• Published 28th Nov 2019
  • 334 Views, 22 Comments

These Heartbreak Times - Arcelia

As Rarity prepares to open her flagship boutique in Manehatten, tensions rise and a former antagonist returns...will the city’s cold disposition crush the mare’s spirit or will she rise above it?

  • ...

Chapter 3 - Chester’s Diner

These Heartbreak Times

By Arcelia

~ * ~

Chapter III Chester’s Diner

Although the aesthetics outside were anything but inviting, the interior of Chester’s Diner told an entirely different story. As Rarity and Coco strolled in, Rarity surveyed the room, eliciting a protest from the worn floorboards.

She scanned the discoloured photographs that were hung up against the faded, striped wallpaper. The faces of some particularly famous ponies beamed back at her, sitting in the once vibrant booths and enjoying their hot coffees. She glanced down and noticed that a portrait of Wind Rider had been taken down and set off to the side. The very same former decorated Wonderbolt veteran whom she had deduced framed Rainbow Dash for a crime she didn’t commit.

I can’t ever forget how in vogue my ensemble was that evening, I felt so chic in my lady detective attire. Even if I never get to wear it again I will always remember the feeling of sophistication and authority that outfit gave me.

In place of Wind Rider’s ‘heroic’ portrait was Coloratura, Applejack’s childhood friend. Except this photograph appeared to have been taken before her rise to fame. It was of a more candid shot, while Coloratura sat by a window, staring into some distant future of a faraway dream. Manuscripts and empty coffee cups were scattered on the table in front of the singer, a testament to her love and passion for her work.

I never knew that Coloratura came here to write her music, perhaps the quiet atmosphere and rich aromas would make for an ideal setting for me to sketch out my designs?

Of course Trenderhoof, the famous travel writer, had his photograph affectionately placed alongside his review of the diner, “There is no finer coffee in all of Manehattan, and nopony takes as much pride in that fact than dear Chester himself! Come for the coffee, stay for the company.”

Even one of her idols and most loyal of customers, Sapphire Shores, had once performed at the diner. It must have been taken much earlier on in starlet’s career, Rarity noticed, since her costume didn’t reflect the bold and eye-catching style of the Pony of Pop that Rarity knew so well.

Finally, her eyes fell on a photograph of a pony that Rarity knew she recognised but she couldn’t quite place her hoof onto whom. While she stared and wondered, Coco joined her by her side.

“What’s the matter, Rarity?”

Rarity turned to face her friend. “Coco, you wouldn’t happen to know who this pony is would you?” she asked, her hoof pointed up at the photograph.

After only a moment’s glance Coco already knew who it was. “Oh, that’s Charity Kindheart. She’s a Bridleway costume designer and the original founder of the Midsummer Theatre Revival that we helped restore remember?”

The unicorn’s eyes lit up. “Ah yes, Now I remember! That was such a fun project. It was so nice seeing the community come together and have the opening night of the play be a success.”

Coco smiled. “Yes, it was! I can’t thank you enough for helping me out that day; I don’t know how I could’ve done it without you and Applejack.” Her eyes gazed up at all the photographs. “It’s quite remarkable how many famous ponies have been to this diner; it must’ve been one of Manehattan's most popular coffee houses back then. I wonder what happened for it to be forgotten by everypony?” she asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

“I’m not sure Coco,” Rarity replied. “Manehattan is a city that is always moving at such an incredibly fast pace, and if ponies can’t keep up they get left behind.” She looked around the rest of the diner, turning in her seat to get a better look.

At the very back, a retired jukebox sat at the end of a row of aged vinyl booths. The sun’s bright rays had faded the once vibrant red leather seats to a dull pink forever tarnishing their glory. Swivel stools sat in front of the bar atop black and white tiles, as empty as the space behind the bar... In fact, Rarity – much to her dismay – noticed that there was not another pony in sight.

Despite all of this, Rarity somehow found the rich scent of freshly ground up cacao beans and cinnamon filled atmosphere familiar. She knew that she had never stepped a hoof in Chester’s Diner before today, but somehow Rarity felt that, in another realm perhaps, she might have come this way before.

And just when that thought entered her mind, a ruggedly handsome earth pony stallion stepped out from the kitchen and behind the bar. His dark grey coat was offset by his navy mane that he brushed aside. Dark, deep-set circles hung under his eyes and he let out a yawn. He looked as though he hadn’t slept in weeks.

His amber eyes lit up when he saw Rarity and Coco, obviously surprised by their presence.

“Good morning, ladies! What can I get for you two fine mares?” he asked, a smile grew on his face.

Rarity and Coco couldn’t help but let out a giggle as their cheeks flushed mildly, the unexpected polite greeting from the stallion was a pleasant surprise.

Rarity took a deep breath so that she could regain her composure. “You must be Chester, Coco Pommel here has told me so much about you,” she replied and gave him a warm smile.

Chester’s head perked up slightly. “Why yes, I am.” His gaze turned over to Coco Pommel, who was fidgeting with her mane. “It’s a pleasure to see you again Miss Pommel.” He gave Coco a playful wink which caused her cheeks to flush to a rosy pink.

“Coco has also informed me that you serve some of the finest coffee in Manehattan, is that true?” Rarity smirked at him, while she trusted Coco Pommel’s insight she also wanted to test Chester’s humility. Had he remained the same humble, pride-filled pony as Tenderhoof had written about in his review?

Despite Rarity’s prompt, a smile remained on Chester’s face, “Why don’t you try it and see for yourself?” He replied with a grin.

Somewhat taken aback by his confidence, Rarity chose to play along. “Alright then, I would like a piping hot cup of your finest brew.” She turned to face Coco, who had remained quiet throughout the entire conversation. “What would you care for, darling?”

Coco looked up at Chester. “Just the usual, if you’d please, Chester.”

“Alright then, one hazelnut latte coming right up. Please, take a seat ladies. I’ll be right out with your coffees soon.” And with that, Chester gave Rarity one final brilliant smile. She could almost feel the warmth and excitement that radiated off him as he disappeared back behind the kitchen counter.

When Rarity turned back around, Coco had already seated herself in one of the booths, a deep sigh escaping her she settled herself in. The scene out the large windows was busy and bright, letting natural light fill the diner as the sun rose higher in the sky.

“You and Chester seem to like one another,” Coco stated as Rarity slid into the seat across from her.

Rarity could feel her cheeks blush, she liked him but she wasn’t sure if she liked him so much in that way. Well, she didn’t want to admit to herself that she did...not yet.

“Well, I’m not sure if I would say that I like him so much, but I will confess he is rather handsome.” With a hoof resting against her chin she let out a sigh and stared longingly at the kitchen counter.

Coco giggled. “If you say so, Rarity.”

The sudden aroma of coffee broke her trance as Chester approached their table with two freshly brewed coffees on a tray. When he set both of their coffees down onto the table, Rarity noticed something unusual about the way her foam looked in her cup.

When she peered closer, she could see that her foam formed a love heart. She could almost feel butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

Rarity took a sip of her coffee and a wave of nostalgia washed over her once more. Not only was the coffee absolutely divine, but she noticed the familiarity of its rich, soothing taste. It was such an unusual sensation; the feeling of deja vu grew stronger as she looked back up at Chester, who was watching her carefully while she drank.

“So, how is it?” he asked as he met Rarity’s gaze, a gentle smile spreading across his face.

There was a moment of pause between them. Rarity needed a moment to contemplate what was happening. How could a place I’ve never been to, with coffee I’ve never tasted and a stallion I’ve never met all feel so… familiar?

Unfortunately, there were no answers for these questions; the sense of deja vu faded before she was able to understand it more clearly. Whether Rarity truly had been here in another life or not, she couldn’t deny one simple fact.

“The coffee is simply delicious, darling. I would like to say that I’ve never had anything quite like it, but some part of me feels like I have…” She stared into Chester’s amber eyes, which gleamed with pride.

“Well, I’m glad you like it, Miss… um… miss…”

“Rarity. You may call me Rarity,” she said simply, taking another sip of her coffee.

Chester rubbed the back of his head with his hoof, smiling happily. “Miss Rarity, I really do appreciate that you like my coffee. It’s a special blend that my father taught me growing up. It’s what made this place so popular back in its hay-day,” he said the last part with a distant look of sadness in eyes, the smile fading as he spoke.

“Coco Pommel and I were curious about that, actually. All those famous ponies up on your wall over there made me confused as to why this place is so empty.” Rarity motioned to all the portraits that were hung against the faded wallpaper as she spoke, looking at them with no small amount of awe.

Chester let out a sigh, his brow furrowed and his head drooped. “It’s quite simple. After my father passed away, all of a sudden these new cafes started opening up all over town. They called themselves Starhooves, and they sold these fancy drinks— what do they call them?” He trailed off, rubbing his chin in thought.

“Oh yeah! Frappes or something. Anyway, ponies started coming in for these special beverages that I didn’t know how to make and eventually I began to lose business because they stopped wanting traditional coffee; they all wanted what Starhooves provides. Plus they had big expensive sound systems and live music and whatnot. I still get a few regular customers though, like your friend Coco Pommel here.” He gestured to Coco who sat in quiet thought while she enjoyed her hazelnut latte, a bashful grin on her face when her name was said aloud.

“Oh, Chester. You know I could never forgo one of your fine coffees for something as flavorless as a Starhooves frappe. Besides, you and I have really bonded since I first popped in here.” Coco chimed in and gave him a wink of approval.

“Exactly! If it weren’t for my regulars – the few loyal customers that I have left – I would’ve closed up shop a while ago. Starhooves even offered to buy this place off of me for a very generous sum of bits, but I refused. I can’t bare to part with the old place, you know?” He looked around at the old decor and worn floorboards with fondness.

“I completely understand,” Rarity replied softly as she searched Chester’s tired eyes; his humility was still there but she could see that any hope he had was gone.

“You do?” he asked.

Rarity took another sip of her coffee. “Of course I do!” She placed her cup back down and rose, placing a hoof to her chest once she had. “If anypony ever asked me if I wanted my boutique to be bought out by some fast-fashion, tasteless, department franchise I would outright refuse. Even if business was bad and nopony was buying my designs, I would never sell my life’s work. Carousel Boutique is where I started, it’s my roots and I wouldn’t part with it for all the bits in Canterlot!” she cried aloud, Coco just giggled at her friend’s prideful antics while Chester watched in bewilderment.

Chester looked to Coco Pommel with a look that asked if this were true. She nodded her head, “Oh yes, Rarity is the most talented designer I’ve ever met. While I’ve never visited her boutique in Ponyville, I have heard that she’s really made a name for herself in Canterlot.” she sipped her latte.

Chester’s eyes grew wider and a grin grew on his face, “Wow! You sure must be one savvy business pony Miss Rarity. Which makes me curious,” he rubbed his chin. “What brings you to Manehattan?”

Before Rarity could even respond, Coco chimed in. “Rarity is opening up a new boutique here in Manehattan! She’s already found the perfect place and we will be starting work on renovations soon!” she blurted out, a wide grin grew on her face.

The unicorn smiled. “Coco Pommel is right of course, I just need to sign the official paperwork and find this North Point pony that Coco has told me so much about. She’s already agreed to help me oversee the renovation plans.” Rarity winked at her friend, the pair gave each other cheerful smiles, the scent of coffee in the air.

Chester beamed, “It’s nice to hear that you two lovely mares will be helping one another out. You just don’t see that sort of thing around here anymore… wait… did you say North Point?” he asked.

Rarity raised an eyebrow, “Yes. Do you know her?” she asked.

Chester rubbed the back of his head. “Well… I wouldn’t exactly say I know her. But I did reach out to her when I was planning on renovating this place. Then of course, Starhooves opened up across the street and my plans fell through. I still have her contact information if you would like me to give it to you.” he smiled through the sadness that shone in his eyes. Rarity could see his disappointment even while he tried so hard to hide it.

She tried to give Chester a soft, reassuring look, but all she could see was the long gone hope that his gentle features once held. “Thank you, Chester. That would be most appreciated,” she glanced down at the table for a moment, “I’m sorry you weren’t able to renovate this place, it’s such a shame what this town does to all the bright, beautiful things that don’t shine quite as bright as they used to.”

Despite her kind words, Chester’s expression remained unchanged. “Thank you, Miss Rarity. It is a shame...let me fetch North Point’s contact info for you. I’ll be right back.”

And with that Chester disappeared back behind the kitchen counter which left Rarity and Coco to sit and contemplate the sadness of the situation.

Rarity cast her telekinesis around her cup, she polished off her delicious coffee before she let out a deep, exasperated sigh.

“Is everything alright, Rarity?” Coco asked, saddened by her friend’s abrupt change of mood.

Rarity shook her head. “It’s just not right, Coco. It’s not right at all.” she replied.

“What isn’t right?” Coco asked, puzzled by her friend’s odd statements.

Rarity threw her hooves up in the air and back down on the table which caused the dinnerware to shudder with the impact. “This! All of this, something must be done about this diner. It’s a tragedy to let such iconic decor and delicious coffee be outright ignored by the ponies in this town.”

Coco could now see the frustration in her friend’s eyes, the way her chest rose and fell faster than before, even her lips were pursed. But all Coco could feel was hopelessness, she had been coming to Chester’s diner for quite some time and had never seen another soul seated at the counter or by the windows. As tragic as it might be, there wasn’t anything that could be done about it.

“I agree, Rarity. It is a tragedy but what can anypony do? It’s like you said, this city moves at a fast pace and those who can’t keep up, get left behind. Even though it's incredibly sad, Chester happens to be one of those ponies.” she extended her hoof across the table, trying to comfort her friend.

Rarity let out another sigh and shook a hoof at Coco. “Disregard what I said, Coco. It doesn’t matter anymore. What matters now is that we find a way to help Chester, I don’t want to see a foreclosure notice on this place next month and neither do you, which is why we’re going to do everything we can to remind ponies about what made Chester’s Diner so special in the first place.”

“And how are we going to do that?” Coco asked.

Rarity rubbed her chin as silence fell between them just as Chester returned from the kitchen.

“Here it is, I’ve written down North Point’s contact information here for you.” he said, placing a scrap of paper on their table.

Coco Pommel reached over and tucked it into her saddlebag, “Thank you, Chester. We appreciate it.” she smiled up at him.

Chester glanced over at Rarity. “Is she alright?” he asked.

Coco gigled. “Oh, yes Rarity is fine. She’s just very deep in thought. This is how she thinks of ideas when under pressure.”

“Oh, well okay then. I have some cleaning up to do in the kitchen, so if you ladies don’t need anything else for now I’ll be out back for a little while.”

“Thank you, Chester, we’ll be fine for now.” she replied while he cleared away their table and returned to the kitchen.

The pair remained silent for a few more minutes before Rarity’s eyes lit up and almost jolted out of her seat.

“I have an idea!” she exclaimed.

Coco shifted herself closer to the edge of her seat and leaned in to her friend. “What is it, Rarity?”

Rarity cleared her throat. “We are going to promote Chester’s Diner at my boutique opening this Sunday!” she clapped her hooves together excitedly.

Coco beamed. “Wow, Rarity! That’s a fantastic idea, but how do you plan on doing that exactly?” she asked.

She leaned in closer to Coco Pommel. “Well, I was thinking of asking Chester if he could set up some sort of coffee stand and serve his coffee at the opening. I was also thinking of donating some of my boutique sales towards the renovation of his diner.” she replied in a hushed tone.

“That’s incredibly generous of you, Rarity. I just hope we can get your boutique open in time.” she replied, before she sat back down against her seat.

Rarity smiled, “Well, with that in mind I need to ask a favor of you, Coco.”

“Anything, Rarity. Just let me know what you need.” she smiled back at her.

“Go and find North Point, tell her to meet us at the boutique right away. I will join you shortly, I just need to talk to Chester first. I just hope he’ll agree to my proposal.” Coco nodded and packed up her bag.

At that moment Chester had wandered out from behind the kitchen counter. “What proposal?” he asked, a confused look on his face.

“Oh, Rarity just wanted to ask you something before she leaves. I’m going to meet North Point now, so I’ll leave you two to it,” Coco slid across her side of the booth and walked away from the table before she glanced over her shoulder. “Thank you again, Chester. My latte was perfect as usual.” she said before she left the diner, a faint chime of the diner’s bell could be heard when Coco made her way out onto the street.

Chester slid in across from Rarity and let out a sigh. “So, Coco said you wanted to ask me something?”

Rarity met his gaze and for the first time could now see past his handsome features and directly at the simple, hardworking pony underneath. The genuineness of his smile and the labor of love in the dark circles under his eyes reminded her ever so fondly of Applejack.

She sat there and stared into his deep amber eyes and lost herself in his dreamy smile, entranced by the softness of his eyes.

“Um, Rarity?” he asked.

Broken out of her trance, she shook her head. “Yes, Chester?” she replied.

“You wanted to ask me something?” his eyebrows raised.

She cleared her throat. “Oh yes, of course. I wanted to ask you if you would like to serve coffee at my boutique opening this Sunday. I would be more than happy to make sure you had someplace to setup your equipment and I thought if everypony got to taste your incredible coffee they might be inclined to come visit. That is, if you want to of course.” she replied, a nervous grin on her face.

“I’d love to.” Chester replied.

Rarity’s eyes fell, not quite hearing what he had said. “Oh, well. Okay then, I just thought I’d ask you.” Rarity started to slide herself out of the booth.

Chester reached out, grabbed her hoof and looked into her deep, sapphire eyes, “I said I would love to.”

“Oh! Well then, I have something else I need to tell you.” she replied as she slid back into her booth.

She sat there in silence for a moment and thought about what she wanted to say. But when she looked back up at Chester and saw the eagerness in his face, she knew that her words would send his heart abound.

“When I heard about what had happened to you and your diner, I just knew that something had to be done. Which is why I’ve decided to help fund the renovation of your diner.” she replied.

Chester raised an eyebrow, “And how do you plan on doing that?” he asked.

“By donating a fair portion of money that my new boutique brings in towards the cost of your renovations, that is until they are complete and your diner is brought back to its premier state.” she gave him a winning smile while she waited for him to respond.

But she would have to keep on waiting because Chester just sat there in total silence, his jaw opening and closing as though he had suddenly forgotten how to speak.

“Miss...Miss...Rarity. You really don’t have to be so generous, I’m sure this place will be back on its hooves in no time.” he wiped away the onslaught of tears that streamed down his face.

Rarity reached out and placed her hoof over Chester’s, “Now, darling. Who would I be if I weren’t the Element of Generosity?” And with that she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek before she slid out of the booth and started walking towards the door.

“Miss Rarity, wait!” he called out and wiped away the last of his tears, “How am I ever going to thank you?” he asked.

Rarity turned to face him, a playful smile grew on her face. “How about with a kiss?” she asked, her eyelids batted as she grinned.

Without hesitation, Chester leaned in and passionately met his lips with hers. His hoof cupped her face and she returned his embrace with the same eagerness. Rarity could feel her saddlebags slide off her when she wrapped a leg around his neck. Her heart thumped, her legs trembled and all she could feel was warmth.

In this one exquisite, perfect moment, Rarity could feel nothing but the wonderful sensations and the butterflies in her stomach. She was going to remember this one magical moment forever.

She pulled away, Chester’s eyes were widened and as she pulled her saddlebags back on she gave him one final peck on the cheek before walking out the door and onto the chaotic street. Which left the stallion standing there with the taste of her still on his lips.

A final chime of the bell was all that could be heard before silence fell over the diner, Chester returned back behind the counter with a wide grin on his face.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading the latest chapter of my ongoing project. I hope you’re enjoying the story so far.

Sorry about the long time between updates. Things have been really busy for me lately. Hoping to do more writing soon :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 4 )

Sorry, but I want to wait until this story is a little longer before I read it, in case it dies. Where'd you get the cover art?

Hi, I can assure you the story won't die. Progress has just been really slow for numerous reasons. The cover art was from deviant art and one of my editors has recommended I get something commissioned. I currently feel this would be a waste of money on my part and wouldn't benefit the artist in terms of exposure as this story has less than a hundred views.

Bonny work! Plenty of nice scene-setting and establishing the stakes so far. Plenty of lovely and vivid descriptions of Manehattan in autumn, and the characters are true to themselves. Intrigued by who else may yet show up, especially the promised former antagonist.

Looking forward to how events develop, and for more of this. :twilightsmile:

The atmosphere in this piece only layers better with each chapter. I really like the careful puns too like 'hay-day' instead of 'heyday' being used.

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