• Published 8th Dec 2019
  • 2,694 Views, 48 Comments

Go Far - DivineRoyalty

Princess Celestia writes a letter to you: her faithful student.

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Go Far

To my faithful student,

My how the years have gone by! It seemed like only yesterday you took your first steps!

I do not write this letter to reminisce, however. Instead, I bring to you a message that I think you need to hear now.

You have done well. From the days when you first learned to speak unto the days we see before us now, you have come far. You have done great things, learned so much, and helped so many people.

Before you try to correct me, allow me a few more words.

My little human, you are worth so much more than you make yourself out to be. You are worthy of love, of affection, of happiness, and of a good life. I have seen your past. I have gazed upon the pain, the suffering, the wrongdoings, and the trespassess you have committed against others and that others have committed against you. I have seen all these things, and yet… I still love you. I still hold you to be special, talented, capable, and good.

You are more special than you will ever know. You are more cherished than you could ever grasp. You are capable of more than you can imagine, and you have the ability to make this world a better place. You have it within you the talent, the skill, and the resolve to change the world in which we live.

You might tell yourself that you are incapable of such a massive action. You might say, “But Princess… I am only one person!” But oh, my little human, do not you know that one person makes all the difference?

By a singular act of kindness to another, you have the ability to change their life. By the act of talking to that person who does not appear to have friends of their own, by cheering on the person who you know has not much confidence, by being there for that friend who has just gone through a tough experience… you change the worlds of all of those individuals. Your words have the power to change lives. Your heart has the ability to love those who have not known it. Your hands have the ability to create things for others to enjoy.

Do not be discouraged. In the days where you face those demons that would seek to undermine you, that would seek to tell you that you are worth less than the dirt you walk upon, that would be determined to see you fall, know that you are more. You are more than the sum of your past mistakes. You are more than the darkest times you have known. You are more than the words others use to harm you, and you are more than the words you use to harm yourself. You are here for a reason, my little human. You have a purpose, and you are special. You are valued and held in high regard. You are loved… so very much… and so very dearly.

Do not be afraid that you will fail. There will be those who reject you. There will be those who hurt you. There will be those who take the gifts you give and toss them aside. These things will happen, but they should not be viewed as the end result. Failure is a final result only if you allow it to be; otherwise, it is a stepping stone on the path to victory.

Your story will be one of victory. You will triumph over the thoughts that attempt to strike you down. You will see the forces of depression destroyed, the armies of anxiety vanquished! You will stand tall and mighty, gazing upon the horizons of your future as the sun rises over it. The darkness will perish, the shadows will flee, and the light will shine forth in your life! It will reach every crevice, every crack, every corner and every crag. It will illuminate the truth about you that has been invisible for so long, and that is that you--yes, you!--are not worthless. That you are not unloved. That you are not talentless, that you are not without ability. That you are amazing, wonderful, special, and a treasure!

It is hard to see through the dark haze of self-depreciation--believe me, I know. But that haze will dissipate. Just as you will help others, others will help you. You will meet people who are wonderful in their own ways, and they will lend you a helping hand to lift you out of the abyss.

Hold your head high, my little human. Know that your past does not have to define you, and that your future is bright. But also, do not forget about the now. Do not forget to enjoy life as it comes, and do not forget to… how does the saying go... “Stop and smell the roses?” Know that you do not have to take the quickest route to get somewhere, and that sometimes taking the scenic road can lead to experiences you will treasure for the rest of your life.

Do not forget to learn from your mistakes, either. They do not have to simply stand only as testaments to the fact that you are imperfect--they can be lessons in and of themselves! I may have taught you the best way I knew how, but, my faithful student--life is the best teacher! Neither the good nor the bad should be disregarded, but they should be learned from and applied to future trials.

Before I close this letter, I want to say one last thing: I may not be real in a physical sense, but, my little human, that does not mean I am not real in the eye of your mind. There, I am right beside you, and I will remain there for as long as you will have me.

So go, my little human. Go and change the world! Go and change lives with your work, your kindness, and your words! Go and be the change you want to see! Go and accomplish much, for I know that you can!

Go far, my faithful student.

Go far.


Princess Celestia

Author's Note:

Always know that you are loved. Always.

Comments ( 47 )

Man, that ending is more powerful than expected. Thank you for writing this. :pinkiesad2:

Thank YOU for reading!

I created a fimfic account just to favorite this :yay:

I’m glad you enjoyed!

It’s.... beautiful

This is very well written and a great form of encouragement to those who are feeling down, and I give you a thumbs up for it.

But it does not aid me.

Thanks so much!

Even if it does not, please know that you are valued, special, and cared for. Always.

Sweet Celestia Celestia's so sweet........................

Hard to believe when everything you worked towards for years failed.

The street I was given seemed well paved, but I was peering at the road next to mine leading to a bright, vibrant sun and vast, hilly field of flowers, floating water, and fantastical mountains. It was a trick. I only realized too late that I was walking into a murky and dark mire, and now my feet are trapped. I'm left to wallow as I sink deeper and deeper every day.

And yet... that mire is not inescapable, and it does not define who you are. It is who you choose to be that makes all the difference.

I did choose. Choice did not throw me a rope to get out. Thus, 22 years of hard work and study sunk me deeper. Making myself a dream to be an author that is unachievable sunk me deeper still. One an only tolerate dozens of rejections for every story they send for so long. Planning things since I was ten and modifying them as I grew older to be logical and work in the real work was more hard work wasted. My goals all failed, and winning at anything is unachievable. I've yet to see proof of the contrary.

Gaze upon the pages of history, my friend, and see the ranks of those who failed several times before seeing the light of success. See those who sank deep, but who soared higher when they realized that their past did not define them. Look upon the faces of those people, and know that you too can stand among them.

I am not them. I am me. And my goals aren't tied exclusively to me. to do so would be selfish. I have a person I was meant to repay for all her hard work and suffering just to keep me fed and clothed over the years. All the plans involved me were meant to help her on the side so she could enjoy her life as well. All those plans -and thus goals- failed.

No she isn't dead.

Plans may fail, and days may pass, but your worth never changes. You have the capability to be great, and to leave a lasting mark on the world. When you realize that, nothing will be able to hinder you, nothing will be able to stop the progress you will make to greatness. Know that it is okay to ponder how things could have been--but that it is more important to identify how things could be. T.E. Lawrence once said that "Dangerous are the dreamers of the day, for they have the ability to act upon those dreams with open eyes and make them reality." Dare to dream that things could be good and right. Dare to dream that you will succeed--and my friend, those dreams will one day see the light of day.

Comment posted by DivineRoyalty deleted Dec 8th, 2019

I'm a very, very stubborn person. I continued even when I failed and I was told I would amount to nothing, because I dreamed I would succeed. That I would have a future. That there were bright possibilities and all my hard work would be rewarded in the end, and I could finally be happy and truly satisfied.

Yet here I am. My head bleeds from the amount of walls I bashed through through sheer stubbornness. I was told to destroy a hundred walls, and at the end, with a huge smile on my face, I see that there are now a thousand walls. I am bloodied and bruised. I can take no more.

Then instead of breaking down the walls, climb them. Find new ways to surmount the problems that face you. Show resiliency in the face of adversity, and eventually, the adversity fades.

You can do it.

I tried. I thought of every conceivable angle and discussed the possibilities with other people and even tried suggestions they made. Those proved to be walls with no top and a void beneath as well. I was never one to give up easily.

Then, my friend, don't give up now! If the walls cannot be climbed, then dig underneath them! If they cannot be dug under, then go around them! If they go on forever, then call upon a friend, and break them down together. In the words of Winston Churchill, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts."

Go forward, and take heart! The walls will end, their stones will crumble and fade, and before you will stretch opportunity like you have not seen before.

You didn't see that they had a void beneath them, and that there are a thousand more when I was promised an end.

Can you make me an author? If at least this goal and plan is successful, then I have no reason to continue mourning that my years of computer science study weren't for nothing and I'd have a future once more.

Otherwise I'm still at Plan Z.

You seem very hopeful. I have my own saying that I adopted after thinking it was just stupid and funny: "Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."

Well, I cannot make you an author, but I can help you in that regard in any way I'm able, if you'd like!

In some cases, hope can lead to disappointment. But hope is also the first step on the road to success and happiness--the spark it can ignite can set a fire of passion within us that leads to greatness.

Then there is nothing that can be done.

Then why have all the steps of hope I've taken always lead to failure and disappointment through the years?

I only said I couldn’t turn you into a writer myself—I never said you couldn’t become one yourself.

And, in truth, sometimes those are just the cards life deals us. But just as there are those who have risen from nothing, I am certain you can as well. Never give up!

Comment posted by DivineRoyalty deleted Dec 8th, 2019

I've already given up...

I know not your troubles, your sufferings, or your pain, but know this: you are not alone. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here. If you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here. If you need kind words and encouragement, I'm here. I am willing to help you in any way I am able.

Also, I just checked your page... and you say you can't write! My friend, how can you say such things when you have written leaps and bounds more than I? I am sure you are a fine author already, and I do not know that there is anything much I could help you with (though if there is, I would be more than happy to)!

You misunderstand. I didn't say I can't write. I know after 8 years of constant writing that I've at least gotten a decent level of skill (I've been told I have my own writing style at this point which is a huge compliment to a writer). I said that I can't write books. I've tried dozens of different literary agents since the publishers don't accept unsolicited queries anymore. All of them have rejected my books. It doesn't matter how many people I put the book through to improve the story or how well I rewrite one. They always say no.

You've touched my heart sir. Thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement.

She could have written this letter herself. I very nearly heard her voice.

Have a brohoof /)

Thank you so much! (\

the cover art makes me think celestia is literally fucking asian

J.K. Rowling was turned down by 12 publishers before Harry Potter was accepted by one. Thomas Edison failed over a thousand times before successfully inventing the electric lightbulb. Keep trying, my friend--your efforts will one day know fruition!

The Light reigns eternal in our hearts, hail to the mom horse!
March onwards brothers and sisters, victory is in reach!

These words are nothing new to me but nonetheless true and worth a song in my heart, thank you for your kind-hearted creation.

Light bless you.

I am not JK Rowling.
Thomas Edison didn't invent the lightbulb. Many others did. He just stole the patent as with all he 'made' and became rich on the backs of others.

Ah, well. What I said is how the story goes, anyways.

Yeah. Look up Thomas Edison and how much of an asshole he really was. Trust me, you'll be amused.

Have you thought of self publishing? That's how Eragon got started. You might try Kindle Direct Publishing.

It is hard to get up after the thousandth time you've failed, but tell me this: do you think you will ever entirely stop feeling the need to create? Would you ever want that to happen? If your words can lift just one person, even yourself, aren't those words worth it? Don't stop trying to share those words just because people might not listen. Regardless of who listens, if your words are sincere, they are worth the effort it took to make them.

It's true that you might never get published or widely recognized as a great author. Don't hold your breath until you do, but don't give up either. Live your life. Keep creating. Keep sharing. It's a cold, hard fact that nobody can create what you can.

Do you have reason to believe that your Family or Friends regret supporting you? Generosity and support is never something to regret. If it turns out you were not meant to be a professional author, Their support helped you to learn that and allowed you to move on to better things. If you are concerned about paying them back, perhaps you should talk to them about it. One way you can pay them back right now is to show your appreciation and love for them.

All this stuff might seem kinda sappy, but I'm telling you it's true. Every failure will count towards your good as long as you try to be a good person.

Self-publishing not viable. No money. No social presence.

It's true that you might never get published or widely recognized as a great author.

I don't want to be 'widely recognized as a great author'. I just want my books to be loved. I want to reach as many people as possible and publish as many (quality) books as I can before I die.

Do you have reason to believe that your Family or Friends regret supporting you? Generosity and support is never something to regret. If it turns out you were not meant to be a professional author, Their support helped you to learn that and allowed you to move on to better things.

You're just reinforcing the proven sentiment that all hard work leads to failure...There is nothing better.

I definitely needed this letter. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you for reading!

This could practically have been written by God, well done!

Not gonna lie, this gave me a tear. 😊 No wonder Twilight ended up so well if Celestia Gave her this kind of advice.

Good job man :twilightsmile::trollestia:

These stories make me think of this song

The first thing I thought of when I read the title was this.

This story is helping me keep on even through this past year, adversity, failures, and general nonsense. I thank you for it, and I plan on reading more of yours. I t does somewhat feel like I've got that soft ivory wing resting on my shoulder. And when you're feeling all alone and overwhelmed...that helps.

Would you mind if I read this story for my YouTube channel?

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