• Published 11th Jan 2020
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Danganronpa vP: Harmony of Despair - witegrlninja

Twilight, her friends and some familiar faces are trapped in a school with Monokuma. What is that crafty little bear up to this time?

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Bloody-Pink is Not Your Color - Daily Life 2

I woke up the next morning feeling quite well. Much better, actually. I waited for Monokuma to finish his morning wake-up before hopping out of bed, the sun rising within seconds, and trotted off to the cafeteria for breakfast.

As I entered the dining area and put together a plate of food for myself, however, I paused. Deep in the back of my mind, something just didn't feel quite right... but I couldn't figure out what it was. There was a nagging feeling deep within my gut, and it wasn't just how loudly it was growling from hunger.

Hmm... well, if I can't remember what it was in a place like this, perhaps it wasn't super important...

I sat down and began to eat. Nurse Redheart walked in a few moments later, and soon my best friends arrived as well, talking and laughing as usual. As they sat down beside me with their plates, the rest made their way inside and got food as well.

For some reason I was unusually hungry, practically shoveling food inside my muzzle as my friends continued their conversation. Nearby, I could see Lightning Dust talking to Bulk Biceps about workouts, Flam trying to charm Fleur de Lis as she answered his every question with an insult, while Redheart sipped her tea with the barest hint of a smile on her face. All in all, a rather normal morning-

And then, amongst a peal of laughter from Pinkie Pie, it dawned on me.

...Why is everypony... cheerful?

It wasn't until then that I realized what was bothering me. Four ponies had died gruesome, violent deaths within the past week, three of which I was very close to. I had been witness to half of them, had seen all four of the corpses. Yet whenever I thought about Princesses Celestia and Luna, Trixie or Rainbow Dash, it felt like they'd been dead for years, decades even, and the pain in my heart barely registered. By all logic, I should still be depressed, still feel a fresh pain and anguish in my heart, still feel like I didn't want to eat or could only barely manage to get out of bed... but I didn't. I felt... just fine.

...I shouldn't be just fine. They shouldn't be just fine. We shouldn't be just fine.

I remembered how my friends and I were all on the verge of tears all day yesterday, if we weren't already crying. The others might not have been as affected as we were, but they were sad, too. We all had trouble eating, hadn't bothered to care enough to partner up to explore the third floor... we hadn't even put up much of a fuss when Monokuma had appeared. Nurse Redheart may have held a group therapy session and taught us how to grieve more effectively, but even I knew one didn't just get over four traumatic deaths within a single day.

Something happened to me... to all of us. Something's wrong.

I opened my mouth to speak, but as if on cue...


"Why hello, my dear students-"

"Shut the fuck up," Lightning snapped, interrupting Monokuma as he dropped down from the ceiling onto our table.

"Now why are you here?!" Coloratura paled.

"Can't you please just go eat a plate of laundry soaps and wash it down with some bleach?" Fleur glowered.

"Y-You're all so terrible to me..." Monokuma slumped over, sniffling. "Everyone's so cold and mean! Even after I got presents for you all!"

"...PRESENTS?" Bulk stared nervously.

"Presents?!" Pinkie immediately perked up.

"Hmmm? Oh, have I got your attention?" Monokuma stood up straight, barely containing his grin.

"This is just another fuckin' motive, isn't it?" Lightning grumbled. "Aren't you done torturing us yet?"

"Out with it. What kind of motive do you have for us this time?" Flam asked sternly.

"Puhuhu... you don't have to get so defensive, calm down!" the bear laughed. "I've decided to change things up a bit this time! Up 'til now, I've been using the whoosh of the North Wind to get you all moving, but sometimes you gotta use the Sun to light a fire under someone's butt!"

"You leave Princess Celestia out of this!" I ordered angrily.

"So without further ado, I give you... THIS!"

With much fanfare, Monokuma produced a single piece of paper. It was about the size of a card, split equally into black and white with his red eye in the center.

"...A card?" Rarity questioned after a few beats of silence.

"Ooh! Is it a Get Well Soon card? A Sympathies card? ...A birthday card?" Pinkie asked as she bounced up and down excitedly. Monokuma's red eye flashed.

"I've prepared this graduation present for whichever lucky student makes it out of here alive!" he grinned. "If you just so happen to graduate, I'll also give you a get-out-of-jail-free card!"

"Get-out-of-jail-free card...?" Flam blinked.

"Yep! I mean, I'm a pretty powerful bear, with many friends in highly low places! There's no strings I can't pull, no human or pony I can't charm! ...But don't you dare use this card on something as stupid and boring as burglary or fraud!"

"Then... ah'm probably gonna regret askin', but whut do you suggest...?" winced Applejack.

"What do I suggest? What do I suggest?! Why, I suggest you go out and spread the joy of murder to another pony!" Monokuma proclaimed. "That's right! You'll be able to murder anyone you choose in the outside world and suffer zero consequences whatsoever! Whaddya think? It's like totally wowie wow wow, am I right?!"

The room became so quiet I could've heard a shed Pegasus feather hit the floor.

"...No... no, that's just... insane!" Coloratura backed away.

"You're not serious... you can't be...!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Oh, but I am," replied Monokuma.

"You really think we're that fucked up? ...No, you're the only fucked up fucker here!" Lightning snarled.

"Not only is what you're forcing us to do terrible enough, but to make that a prize in addition to our freedom," Redheart snorted. "Truly reprehensible!"

"No... no matter what you do, no matter what you say or try to offer us, we're not playing along any more!" I glared, my wings flaring out. "We are not going to kill each other!"

"C'mon... stop trying to act tough," Monokuma sighed with a lackadaisical shrug. "The most important thing is to live a pure and moral communal life!" He finished with mocking laughter, still echoing in our ears as he leapt back up into the ceiling and vanished from sight.

"To think he thinks so little of us that he'd offer such a motive..." Flam huffed.

"At least there's nothing to worry about this time... right? Nopony would kill a friend for the chance to kill another... right?" Coloratura asked nervously.


"Gotta say, this is the least motivatin' motive ah've ever heard," said Applejack, leaning back in her chair confidently and putting her hooves behind her head.

"I hope you're right about that," Redheart glanced over to Applejack, unconvinced.

"It'll be fine... Miss Coloratura and Miss Dust and I already disposed of the poisons in the Chemistry Lab, and we glued down the empty bottles," reassured Flam. "As long as we stay calm and alert, we'll be just fine until either help finally arrives or we manage to save ourselves."

Mentioning the poisons sparked a memory in my brain. I realized in my malaise yesterday, I had completely forgotten to check the Chemistry/Alchemy Lab for my secret entrance and the runes that lay within. The chances of them being there were low, but any possible escape from this horrible place was worth checking out.

But then I looked over to my friends. Despite the next motive being given they seemed calm and content enough, talking amongst themselves amicably. There was no hint of mourning, no hint of sadness in their eyes or faces, and although I would rather have them happy... it just didn't sit right.

I... I'm not sure I should tell them... well, not first, at least. Reminding them that Rainbow died just two days ago when they seem fine now... it feels cruel.

I then looked around the room, wondering if there was anypony I could tell. As soon as my eyes fell on Redheart I made my decision. She was the one who had talked to us about grief last night, maybe she knew why we were all feeling so much better so quickly.

I finished the rest of my breakfast quickly. After putting my dishes away I walked as calmly as I could manage towards Redheart, who thankfully also happened to be sitting by the exit.

"Redheart, could I talk to you?" I asked, barely above a whisper. Redheart nodded in response, asked a nearby Bulk to take care of her dishes and - ensuring that nopony had noticed - quietly followed me.


As we made our way to the Chem Lab I occasionally glanced behind us, making sure that nopony was following. "What is it?" she spoke, keeping her voice low. As quickly but as concisely as I could, I explained how I had felt ever since waking up, feeling that it was not normal, and how the others seemed to have been affected as well.

"...That is strange," she agreed after a few moments of thought. "I'd noticed it myself, too, but wasn't sure how many of us were affected. Nopony gets over a death like that in one day unless they're a serious sociopath, let alone four or five of them..."

"What do you think it means? Should we tell the others?"

Redheart paused again before speaking. "...I'm not sure. Perhaps Monokuma's magic extends to control over our emotions as well, but then why would he do this? Surely leaving us in a depressed state would drive us to his goal of despair faster than taking that depressed state away... perhaps we weren't entertaining enough for him?"

True, that seems more logical... but I don't want to entertain him...

"As for the others... while I usually believe that 'ignorance is bliss' in similar situations, this is not the time for that. I'll think of a way to break the news gently and inform everypony at dinner."

"Alright... thanks," I sighed in relief as I opened the Chem Lab's door. My horn flared to life as a pink glow immediately surrounded the whiteboard at the head of the classroom and lifted it away, revealing naught but a blank wall. "Damn... I don't know what I expected."

"What are you looking for?" asked Redheart, confused.

"Ugh, I don't even know why I keep doing this..." I groaned as I put the whiteboard back. Then I quietly explained the numerous secret tunnel entrances and runes I had cast in my school, and how despite my countermeasures Monokuma must've found them all because they were no longer there.

"I see..." Redheart looked away in thought, a hoof to her chin. "Although... this new information does give me some new theories..."

"Oh? Like what?" I asked, but almost as soon as the words left my mouth Redheart shook her head.

"No, never mind, that's ridiculous. Forget I said anything."

I stared at her incredulously. "...Y-You can't expect me to forget about that!"

Redheart sighed. "I was just thinking how perhaps Monokuma built a relatively-identical facility to yours out in the middle of this forest wherever, instead of teleporting the whole building here and making his modifications. But now that I think about it, why would he even bother with the normal classrooms and such in that case?"

"Oh. That makes sense," I frowned.

"I'll keep muddling it over, at any rate. It could be a clue," Redheart replied as she walked over to the shelves in back, collecting a number of bottles from the red, orange and green shelves and setting them down on one of the tables. "If you don't mind, I did promise Bulk I would mix him an extra-strength protein supplement... I'll do that now while I'm here. Do you need to speak about anything else?"

"Oh, no, I'll leave you to it," I shook my head. Redheart smiled politely before hurrying off to the cabinets for more supplies. As she poured herself some water, I peered over at the blue poison shelves. As Flam had promised, each bottle was empty and firmly attached to the shelves with glue. Sighing in relief, I left Redheart to her potions.


After quickly looking over the rooms on the third floor one more time in case I had missed anything yesterday, I had nothing else to do for the day. Although part of me wanted to see my best friends and spend time with them, I also knew that I wouldn't be able to hold in the fact that realistically, none of us should be feeling so cheerful. I would rather have them blissfully unaware for the moment and let somepony else with more tact remind them later.

I mean, honesty is important... but is it the right course of action in this case...?

Wondering what to do, I wandered. Eventually I found myself outside in front of the school, when a voice from above shouted down at me.

"Yo, Twilight!" Lightning screeched to a stop in midair, pointing at me.

"Oh, hello Lightning-"

"Yea, you're an Alicorn, you have to be fast as all hell!" she grinned devilishly. "Wanna race?!"

"Wha- me, race you?" I blinked. "I, uh... yea, but... I'm pretty sure I'm not as fast as you think I am."

"Ah, c'mon... just get up here and race me! I'm fuckin' bored!" Lightning growled. Sighing, I took flight and joined her somewhat reluctantly.


I raced Lightning around the edges of the barrier a few times. At first she was annoyed that I wasn't even close to the challenge she had hoped for, but then she gave me some pointers for breathing exercises and wing angles I could try while flying, and she was soon coaching me as I flew around.


A while later, I was exhausted. Lightning announced that she'd be back with some sports drinks, zipping away and back again in the time it took me to land, drinks in hoof.

"I... wow, that was fast!" I gaped as I caught the drink Lightning tossed me.

"Yea... bet Rainbow was never that fast!" she replied with a grin. But it fell almost instantly as she realized what she had said. "Er..."

I tried to reply that Rainbow had indeed been that fast, perhaps even faster. But my heart throbbed so strongly with grim remembrance that my voice was pushed aside.

"Sorry..." Lightning mumbled quietly.

"No, it's fine..." I shook my head.

"Is it, though? The whole thing started with me... I thought Monokuma had gotten to my sister-"

"Oh, yea!" I suddenly exclaimed as the opportunity to change the subject knocked. "You never mentioned you had a sister."

"Ah, baby sis..." To my surprise, Lightning's expression softened drastically. "Yea, her name's Indigo Zap. Light yellow, dark blue mane, looks just like her big sis!"

"Does she do stunts like you?" Lightning's expression changed drastically again.

"...She... used to, yea," Lightning continued with less pride. "She did more technical flying, though. Lots of tight turns and sudden stops... oh, and she used to fly just above lakes and stuff so the air currents would make huge fuckin', like, tidal waves. And she loved to do those long Earth Pony endurance obstacle courses. You wouldn't even recognize her at the end, all covered in mud, but I'd always recognize that big, dumb grin of hers." A sad smile spread on her face, but nonetheless, the use of the past tense worried me.

"...She's okay, right?" I grinned hopefully. Lightning sighed.

"Not really... a while ago, she was in a bad accident. She can still use her wings, thank Celestia, but the rest of her back half's paralyzed. Draggin' it around behind her wipes her out fast when she's flying, so she's usually in a wheelchair."

"Oh... I'm so sorry to hear that," I paled.

"Yea... me too..." Lightning lowered her eyes and stared at the ground. "Parents' ain't around much, either, so usually I'm the one lookin' after her. She can still do lots on her own so it's not so bad, but still... it really fuckin' sucks, ya know." She sighed and closed her eyes. I joined her in the silence for a few moments, not knowing what to say.

I can see why she wanted to escape... to make sure she was safe.

"Uh, how 'bout we talk about something else, huh?" Lightning looked up, her eyes pleading.

"Yea, of course," I nodded. Perhaps the memory of her sister's accident was still fresh in her mind, and along with everything else that had happened here, I could understand not wanting to dwell on it.

Yea... if something like that happened to Shiny, on top of being trapped here... I wonder if I would be as calm as I can manage now.

I spent a while longer talking to Lightning about other things I had looked up that she might like... Formula P racing, alchemical recipes for potential rocket propellants that I knew of (but warned her not to try on her own, lest she blow us all up)... by the time we parted ways, Lightning was in a better mood again.


There was still time before dinner, so I decided to head to the Library. As I entered, I was mildly surprised to see that Redheart was sitting at a table in back reading another medical textbook.

"Oh? All done with Bulk's supplement?" I asked quietly as I trotted over to her.

"Yes, it was no trouble at all. And I've even mixed antidotes to some of the poisons in that room," she replied, putting the book down. "Of course, hopefully those poison bottles stay empty."

"Wow. I figured antidotes to some of those would be really hard to make."

Redheart nodded. "I... may have had to improvise a high-vibration centrifuge with one or two of them. So, emphasis on 'hopefully, those bottles stay empty'."



With the subject of Alchemy in mind, Redheart and I talked for a while.


"Hey, may I ask you something?" I spoke during a pause in the conversation. "I've noticed... you don't seem to have a very high opinion of most ponies..."

"To have a high opinion of the common pony is foalish," Redheart grimaced. "It's just... something you learn on the job."

"Oh? Well, now, I-"

"Have you ever been to Manehattan?" she asked, pausing as I nodded.

"Yes, a couple of times. It's an alright place."

"That's where I began my career. Even though I had heard all about the high violence and crime rates, I still remember how optimistic I felt as I walked through the doors on my first day. I was going to be the nurse that never lost a patient, discovered breakthrough treatment methods, et cetera, et cetera..." she waved her hoof dismissively. "...I was foalish."

"I dunno, those are good goals to aspire to-"

"My first patient that day was a mare beaten so badly by her spouse that she needed a C-Section to save her unborn foal, or else the both of them might die. The police were called and handled the spouse, but despite it all the mare begged for the charges to be dropped and for him to be let go, so that he might see the baby."


"As it turns out, their home was little more than a trap house, so FPS got involved. I did everything I could think of to help that mare, gave her literature on domestic violence, referred her to specialized counselors and aid groups, talked to her about their entire horrid relationship in the hopes she'd realize it herself. And she did, she really did understand it was bad... but as soon as she was able, she bailed him out and went right back to him, knowing full well that their next 'lover's argument' may be her last."

"I've heard leaving somepony like that... sometimes it's not so easy," I pursed my lips.

"Yep... learned that lesson the hard way. The next time I saw her, a few months later... she was covered with a sheet. But, everypony loses patients... despite her death, I was still optimistic for the future." Redheart's face grew dark.

"You, uh... you don't look optimistic right now."

"The things I saw during my ten years there... countless cases of gratuitous abuse. Stallions, mares and foals alike, beaten, stabbed or blasted within an inch of their lives. Unicorns blowing their own brains out with spells upon being diagnosed with a terminal illness, mere steps from the front doors. A run-down orphanage suffered a massive build up of carbon monoxide, and an entire wing was filled with barely-conscious colts and fillies... many of them didn't make it, and those that did will never lead full lives now. An Earth pony once made his way to the rooftop and threatened to jump while the ponies below egged him on so they could pass by, only to slink away into the shadows when he finally did. A colleague of mine I had known for years was unceremoniously fired in front of everypony, her violation - trying to comfort a family wondering why their son's preliminary examination was taking so long, unaware that an accident had occurred and he had died suddenly... because she had used the words 'I'm sure he's fine'... I even once had to perform an emergency tracheotomy when a patient was coding... I had to keep the airway clear with my own muzzle. I'll... never forget the taste of her blood."

"Celestia..." I breathed, horrified.

"That's only a fraction of what I've seen. And the fact that our generous hospital funds, meant for supplies and testing, the bulk of them would eventually wind up in the hooves of the executives, not our patients... Surrounded by such misery, and so many ponies willing to do horrible things to each other out of greed or selfishness, it's not hard to see that ponies... aren't worth the high opinion. Many of them aren't worth anything at all."

"Oh... b-but I'm sure not all of them were terrible ponies!" I argued.

"Perhaps," Redheart tilted her head. "But they were very few and far between. Most of the ponies I encountered were only concerned with themselves, and some were simply... vile. They'd trample a foal if it meant they'd get one step ahead in life. Thinking about how these ponies could live with themselves, it kept me up many a sleepless night. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized... deep down, at their very core, all ponies are like this."

"Not all ponies!" I recoiled, slightly angered. "My friends would never do such things, and neither would I!"

"Oh?" Redheart replied emotionlessly. "Neither you nor any of your friends ever did something even slightly underhoofed to move up in life?"

"I..." My mind raced as I thought back, way back, about my friends - their goals, their dreams. To my dismay, according to chronological order, I found I only had to think about the month after we'd all first met.

...Well, there was the time they thought I only had the one extra ticket to the Gala, and they all tried their hardest to guilt me into taking them...

And the more I thought about it, the more examples I fretfully remembered: derailing Rarity's dress designs so we'd be pleased but nearly costing her her career, one-upping Rainbow as Mare-Do-Well to teach her a self-satisfying lesson instead of just talking to her, sneaking a bite of Pinkie's prized cake meant for an important contest, the Cutie Mark Crusaders wanting to be tutored by myself because it made them look cool to their class... and the examples didn't stop there.

...Damn... she's right... but that doesn't mean...!

"Alright, sure," I conceded. "But my friends and I all overcame those moments, and we're all better friends for it!" Redheart hummed, unconvinced.

"The six of you are the Elements of Harmony... so that's to be considered. But when it comes to your average, everyday pony? They're selfish, greedy and closed-minded. And coupled with an uncaring, unfair world, your Elements - Kindness, Honesty, Generosity, Loyalty? ...They become weaknesses to be exploited. And they always are."

"But..." I argued weakly as Redheart sighed. She looked at me, her eyes cold and determined.

"I myself have pledged to not add misery to this world. To this day, I have treated every pony in my care to the utmost of my abilities, with all the respect and dignity due. But I will not be exploited." With those words, Redheart abruptly stood up and calmly walked out of the library, leaving me to my thoughts.

She will not be exploited... does she really believe that all ponies are terrible? Does she... not believe in Friendship at all?

I frowned at the implication.


Soon it was time for supper. We prepared our meals, and as we ate Redheart cleared her throat and asked if we had all been in good moods today. Upon hearing that everypony was, she gently but firmly reminded us of our situation, and the fates of the four who were no longer with us. Mixed emotions dawned on everypony's faces, running the gamut from confusion to mild depression.

"Eh, so what? Sucks to suck or get caught murdering somepony," Fleur grumbled.

"Just how cold can somepony be?" Discord asked incredulously. "The Princesses notwithstanding, those were our friends!"

"Not mine," Fleur rolled her eyes.

"But Miss Redheart and Miss Sparkle bring up a good point, why are we so unaffected by recent events now?" said Flam.

"Yea, I really don't want to believe Monokuma might be so powerful he can mess with our emotions," Coloratura whimpered, clutching the sides of her head.

"It may be because otherwise, we'd be too depressed to kill each other," muttered Lightning. "Seems like something he'd do."

"Oh..." Fluttershy moaned, holding her forehead in anguish. "Why... why us...?" Discord put a paw around her shoulders in an effort to comfort her.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy... there won't be any more murders," I spoke. "We'll all work together to make sure of it!"

"Besides, Monokuma's latest motive ain't temptin' anypony," Applejack nodded. "There ain't nothin' teh worry about!" But besides the nods of solidarity amongst us all, Fluttershy lowered her head.

"...Rainbow... poor Rainbow..." she softly cried.

"Aw, cheer up, Fluttershy! Hey, how 'bout I whip something special up for dessert?" Pinkie beamed. Discord suggested an upside-down-inside-out cake, and soon the two were able to bring a smile to her face. The rest of our meal was finished without incident, and the others gradually retired to their rooms for the evening. As I rinsed off my dishes and prepared the dishwasher, I could hear Pinkie shriek in excitement over something.

"EEEEE! That's a great idea, Discord!" I poked my head through the doorway - Applejack, Coloratura and Rarity were talking amongst themselves at the table, and Bulk was trying out Redheart's protein supplement as she watched for possible side effects at a separate table. Pinkie and Discord were just outside the cafeteria entrance, huddled together. "I'd be happy to make snacks and stuff for you!"

"Perfect," he grinned. "I'll lead her to that room around, say, three-ish tomorrow? It'll be a wonderful surprise, I'm sure... we haven't had the chance to have one in a while, just the two of us. But be sure to keep it a secret!"

"Okey dokey, lokey!" Pinkie saluted before bouncing away. Discord stood there a moment and smiled before making his way to his own room. I smiled as well.

Aww... sounds like he's arranging a nice little date with Fluttershy... That'll cheer her up.

The rest of the evening was uneventful. I chatted with my best friends until an hour before Nighttime, taking care to not spoil the surprise for Fluttershy. Then I returned to my room, showered and crawled into bed with more MonoMono Machine books - Secrets of the Omoplata (not about a form of obscure magic like I'd hoped), Cat-Dog Magazine (which was NOT AT ALL about cats or dogs), and, finally, Feelings of Ham.

...It was then that I realized that perhaps none of the books in the MonoMono Machine were worth reading. Desperate to let my dreams scrub what I read from my memory, I rolled over and went to sleep.

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