• Published 3rd Jan 2020
  • 1,208 Views, 60 Comments

Renaming Starlight's Village - Brass Polish

The Cutie Mark Crusaders move to Starlight’s Village with Big Macintosh, where many ponies are still struggling to reconnect with their cutie marks.

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13. Back To Normal Part 1

Author's Note:

Upon returning home, the Cutie Mark Crusaders find that Zecora’s hut has been ransacked.

“Thanks for putting us up, big bro,” Apple Bloom smiled.

“It was nice to have you three here,” said Big Mac warmly.

“We really appreciate all the help you’ve given us here in the Village,” said Sugar Belle, who was glancing out the Cafe window.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle turned around to see several Villagers standing outside; they were all Villagers who had been helped by the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Double Diamond and Night Glider were there, Old Lady Cooper was there, Mussel, Muga, and Coan were there, and so were B Rainy and Mancy, and even Party Favour, Day Star, and Selenic were there to see the Crusaders off. The Crusaders felt a little awkward as they stepped out of the Cafe, seeing ponies there who they hadn’t quite managed to finish up helping, but all three of them were still very happy with the fond farewell the Villagers gave them.

“You’re not leaving now, are you?” asked Mussel.

“It’s time for us to get back to school,” said Apple Bloom with a sigh. “And I thought you were leaving as well.”

“You can’t leave now,” Party Favour.

“We’re sorry your brother never wrote back to you…” Apple Bloom began.

“It’s not that,” interrupted Party Favour with a chuckle. “It’s just that the volunteers have come to block the Cave outside of town. Look.”


In the distance, over the hill, the Crusaders could see pegasi flying about.

“You’ll have to wait,” said Day Star. “They plan to roll a large rock into the Cave mouth.”

“Evensong was as good as her word,” said Selenic.

Maybe it was Sweetie Belle’s imagination, or maybe there was a deep longing in Selenic’s voice.

“Well maybe we could watch,” suggested B Rainy. “Who’s in?”

Some of the Villagers were interested, and the Crusaders needed to go over the hill anyway, so off they went.


“Don’t come any closer.”

Soarin forestalled the Crusaders and Villagers at the top of the hill. Scootaloo bubbled with excitement.

“It’s the Wonderbolts!” she cried.

“Yeah,” said Soarin with a yawn. “Canterlot’s head of community projects reached out to us. Now, if you want to watch, stand over there. If anything goes wrong, the boulder we’re gonna try to move will roll down this hill.”

Soarin ushered the Villagers and Crusaders off the main path to the Village and further from the Cave entrance. Everypony still had a clear view. Most of the Wonderbolts, including Spitfire and Fleetfoot, were hovering around the large boulder, taking measurements, inspecting the temporary buttresses holding it in place, and making sure its path to the mouth of the Cave was clear. The rest of the Wonderbolts, including Rainbow Dash, were just flying out of the Cave.

“So can you confirm that there’s nothing of any value or interest in there?” asked Spitfire.

“Yes, Ma’am,” said Rainbow Dash. “That big grid thingy’s defunct, and all we could find on the cave floor were glass shards and that stupid staff thing.”

She spotted the crowd.

“Hey, Scoots! Just in time!” she called. “Enjoy the show, everypony!”


The Wonderbolts got into position to start moving the boulder. Soarin stayed with the crowd to make sure nopony interloped.

“You look terrible,” Apple Bloom said to him unashamedly.

Scootaloo hissed. “He’s an insomniac. I told you this before.”

Soarin said nothing. He just yawned and kept a lookout to keep the onlookers in check.

“Do you have a pet?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Nope,” Soarin.

“Well, whenever I can’t sleep and end up tossing and turning in bed,” said Sweetie, “if my sister’s cat is sleeping in my bed with me, I’m not tempted to move and roll around. I can lie still and get to sleep better.”

“How often has that happened?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Uh… twice,” Sweetie admitted. “Rarity’s cat isn’t exactly friendly. All the more reason to keep still if she does decide to climb onto your bed.”

“Thanks for the suggestion,” yawned Soarin, “but I live in Cloudsdale. Almost nopony has a pet in that city. Hardly any domestic animals can walk on clouds. And the Wonderbolt Compound’s no better. There’s no checking any pets won’t go wandering off the cliff.”

“Well you’ve got to do something,” said Scootaloo. “How can you expect to be good at crowd control when you can hardly keep your eyes open?”

“Look, this isn’t a cutie mark problem,” said Soarin, starting to get annoyed, “so leave me alone and just watch the show.”

Spitfire blew her whistle. Soarin woke back up.


It was almost like launching a ship. The Wonderbolts knocked the temporary buttresses out from under the boulder, and it rolled towards the Cave; slowly at first, then it gathered speed, and then it slowed again before it collided with the mouth of the Cave. With a loud but brief crunching noise, the Cave was blocked. The crowd applauded.

“Alright Wonderbolts,” said Spitfire. “Let’s get these wood planks cleaned up and then back to the Compound.”

“Permission to accompany my friends to the station halt?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, okay Crash,” nodded Spitfire.

The Villagers said their last goodbye’s to the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they headed back to town.

“Jeez, you foals are getting big,” Rainbow remarked when she flew up to them. “Remember the days when I could drag all three of you across the country? We’ll never see the like of those days again.”

“It’s not that we’re getting bigger. You’re just getting old,” grinned Apple Bloom.

Soarin began to stagger away.

“Bye Soarin,” said Scootaloo.

“You might see me again pretty soon,” Soarin grinned as he left.

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Guess what. We’ve got a show in Ponyville Tuesday afternoon. All the school foals can see us perform after school’s out.”

The Crusaders were excited.


The train ride to Ponyville was an enjoyable one; the CMCs relished in telling Rainbow Dash about their exploits in Starlight’s Village.

“If you really were my sister,” Scootaloo asked Rainbow, “would you have let me stay there?”

Rainbow considered. “Well I do want to make sure you’ve been getting enough exercise.”

“I have,” insisted Scootaloo.

“Well then,” said Rainbow with an air of mock-disbelief, “how about we have a race when we get to Ponyville?”

“Sure. No problem,” Scootaloo nodded.


So when the train stopped at Ponyville Station, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo took straight to the sky. It was an overcast day, and Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle quickly lost sight of the two pegasi as they flew away.

“I guess I better head for the farm,” said Apple Bloom. “I’ll bet Applejack’s got a list of chores for me as long as Pinkie Pie’s genealogy record.”

So Sweetie Belle headed for Carousel Boutique. Rarity gave her a warm welcome back, but Opalescence just meandered out of the room with a cold look. If Sweetie was to have trouble sleeping tonight, it seemed she was out of luck.

“I’m sorry you never discovered any special connection between your magic and your cutie mark,” said Rarity. “But do not despair. There’s nothing to stop you from finding your unique brand of magic after graduation.”

“I’m a lot older than you were when you found your special brand of magic,” sighed Sweetie Belle. “I probably don’t even have one. I’ll bet it’s because my cutie mark’s pretty much the same as my friends’, and we all got ours at the same time.”


Eventually, Apple Bloom arrived at the Boutique.

“Hey Sweetie, Applejack doesn’t have any work for me on the farm,” she said. “So I’m gonna go see Zecora. I wanna tell her about that cutie mark we found in the Forest. Wanna come?”

“Sure,” said Sweetie.

So off they went to the Everfree Forest. They encountered Pinkie Pie and her sister Limestone heading the same way with a picnic basket.

“We’re spending our PSSSD at the Castle Of The Two Sisters this year,” squeaked Pinkie, bouncing into the forest.

“Is the Castle open today?” asked Apple Bloom.

“No, but Pinkie said she’s got permission from the castle curator,” said Limestone with a frown.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle glanced at Pinkie Pie as she carried on bouncing into the Everfree Forest, then back at Limestone.

“Everything okay?” asked Sweetie Belle.

Limestone sighed. “Remember that gift I gave Marble for our PSSSD in the Village?”

“Yeah,” said Apple Bloom and Sweetie.

“Marble lost it,” said Limestone. “She’s really upset about it.”

“Oh, that’s too bad,” frowned Sweetie.

“I’m not mad at her or anything, but she won’t stop apologising to me,” Limestone groaned. “I’m so glad I get to spend the day with Pinkie.”

“So no problems with Pinkie then?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Nope,” smiled Limestone. “I think she’ll really like the gift I got her this year.”

And she followed Pinkie into the Forest, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle right behind her.


The two CMCs parted with the two Pie sisters at a fork in the Path Of Least Resistance, and headed for Zecora’s Hut. Apple Bloom knocked on the door. There was no answer. She knocked again. Still no answer.

“Maybe she’s out picking herbs or something,” Apple Bloom shrugged.

Sweetie Belle looked at one of the windows. “Looks like there’s a light on in there.”

They sidled over to the window and looked through it.

“What the…? Is she doing that weird meditation thing?” asked Sweetie when she spotted Zecora.

“Oh, no,” Apple Bloom said with a start. “She got stuck in one of her cauldrons again.”

She ran back to the door. Sweetie Belle turned to follow her, but then she looked through the window again. Zecora did appear to have fallen into a cauldron, but something was terribly wrong. The cauldron wasn’t very big, and its rim was closed tightly around her ribs. And the end of her tail was tied in a knot to one of the cauldron’s handles, forcing her hind legs to stick straight up and her back into what must have been an uncomfortable, if not painful, position.

“The… the door’s locked!” shouted Apple Bloom.

“Someone trapped her in there!” cried Sweetie Belle.


After the two Crusaders hurriedly tried to break the locked door down, Sweetie picked up a rock with her magic and smashed the window. She and Apple Bloom climbed into the hut and ran to Zecora, who was squirming in her involuntary headstand and uttering shouts that were muffled in the heavy stone cauldron. At once, Apple Bloom undid the knot anchoring Zecora’s tail to the cauldron handle. Zecora’s hind legs hit the floor with a thump. They could hear what sounded like a shaky sigh of relief from within the cauldron, but Zecora did not stop squirming and shaking. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle frantically tried to pull her free, but it wasn’t working.

“Over there!” shouted Sweetie. “We’ll wedge the cauldron under that counter!”

They dragged the heavy stone cauldron to the counter and with a clunk, jammed it. Then they each grabbed a leg and heaved. At last, Zecora’s head and forelegs came out. Zecora took several deep breaths.

“Oh thank you, you two! What a relief!” she gasped. “My spine was killing me and I could not breathe.”


“What happened?” asked Apple Bloom.

“I was cleaning out that cauldron. It was messy and it stank,” Zecora told them, showing them a damp washcloth sitting in the cauldron. “And then, for some reason, the cauldron’s rim shrank. And then…”

She rubbed her back.

“As I tried to get out, someone gave my tail a yank.”

Apple Bloom looked around the hut. “Did somepony rob you?”

“We’ll soon find out,” said Zecora, standing up sharply. “Please, help me look about.

Zecora and Apple Bloom began to search the hut to see if it looked like anything was missing. Sweetie Belle didn’t really know her way around this hut like they did, so the best she could do was clean up the glass from the window they broke.

“So you didn’t see anypony around before you got trapped?” she asked.

“No. They must have crept in, the snoops,” Zecora growled as she sifted through a shelf of various bottles of potions. “If I ever find out who it was, I’ll-- oops!”

In her haste, Zecora had knocked over a familiar bottle of white potion; it was the one that showed glimpses of the distant past to the drinker. With a clunk and a smash, it slid from the shelf and smashed on the floor, splashing Sweetie’s hooves and surrounding her with more broken glass.


After hastily cleaning up the mess, the three continued their search of the hut.

“It had to have been a unicorn,” said Apple Bloom as they looked. “Only a spell could’ve made that rim shrink. Do you think they were after the Alicorn Amulet?”

Sweetie Belle froze. She remembered the plan B Rainy had drawn up to find and steal that Amulet, and hoped it wasn’t him. But then she remembered; B Rainy’s a pegasus and so couldn’t cast a spell… unless he’d already found the Amulet and had tried it out on Zecora to see if it worked and to make sure she didn’t catch him in the act.

“If they were, they’ll have found it quite a hassle,” grunted Zecora. “That Amulet is not here. It is stowed in the Castle.”


Soon, they abandoned their search and decided to head for the Castle Of The Two Sisters.

“I hope Pinkie and Limestone are safe,” said Apple Bloom as they ran along the Path Of Least Resistance.

Zecora was lagging. It was evident that her back was aching and she had so little strength left after her struggle in the cauldron.

“Don’t strain yourself,” warned Sweetie.

“I am shaken and weary, I will admit,” Zecora panted. “But when lives could be at stake, I do not quit.”


Soon they crossed the rope bridge to the Castle and entered through the big front door.

“Pinkie?! Limestone?!” Apple Bloom called.

“Careful,” hissed Sweetie Belle. “The thieves might be here already.”

“Up here!” they heard Limestone call.

They followed the sound to a stairwell and climbed it. They quickly found Limestone standing in the middle of a corridor.

“Where’s Pinkie?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Down there.” Limestone pointed to an open trap door.

Almost at once, a dusty cloud popped out of the trap door.

“How do I keep forgetting where stuff is in a castle I helped restore?” said a familiar voice.

“You fell in?” asked Sweetie. “Didn’t your tail twitch?”

Limestone chuckled. “Yeah, but she was looking up instead of down. I told her to look down, but she was like ‘Stuff doesn’t fall up’. And then down she went.”

Pinkie Pie gave herself a shake to get the dust off of her.

“Well it doesn’t,” she said huffily.


Pinkie realised Limestone, Zecora, and the two CMCs were staring wide-eyed at her.

“It doesn’t!” she insisted.

“The reason we are staring,” said Zecora, “is… well, look what you’re wearing.”

Pinkie Pie realised she had the Alicorn Amulet around her neck.

“Oh, yeah,” she said casually. “This thing.”

She promptly took it off.

“Whoa, what?!” exclaimed Limestone. “I heard once you have that Amulet on, it warps your mind and makes you not want to take it off.”

“Maybe she hasn’t had it on long enough to become consumed,” suggested Zecora. “Or perhaps it doesn’t work on earth ponies as we’d assumed.”

“So it wouldn’t work on a pegasus either?” asked Sweetie. “Oh, good. That rules out B Rainy.”

“Huh?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Well we know that evil artifact is still here and intact,” said Zecora. “So Pinkie, if you wouldn’t mind putting it back?”

Pinkie did so; she dropped the Alicorn Amulet into the trap door, which slammed itself shut straight after.

“As nothing is missing, perhaps this proves,” said Zecora, “that Sweetie, I must examine your hooves.”


After a quick check, Zecora, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom ran all the way back to Zecora’s Hut.

“I take it you have a way to find out if somepony poisoned any of your potions?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yes, fortunately, there’s a simple way to tell,” said Zecora. “I only hope it hasn’t been tampered with as well.”

She went to one of her unusual-looking houseplants, and plucked a large leaf from it.

“The slightest contact with poisonous matter,” she explained, “will make this fat leaf grow even fatter.”

She placed the leaf on one of Sweetie’s hooves. The leaf remained the same size.

“No change to the leaf. Well, that’s a relief,” said Zecora. “That potion I spilled will not get you killed.”

She then rolled up the leaf, and proceeded to uncork several bottles of potion and dip the rolled up leaf into each one. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle each plucked a leaf from the same plant and assisted Zecora in searching her potion stores for poison. Each time a leaf made contact with a potion in a bottle, it remained unchanged, apart from getting wet.


Eventually, Pinkie and Limestone turned up.

“Well, our Pie Sister Surprise Swap Day’s over, so would you mind telling us why you showed up earlier?” asked Limestone.

They told the Pie sisters about how Zecora had been found suffocating in a cauldron.

“By now, it seems there was no contamination or thievery,” said Zecora. “So I’m at a loss as to why the cauldron ensnared me.”

“Probably the same way that trap door caught me,” suggested Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie,” said Apple Bloom, ignoring her comment, “Limestone said you got Zecora’s permission to spend a day in the Castle. When was this?”

“Yesterday afternoon,” said Pinkie.

“Ah, so that’s how long I was stuck tight,” said Zecora. “I’d started cleaning my cauldrons late last night.”

Apple Bloom was about to ask Pinkie Pie if she’d seen anypony in the Forest when she’d come to the Hut, but she only let out a loud yawn; as did Sweetie Belle.

“It is getting late, so off home with you two,” Zecora recommended. “Thank you again for coming to my rescue.”

“You ain’t gonna stay here, are ya?” asked Apple Bloom. “Whoever trapped you might come back.”

“Well in that case, I’ll join you, Apple Bloom,” said Zecora. “Perhaps Princess Twilight could put me up in a castle room.”


It was dark when the group exited the Everfree Forest. Limestone bade everypony goodbye, clutching the PSSSD gift Pinkie Pie had given her, and headed for the station. Zecora got permission from Mist Mane and Rock Hoof to enter Twilight’s Castle and request to spend the night there. Apple Bloom headed for Sweet Apple Acres, and Sweetie Belle returned to Carousel Boutique. With so much on her mind, Sweetie found it hard to sleep. After several hours of rolling around in bed, mulling over the day’s events, her bedroom door creaked open, and she froze.

Has the pony who attacked Zecora come for me now? she thought.

She raised her head. She saw that it was only Opalescence. The cat jumped up onto Sweetie’s bed, lied down, and rested her head on one of Sweetie’s hooves.

“Great timing,” Sweetie murmured.

Opal had never rested her head on Sweetie’s hoof before. This was a perfect deterrent from tossing and turning, and before long, Sweetie fell asleep. When she next woke, it was light outside. And Opal was still there in the bed, asleep, and still using Sweetie’s hoof as a pillow. She’d never done that before either. Sweetie Belle was pleased that Opal was in such a cuddly mood… but not so much when it got lighter and lighter outside and Opal still didn’t leave the bed or even move; not even to go eat.


Zecora had told Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer about the shrinking cauldron lid the previous evening. That morning, Twilight and Starlight escorted Zecora back to her home, and conducted their own examination of the hut. Nothing came of it by the time the sun had started to set.

“We have arrangements for tonight, Zecora,” Twilight said. “The Wonderbolts are going to stay at the Castle tonight. They have a show in Ponyville tomorrow afternoon.”

“We’ll send Starswirl and Stygian to guard you and your Hut,” said Starlight.


It was the last day of summer vacation. School was to restart the next day. The plan was the Cutie Mark Crusaders were to have Twilight Time that evening, spend the night at her Castle, and head straight to school the next morning. When they arrived at the Castle and were beckoned in by Meadowbrook and Somnambula, they were pleasantly surprised to see the Wonderbolts in the main hall; all were not in any uniform, although Spitfire had an Equestria Games championship medal on.

“So you’re staying here for the night before your show tomorrow,” Scootaloo beamed.

“Yep,” said Rainbow Dash. “So you get to spend Twilight Time with us.”

Apple Bloom was about to ask what they would be doing for today’s Twilight Time, when the aroma of boiled potatoes and baked peppers entered her nose.

“Smells good in here,” she remarked.

“For this Twilight Time,” Twilight said, “I thought I’d set up a dinner in your honour.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders blushed.

“I think you deserve it,” Twilight went on. “I’ve heard so much about your services in Starlight’s Village…”


There was a flash of white light, and Spike appeared out of nowhere. Twilight yelped, and Spike, Rainbow, Apple Bloom, and some of the Wonderbolts burst out laughing.

“Spike!” Twilight yelled, picking up the enchanted comic book Spike had just popped out of, “you’re supposed to be looking after the deviled eggs.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m going,” chuckled Spike, heading for the kitchen.

Twilight groaned, brandishing the enchanted comic. “He’s been pranking me with these stupid things all weekend.”

“That’s weird,” said Fleetfoot. “I saw Spike go into the kitchen five minutes ago. I never saw him go into that comic.”

“It’s a two-parter,” huffed Twilight. “You can get sucked into one book and come out of the other.”

“Oh, that is so cool!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

Twilight slapped her forehead. “Why did I have to say that in front of the biggest prankster I know?”


Spike refrained from his prank for the rest of the night, and carried on helping Twilight and Starlight preparing the dinner in the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ honour. Before long, it was time to eat.

“I’ve heard,” Spitfire said to the Crusaders, “that there’s a really good flyer in Starlight’s Village.”

Scootaloo promptly spoke up. “She went on record saying she doesn’t want to try and become a Wonderbolt.”

The Wonderbolts were curious. Sweetie Belle was about to expand on what Scootaloo had said by telling them what Night Glider had told her, when she felt something soft brush against her leg. She looked down under the long dining room table, and there was a calico cat rubbing against her.

“Who’s cat is this?” she asked.

“Mine,” said Soarin.

“Oh, you took my advice,” smiled Sweetie.

“Yeah. When I came to Ponyville, I asked Fluttershy to hook me up,” said Soarin. “I named him Sed.”

Sweetie Belle went on to explain why Night Glider didn’t want anything to do with the Wonderbolts, and Spitfire promised to respect the Crusaders’ wishes not to approach her.


“Do the Villagers still not have a mayor or any kind of leader?” Starlight asked during dessert.

“Nope,” said Apple Bloom. “Whenever anything important happens, they have a town meeting. The pony who’s spotted a problem is usually the one who calls and holds it.”

“So anypony can call a meeting and take charge when something’s up?” asked Starlight.

The Crusaders nodded.

“Well, looks like they’ve found a better kind of equality than I’d forced on them,” Starlight grinned.

You three called a meeting once, didn’t you?” Spitfire asked the Crusaders. “The guy from Canterlot told me you three asked the Villagers if they wanted that Cave blocked up.”

“Yeah, we did hold that meeting,” said Scootaloo.

“Nice. Your first step,” said Starlight.

She got some funny looks.

“Oh, come on. After you graduate, you’re going back there right?” she asked. “When that day comes, it’s only a matter of time before you three are leading that Village.”


This was a comforting thought to leave the Cutie Mark Crusaders with when dinner was over and it was time for bed. Apple Bloom quickly fell asleep and dreamed about when that blessed day came. Scootaloo took longer to fall asleep, as she’d been the last Crusader to reach their room for the night; she’d been chatting with Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts after dinner. Sweetie Belle found it hard to get to sleep. Not so much because the exciting prospects for the CMCs’ future or the unfinished business with Party Favour, Day Star, and Selenic was still weighing on her mind; she had found the baked peppers rather spicy, and it seemed she’d not had enough to drink during dinner. She got up around midnight feeling thirsty. She stepped out of the room. Flash Magnus was out patrolling the corridor, and after Sweetie told him what she wanted, he escorted her down to the kitchen.


As Sweetie Belle opened the fridge and poured herself a glass of water, the sound of meowing filled the kitchen. Sweetie and Flash saw Sed dash across the room towards the open fridge. Sweetie quickly shooed Sed away and closed the fridge door.

“Well, this is embarrassing,” Flash Magnus said as Sweetie downed her drink. “I hate to think how I’d manage if the Castle was invaded by cats.”

Soarin staggered into the room. “Somepony opened the fridge, didn’t they?”

He saw Sed rubbing his head on one of Sweetie Belle’s legs.

“Yep,” Soarin nodded. “He knows the fridge is where the milk is. He’s nuts for that stuff. But Fluttershy warned me not to give milk to an adult cat.”

“Oh, dear. It looks like getting a cat to help you sleep isn’t working,” groaned Sweetie.

“Actually, it did work,” smiled Soarin. “I did fall asleep with Sed lying next to me. I even had a dream.”

He sighed.

“For the first time in years, I had a dream.”

Sweetie Belle smiled. “What was it about?”

“I… don’t remember,” said Soarin.


“But I do remember that Queen Luna visited me in my dream.”

“Queen Luna entered your dream? Did she have an urgent message to give?” asked Flash Magnus.

“No, no. She said she’d never seen me in the dreamscape before and wanted to say hello,” said Soarin.

“I remember when Luna visited my dream once,” said Sweetie. “She showed me what the future would be like if I carried on holding a grudge against my sister, and when I woke up, I was able to put things right thanks to her.”

“The reason I woke up,” Soarin went on, “was because suddenly, in the middle of a sentence, Luna disappeared.”

Sed meowed again. Sweetie Belle looked down at the cat, who was rubbing against her legs which the day before had gotten splashed with potion. Something clicked in her mind. She gasped.

“I know who robbed Zecora and Marble,” she gasped, “and why. I need you two to fly me to Canterlot!”