decided to end their friendship. She wouldn't blame her.

To her surprise, two arms pulled her in a passionate embrace. This time, it was Rarity who was crying.

“Fluttershy, you’re such a fool! Why didn’t you speak to me sooner? I had no idea of your torment! Of course I forgive you! It's not your fault, you never knew what would happen. I could never, ever blame you for what happened. Rainbow is gone and we... we have to accept that fact. But you, darling, promise me that you will stay with us... After Rainbow's death, I shall not survive your demise. We will find a solution for your sonic rainboom... together, okay?”

Fluttershy, touched, simply nodded her head in agreement.

Rarity cried for a long time, gently clutching Fluttershy's body. The unicorn's tears ran down her cheeks and crashed on Fluttershy’s chest

When her last tears had subsided, Rarity stood up to look the pegasus straight in the eyes, holding Fluttershy's hooves in hers.

“Fluttershy darling, I will forget about this morning's incident if you promise me you will never... ever do something as reckless as this.”

Fluttershy promised her on the spot, all too happy with the outcome of the discussion. To her surprise, Rarity kissed her tenderly on the cheek.

“This... is my way to seal our promise,” Rarity whispered in the pegasus ear, her cheeks burning as much as Fluttershy's. “This way, you will always remember it.”

They hugged each other for a long time in front of Rainbow's tomb, savoring the magic of a comforting, reconciled friendship. Fluttershy was beginning to slumber on Rarity's chest when they decided to return to the shop after a short prayer to Rainbow.


Back at the shop, Rarity noticed Fluttershy's increasing fatigue and suggested she go to bed.

Fluttershy, her cheeks still rosy from the unicorn's kiss, obeyed and dragged herself, empty of energy, to the second floor.

Once the dinner dishes were washed, Rarity went up to the bedroom to join Fluttershy.

The pegasus was already sleeping peacefully.

Her serene expression led the unicorn to believe that Fluttershy had recovered from their violent altercation a few hours earlier. The unicorn breathed a tiny sigh of relief, happy to have preserved their friendship. The thought of hurting Fluttershy beyond healing had cruelly wounded her own heart.

Quietly, Rarity climbed into bed beside the pegasus, caressing Fluttershy's pink hair with affection, wishing for a brighter future for her. She adored Fluttershy and wished only for her own good.

Rarity made a promise. Starting tomorrow she would look for a way to rekindle hope in the heart of her protégée once again. Fluttershy had thanked her many times for her generosity and loving care since her first day in the store, but Rarity was determined to do even more to make Fluttershy happy.

The last news Fluttershy had received from Redheart had wiped out all the efforts the unicorn had made for more than nine months, but Rarity would not give up.

She fell asleep, holding Fluttershy close to her, certain that she would eventually find another solution.


When she woke up the next morning, Fluttershy wasn't by her side.

Rarity was used to this sort of thing and didn't worry too much about it. Fluttershy would often get up very early to train and leave quietly, leaving Rarity to sleep in peace. Another act of kindness that characterized Fluttershy.

What a lovely pegasus, thought Rarity as she stretched thinly under her sheets before getting up to start her workday. She's so nice.


The hours passed at a frightening pace for the unicorn, busy as she was finishing multiple orders, and the evening quickly came to extinguish the last rays of the sun. But only when the moon was high in the sky did Rarity begin to worry about Fluttershy’s delay.

She was beginning to put on a warm garment to protect herself from the snow and cold, more biting than the night before, when Fluttershy burst into the shop.

Rarity, with one glance, noted the subtle change in the pegasus behavior. A small glow burned in her eyes, a glow that the fashionista instantly identified as a glimmer of hope.

Deeply relieved, Rarity put her coat back in a closet, then helped Fluttershy take hers off, trying to learn what the pegasus had been doing all day.

However, Fluttershy, for the first time since moving to Carousel Boutique, preferred to keep her activities of the day secret despite Rarity's many attempts to get her to talk.

“At least promise me that whatever you do, it is not dangerous,” Rarity begged resignedly.

“It isn't,” Fluttershy swore with a faint smile, touching the cheek that Rarity had kissed the night before. “I didn't forget our promise. I'm not doing anything dangerous. On the contrary, what has happened today was... inspiring.”

That night, Fluttershy couldn't resist the call of Rarity's big, soft bed for long. Visibly exhausted, Fluttershy went to bed almost immediately after a light supper with Rarity.

The same routine went on for four weeks, during which Fluttershy carried out her activities in complete secrecy. She always got up at dawn before Celestia’s sun rose and only returned when Luna’s stars illuminated the sky, preventing her from continuing her mysterious occupations.


A month and a half before the end of Fluttershy's promise, Rarity was focused on the arduous task of making a dress for a very important client.

As she was putting the finishing touches on her new creation, she was startled when she heard the shop door slam intensely.

Strange… Was Sweetie Belle supposed to come over today?

Soon after, Fluttershy entered the workshop, out of breath and very excited. She had obviously been running to get there faster.

“Rarity! I… There’s something I need to show you!” Fluttershy said, trying to catch her breath. “I… I think I managed to find a way to do a sonic rainboom!”

“Huh... What? How? How is that possible?”

“I will show you... tomorrow... It's too dark now... Rarity, I think it might work. I am so happy! I just need you to confirm if that works.

Proud of herself despite her obvious exhaustion, Fluttershy couldn't help but smile at Rarity. A true smile, the most beautiful Rarity had ever seen. And her heart melted in her chest, overflowing with love for the pegasus that seemed so resplendent at that moment.

So beautiful, Rarity thought dreamily.


The next day, after a good night's sleep, it was a more-smiling-than-ever Fluttershy that brought Rarity to her cottage.

When the two mares arrived, all of Fluttershy’s animals came to welcome them, happy-chaotic like. Rarity noted that they were all excited, probably knowing what Fluttershy wanted to show her

Soon they all sat down in the snow, waiting for the next move. Rarity made her way through the gathering of creatures to sit among them, warm and cozy on that chilly early spring morning.

Rarity and the animals watched Fluttershy slowly rise from the ground to gain altitude. She flew softly to preserve the strength in her wing.

Please, be careful! silently wished Rarity. Please, please, please.

At an appropriate height, Fluttershy glanced at the crowd assembled far below. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and took a few seconds to thank Rainbow.


Ohhhhhh I see.

Upon seeing Fluttershy’s idea, Rarity started wondering.

If she uses the time that remains to perfect her idea this could… no! This will surely work! She can pull a sonic rainboom.

As soon as she touched the ground, Fluttershy came to see her.

“So, what do you think? I need you to tell me the truth Rarity, do you think I can do a sonic rainboom?“

“Yes, yes I do! A hundred times yes! I can't believe it, Fluttershy! You will succeed! There’s no denying it! You just need to work your technique a little. But sweet Celestia! The potential, the audacity of your performance! Fluttershy you are simply incredible!“

“Yay!” said Fluttershy with a pretty smile. “I’m glad you think this way because I need your help for the next step. If you are okay with it, of course...”

“Please, do tell me. If I can help in any way, it will be my pleasure, darling,”

When Fluttershy explained her intentions regarding the last day of her promise, Rarity flashed a knowing smile at Fluttershy.

It was an ambitious project, but Rarity was willing to put all her heart and talents into it. She would do anything to make this the best day of Fluttershy's life. She owed it to her, at least that much.

“Oh! You can count on me, darling. This will be a memorable day, for all of us!”