• Published 11th Feb 2020
  • 363 Views, 5 Comments

PSI and Magic- Worlds merge - PK-Pony 2002

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The Prologue Part 2: Lucas and Twilight's POV's-

Author's Note:

Disclaimer, I do not own the Mother/Earthbound Series or MLP:FIM those belong to there respective owners.

This part of the prologue is from Lucas and Twilight's POV's

Nowhere Islands-

Lucas's POV-

As I held Claus, my brother closer to me I knew that he wouldn't last much longer after having an electric shockwave reflected back at him.

I couldn't help but sob as I thought about what led to this point.

Three years prior to this our mother, Hinawa was killed by a Drago during a forest fire, Drago's are dinosaur like creatures that are known to be friendly.

Out of grief, Claus went to try and avenge our mother, he ended up disappearing that day.

Apparently, when Claus disappeared he was taken by Porky and transformed into some sort of cyborg to do his bidding.

Once I discovered this, I knew I had to stop him from pulling the final needle and destroying the world.

It wasn't easy though, Claus wouldn't listen to anything I said and kept attacking me. However, to my shock and surprise I received help from the spirit of my mother.

It was with her help that I was able to get through to Claus... but in guilt Claus fired a bolt of electricity knowing that It'd reflect back at him thanks to the Franklin Badge I was wearing.

This is how we got to where we are now.

I then realized something, the Dark Dragon was known to recreate the world from the wishes of the persons heart who pulled the needles. So I might be able to save Claus.

I gently place Claus on the ground and walk towards the final needle. I stop once I'm in front of the needle.

"Lucas... are you sure you want to do this?"

I look to my father, Flint with a look of determination.

"Yes, I'm sure."

I place my hands on the needle, and focus on using my PSI to remove it from the ground.

"Please, I want a world where everyone can live in peace, a world where we can all have a happy ending."

Once my thoughts are finished I feel the needle disappear and the ground begins to shake and everything goes to white...


Twilight Sparkle's POV-

"Okay, I've put all the returned books back on the shelves,re-oragnized the library, and cleaned up my lab. Is there anything I'm forgetting? Gasp The picnic! I'm supposed to meet the others by Sweet Apple Acres for the Picnic today!

I quickly rush upstairs to grab a bag and saw that Spike, my dragon assistant had fallen asleep.

"Spike! Wake up! We're going to be late for the picnic! I yell as I grab things I might need, such as a quill, some ink, a parchment, and anything else important.

Spike, having just realized what I had said quickly helps me pack some food from the kitchen and we rush out the door.

About 17 minutes later, Spike and I arrive at Sweet Apple Acres and see are friends waiting for us.

"There's Twilight!" Says Pinkie happily, bouncing up and down.

"There ya are Twilight, we were wonder'in when you'd show up." Says Applejack with amusement in her voice.

"Gasp Sorry I gasp was late gasp had to finish gasp cleaning up the gasp library." I say very much out of breath.

"Relax darling, you aren't that late. Now, shall we begin our picnic?" Says Rarity.

"Yeah! Lets- gasp guys my Pinkie Sense are tingling!" Says Pinkie getting us all on edge. After all, her Pinkie senses were usually never wrong.

"You sure bout that partner?" Asks Applejack.

"Yup! I'm sure!"

"Um, what's causing it?" Asks Fluttershy shyly.

Before we got an answer everything went to white.