• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 1,298 Views, 10 Comments

July - 2012 (T.W.G.) - The Writer's Group

I'm not saying this is [i]hilarious[/i] or [i]highly irregular[/i], but...

  • ...

Casting Call - Resda

Author: Resda
Prompt: Horror movie gone wrong.
Title: Casting Call

"Pull the other one." Rainbow Dash hovered warily overhead as Pinkie Pie bounced excitedly in place.

"No joke!" A gray earth pony with a brown mane smiled at the pair. "I know better than to prank on Ponyville's best pranksters."

"Well, I don't know," Rainbow Dash dropped to the floor next to the excited party pony. "I mean, I'm all for awesome ideas, but... a slasher flick? Starring us?"

"Aw, come on, Dashie! It sounds like fun!" Pinkie chirped. "Besides, don't you want to be famous?"

"The lady's right, Miss Dash," the stallion chimed in, lowering his shades to level her with a disarming gaze and a cheesy smile. "This script is surefire! Guaranteed blockbuster!"

"If that's the case, why don't you have some real actress ponies do it?" Rainbow Dash pointed a hoof accusingly. "Besides, I'm not looking for just any old fame. I'm looking for Wonderbolts-levels of awesomeness!"

"And being the star of a movie isn't awesome?" Pinkie argued. "Think of it! We get to be in a movie! We get to rehearse and read scripts and get into character and the director can yell cut and print and then there's all the editing and sound mixing and before you know it we're on the silver screen though I'm not sure what makes it silver and then there are the afterparties once it gets released! Afterparties, Rainbow Dash!" The pink pony had her hooves around Rainbow's withers, shaking her violently.

Rainbow shook her head clear of cobwebs before replying. "Well, the Wonderbolts do tend to go to the Cherry-wood openings..."

The earth pony saw his chance to strike. "Ah, yes, Spitfire herself is quite the movie buff. If the critics love it, maybe she'll attend a screening, crash an afterparty or two! Besides, a pony of your talent deserves the spotlight!"

"Well, if we're doing this..."

"Oh, we're doing this?" Pinkie's grin grew even wider. "I am so ready to throw a Rainbow-Dash-and-Pinkie-Get-To-Star-In-a-Movie Party!"

"Let me finish, Pinkie Pie," she cut in before the pony could start gathering decorations and sending invites. "If we're doing this, mister, I've got some requests."

The stallion began to sweat.

"First off, rewrite it so that Pinkie and me play the roles of ourselves. I'm not pretending to be somepony I'm not... especially if I want everypony to how awesome I am on screen."

"Hmm..." He ran a hoof through his curly mane. "I... think I can make that work. Might require a change of scenery, maybe have the introductory scene in Sugarcube Corner... but... okay."

"Second, I want it in writing. Spitfire comes to the afterparty. Get her a VIP thing or whatever. I just want a chance to talk to her, one on one, no cameras, nopony else."

"How in Equestria am I going to guarantee..." He thought a moment. If this movie went off without a hitch, there was a pretty good chance she was going to show anyway. And maybe, just maybe, if he pulled a few strings... "Alright, deal."

"Then we're in," Rainbow Dash replied, shaking the gray hoof before it was offered.

The stallion chuckled to himself - having two Elements of Harmony in the starring roles would guarantee him the recognition he deserved. By Celestia, this film would go down in history!

"Okay. The film is called... Cupcakes."