• Published 23rd Dec 2019
  • 6,955 Views, 113 Comments

Twilight's NEW Friends - BelleofdaBall

Twilight Sparkle has made some new, VERY odd friends.

  • ...


Indeed, the royal wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, the beautiful Princess of Love, and Shining Armor, the valiant captain of the royal guard, commenced. However, a few things happened before any wedding preparations could be made.

The statuefied Eris was moved to Canterlot Tower, which had once housed the Elements of Harmony, and was locked with a powerful spell that combined the magic of all three alicorn princesses. The statue of Discord was also taken out of the sculpture garden and locked with the same spell in a tower on the other side of the castle, so mother and son could never be released from their petrified prisons.

The remaining members of the League of Extraordinary Misfits were sent back to their original worlds in chains (and, in the case of the hyenas, muzzles), along with a spell that would make sure they could never step foot in Equestria again. Celestia sent with their captives each a note to the authorities of their worlds what the members did in Equestria, allowing the authorities to decide what the suitable punishment would be.

Twilight made a public apology to the ponies of Canterlot for her part in what the League had done to their city. The ponies were, of course, quick to forgive, especially seeing as Twilight personally never harmed them and had spent most of her time as despot leader of Equestria studying magic.

Cadence of course loved all the wedding preparations that the Ponyville mares had done for her doppelganger. She ate two platefuls of the delicious apple treats that Applejack and her family made, she gushed over Rarity's original gown design, she clapped for Fluttershy's bird chorus, and she happily played the games and danced the silly dances that Pinkie Pie had planned.

Before very long, the wedding that all of Canterlot had waited for commenced. Twilight took her rightful place beside her brother as his best mare, and Cadence's original bridesmaids stood by her side, with the Ponyville mares having gladly stepped down and given them their titles back.

Celestia beamed as she stood before the couple. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza..."

"Just Cadence is fine," Cadence politely corrected her aunt.

Celestia smirked. "Of Princess Cadence and Captain Shining Armor. After what has been a very interesting last several days, most of which I was encased in stone..." She gave a knowing smile to Twilight, who blushed in embarrassment. "...I am pleased to pronounce you stallion and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Shining wasted no time in kissing his new wife, who eagerly kissed him back. Twilight Velvet and Night Light cried with pride at their son's marriage. Celestia nodded to Rainbow Dash, who quickly flew into the air and sped outside, hitting the sonic barrier and creating a heart-shaped Sonic Rainboom as she did.

Yes, it was truly the greatest wedding ever.

"Well, what do you think?"

The scene then cut to something quite different from a magical land full of colorful talking ponies; an office building in Vancouver, Canada. In the office of the CEO of production for the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic," a young woman with dark brown hair pulled back in a bun and brown eyes behind thick glasses wearing a blue dress was sitting before the desk of the CEO who had her story in front of his face.

The woman continued before the CEO could say a word. "I mean, I know it's not as good as a story idea from M.A. Larson or Meghan McCartney, but could it work as an episode?"

The CEO put the story down, revealing himself to be a large being with a pony's head, a snakelike body and tail, the horns of a deer and a goat, the arms of a lion and an eagle, the legs of a dragon and a goat, and the wings of a bat and a bird. "Mmm-hmm. I'm going to level with you, Miss daBall. This story is just awful. Like, really not good. I mean, the climax was sloppily thrown together; some of the most powerful Disney villains being outclassed by a bunch of ponies is just nonsense. And Eris revealed to be Discord's mother? It sounds like you pulled that idea out of your ass."

"Well, yeah, but I wanted to show that she had a reason to want to come to Equestria in the first place," the author explained.

"Uh-huh. You wanna come up with a reason for a Greek goddess to end up in Equestria? Try coming up with an idea that sounds more thought out than something a third grader could write."

"But...what about the idea of the different villains from different movies coming together? That's kind of kickass, isn't it?"

"No, it's kind of fanfiction-ass, that's what it is. And how were you expecting to get Disney, DreamWorks, AND Universal to give you permission to use their characters in a TV show WITHOUT paying them a billion dollars each?"

The author opened her mouth to say something, but stopped herself. "I guess I didn't really think that far ahead."

"And that's your problem. You're not thinking ahead with this story. You just come up with a semi-decent idea for a story, throw a bunch of random crap at the wall, mash together whatever sticks to the wall AND whatever fell on the floor, and present it to a big time television executive hoping to be branded the next Rebecca Sugar. I'm sorry, miss; no, honestly, I'm NOT sorry, but I'm going to decline your story." He got up out of his seat, ripped the story in half, shoved the two pieces in the author's hands and pushed her out the door. "Goodbye. Be sure to take your complimentary cupcake on the way out of the building." He sat back down at his desk and rang a buzzer, paging his secretary. "Kay-Kay?"

"Yes, Mr. Cord?" his secretary asked from the other end.

"What's my next appointment today?"

"Well, E.L. James is scheduled to come over to discuss her idea for an erotic CheesePie episode, "Fifty Shades of Pink.""

The CEO grinned. "Perfect! Tell her to get started on the first draft right away."

Author's Note:

And that was my first attempt at an MLP fanfic. Hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it.

Comments ( 4 )

You know, this chapter was really great... up until the bit after

Yes, it was truly the greatest wedding ever.

If you'd left it off there, instead of making it just an episode pitch like at the end, it would've been a very good story without that.
I still like it, but that bit at the end; well, let's just say that it shifted my feelings on it.
Okay, yes, it's your story and you wrote it as you wanted it to be, and I respect that; I really do.
I still like it up til this part

Yes, it was truly the greatest wedding ever.

better, though.

Til next time.

I laughed so much at the final scene!

I have no clue what to say about the ending. Also thank you for killing Angel.

Twilight made a public apology to the ponies of Canterlot for her part in what the League had done to their city. The ponies were, of course, quick to forgive, especially seeing as Twilight personally never harmed them and had spent most of her time as despot leader of Equestria studying magic.

So everypony forgot that she did murdered two solar guards, right??

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