• Published 9th Jan 2020
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The Summer Sun Stakeout - TheSuperTransformerFan

The Power Rangers and Mane 6 try to defend the Summer Sun Festival before the Legion of Doom tries to wreck it.

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Part 2: Plans Exposed

While Pinkie and Applejack were setting up shop for the food for the food stand, a few ponies were wanting to try a few baked goods, but Pinkie Pie swatted them away. “Step away from the wagons!” She shouted “Official food-tasters here on official food-tasting business!” She then proceeded to try the goods noisily.

Applejack’s cousin, Braeburn was a little worried. “Well, it ain't gonna be easy.” He said. “But I think we can whip up these new cookies Twilight wants before sunrise.”

“ If anypony can handle some last-minute bakin', Braeburn, it's y'all.” Applejack assured him.

While Pinkie continued to chomp on the goods, Ravi and Applejack were trying to go over the requirements for the snacks.
“We brought plenty for the Celebration. But if she keeps testin', we might be in trouble.” The cowboy stallion said nervously.

“But I see a suspicious-looking cookie!” the party mare said, and chomped on it really quick.

Ravi laughed. “Don’t eat a lot of those, Pinkie.” He told her. “Or, you’ll get a stomach ache and won’t have anything to eat during the festival!”

“Oh, Ravi!” Pinkie laughed. Sometimes, you forget...I’m not a human, I’m a pony! I just LOVE these sweet treats!” She tried to continue taste testing them.

“Well, you better save some for the festival.” The teen warned her. Just then, Blaze and Tirek came on the scene, and when no one was looking, Tirek opened his mouth to suck all the strength from the earth ponies.

Blaze even took a jab toward those ponies. “Surprise!” He said evilly.

The four turned around and saw what happened, but didn’t see who did it. “You okay?” Braeburn asked.

“ I feel weak all of a sudden...” one of the earth ponies said. Her eyes felt like all the dark black was faded out from the eyelids.

“Is anyone back there?” Ravi asked. Suddenly, Blaze appeared before them, already morphed.

“Everypony... get away from the food... 'til we figure out what's goin' on...!” Braeburn shouted in shock, and all the earth ponies ran away, screaming.

Ravi took a good look at those eyes. “Who do you think could’ve done this?” He asked. “The eyes can’t just fade to a lighter colour!” The two earth ponies noticed, and Blaze advanced, slashing his sword at them. They jumped back. “Blaze!” The teen said. “So, YOU’RE behind all this!”

“Yes, I am!” The cybervillain said, “and my accomplice is right here with me!” And Tirek emerged as well!

“TIREK!” All three shouted!

“Prepare to be crushed!” The centaur said, and swung at the trio, who got ready to fight the two villains.

Meanwhile, at the weather station, Zoey, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were trying to assign the weather duties to the Pegasi.

“The princess wants what?!” the weather pony asked in shock.

“Just what's on that little card. No big deal.” Rainbow Dash said, with cool in her voice.

“No big d-d—?! I-I-It's a m-much more aggressive weather pattern than what was originally ordered!” He stammered. “This... This is... very irregular! We'll need to... No, first we must... Wait! We ca—“ he started to wail.

“Take a breath.” Fluttershy warned him. The weather pony did so. “Let it out slowly.” he exhaled.

“Tell the princess we will do our best.” he said calmly.

“We're pretty sure you will be doing an excellent job.” Zoey said.

“Oh, yeah, totally. You're not gonna panic and screw it up at all!” Rainbow Dash said.

“I THINK he’s got it.” Zoey assured her. “Why don’t we go check on the others?”

“Sounds like a plan!” The rainbow mare said, and they started to leave to check on the other teams. Then, Cozy Glow and Roxy appeared before the weather pony.

“Golly. Sounds like you need some help.” Cozy Glow suggested.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“Someone who's organized enough to handle the small stuff so you can focus on the big picture!“ Roxy said.

“The big... Yes! That sounds right!” the weather pony said calmly.

Cozy and Roxy took the cards and took a good look at them. “This kind of weather has to be handled delicately.” They chuckled evilly. “Good thing we’re here. We’ll take care of everything.”

Just then, Zoey and the others were heading back. “And then I said to Nate...’Get your own chicken coop!’”

Fluttershy just spat out her drink at Zoey and Rainbow Dash who dodged her projectile spitting. “Oh, sorry. That one’s got animals!” She giggled.

They were going to check on the weather when they saw the weather already being messed up. They took a good notice at the two who were behind all this. “COZY GLOW?!” Zoey shouted.

“ROXY?!” Both Pegasi said in shock.

“Uh, oh. Looks like we’re busted.” Roxy took out the robotron creation key and threw it up into the sky. The messed up weather landed in front of the heroes in the form of a robot. “Go get them, WeatherTron!” She alerted.

“Roger that!” The robot said. “Today’s forecast is a little rainy, and drizzly, with a chance of Rangers and Ponies!” He swing his thundercloud hands to them. The heroes dodged them as they got ready to fight them!

Meanwhile, Nate, Steel, Spike and Rarity were watching the fireworks nearby! “Whoa!” Spike whooped in excitement.

“The Flaming Sky Firework Troupe is a marvel.” Rarity said.

“Phenomenal!” Steel said in agreement. “Look how they can shoot fire from their horns!” He pointed to the horn that were producing the fireworks.

“We take pride in what we do.” the troupe leader named Fire Flare announced.

“These last-minute changes aren't too challenging, are they?” Nate asked.

“Ha! The more challenging, the better! We aim to astound! Now, if you don't mind, we do have a new routine to prepare. Horns at the ready!” Fire Flare instructed. And they shot fireworks out at the sky.

The group was getting ready to leave. “I must say their pyrotechnics they shoot from their horns is just fantastic!” Steel said.

Nate laughed. “Steel, it’s not for fire, they do the fireworks for show. It’s like a special display.” He told his beast bot buddy.

“So...they’re show pyrotechnics.” He guessed. The others just laughed. “What?! I didn’t think they’d do just playing with fire for fun!”

Just then, Vargoyle and Chrysalis arrived just in time. Chrysalis transformed into her pony form from ‘The Mean 6’!

“Very impressive.” she complimented.

“Thank you.” Fire Flare said. “Unfortunately, we have no room for anypony else at this time...“ She cleared her throat. “I’m sorry?”

“And I don't want to join your silly little troupe.” Chrysalis said, snobby.

“Pardon me?” the troupe leader asked.

“Oh, I meant no offense. It just seems a pity for unicorns to waste their talents on something so... inconsequential.” the disguised changeling said. “Unicorns wield magic. We are the most powerful ponies in the land. Don't you ever feel you're destined for more than... performances?”

(Back to Ravi, Pinkie Pie and AJ...)
The three were still going at it with the two and a new robotron dubbed PieTron!

“Ready for a PIE in the face?!” The robot shouted. He fired pies at them every which way, which they dodged by they way,

“Ooh, that big meanie pants is so going to get his just desserts!” Pinkie shouted.

“And fast!” AJ warned them.

“Oh, you’re all talk.” The centaur said. “But let’s see what you are when I suck your power from you!” He opened his mouth, and all three of them dodged.

“We’re gonna need some backup!” Ravi said. He started to contact Devon on his wrist com. “Devon, do you copy?”

Meanwhile inside Canterlot Castle, Twilight and Devon were just finishing getting ready.

“It's all coming together.” Twilight said. “I really think this is gonna be the best Summer Sun Celebration ever!”

“You've done an outstanding job, Twilight.” Devon said to her. “Heck, We've all done an outstanding job! You should be happy to know that Discord has been watching himself all night, and he has yet to do one "Discord-y" thing.”

“Now, that truly is amazing.” Princess Luna said. She just came up to the two.

“Twilight, we know you had, uh, difficulties using the amulet to raise the sun and moon.” Celestia said, who also just came in. “We thought perhaps a practice session before the festivities might be in order.”

“That's... a good idea. Thank you so much.” Twilight said.

Devon was just about to help her, when he got a message on his wristcom. “What is it, Ravi?”

“Devon!” Ravi said over the wrist com. “Come quick! There’s trouble down at the city!”

“I’m on my way.” He said, and zipped over to the scene of the crime, where at the troupe stand, unicorns were running away and screaming from a robot with metal dreadlocks.

“It’s Vargoyle!” Steel said as the Mane 5, Spike and the rangers gathered together.

“I know you rangers are itching to take me on!” The robot said.

“More like itching to take you out!” Devon shot back. “It’s morphin’ Time!” The Rangers readied their morphers.

“ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” They all shouted. And in a flash, they morphed in the Power Rangers.


“UNLEASH THE BEAST!” All heroes sans Twilight said.

Chrysalis also appeared before them. “Ha! You Rangers and ponies THINK you’re so special!, but we’ve got a trick up our sleeves!” They charged at The red ranger, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy using speed, and knocked them down and out.

“No!” Devon shouted! “He’s got super speed!”

“We can still take him!” Pinkie shouted and got a huge column from the castle, loaded it into her party cannon, and she, Applejack and Ravi fired it at the two villains, but they caught it and threw it back to them! Everyone was shocked!

“No way!” Ravi shouted.

“That’s like our strength!” Applejack said in shock.

“Is that all you got?” Chrysalis asked.

“Our turn!” Zoey, and Spike jumped up at the villains, but to their surprise, Vargoyle followed suit, and knocked them to the ground.

“Such child’s play!” The robot said.

“How in Equestria did he jump as high as us?!” Spike asked. The others wanted to know as well.

“You and your powers aren’t special anymore!” Chrysalis announced. “Now, we’ll destroy every one of you!” He threw the key at a horn, and out came a fire-like robotron. “Show em what you got, Fire-Tron!” She said.

“With pleasure!” The fire-like robot charged at them, firing flames every which way. The ponies and rangers tried to deflect them all, but it was getting tiring.

The red ranger decided to step it up a notch. “BEAST BLAST!” He fired his Beast-X Blaster, and hit the villains spot on! The heroes regrouped.

Vargoyle checked his morph-x and saw that it was getting low. “No!” He shouted. “I’m almost out of upgrades!”

“Hear that guys?” Devon told his teammates. “He’s losing power! Let’s light them up!”

“TRANSPORT! BEAST BLAST!” They fired their weapons that teleported at them, but the villains teleported away!

“Oh, man!” Rainbow Dash said. “We almost had him!”

“How did Vargoyle get beast powers like ours?” Devon asked.

“It’s puzzling...” Nate thought. “Somehow, they must have copied your cheetah, gorilla and jackrabbit abilities. And unless I miss my guess...they’re probably headed to the archives to get the book on Grogar’s bell!” He pointed to the tower.

“We got to stop them from getting that book!” Spike said.

“Let’s go!” And the Rangers and their allies went to find their villains to prevent them from taking the book contains Grogar’s magical spells!

Author's Note:

And that’s it! I was going to add more battles and conflict to this chapter, but it was too long. I will continue the battles in the next chapter! As always, stay tuned!