• Published 26th Feb 2020
  • 432 Views, 7 Comments

Sonic Rainboom: Fastest girl alive - Alvaxerox

Rainbow Dash embraces her pony power up with a new additude.

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Gotta go fast

It's been 3 weeks since everyone went their separate ways. Applejack and Spike stayed behind with Wallflower's help to protect Canterlot City, Fluttershy went to camp Everfree, Sunset had recently left for a city in Canada called Forrestropolis. Rarity and Pinkie Pie traveled the world, and Twilight went to New York City to be with Peter Parker. As for Rainbow Dash, after entrusting Canterlot City's safety to Applejack. She went outside of the city.

"Alright... Focus... Gotta go fast...

Using her speed, she raced away from Canterlot City. "Canterlot City may be relaxing but it will be great to be back in Cloudsdale Town." She said to herself. "Maybe I'll be the best superhero for it." She raced as fast as she can hoping to remember where Cloudsdale Town was. She remembers her parents cheering for her when she was leaving to Canterlot City for boarding school. Her parents has high hopes for her ever since she was born. Although she thinks it's embarassing, after saving the city a few times with her friends. Maybe she can make them if they would cheer her on as a superhero. Protecting the world from the forces of evil.

1 hour later...

After a super long run even though it may take a few seconds. Rainbow Dash stopped at a few fast food stops to eat some nice bacon king burgers, and to use the bathroom after she was finished. She ran for 30 seconds until she saw some familer houses and stores. She found the sign that saids 'Welcome to the town of Cloudsdale.'

"Aw yeah. I did it. I'm home." Rainbow Dash said. "Now if I remember..." Rainbow Dash quickly found her house and knocked on the door. "Hi Mom. Hi dad. I'm home."

"Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow Dash's dad Bow Hothoof and her mom Windy Whistles hugged their daughter in welcoming her back home.

"It's so good to see you again Dashie." Bow said.

"We thought after you left to Canterlot City, you'd never wanted to see us again." Windy said.

"What makes you say that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well after what you said to us a while back after your first year in CHS, we realized you were right. We have been clingy to you." Bow said.

Rainbow Dash remembered what she said to her parents those years ago. "Everywhere I go, you keep on cheering for me every time I lose. Some people even say you were cheering me on when I was being born. Well I'm sick of it. I'm going to live with my friend Fluttershy so I can finally get some forever space. I never want to see you again." But every since that day, she did felt a little guilty. Fluttershy has seen those types of scenarios before. "Look guys. I'm sorry for what I said. But I've changed. I said those things cause... mostly teenagers say mean things to their parents cause..."

"Teenagers thinks they don't need their parents anymore and that they know better and that they think they did their job?" Rainbow Dash's parents finished her sentence.

"Wow, I've been watching too much Disney Channel." Rainbow Dash said to herself as her parents nodded. "Boy, do I feel like a hypocrite."

"But we have seen you on the news a few times. Turns out you've become quite the superhero." Bow said.

"Yeah. You've saved Canterlot City plenty of times from an evil demon, wild vines, an evil toaster robot and a monster bent on destorying the world." Windy said. Rainbow Dash knows her parents are talking about Sunset, Gloriosa, and Kavitor. She can still remember how she and the others disappeared into nothingness when Twilight, Sunset and Gloriosa were defeating Kavitor. "After everything you have been through, we were so proud of you. That's when we realized your not a little girl anymore. And we should respect your space."

"That's why I'm here. I was hoping you can forgive me for lashing at you years ago when I left Sky Hills." Rainbow asked.

"Of course we can forgive you." Bow said. "Your still our daughter and we still love you." They all embrace each other with a hug. "Now I'm gonna go get some take out for dinner, I'll see you in a few minutes." Bow left to his car to go to a fast food place to order some take out.

Rainbow sat down with her mom Windy. "So you know, I do plan to become a superhero." Rainbow said to her mom.

"But you're already a superhero." Windy said as she shows her daughter the poster of her in her magical transformation.

"But that's more like a team up think me and friends did. I'm talking about becoming the superhero I always want to be, no wait, what I was meant to be." Rainbow said as she got out her neckless. "See this mom, this is a geo. It's what gave me my complete superpowers. My friends have them too. Twilight can levitate magic, Rarity can forged diamond energy, Applejack super strong like the earth itself, Pinkie Pie is a party demolition, and Fluttershy can communicate with animals. As for me, I have super speed. So i can go as fast as I wanna go. I'm basically like the Flash."

"Really? I like to see that. Is that why your wearing that Polka-Triangle costume?" Windy asked.

"It's a containment suit I bought online. It felt comfortable and the cool grey one was taken so this was all they had left. Apparently it a birthday containment suit." Rainbow explained. "I'm going to start my superhero career. I will be known as... The Sonic Rainboom, the fastest girl alive. And I can run around the world and fight crime wherever I go."

"That's cool to hear Rainbow Dash. Your dad and I will really be proud of you for making a difference in the world." Windy said.

Later Bow got the food order and they enjoy their dinner. Windy explained to Bow that Rainbow Dash will be the world's newest superhero speedster. Bow was exited. But for now... It's getting late. Rainbow decided to go sleep in her old room. And be prepared for tomorrow for that's when she will begin looking for potential crimes... "This is going to be... Awesome..." She said as she yawns.

To be continued...