• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


I think Twilight's best pony because I relate to her the best.



Despite all his denials, Flash Sentry has fallen hard for Twilight Sparkle. However, Twilight is already spoken for, and the last thing Flash wants is to be the guy that ruins her happiness. Unbeknownst to him, Twilight, for reasons that she cannot explain, isn't exactly happy in her current relationship, but she can't bring herself to break it off. What will happen to the two of them when the truth finally comes to light?

Inspired by: [embed] https://youtu.be/Z81oFujuqik [/embed]

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 57 )

Okay, liking where this appears to be going. Can't wait to see the rest.

Good chapter, with nice back and forth. I couldn't figure out which movie you were doing, so I guess no cookie for me.


“Oh, just be careful to let him down gently,” Fluttershy interjected. “If you’re too harsh with him, you could break his heart so bad that he might never love again.”

Break his heart into millions of peices, and shatter those peices into dust, and throw them on the oceans of hate, and watch him suffer and regret as hate and anger take over him with dark intentions! As it corrupts his fragile soul, and destroy his inner self, and abuse his mental capabilities to the limit until it came to a point where it will never be fixed!

“Well, a guy who’s really into supervillains might,” Pinkie pointed out. “Ooooh, or maybe an actual supervillain. Wait, is Flash a supervillain?”

That would amazing...this is my attempt:

Night filled Canterlot High with darkness, as the entrance door was seen broken, smithered with blood, trailing inside. Men, wearing black ninja like clothing, trailed the hall ways, as they kept they're guard high, waiting for any intruder to disturb their master.

And as for this master, he lay's on the center of the gym, as shadow sorrounds him, protecting him from any intrution. Bodies layed beside him, reaking of rotten flesh, and blood. He wore a silver mask, with a combo of red, black, and silver ninja armour. His chest, shoulder, hands and legs protected with iron armour, with smeers of blood.
He sat there, waiting...meditating...

As he was doing this he heard a voice.

"Why did you this?"

He turnned around, able to see a bepestacled girl, with purple skin, and violet hair having pink streaks. He stared at her with no expression, then he rose from his spot, and used both of his hand to remove his mask.

What appear behind the iron mask, was Flash Sentry himself, with dead eyes, and no expression on his face.

He then spoke "Balance...is a fool's master."

Before she could react, a shadow like figure appeared behind her, and stabbed her. The shadow like blade puntured her with force that it nearly cut her heart. As she started to bleed, she stared at Flash with disbelief as he placed the mask back on, and walked up to her. The shadow like figure then dispersed into nothing, as Flash raised his right hand and clenched his fist, which caused a blade to punctured out of his bracer. He then swiped the blade at Twilight, which cut the string holding her geode, which fell on Flash's hand.

Twilight then fell, blood running out of her system as she watched Flash, stare at her, while laugh with a metallic voice. Then nothing. Darkness.

This looks good so far. Even if this isn’t canon to your others stories a different approach to how things happened in the EG timeline is always fun.

Poor Sci-Twi. She isn’t having a good time because she is with the wrong guy.

I loved the advice Flash and Twi got and how it shifted back and forth. Feels kinda weird how we already saw Shining and Cadance get married in your series, only for them to now just be dating again, but whatever fits this timeline.

Well, now the Rainbooms know Twi wants to break up with Timber and Flash wants to confess to Twi. Wonder if they can do anything to help either of them?

Rarity was pretty funny here. Like her whole worldview is shattered because she found out she was wrong about something. She is such a drama queen I can totally believe it.

Wait, is Flash a supervillain?

Oh please, if anything he”s a superhero.

I liked how this turned out. A few theories have actually said that Timber could be a player or a creep that flirts with multiple girls he sees. He certainly seemed to flirt with a few girls when he was a lifeguard in canon. A bit surprised that he was flirting with Lemon Zest, I remember Ro994 upload some stuff making him and Sunny a couple.

But I liked how this went. Maybe not as extreme as your other version but equally satisfying.

This was nice. I’ll need to check out the two bonus chapters later.

Considering what I'm doing in the next story, Shining Armor and Cadance just dating here totally works out. :raritywink:

Well, this was a pretty good read. I like how real this story feels compared to some of the other more outlandish and overly convenient stories out there. Nice job.

When a taking puppy knows more about your species mating rituals then you... sums up this whole thing in 13 words

I have a retort to what Cadance said about 'knights in shining armor': A man in shining armor never had his metal put to the test.' Is part of quote from a picture I saw years ago. The only other thing is that Flash's dialogue to his Grandmother at times comes off... well... how do I put it...like a girl was trying to write for boy...:fluttershyouch: sorry but most guys don't use the word obilagated in a conversation like that... other than that i5s nice to get advice from ones elders. Although, Sci-Twi should have gone to her parents...just saying

The last part of Flash's confession, no guy says unless there is an awkward moment of silence and no response from the girl...
That being said... well Twi, you know what's coming, whatcha gonna do when it comes for you...

The bite when Twilight asks abouts guys liking supervillains... I got a long list of DC female villains with massive male fanbas... oh she actually uses the actual books in an actual library to research... I don't know how to respond to that. On one hand I want to show her the world just to see how she'll respond and yet on the other hand in want to keep her in her cage so she doesn't learn of the... less desirable aspects...

So Rarity ships Flash and Sunset, with Rainbow ships Rarity and Ragamuffin and AJ with Dirk... meh

It is great to see Flash’s mom is still alive here. That is a serious tearjerker for your other series. Also, the title drop moment was also nice.

Sheesh, I might have a similar level of dislike for the guy and in the one story I use him in he's a reluctant partner whose bond to the actual antagonist is the water of the womb...

Bit of an unpopular opinion but I don’t watch much of Miraculous. I mean, I know most of the characters and recent events, but I haven’t sat down and watched the full series myself. It seems like most of the episodes are a villain-of-the-week thing and the actual plot takes forever to progress. But given the recent season finale maybe I should watch it on Netflix or something.

Gonna be honest, one day is not enough time to get over a dumping, even if you are the one to dump and with cause.
It's great that she accepts Flash's confession, but perhaps she could have asked him to confess in three days, so it doesn't come off like this is a rebound.

Aaaaah, I love these two denying dum-dums. Also, Flash and Derpy having had a mutual crush in the past is an interesting concept I hadn't seen before. I like that were able to become good friends despite that :twilightsmile:

Oh boy, who's gonna tell her?

Oh, I got that Barbie reference, nice :raritywink: Really like the introspections in this one! It makes total sense for Twilight to want to work things out with Timber, given how she's such a perfectionist and all. But sometimes you just got to accept that things aren't meant to be. Now that she figured out that her feelings for Timber aren't as strong as they once were, I'm looking forward to her realizing how she feels about Flash :ajsmug:

Btw, thanks for the explanaition in the author's note, I was a bit lost there :twilightblush:

“Besides,” Micro Chips added with a scoff, “this isn’t a movie, dude. Let’s just go over what you want to say one more time and then head out.”

It's not a movie, Micro, but it is a FANFIC!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! :rainbowwild:
(sorry, I had to x'D)

“Twi, I’m no love expert by any means, but knowing and accepting the worst parts of the person you’re with is part of the deal,” Applejack retorted. “Do you think that my parents lasted long enough to have three young’uns pretending that the two of them were perfect?”

Couldn't have said it better myself, AJ.
(I'm not done reading at this point, but I really wanted to make that comment. Seriously, Twilight. If a guy can't accept and love you at your worst, he doesn't deserve you at your best)

If I were the one who had written this, I probably wouldn't made Pinkie be kind of in the knows about how Flash feels for Twilight (you know, the whole 'Pinkie Pie Snack Psychic' thing), but that's just my personal interpretation. Other than that, I think it was really fun how you wrote both her and Rarity! Looks like Rares is gonna have to reconsider her choice in ships.

Also, of course Flash isn't a supervillain, though he lacks not the potential to be one. Sorry, I also had to :twilightsheepish:

This was oddly satisfying.

Also, I sort of gasped when I read that Sunny was the one who dropped the hot tea on him, cause I thought that maaaaaybe he had flirted with her without mentioning he was dating Twilight and now she was making him pay. Buuuuuuut it's fine that you made it be with Lemon. The effects are the same.

I genuinely thought that was what she was going for xD But still, I liked that she was defending her friend. And the effect was still nicely done.

*fangirl squeals intensify*

Awwww, Lighty being alive and Flash being so affectionate with her warms my little heart.
Button Mash is me when it comes to Miraculous. I like the names you gave the characters, specially that you literally named Adrien and Marinette "Sun" and "Cherry" xD
I'm guessing Courant and Shirogane are Luka and Kagami. I can see why Flash would like both Adrien and Luka as characters. He's basically a perfect mix of them both. At least the way I see him.

Heh. After reading the author's notes and the first word in the chapter was “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”, I snickered out loud x'D I feel ya, Button. Everything will be fine, buddy.
Also, a boyfriend that not only watches "girly" shows with you but is also willing to comfort you about your sinking ships? Now THAT is relationship goals.

Nice story. I had a little trouble following this chapter, since I don't know the character's french names, but it was fun all things considered. I'm definitely adding this to my favourites.

you didn't, but I remember Spring Breakdown and the Sunset Backstage Pass shorts


(sorry, I had to x'D)

Ma'am, you are baker


(I'm not done reading at this point, but I really wanted to make that comment. Seriously, Twilight. If a guy can't accept and love you at your worst, he doesn't deserve you at your best)

Be careful to whom you say that to, because men do get cheated on and end up in abusive and toxic relationships with almost no redeeming qualities on the woman's part.


Sorry, I also had to

You are a terrible cake-baker

Also... Flash the potential to be a supervillain, that's human nature... we can only achieve a certain amount of good proportional to the evil we are capable of and it is acknowledging that potential evil in ourselves we can achieve the most good.
In Flash's case, he can only become the person who can balance his family and girlfriend (his relationship with Twilight) because of how terrible he was when he was dating Sunset.

“I know this song,” Twilight exclaimed her eyes widening in recognition. “It’s ‘Ce Mur Qui Nous Sépare,’ which I probably just totally mispronounced.”

Who else, googled this and played it on youtune just to listen to the music. I know I have.

Timber flirted with another girl while dating Sci-Twi? No Dignity.

Aside from the "Flash's dead is dad/gone/a jerk" thing I see in many stories around Flash's home life(I appreciate Landslide's existence more and more ) this was a nice chapter.

Im a troll lass. Just ignore it, like Foxhelm did. Plus I like to kill people and watch them grovel at their feet, as they crawl away from me just for them too bleed to death.

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