• Published 14th Dec 2019
  • 7,414 Views, 302 Comments

Sunset's Wonderful Life - sonicfan05

After the event at the school went wrong due to her past, Sunset wishes that she was never born. A mysterous teenaged girl, who claimed to be her gaurdian angel, showed Sunset what the world and her friends would be like without her.

  • ...

16. Sunset's Wonderful Life (Epilogue)

Less than an hour later, the party went back in full swing as if the first two blunders never happened. The tables and chairs were replaced, the music was performing with their new equipment which was donated thanks to the Crystal Prep students and the food was restocked and rebaked at a record’s time thanks to Pinkie Pie.

How Pinkie managed to pull that off, Sunset never knew.

And even the toys were giving away to all the little boys and girls for them to play with for the holidays. Everyone congratulated Sunset for pulling off this amazing party, only for her to reply that she wouldn’t pull this off without the help from them and her friends.

Speaking of which, Sunset enjoyed spending her time with her friends during the party. She made her personal mission to spend a moment with each and every one of them throughout the party, letting them know how much they mean to her, and they each responded that she means a lot to them. The only person Sunset couldn’t find throughout the party was her best friend Twilight. No matter where she looked or who to ask, she was nowhere in sight. She wondered if Twilight was still busy with running the party or if she was actually avoiding her. There were things that the two of them really need to settle, especially after the latest development during their confrontation with Cinch.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Principal Celestia got everyone’s attention while she was on stage with her microphone.

“Thanks for coming everyone!” Principal Celestia announced. “I’m happy to announce that our Toys For Kids Festival was a complete success!”

Everyone cheered loudly and applauded for their success, allowing Principal Celestia to continue.

“Now as both a celebration and a permitted request, here’s Applejack and her family performing the next song.”

With another applause from the audience, Applejack, along with Apple Bloom, Big Mac and Granny Smith entered the stage. With a thankful nod to the Principal, Applejack stood in front of the mic with her bass and began to speak.

“Thank ya kindly Principal Celestia,” Applejack began before facing the crowd. “Before we began, I would like to dedicate this here’s song to mah dear friend... and an honorary family member… to Sunset Shimmer, fer makin’ this happen fer us!”

As the crowd applauded to Sunset, Sunset was nearly in tears, touched that Applejack considered her to be part of a family.

Applejack smiled at Sunset before she faced the crowd to continue. “Ah also wanted to dedicate this song to you y’all, includin’ our family and friends, whether they’re here with us now or in spirit. Hit it Big Mac!”

Big Mac nodded before he began playing the music with his flute. Applejack then started to sing in a rather emotional song about family, with Apple Bloom and sometimes the rest of the Apple Family joined in from time to time. Soon, everyone in the room was singing along in harmony as they either stood by or side hugged each other, enjoying each other’s company. Sunset watched all this with a genuine smile on her face, happy to see everyone was having a good time and that they all treated each other kindly, even those who weren’t from CHS.

Then from the corner of her eye, Sunset noticed someone was staring at her. It was none other than Twilight, who was standing near the gym doors, watching her with a shy smile. Feeling the need to join her friend and planned an overdue conversation with her, Sunset made her way over towards her friend until she reached a foot length from her. Both girls stared at each other in the eyes with a warm blush on their cheeks.

“...hey,” Sunset greeted quietly.

“...hey,” Twilight greeted back, just as quietly.

For a while, neither one of them spoke. Ever since Twilight made her feelings known about Sunset in front of Cinch, things were a little awkward between the two of them. While Sunset felt joy that Twilight felt that way about her, but she was still confused with Twilight’s behavior. Decided to get to the bottom of things once and for all, Sunset began to speak.

“So… you have feelings for me this whole time?” Sunset asked.

Twilight nodded while remained silent.

“How long?” Sunset pressed gently. “And why me?”

Twilight was silent for a while longer before she let out a long sigh. “Well… to tell you the truth… I’m not really sure,” Twilight admitted. “I might’ve felt that about you a few days after the Friendship Games, but I thought it was my admiration towards you for being a good friend and all the support you’ve been giving me. And after I started dating Timber… I couldn’t help but feel... that it wasn’t right. Don’t get me wrong, Timber is a sweet guy and he’s been treating me with respect, but each and every time I went out with him… I don’t feel anything from him at all other than a good friendship.” She then blushed. “But… every time I was with you… I felt a deeper connection with you… and my admiration towards you grows. And when the memory stone incident happened, I realize how important you are to me… and I can't imagine my life without you!” She then gave Sunset her more heartfelt smile. “That’s is why… I’m in love with you!"

Sunset’s eyes widened. "Twilight…"

Twilight giggled. “Goodness… I can’t believe I did that! I was nervous about confessing to you... but that surprisingly felt good!” She then sighed and bowed down. “I was hoping to wait after the holidays after seeing just how stress you are with the party and everything else that happened. I’m so sorry that I made things worse.”

“Oh Twilight…” Sunset said softly before hugging her friend. “Don’t ever apologize for things like that! Yes, I was emotionally stressed, but I was being so stupid for jumping to conclusions and thinking you don’t care about me when really you cared so much about me! I hope you forgive me for how I acted!”

Twilight smiled. “As long as you forgive me Sunset!”

Sunset smiled back as she blushed. “To tell you the truth, I… I also love you... with all my heart… and you mean the whole world to me, more than you realize! Nothing makes me happier… then to always have you in my life!"

Twilight began to tear up with a wavy smile. “So does that mean… you really wanted me to be your girlfriend?”

Sunset smiled back who also had tears in her eyes. “If you’re willing to have me as your girlfriend!”

With heartfelt smiles on their faces, both Twilight and Sunset hugged each other, making themselves official as girlfriends. Sunset hugged her new girlfriend with all her might, not wanting to let this beautiful girl go and silently vowed to always love and protect this girl with her very life.

As they continued to hug, neither wanting this moment to end, Sunset noticed something above her which was never there before.

"Hey… Is that... a mistletoe?" Sunset asked.

Twilight blinked. As soon as she looked up, she began to freak out.

"W-WHAT!?” She shrieked, breaking her hug from Sunset. “Where did that come from? I did not remember telling anyone to put that there."

As Twilight looked around, trying to figure it out who placed that mistletoe above them, Sunset noticed someone who was staring at them from the sideline. It was none other than her guardian angel, Rebecca, who was now wearing a white robe and brand new angel wings on her back. Sunset gave her new friend a warm and thankful smile before she quickly waved.

"I think I know who..." Sunset mused playfully.

Confused, Twilight turned her head towards Sunset. "Who?"

With a friendly wink and a wave goodbye, Rebecca slowly faded away until she disappeared for the final time.

"...a friend!" Sunset answered before facing Twilight with a blush. "Um… since we're a couple now… and this is usually a tradition around the holidays... maybe we can… kiss?” When Twilight's face turned bright red, Sunset quickly added, “B-but only if you want to! I-I don't want to p-pressure you to do anything o-or to make you feel uncomfor--"

Sunset ceased her ramblings when she suddenly felt lips on hers. Sunset was shocked that Twilight boldly kissed her and caught her off guard like that, yet she also felt delighted that she was being kissed from her long-time crush. Her eyes lidded and tried to lean in more into their kiss, wishing that this moment won’t end. Sadly, the kiss ended when Twilight slowly pulled away and gave Sunset a coy, yet adorable smile.

"And you say I talked too much!" Twilight teased with a giggle. Her expression then became much more loving and heartfelt.

"Merry Christmas Sunset!" Twilight whispered earnestly.

Sunset smiled back warmly. "Merry Christmas Twilight!"

As Sunset kissed her now girlfriend's lips again, only one thing came to mind...

Her life was indeed... wonderful!

"Remember, no man is a failure who has friends." - Clarence, It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

Author's Note:

Whelp, it's finally over! My second holiday story is finally completed... in March! Whoops! :twilightblush: :derpytongue2:

I do apologize for taking so long to finish it! I meant to get this done by Christmas of last year, but with so many things going on lately, it took me longer than expected. So I do hope it was all worth the wait and that you all enjoyed my story!

On a bright side, now I can focus on another story I'm planning to write! :pinkiehappy:

Anyway, thank you all so much for favoriting this story, leaving me likes/comments and despite being March (as of writing), I wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa and whatever Holidays you all celebrated and have a very SAFE and Happy New Year! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 49 )

Whoops! I kept changing them around as I was writing the final few chapters, trying to find a good spot for them to show up, but I guess I forgot about that part. :twilightblush: :derpyderp2: :derpytongue2:

Thank you for pointing that out! It's fixed!

EXCELLENT job on the epilogue of this story. All in all a beautiful ending to a quite well done story. :-D _ _ _ _

Naturally, the exchanges, characterizations and wrap-up were ALL very well done.

Thank you so much! :pinkiehappy:

I appreciate all the comments you gave me throughout this story! I do hope you enjoyed it overall! :twilightsmile:

This was a Awesome story! :pinkiehappy:

I like I said before this really captures the spirit of the movie perfectly. 👍

And I feel like, I found it funny that 60% or 70% of the comments are just mostly everybody want to kill Cinch in some sort of way. (Including me):twilightsheepish:

This story turned out great until i had to HEAR THIS TWISUNSET SHIP :(

but still awesome story

Glad you like it! :twilightsmile:

Yeah... everyone wanted to go after Cinch througout this whole story (not that I could blame them), but I hope that the punishment Cinch ends up getting was satisfying enough for everyone.

A beautiful conclusion! Well worth the wait! :heart:

I just read this after reading the first two new chapters when I signed in and this was an awesome story! Seriously I wish they did something like this in the show as it would be great. While I'm more of a Sunset/Princess Twilight pairing kind of guy, I still like who Sunset ended up with and it turned out wonderful in the end. Plus I'm glad that Cinch and the Dazzlings got what was coming to them last chapter and I will be reviewing that later.

I especially enjoyed the song that you picked for Apple Jack to sing and the video I saw for it was very heart warming. This has been a great story and I'm glad I added it to my favorites. I'm looking forward to what other story's you will be posting soon.

Good Luck SonicFan05.

I'm really glad that you enjoyed my story and the song that I picked. AJ's song was on my mind since the very start of this story! :pinkiesmile:

Thank you so much for reading and for leaving your comments/reviews throughout this story! I really do appreciate it and I hope you'll read many more of my stories to come! :twilightsmile:

I'm SO late. I haven't commented in a worthwhile.

BEST BEST BEST thing. This whole story was a ride. The emotions, the suspense, the drama, and the ending! Or multiple endings because so many wonderful things happened. I loved this story so much. It was exciting to the very end. Amazing job.

Thank you so much! I'm really glad that you enjoyed my story! :twilightsmile:

Despite not enjoying how it started at first I still enjoyed this despite some up and downs and I'm really glad I read this made me feel happy and hope to see that other story too. Keep up the good work

Thank you so much! I'm glad you gave this story a chance! :pinkiesmile:

The moral of the story is despite our daily struggles, the lives we touch really does matter, even to the people we don't know. And as Clarence from the original movie once said: no man is a failure who has friends.

Told you it was worth it! :twilightsmile:

While I was hoping for "Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings," the mistletoe scene was so much better.

Thank you for giving this story the best ending it could have.

You are welcome! :pinkiesmile:

The "every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings" is a very iconic line from the original movie. However, I wanted to give my story it's own identity and I thought the mistletoe scene was the best choice for Sunset and Sci-Twi.

Thank you again for reading my story! :twilightsmile:

Excellent work!

I also wanted Rebecca to stay

Thanks a lot for this fic! A precious ending for Sunset and the Rainbooms - as for SciTwi as well, now she is with the person she loves. I'm also glad Abacus Cinch got what she deserved alongside the Sirens (to be honest, I expected to see Suri Polamare, Gilda, Lightning Dust or the Flim Flam brothers as the culprits on the sabotage).

Until next time, and congratulations!

Before I forget: what would have been of Flash Sentry's life if Sunset was never born?

Thank you very much! I'm glad that you enjoyed my story! :twilightsmile:

Well since you've asked: my theory is without Sunset being born, Flash Sentry would not only be just as miserable as the rest of his classmates (with Cinch taking over CHS), but he is also a lonely person who is just a face in the crowd. :fluttershysad:

Thank you. And I forgot to mention that I'm glad Rebecca has gotten her wings. :twilightsmile: She earned them.

I see. Good thing he met and used to be Sunset's boyfriend until the events of the first Equestria Girls. Thanks you for answer my question, have a nice day!

You're welcome! You have a nice day too and be safe! :pinkiesmile:

Really liked this story! :twilightsmile: Can't wait to see your next story! I'd really like to see a sequel to Sonata Can't Read expanding on the reformed Dazzlings, their interactions with the Rainbooms, and Sonata's new pet kitty cat!

I love this story

I understand that Sunset is bi. But does this mean that Twilight is a faggot?

I just have two questions I like to ask after finishing this story.

1. Why didn't Twilight just tell Sunset about the break up earlier by just saying that her and timber just didn't have a romantic connection so she broke up with him on good terms?

I don't see any reason Twi needed to confess her feelings to Sunset at all, she wouldn't be lying if she told Sunny that she wasn't in love with timber while keeping the part that she was in love with someone else a secret entirely until she was ready to confess.

2.Why was Twilight so grumpy earlier that morning on the way to school? Unless I miss something that never got explain.

Still love this story:pinkiehappy:

I'll be glad to answer your questions:

You see, the reason Twilight didn't tell Sunset that she broke up with Timber right off the bat was because at that point, Sunset was in a lot of stress of setting up the party (twice) and because of someone destroying the first party decorations with Equestrian magic just to get to Sunset. Twilight felt that she didn’t want to increase Sunset’s stress further by dumping her woes on to Sunset, especially after Sunset went out of her way to get Twilight and Timber together in the first place.

Twilight also originally wanted to confess her love to Sunset in a much better circumstances than during the production of the party. And also because she was both nervous and shy of confessing her feelings despite that she knew Sunset for so long. But after all the hardships Sunset had to go through before Sunset met Rebecca, Twilight felt that Sunset deserved the truth from her and to let Sunset know how much she really means to her. Hence why she confessed at the end of the story.

And as for your question on why Twilight was so grumpy that morning, just because she and Timber ended their relationship on good terms, that doesn’t mean that it was a easy on both parties. Because the two got along well, naturally both will be sad that their relationship didn't work out and on Twilight's case, felt really guilty for ending a relationship to a very decent guy, despite that she felt nothing from him other than friendship. So she was still going through her breakup phase that morning. Again, she didn't want her feelings to be a burden to Sunset at that moment and wanted to wait until the event is over for Sunset’s sake. Unfortunately, that backfired on her when Sunset unintentionally overheard part of her conversation with Rarity, causing a major misunderstanding on Sunset’s end.

Anyway, I hope my answers helped made things clearer and I'm glad that you love me story!

Thanks for reading! :twilightsmile:

Sorry for the late response:fluttershyouch:

But Thanks for answering my question it really help me alot:pinkiehappy:

this whole story reminds me of a classic movie that had a very similar plot behind it well, minus the whole ex-principal revenge and dazzlings return part, the movie was called the wings of an angel. er at least i think it was called that?

No, because otherwise she'd be a pork offal dish originating from the West Midlands.


Thank you again for your awesome reviews and for pointing out my errors. I will look into them and fix them later (although the huge spaces between words were this site's doing and I don't know why :applejackunsure:). Anyway, if you find any more mistakes, please let me know. Looking forward to more of your reviews for this story as well as your reviews on my Sonic crossover story.

And a Merry Christmas to you too! :pinkiesmile:

:) Your welcome and Happy New Year.

Sunset ceased her ramblings when she suddenly felt lips on hers. Sunset was shocked that Twilight boldly kissed her and caught her off guard like that, yet she also felt delighted that she was being kissed from her long-time crush. Her eyes lidded and tried to lean in more into their kiss, wishing that this moment won’t end. Sadly, the kiss ended when Twilight slowly pulled away and gave Sunset a coy, yet adorable smile.


bruh this story was so good, that now im reading this while im in online class lmao.
This story is awesome and even though I don't ship Sci Twi with Sunset that much (I prefer Sunset with Princess Twilight, just sayin) the ending is PERFECT.
Amazing. 10/10.

Is Rebecca like a tribute to the voice actress of Sunset Shimmer? Bruh, this is an emotional story but I'm proud to see how appreciating Sunset and her friends are and friends are friends again. Thank you for not killing off characters, they just don't make a story good and I don't like the idea of any girl wanting to leave school.

And with that, you have earned your 303rd follower!

Now onto the actual story.

First off, congratulations. Sunset’s Wonderful Life stands at 65k words. That’s 65k words worth of story, plot and character development, set-up, conflict and wrap-up. That couldn’t have been easy, and yet, you pulled it off quite nicely. I actually binge-read the whole thing about 2 years after it was posted, but no matter. I thoroughly enjoyed this piece.

Sunset Shimmer’s struggles feel very real and very consistent with her character (she is, after all, a guilt junkie); she spends a good chunk of this story angry, frustrated and sad. You nailed all those emotions.

Let’s talk about Rebecca. She was such a joy to read. From her casually admitting to a fake suicide attempt to her somber tone when detailing the Sunset-less life to her making Sunset invisible like it was nothing, she was a real treat. And the end, with her proper angel wings, chef’s kiss! Oh, by the way, perfect name choice. Shoichet doesn’t earn nearly enough recognition for the work she does.

About your villains. Every reader knew, from the moment they appeared, that the mysterious staff workers are the Dazzlings. And every reader knew, from the moment Sunset mentioned Cinch’s cobra necklace, that the former had access to Equestrian magic. Not necessarily a bad thing, because this isn’t tagged [Mystery]. Back to the characters. They were very well-written. Cinch was disgusting and repulsive, as you intended, and every reader wanted to do her in. When your readers start hating your character, that’s how you know you wrote them well.

I know that no story is perfect, but a little constructive criticism never hurt anyone.

The most obvious problem in the story is the tenses. For some reason, both the narration and character’s dialogue constantly switch back and forth between the past and the present. (For your reference, here’s the ’Tenses’ section of Ezn’s writing guide.) Take these extracts, with the past and present.

This girl have a red and yellow flaming hair with sad teal eyes. Despite that she was wearing a winter outfit, she felt very chilly from the cold. Normally, she would happily be hanging out with her friends and having fun for the holidays, but due to recent events, she is now alone on this very bridge.

Celestia took out a few photographs from her desk and handed it over to Sunset. Sunset, along with her friends looked over the photograph and they all gasped in shock. In these photographs was the gym with the party decorations. But the one major thing they all have in common was each decoration for the party was destroyed! Each photo was shown that tables were turned over, toys were crushed, streamers were taken down, balloons were popped, chairs were tossed around, the disco ball smashed in the middle of the room and there was even some strange stains that was all over the floor and walls.

Sunset watched as a girl with a gold and orange hair ran towards the start of the track and hot herself into a position. Sunset remembered Lightning Dust is a girl who has a major ego, very competitive and loves to take risks. She is the equivalent of another Rainbow Dash, except that she isvery reckless and did all sorts of dangerous stunts, not caring if she harmed anyone in her path. On top of that, she is also a major jerk and sees herself more superior than anyone else.

The problem persists even in dialogue.

Rainbow Dash: Trixie… we were trying to put together a fun and safe party, not a potential fire hazard! Can't you just perform one of your other lame tricks?

Sunset Shimmer: Of course I know you! I’m Sunset Shimmer! Don’t you… recognized me?”

Trixie: I… I don’t! I’m sorry… are we friends back at elementary school?”

Sunset Shimmer: NO! Stop joking around Trixie! I'm in the same high school as you are!"

Trixie: I-I… I'm sorry! B-b-but I never saw you before in my life!"

Fluttershy: After my first few months as a freshman, I found myself all alone after Rainbow Dash was busy practicing at many sports teams with… Lightning Dust. I was trying to give out many flyers for the pet shelter that I work at at the time, hoping to get the students to adopt the animals as their pet. Of course… no one wanted to take them or cared enough to notice me. I was ready to give up… until I met… you!

So yeah. There’s a major problem with the tenses. It’s not just about the constant back and forth switch, there’s also a slight problem with subject conjugation (the girl has red and yellow flaming hair, not have), double past sentence in the same sentence (it’s ”Don’t you recognize me?” because the “don’t” has already taken the past tense, therefore “recognize” has to be in the present) and the ‘past within the past’ and ‘future within the past’ thing. Consider getting an editor or proofreader.

But other than that, I truly enjoyed Sunset’s Wonderful Life. Wonderful work.

Keep on writing, sonicfan05!

First off, thank you so much for the follow! :pinkiehappy:

Second, I'm glad that you enjoyed my story, despite some flaws. Yes, I have had tense issues for a while, but I've been getting better. I've used programs like Grammarly nowadays, and I have a friend; who is also a proofreader for my current story. Maybe someday I'll go back and fix those issues you mention at a future date.

Nevertheless, thank you for your criticism, and I hope you stick around for my future stories! :twilightsmile:

You’re welcome, sonic. Hope to see more of you in the future.

Great story. To be honest I wasn't sure if I wanted to read this. I felt like it was a little too dark and... please don't get this the wrong way but I thought this might have... religious things. But boy am I glad I read this. I really liked how you wrote the ending like a scooby doo film.

Good job. This story just earned a favourite and a place in my Sunset Shimmer book shelf.

It was a very good story, quite entertaining, and who knows, maybe next time we will have a special focused on Rarijack.

"No. You see… Timber and I… don't feel any connection between us at all. Sure, we had fun with our dates, but every time we’re together, we don’t feel any of that spark at all. And after our last date, I decided to break up with him, on good terms."

after I started dating Timber… I couldn’t help but feel... that it wasn’t right. Don’t get me wrong, Timber is a sweet guy and he’s been treating me with respect, but each and every time I went out with him… I don’t feel anything from him at all other than a good friendship.”

"Good morning Twilight!" Sunset greeted with a warm smile.

Twilight turned to Sunset. "Oh… morning Sunset," she said somberly.

"Are... you okay?" Sunset asked gently.

"O-oh yeah! I'm fine Sunset," Twilight responded with a forced smile on her face.

Sunset cocked her eyebrow, clearly not buying her friend's answer. "No offense Twilight, but you don't look fine."

"I'm telling you Sunset, I'm fine!" Twilight responded with some aggravation.

Sunset placed her hand on her friend's shoulder. "You know you can always talk to me if you're--"

Twilight stopped walking, shrugged Sunset's hand off her shoulder and turned towards Sunset with an angry expression.

"I said I'm fine Sunset, okay!?" Twilight shouted.

Sunset flinched. Twilight never yelled at her like that before. She didn't know what was wrong with Twilight, but she feared that she upset her further. After seeing her friend's hurt expression, Twilight immediately felt guilty for acting so aggressive to someone so caring who was worried about her.

"I'm… I'm so sorry Sunset!" Twilight said sadly, not looking directly at Sunset. "I-I didn't mean to--"

Twilight then felt Sunset touched her cheek and gently turned her head towards her, who had a caring and understanding expression.

"No no, I get it Twilight," Sunset said gently. "I shouldn't have been so pushy. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. But I'm here for you if you wanted to talk about it, okay?"

Twilight smiled, glad that she didn't damage her friendship with Sunset. "Thanks Sunset. And I'm sorry again for snapping at you like that."

Sunset smiled. "Don't worry about it," she said as they resumed walking.

As they are heading towards the school, Twilight still felt bad for yelling at Sunset. After a few minutes of silence, Twilight spoke.

“I broke up with Timber last night!”

Sunset’s eyes widen in shock. “You did, but why?”

“Despite all the dates we went on, I couldn’t help but feel... that it wasn’t right. Don’t get me wrong, Timber is a sweet guy and he’s been treating me with respect, but each and every time I went out with him… I don’t feel anything from him at all other than a good friendship.” Twilight shrugs. “I… don't feel any connection between us at all. Sure, we had fun with our dates, but every time we’re together, we don’t feel any of that spark at all. And after our last date, I decided to break up with him, on good terms."

“So that’s why you're so grumpy!”

Twilight nodded. “I know, I said I broke up with him on good terms, but I still feel awful about it, when I told him I wanted to break up, I saw the hurt in his eyes. I know he really likes me and wants to be together, but I couldn't just keep going out with him, when I didn't have the same feelings for him as I thought I did. I didn't want to keep going on with our relationship, knowing that my heart wasn't in it. I couldn't do that to him, he deserves better, hopefully he’ll find a girl who’ll give him the love he deserves, because its definitely isn't me. Also I felt bad about breaking up with him, after you went through the trouble of setting up our date so there's that.”

Sunset place a comforting hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “Don't feel too bad Twi, you did the right thing. You knew your heart wasn't in it, and called things off before they could escalate too far. No doubt Timber feels awful about not being the one for you, but he’ll move on.” Sunset removes her hand. “He’ll find that special someone, someday and the same goes for you to.”

Twilight smiled. “Thanks Sunset! I could always count on you to cheer me up. I’m so happy to have you as a friend.”

“Right back at you Sparky!”

Sunset and Twilight continued their walk to school. Twilight felt as though a heavy weight had been lifted off her shoulder. When she told Sunset about the breakup. Even though she did left out one major detail about why she broke up with Timber.

She wasn't lying about not having feelings for him, that’s still true. She just purposely left out the part about having feelings for someone else. She wants to tell Sunset about her feelings for her but decided to wait until after The Christmas party to do it. Until then she'll keep this little secret to herself.

And that’s all Twilight had to say. She really had no reason not to tell Sunset about the breakup as soon as possible, and she didn't have to say anything else.

She's not lying after all, and it was a perfect explanation. She really didn't have any romantic feelings for Timber. She could have just told Sunset that and still keep her feelings for her a secret, no problem. So, running around and telling only her other friends was absolutely pointless. Twilight believed she couldn't tell Sunset about the breakup without confessing her love for her. But the thing about that is, she really didn't have to at all.

Twilight broke up with Timber for 2 reasons and nothing about the first reason indicates she needed to explain the second. She haves full control over what information she wanted Sunset to hear. So, why go so far to keep the breakup a secret when in all honesty, she didn't have to?

So the story can happen!


“This is… all too much,” Sunset whimpered, keeping herself from freaking out further. She removed her hands from her head and looked up towards Rebecca with her sad expression. "How… how could things be so bad without me?"

Rebecca gave Sunset a look of empathy before she let out a long sigh. "Well, I guess it's because someone like you made a lot of difference in a lot of lives. Whether you realize this or not, you are just as important to your friends as they are to you!" Rebecca answered softly.

So, what about the human Sunset? Does pony Sunset existence has a positive effect on her or negative?

Comment posted by Mpony1 deleted Mar 5th, 2023

I loved the story. Also, while reading this I couldn’t help but hear Darth Vader’s voice.

“Sunset, you have yet to realize your importance. You have only begun to discover the power of friendship”

Also, tropes page now exisits for this story if anyone wants to modify the page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/SunsetsWonderfulLife

My story appeared on TV Tropes page!? :pinkiegasp:

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