• Published 3rd Jan 2020
  • 1,809 Views, 4 Comments

Spike's New Unusual Bedchamber - Zelku The Thicc-Hunter

As we grow older sometimes our sleeping habits change and we need to find a new place to sleep at and that is where Spike finds himself now.

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Unusual circumstances leading to a new place to sleep

Spike's New Unusual Bedchamber By Zelku D Hekazel/Koopabrony32

It was a lovely night in the city of Canterlot. Inside the Royal Palace, Princess Luna was in the middle of her night court, listening to a pair of Nobles bickering over some ridiculous dispute and doing her best to hide her boredom.

(“ I understand as one of the Equestria as Leaders, it is my duty to listen to the needs of our ponies but, for the Love of my sister's overly exaggerated rump, these complaints are ridiculous.”)

“So let me see if I'm understanding this correctly. Part of your neighbor's garden is intruding on your land by a few inches, and you wish to charge him for it?” Luna says, looking at the two Nobles before her.

“Yes, Your Majesty, as you can tell from this photo right here, his rose garden is extending onto my property, ” the first Noble says, using a pointer to show the picture that displays the garden peering onto his land, which is barely noticeable.

“And you’re counter-suing him cuz you proclaim that the garden is perfect on your land, and your neighbor is only saying that it's protruding onto his land so you don't have to pay him anything and want him to pay you for slandering your good slandering?” She says, looking at the second Noble.

“Yes, Your Majesty, as you can see, the property line clearly shows that my garden is growing on my side and not on his.”, the second noble says.

The two nobles then begin to start arguing and throwing verbal insults at one another, which makes this whole case a bit more entertaining for Luna, who, out of the corner of her eyes, sees a magical trail of smoke come into the throne room and manifest itself into parchment with Twilight Royal seal on it. Using her magic, she unscrews the parchment and begins to read it.

“Dear Princess Luna,

I know you're probably in the middle of a critical discussion in the night court, but I require your assistance with a matter of utmost urgency concerning Spike. He hasn't been sleeping for the last few nights and falls asleep constantly during the day. I have done everything possible to get his sleeping pattern back on track, but nothing seems to work. So as a last effort, I send this letter to you asking for your help to come as soon as you possibly can,

Your fellow princess and friend Twilight Sparkle.”

Luna finishes reading the letter and then looks to her royal record keeper.

“Moon Scripter!”

“Yes, Princess Luna, how may I be of service.” Moon Scripter said as she continued to write down what the nobles were saying, able to do so because of her many years of experience keeping records.

“An urgent matter has just come to my attention regarding Princess Twilight and her assistant, and I must leave to take care of it now. I leave you in charge of the Night Court until I return, ” Luna says as she fires up her horn, readying a teleportation spell.

“Oh no, something happened to little Spiky Wiky? If that is what you wish, Princess Luna, I shall do so to the best of my ability.”

And with that, Luna disappears in a flash of midnight blue light, catching the attention of the other two nobles, who were too busy bickering to notice her conversation with Moon Scripter.

“Royal Note Keeper, where did Princess Luna disappear to?”

“Princess Luna had to leave for an urgent matter regarding Princess Twilight, but she placed me in charge of the night court, so I will be here to listen to your complaint.”

(Meanwhile, in Ponyville, at the crystal Castle of Friendship)

Twilight Sparkle is pacing back and forth, waiting for a response from Princess Luna after she had sent the letter. A massive flash of blue magic suddenly pops into the room, sending the floor slightly.

“Twilight Sparkle, I have received your letter and came as soon as I could. What is the emergency with thy faithful assistant?”

Twilight takes a moment to gather herself after Princess Luna's sudden entrance, walking over to her and giving her a big hug.

“Luna, I'm happy you're here. Come with me. I'll explain everything as we go.”

Twilight explains to Princess Luna that a few days ago, Spike went over to Sugarcube Corner to help Mr. and Mrs. Cake with some baking as Pinkie Pie was away visiting her family for a bit; they started pretty early in the morning and finished somewhere in the early afternoon.

Once they were done, Mr. and Mrs. Cake were about to go wash up and offered Spike to come with them, but he was tired and said he was going to take a nap. Spike decided to nap behind one of the cakes, using it as a pillow, and around that time, Pinkie Pie had just returned from visiting her family. On the rock clock, she saw all the cakes made, and I saw a note that the cakes had left her on the table.

The note said that Pinkie could help herself to 3 of the cakes, so Pinkie, being Pinkie, jumped at the opportunity and devoured three cakes that were lined up together from smallest to biggest all at once; however, one of the cakes she had eaten was one that Spike was sleeping behind. When Mr. and Mrs. Cake returned from the bathroom, they saw Pinky lying on top of her vast pink belly, rubbing and patting it softly, pure gold from all the cakes she had just eaten at once.

But when Mr. Cake asked Pinky if she knew where Spike was, she said that she didn't think he was there, and then they heard a muffled moan coming from Pinky’s stomach and quickly put two and two together. Mrs. Cake called me, and I arrived as soon as possible. I tried using a teleportation spell to get Spike out of there, but I couldn't detect where he was in Pinkie’s stomach from all the cake, so we had to wait until most of it was digested before I was finally able to teleport him out of Pinkie Pie's gut.

Spike was asleep inside Pinkie Pie's belly, so she didn't know that one of his friends had eaten him by accident, but ever since then, Spike's been unable to sleep in his bed and ends up staying up the entire night, and the next morning kept falling asleep throughout the day.

Twilight and the others had tried multiple ways to get Spike to sleep during the night, from reading bedtime stories to counting sheep and exercising, but they didn't seem to work.

“That is why I've called you here, Princess Luna. Every night, he seems to get worse without sleeping, and tonight is naughty. I don't know what else to do. I've gone through many books on sleeping and disorganized sleeping patterns, but none seem to help,” Twilight says, slumping her head in defeat.

Luna looks over at Twilight and notices the bags underneath her eyes, indicating that she has gone several nights without sleep trying to help Spike.

“Twilight, correct me if I'm mistaken, but Spike recently got his wings, correct?”

“Yeah, Spike got his wings sometime ago. Why could Spike receiving his wings be part of the reason why he's not sleeping properly now?”

“It might be, but I have to test something to find out, ” Luna began to sniff the air and noticed a peculiar smell.

Twilight also sniffs the air, and a loud growling sounds from her stomach, sounding like a rabid manticore. Luna looks at Twilight, who has a noticeable blush across her face.

“I see. Even as a princess, you still have a bad habit of forgetting to eat when you're caught up in a book Twilight Sparkle; tis at least good to know that you hired a chef now.”

“Well, I haven't hired any shocks. Spike and I do all of our cooking, and I know he was in his room... oh no, not again!!”

Twilight immediately begins to book it down the hall toward where the smoke is coming from, Luna following suit; the two arrive in front of Spike’s room and open the door to see Spike sitting in a massive pot of boiling water with a fire underneath the pot, Spike cutting up carrots into the pot that he's in while wearing his chef's hat.

“Oh hey, Twilight, hey Princess Luna, the stew should be done any moment now. Go ahead and grab a bowl from downstairs.”

Twilight proceeds to use her magic to lift Spike out of the pot, then drive them off with a heating spell before placing him on the bed, while Luna summons a gust of wind to put the fire out beneath the pot.

“You see, Princess Luna, this is what I was talking about; he keeps trying to cook himself, ” Twilight said to Luna as she teleported the pot back downstairs to the kitchen.

“If that's the case, then shouldn't Starlight have been keeping an eye on him?”

“Starlight took off with Trixie a few days ago, hearing about some Elixir that can help Spike get to sleep, and they haven't returned yet.”

“Ah yes, the old "this character isn't here because the plot doesn't demand it" strategy, a classic tactic to use when you want a certain character out of the way for the sake of the story.”

Twilight looks at Princess Luna with a confused look on her face.

“Princess Luna, you're sounding like Pinkie Pie right now.”

“There are certain truths about the world you're not yet ready for Twilight, but in the meantime, let's focus on the problem at hoof.”

Luna walks over to Spike, who is sitting up on the bed. Spike's eyes were a bit red and had noticeable bags under his eyes, indicating that he had not gotten much sleep. Luna's horn began to glow, enveloping her entire body with a magical aura before it cut out. Then she looks at Spike.

“Okay, Spike, I'm going to perform a test on you to see what's the matter, Twilight; what I'm about to do may seem strange to you, but do not interfere, okay?”

Twilight was slightly concerned by Luna's words, but she shook her head in understanding...

Only to immediately have her face go from complete confidence to utter horror as Luna proceeded to open her mouth unbelievably wide and chomp down

Comments ( 4 )

All in all good story💚
Though I'm surprised this didn't have the Fetish tag on it?..

had to switch it to a t in order to get the fetish tags up I been awhile since I've posted on here thanks for

Editing for this story was done by my friend RwneFolftsune on Discord I hope you all enjoy the story.

He didn’t do a very good job. Only two paragraphs in and I already found a grammatical mistake. As well as a few others after that before the story even transitions to Twilight. And the very first paragraph has a mistake.

Twilight Sparkle is pacing back and forth waiting for a response from Princess Luna after she had sent the letter. When a huge flash of blue magic suddenly pops into the room sending the floor a little bit.

It was here that I had to stop reading in order to post this, because I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. Did it send twilight to the floor? Some books? What?

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