• Published 15th Dec 2019
  • 1,024 Views, 55 Comments

Scars To Her Beautiful - flutterJackdash

Sweetie and her friends are finally getting ready to graduate high school, and move on with their lives. Why is Silver so angry? Where is Diamond?

  • ...

Chapter 23 - Gathering Momentum

Sunset Shimmer is leaning forward in her couch seat as she lifts her video game controller up on high and to her left. She is deeply concentrating on what she is doing to the point of gritting her teeth. On occasion she unwittingly hangs a bit of her tongue out of her mouth. While she is doing this, she is being recorded by her computer in front of her on her coffee table, of which she later plans to publish this Let’s Play on MyStable.

“Okay, the trick here is to do a Barrel Roll,” Sunset informs her future audience in her recording. “Lots of people forget that. I mean sure, you can just keep dodging enemy fire, but then it’s harder to get a lock on her enemies. So, instead of that, do a Barrel Roll like this.”

On the screen, which is also being captured on Sunset’s laptop, she is playing a space cop alien alicorn named Comet Streak. Comet is a white alicorn wearing heavy space battle armor that projects a magical shield around her. The shield can slowly recharge on its own, but it would be faster if she collected magic green crystals that drop from defeated enemies or fly through rainbow rings that recharge her magic faster. Sunset keeps having Comet blasting from her horn on auto-fire using her turbo controller, but she occasionally turns it off if she wants the horn to charge in one of two ways. If she charges it without holding the R1 button, she can fire a continuous horn beam attack which quickly drains magically energy. Alternatively, if she does hold the R1 button, she can charge the horn to eventually release a solar bomb attack. As she flies, rainbow streams leak from her mane, tail, and back edges of her wings. Her enemies, in this case, are a large fleet of Space Pirates.

Sunset jumps in her seat, startled, when she hears a firm knock on her door. This prompts Sunset to pause her game then look at the camera on her laptop computer. She leans forward as she says, “You’ll all have to excuse me. I seem to have unexpected company for the moment. We’ll get back to the game as soon as whatever this is is done.”

From there, Sunset pauses the recording, takes off her gaming headset, gently sets it on her coffee table in front of her, gets up and approaches the door as she calls out, “I’M COMING! HOLD YOUR …” she snickers a bit then adds in amusement, “... HORSES.”

The knocking does not persist as the person on the other side chooses to wait after hearing Sunset Shimmer call out.

Sunset opens the door then is taken aback to see all three of the Crusaders before her. She then exclaims, “Whoa! This is a surprise to see you all here.” Sunset steps back and waves into her apartment. “Come in. Come in,” she gladly invites them.

Sweetie, looking deeply troubled, is first to enter with Scootaloo’s guidance. Scootaloo pauses to learn her skateboard against the wall of the small hallway before it turns to lead past a closet and into Sunset’s apartment proper. Apple Bloom leans hers down next to that one, and follows the lot into the apartment.

“We’re sorry to bug ya, Ms. Shimmer,” Apple Bloom. “Wouldn’t’a done it if Sweetie didn’t feel it were real important to tell ya a few things.”

Having noticed Sweetie’s reaction as she stepped in, along with what Apple Bloom just said, Sunset solemnly closes the door and asks encouragingly, “What’s wrong? How can I help?”

“We… don’t really know,” Scootaloo admits, “But, Sweetie will tell you.”

Scootaloo leads Sweetie to the couch, ignoring all of the streaming equipment set up in the main room and guiding to Sweetie to sit down, then sitting down next to her. She notes the game on the screen, but her focus remains mainly on Sweetie.

Apple Bloom sits on the other side of the Sweetie. Sweetie finally takes a breath.

“It’s about Diamond Tiara,” Sweetie says softly.

Sunset takes in a deep intake of breath. All of the sudden it dawns on her how long this conversation might be. After it it might be hard to return to her game, too. She might have to settle for finishing it some other day.

“Alright. Hold on,” Sunset tells them then walks past them and goes into her walk-in closet to retrieve a foldout chair. She pulls that out then unfolds it ahead of the couch and off to the left side of it, thus closest to Scootaloo. Front here, she leans forward on her new seat as she invites, “Okay. Go ahead. I’m listening.”

“When I…,” Sweetie stalls out at that moment, suddenly breathing very erratically.

Sunset rises off her chair, kneels in front of Sweetie and scoops up her left hand. She pats that hand as she says soothingly, “Sweetie Belle, it’s okay. You can trust me and talk to me about anything you want.”

“When I found her… back at her house,” Sweetie begins, “She has hurt herself pretty bad… she had… taken a razor and…” the pale girl pauses as she registers something unexpected in Sunset’s face: familiarity.

“...you know?” Sweetie asks breathlessly.

Sunset looks down with a sigh, then looks back up at Sweetie as she admits, “Yes. First of all, after you had a confrontation with Silver Spoon, Twilight called me into her office and encouraged me, as a friend, to investigate this issue. You might recall that’s when I started to get involved. Then, later on, after the photo leaked on the CHS Public Network, I saw that photo and grew concerned for Diamond.

“I immediately hopped on my bike and rode out to her place. Along the way, I happened to come across her stumbling out of the woods and collapse onto the street. By then, she was in no shape to answer any of my questions. Feeling desperate, I ah … reluctantly used my magic gem on her to scan her memories. In doing so, not only had I found out how serious Diamond’s situation at home was, but also the fact that you knew about it, Sweetie Belle, but promised to keep it to yourself.

“After that, I brought her here to my home because she requested not to be delivered to the hospital, or else those scars would be found out. I had Fluttershy come over and look her over instead. Shy just assumed the scrapes came from the forest in Diamond’s effort to see the forest critters there. As a result, she recommended to Diamond to visit her Sanctuary instead where it is much safer. Diamond also wanted me to keep this a secret as well ever since.”

Sweetie swallows a lump in her throat, “You knew… and… you’re… what is this? You’re streaming? You’re sitting here playing a video game while Diamond Tiara is… what if she wants to kill herself, Ms. Shimmer?”

Sunset blanches at Sweetie’s accusation. She struggles to find her words at first and is too late before Apple Bloom speaks up.

“Gosh,” Apple Bloom says, “Ah expected better from ya, Ms. Shimmer.”

Scootaloo chews her lip, but remains silent.

“I can’t just storm Spoiled’s house!” Sunset cries out to the Crusaders. “That’s not how the adult world works. Sometimes I wish it was, especially in this case, but there are issues in play that need to be considered. I’ve done everything I could to help her, but lately I’ve been at a loss because I’ve been roadblocked by Spoiled. She’s not answering any of my calls anymore.”

Sunset looks down with another sigh, then looks back up at the Crusaders as she adds, “Twilight knows too, now, but much more recently. Together, we’re doing everything we can.” She looks off to her side as she adds, “Child Protective Services has been making some discrete inquiries on campus recently in light of Diamond’s confession at her election speech.” She looks back at the Crusaders. “But we can’t tell them anything too definitive since we don’t have evidence for much, nor can I tell them about my magically acquired knowledge because I technically acquired that illegally. Diamond did not give me permission to mind scan her because she passed out on my lap. At the time, it was the only way for me to gather any critical intel on her.”

“And so you’re just sittin’ down to play video games?” Scootaloo admonishes, “That’s the adult world? That’s the thing you want to tell me that I don’t understand?” she growls.

“Scoot,” Apple Bloom says, “Easy now… Don’t need to be too harsh.”

“I also don’t need to be talked down to!” Scootaloo snaps, “We’re not some fuckin’ kids without a clue! You and me, AB, look at what we’ve gone through already!”

“This ain’t about us, Scoots,” Apple Bloom replies calmly, “This here’s about Diamond, and Sweetie whose worried about her. Plain n’ simple.”

Scootaloo purses her lips but nods, “...you’re right. I’m sorry, Sweetie.”

“It’s okay, Scootaloo,” Sweetie replies, then looks back at Sunset Shimmer. “I’m scared, Ms. Shimmer. I’m scared that she’ll… do something worse… and the truth is, I… well… I have some confusing feelings about her.”

Sunset had blown a frustrated breath while the Crusaders were busy arguing with each other then turned off the TV with a remote. Now that she has a chance to talk, she says, “Look, forget about the damn video game right now. That’s not what’s important here. I just want you three to realize I don’t have many legal options available to me right now, and something like this,” she indicates the television with her whole left hand, “calms me down.” She shakes her head. “It doesn’t do Diamond any good for me to remain constantly stressed about her situation, which I am, by the way! How dare you three accuse me of not caring about Diamond in my own home! I’ve been very stressed about this for weeks as well.” She nods at Sweetie in particular. “And I share your concerns as well. Diamond’s fate has haunted me too, but I can’t just storm her manner. What else am I supposed to do?”

Scootaloo chews her lip for a moment.

Sweetie crumbles, falling into tears as Scootaloo moves to comfort her.

“Ain’t helpin’ nothin’ to start yellin’,” Apple Bloom says, “Learned from mah sis and Granny that it don’t pay to add yellin’ to a conversation that don’t need it. An’ for what it’s worth, Ah apologize for mah earlier disrespect… so… can we all calm down now?”

Scootaloo nods, “...Sure, I’m calm, whatever.”

Sweetie gulps a breath and then nods.

“Maybe we should all take a five minute break to cool off,” Sunset proposes as her face remains flushed. She nods at Apple Bloom in respect as she adds, “Because you are right. Arguing with each other isn’t going to help our friends here. We have to stay focused on what is important.”

Sunset stands up straight as she brushes her fingers through her golden and ruby hair, then says, “I do apologize too. I hope my outburst helps to prove that I have indeed been stressed over this issue and that’s made me touchy on this subject, but please rest assured that I only want to help. For now we can take a short break. Maybe you all want some drinks?” she offers.

“No, thanks,” Scootaloo says, casting a dark look at Sunset while still comforting Sweetie.

“Ah’m fine,” Apple Bloom answers, politely declining the offer.

Sweetie remains wrapped in a hug from Scootaloo, and unresponsive to conversation while her emotions are overwhelming her.

Sunset returns to her seat and pulls out her cellphone. She starts attempting to text Twilight while the four of them wait in silence for a while. During that time, she curiously notes that Twilight isn’t responding yet, but likely will soon. She then goes on to research other notes she’s gathered on this case across these past few weeks.

Apple sighs, turning to Sweetie, “Ain’t gonna let anythin’ happen to Diamond, alright? We can always call up Silver Spoon an’ ask her to try an’ get in touch with her or somethin’. She’s closer’n any of us to Diamond.”

With interest, Sunset glances up from her phone to see what the response is to that.

“I don’t know what she can do,” Sweetie says, “I’d feel better if she were included in this, though…”

“Yeah,” Apple Bloom says, “No reason not to call her up.”

Scootaloo rolls her eyes, “When did we start being friends with that st-”

“Scoots,” Apple Bloom warns, “Now ain’t the time for that.”

“-I mean, who has her number in their phone?” Scootaloo corrects.

“I do,” Sunset mentions. “That’s supposed to be private information, though, so I can’t share it, but I can call her. Once we have her, she can offer her phone number if she wants.”

“Then please do that,” Apple Bloom asks politely.

“We’ll wait,” Scootaloo says.

Sunset nods as she looks back at her phone as she says, “Alright. I’ll try giving her a call, then.” Sunset then proceeds to do so. After a few rings, she gets an answer. Upon doing so, Sunset puts Silver on speaker phone then announces to the gray rich girl what was discussed so far in her home. Upon the conclusion of Sunset’s brief recap, Silver is silent for a few moments before she finally replies.

“I see,” she says. “I, ah … had a strong feeling Diamond was doing something like that.” She sighs then says, “I could try to call her, but I haven’t gotten through to Diamond’s phone in weeks. You all know that. Spoiled is picking up less and less these days, and even when she does answer, she isn’t that forthcoming.” Silver growls for a moment then says, “At this point I am willing to explore more legal options here. If it were up to me, Spoiled should go to jail for what she’s done with her daughter and …” Silver trails off for a moment, then eventually concludes. “I don’t know. I don’t know what should happen after. I just want Diamond away from the monster that is abusing my friend!” Silver pauses for another moment before she goes on to say, “If any of you need me to testify in court, I will. My family, however, is nervous about her.”

“Wow, she has your family nervous?” Scootaloo asks in frustration.

“Think we can jus’... go an’ knock on the door and see if maybe any of the… uh… the help, ah guess?” Apple Bloom hazards, “Know anythin’?”

“Knowing Spoiled to the degree that I do, I think she’s in full damage control mode,” Silver proposes on the phone. “The results of the election have been humiliating to her. She really wanted her daughter to win, too. Even going so far as to hire a goon squad for that, and she still lost. Perhaps millions of bits down the drain because Cozy is a strategic genius and because her own daughter admitted to purging in the photo. At this point it wouldn’t surprise me if Spoiled had her own daughter committed somewhere. Likely discreetly. Anything to protect the reputation of the family, and mental health be damned!

“As for my family, Scootaloo … yes. They are nervous because Spoiled’s family is richer and she just loves to rub that in everyone else’s faces. Constantly reminds others of that all the time in very snide and sometimes even underhanded ways. As a result, my family generally prefers to keep the Rich family at a distance. They’ll be polite in person, but it hides a bit of tension.

“Honestly, very little tends to rile up my family. We mostly spend our dinners together at a very long table and eat in total silence. It’s very … isolating. That’s one of the reasons I valued Diamond so much. She actually talks to me and understands my situation well enough.”

“Oh, looked more like you were her stooge most of the time,” Scootaloo says.

“Scoots,” Apple Bloom admonishes with a sigh.

“Maybe I am,” Silver replies a bit defensively. “But that’s better than being alone.”

“You keep telling yourself that, Silver,” Scootaloo replies.

“Let’s stay on topic here,” Sunset encourages. “All of you can agree that we’d like to help Diamond, right? Maybe we don’t have consensus on exactly how we should go about it, but can we at least agree on our overall goal?”

“...yeah,” Scootaloo concedes.

“Definitely,” Sweetie answers solemnly.

“Sure,” Apple Bloom says, “Might not much like her, but that don’t mean Ah wanna see her gettin’ bullied, either.”

“Of course,” Silver also agrees. “For Diamond’s sake, I’ll do whatever I can. I don’t know what that is exactly, I am determined. Also I’m scared for Diamond. I’m not afraid to admit that.

“I think, at this point, our best bet is to contact and utilize the police, but they’re unlikely to make much of a move without proof of any wrongdoing. You, Sweetie Belle, could file a testimony that you’ve seen Diamond hurt herself, but that is all hearsay. The police can’t charge into Spoiled’s manor without a warrant, and they’ll not likely award it without proof. To that end, do you have any photos or videos of Diamond doing the deed?”

“All I know is,” Scootaloo barks, “When I find out who put that picture out there… they’re going to end up on life support!”

“You mean to tell me they won’t take the idea of Diamond being in danger seriously?” Sweetie pleads.

“Imagine if it was that easy to break into anyone’s home,” Silver said on the phone. “That some random individual lies and says you’re being hurt in your home, Sweetie Belle, then the police charge into your home to investigate and harass you. That’s why there are guidelines that slow them down. It’s not a perfect system but it’s there for a reason.

“In the meantime, we do have that photo of Diamond using the bathroom like that. Regardless of the intentions of the perpetrator who posted that photo illegally, it does give us some evidence of disturbing behavior from Diamond. By itself, however, I don’t think it’s enough for the police.”

“Darn it,” Sunny curses under her breath. “I had Diamond here in my home not long ago. I could have taken photos of wrongdoing then, but at the time, I was trying to comfort Diamond and I knew she’d object to that action. After so recently scanning her mind, I had strong evidence that she’d object.”

“Frankly, I’m not surprised at your hesitation,” Silver says back, still on the phone. “Think about it. If a teacher took photos of a naked student’s scars while she was unconscious, that may be too difficult to justify later. Not to mention Diamond would have objected herself too at the time.”

“Does it matter if she’d object? If she’s in some kinda danger, you got a obligation to report on that, don’tcha?” Apple Bloom asks, incredulous.

“None of that changes the fact I don’t have such photographs now,” Sunny pointed out. “What I can do is add my testimony to all of yours. I may not have those photos, but I saw those scars. If you and I, Sweetie, both go to the police and say the same thing, maybe it would give our story a little more credit? Adding to that is Diamond’s own confession at the election speech. Combined with everything we’re saying, maybe that’ll be enough to motivate them into action?”

“And we’re waitin’ on doin’ that why?” Apple Bloom asks.

“Doesn’t matter, let’s not wait any longer,” Sweetie says, “Should we call? Go down to the station?”

“You do have a point, Apple. I was supposed to report that weeks ago,” Sunny mentions. “The only reason I hesitated this long was because I knew Diamond would object and the method I used to gather this information was and still is illegal.”

“But you brought Diamond to your home, right?” Silver reminded. “You said you even called over Fluttershy to help tend to Diamond’s injuries.That means we have yet another person who can testify that Diamond was hurt.”

“That’s true!” Sunny realizes as she leans back in her seat. “None of that has to mention the magic crystal in particular. We had her here and we saw her injuries.”

Scootaloo grunts, “So are we going?”

“It’s worth a shot,” Silver mentions on the phone. “At the very least, it should spur the police to investigate Diamond’s condition to verify if she is a threat to herself or others. In doing so, they’ll also find out if she’s alive at all. The police may not have a warrant to investigate Spoiled’s home, but they can at least demand to see Diamond herself. Right now, that’s all we need.”

“And we’re still sitting here because?” Scootaloo snaps.

Sunny sighs as she realizes, “It may be difficult to explain to the police why I hesitated so long to report this, but right now that’s not my priority. I, too, want to make sure Diamond is safe.” She looks at her phone. “I tried to contact Twilight about this as well so that she could be included in this conversation.”

“S’pose we could go an’ talk with Ms. Shy about this, too? She might have somethin’ to add, right?” Apple Bloom suggests.

“Isn’t Filthy Rich one of Fluttershy’s biggest backers for the Sanctuary?” asks Silver.

“Oh! That’s true!” Sunny realizes. “If we get a hold of her, she may have a method to also contact Diamond’s father. If we get a hold of him, he has as much legal authority over Diamond. That’s just the kind of backup we need too.”

Scootaloo screams in frustration, “Let’s go already!”

She doesn’t wait, pulling out her phone and hitting her #1 speed dial. After a single ring, the line is picked up.

“Rainbow,” Scootaloo says quickly, “Can you help us move faster? We’re doin’ a lot of talking and taking no action at all.”

“Ah … what are you talking about, Sport? You need a lift somewhere?” Rainbow checks over the phone to Scootaloo alone since it is not on speakerphone.

“Yes, the police station,” Scootaloo says, “Me, Sweetie, and Apple Bloom… and if she ever feels like being useful, then Ms. Shimmer too.”

“What’s going on?” Silver asks aloud on Sunny’s phone.

“The police station?!” Rainbow exclaims to Scootaloo. “Um … sure. I could take you there, but why would you want to?”

“Diamond Tiara is probably suicidal and being pushed over the edge by her domineering asshole of a mother,” Scootaloo sums up.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down, Sport. That’s a lot ah … huh?!” Rainbow sounds brain fried.

“Scootaloo, please hand me the phone,” Sunny requests as she stands up and reaches for it. “And here. You can hold my phone in the meantime. Just don’t throw it like Diamond once did. It was remarkable it didn’t break back then.”

Scootaloo hammers a fist into the couch before handing the phone over to Sunset, and taking Sunset’s phone.

“Sweetie, come on, we’re going,” Scootaloo says.

“Huh?” Sweetie says.

“No one else is trying to take action, and I’m tired of waiting around,” Scootaloo says, “Looks like we’re the only ones that’ll do anything useful.”

“If you’ll hold a moment, Rainbow will be here soon and I’ll quickly update her as to what’s going on,” Sunny requests. “Besides, you have my phone.” She then raised Scootaloo's to her face. “Rainbow, get down to my place as fast as you can. Use your magic gem to do so. This is an emergency.”

“Ah … okay then. I’ll be down there right away,” Rainbow promises. “I just hope someone fills me in on what’s going on.”

“I’ll do that when you get here,” Sunny informs Rainbow. “I got a method to update you quickly.”

“I just did!” Scootaloo cries out with a frustrated wringing of her hands, before throwing Sunset’s phone onto the couch with ease and storming for the door. Once there, she reaches for the knob, only to be caught short by the bell.

“That’ll be Rainbow most likely,” Sunset declares as she hangs up Scootaloo’s phone. “Open the door for her, would you?” she requests of Scootaloo. “Then here.” She offers the phone back as she says, “You can have your phone back as well.”

Scootaloo grips the knob and pulls the door open.

“Ten. Seconds. Flat!” Rainbow declares emphatically. “Now what’s going on around here?”

“Just come in, Rainbow,” Sunset requests as she reaches under her neck and pulls out something. “Allow me to touch you. I’ll just give you the information you need using my magic gem.”

“Ah … okay,” Rainbow accepts with a bewildered shrug. “Hey Sport,” she greets Scootaloo as she passes the teenager with a friendly slap on Scotaloo’s shoulder. After that, she stands in front of Sunset Shimmer then nods in acceptance. “I’m ready.”

“Thank you for doing this,” Sunset tells Rainbow gratefully as she reaches to touch Rainbow on her white t-shirt with blue short sleeves and a jagged rainbow lighting symbol on the front. Seconds later, both of their eyes glow with magical energy. When it passes four seconds later, Rainbow looks dizzy as she recovers from the sudden download of new information.

“Whoa! This is seriously messed up, Sunset!” Rainbow complains to her friend.

“As you’re well aware now, we could use some help,” Sunset declares.

“Alright then!” Rainbow says as she pumps her fist. “Let’s go and be god damn heroes! What’s the plan?”

“We need to contact Fluttershy and Twilight,” Sunny announces. “But Twilight isn’t answering her phone right now.”

“Then let’s just march right up to her door and insist upon entering,” Rainbow decides as she crosses her arms. “Fluttershy we can just call. Both of us have her number.”

“Then let’s go to Twilight’s first and call Fluttershy from there,” Sunset figures.

“What about these three?” Rainbow inquiries as she shrugs back at the Crusaders and turns to look at them.

“What about the police station?” Scootaloo cries out, “What is going on here?!”

“We’re gathering all of our allies first,” Sunset announces to the Crusaders, Silver on the phone, and Scootaloo in particular. “If we do that, we can approach the police with greater force. They’re more likely to listen to us if we all approach them together and say the same thing.”

“And while we’re taking forever doing all of that? What happens to her?” Scootaloo asks.

“Let’s go,” Sweetie says, “As long as we’re on the move, right?”

“Reckon that ain’t a bad idea,” Apple Bloom agrees.

“I can move two of you at a time,” Rainbow announces as she clutches the gem on her neck. “Do you all have an order of preference?”

“I’ll go with the first trip,” Sunset decides. “That way we’ll have at least one adult on the other side. After that, you can come back for Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.” She looks between them all. “That sound like a plan to you all?”

“Sounds like more than what we were doing before,” Scootaloo gripes.

“Thank you,” Sweetie says.

“We’ll see ya on the other side, then,” Apple Bloom says.

“Not for long,” Rainbow assures. “You know how fast I can move.

“Speaking of which, let’s get this show on the road!”

With that, Rainbow’s gem flashes and she starts to move in a rainbow streak.

Comments ( 1 )

Is it just me, or did Scootaloo take some bitchy pills that morning because god she is kind of insufferable in this chapter.

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