• Published 17th Aug 2012
  • 526 Views, 1 Comments

Harmony Files: Applejack - Psychedelic Pussy

Secrets are uncovered as Applejack goes through interrogation with a case revolving around her lies.

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Harmony Files: Applejack

“Granny Smith, huh? Is that what you called her?” The stallion raised an eyebrow, looking across the table at the orange earth pony. She was looking down, and stayed silent. The stallion sighed and asked the orange mare again, “You called her Granny Smith?”

She didn’t move for a few seconds, but finally nodded her head up and down slowly, still looking down at the table in front of her.

Well, at least I got one answer. The stallion cleared his throat and continued “I see… “ he let a few seconds pass before asking another question. “Why would you let a random mare that you don’t know at all live with you?”, again the reply he got was silence. He ignored it and questioned her further. “Why would you lie to all of Ponyville and convince everypony that she was actually in your family?”. It was easy to see the pony was disappointed with herself by the tears she was trying to hold back. As the tears flowed across her face, the stallion felt a twinge of anger. After all, she doesn't deserve sympathy for her crimes.

“C’mon Applejack! You can’t stay silent forever, you know what you’ve done!” he slammed his hooves on the table. Once again the room was filled with silence. It was clear that she was under a lot of pressure and wasn’t in the mood to speak. The stallion took a different approach and tried to have the mare relax.

“Here, have a drink.” The stallion pushed forward a cup of tea.

“Ah didn’t hurt anypony.”

The stallion started to drop in a few sugar cubes into the mare’s drink, “Here, you like sweet things. Sweet drinks taste better, right?”

“Ah bucked the television. That’s all ah did.”

“You hit the TV?”

“It was an accident.”

“Mmmmm?” The stallion leaned back in his seat. “So, was it worth it? Sure, in the beginning you would’ve lost the farm, but now everything and everypony you loved is gone now. Was it worth it?”

That stung. If she had known that such a decision would have affected her future so greatly she would have definitely said “no”, but here she was. She shook her head.

“So, how old was she really anyway? I know you guys greatly exaggerated her age, but I wouldn’t think twice about it, she really did look old.” He smirked as he said that, “Although, it’s simply because she was a user herself.”

Applejack coughed, it was really hard to hear someone debunking all of the things she worked so hard on to cover up before her very eyes. Of course, everything was already figured out, he just needed the confirmation to this whole mess.

“So, what made you think it would be a good idea to take her in?”

“Ah wanted to keep the farm. It’s the only thing ah had.”

“And you thought you could get away with it?”

“Ah…” she just trailed off, not finishing her sentence.

“You needed the bits, huh?” he picked up a sugar cube and started to inspect it, awaiting an answer.


“And why’s that?”

“Ah… ah needed a place for my daughter.”

“Which you also lied too.”

Applejack cringed at hearing the truth.

“You know, for the Element of Honesty, you sure have put out a lot of lies.”

She was immediately overcome by a feeling of shame as she heard that.

“So, she was making substances such as this in the barn?” He lifted a tiny bag.

She nodded slowly, there would be no point in lying about that, everything was already discovered.

“Well, I must say we found quite a bit of it in the barn. It was pretty clever, hell, you got away with it for how many years?”

Applejack shifted in her seat, she was really uncomfortable.

“But of course, you didn’t just make this and had no consequences to it. What about that one young filly? I’m sure you’re familiar with her, Scootaloo, I believe.”

Applejack gulped, “Y-yeah, that’s her name.”

“Yeah, you should know about your daughter’s friends. And her parents happened to be one of your most frequent customers?”

The pain in her face was clearly visible as she nodded her head.

“That’s really sad. Giving that shit to some junkies who also have a child. How do you think she feels? She’s been neglected. She has no one close to her and not even her parents happen to give a shit. She’s how old now, and can’t fly? Not even simply lift herself easily off of the ground? Heh, maybe it’s something her parents could have taught her if they weren’t getting high!” Tears started to run down the orange pony’s face. “Maybe that’s why she looks up to Rainbow Dash so much, she doesn’t have any mother figure to look up to.”

Applejack couldn’t control herself and sobbed, finally taking in how much damage she had caused by this whole crazy situation.

The stallion looked at the sobbing mare and was disgusted. He waited for her to stop crying, but it continued and finally he had enough. “It’s not in my best interest,” he started “but I’m sure that the Princess wouldn’t want anything happening to ‘The Element of Honesty’.” He sighed, “We can’t take away the farm, but this so-called ‘Granny Smith’ is gone.”

“Wait! But what am ah gonna tell Applebl- my daughter…”

“Tell her she passed on, it wouldn’t be the first lie you told her.” The stallion got up out of his seat and was going to exit, but stopped at the door. “You better hope to find some other way to be making bits, and work extremely hard for that farm, because next time, I won’t think twice about taking it.”

“Just farm work alone isn’t going to cover it.”

“Heh, that’s not my problem. Work hard, find another job, or hope that your ‘friends’ can help you out. Just not what you were doing previously, and if I find that again, I’m not afraid to take this property and have your daughter taken away as well.”

Applejack sighed and tried to cover her face with her hooves, “What am ah going to do?”

“That’s not my problem,” he repeated “I ain’t your friend. Have fun living and dealing with your lies.” And with that, he walked out and closed the door.

Comments ( 1 )

Will there be more "Harmony Files" focused on other characters?

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