• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 658 Views, 19 Comments

E3: Equestrian Earth Expo - Andrew Joshua Talon

The first Equestrian Earth Exposition is underway, showing off all the long hidden magics and arts of Equestria! But Princess Twilight isn't the only pony interested in this once hidden knowledge...

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Expanding Your Horizons

E3: Equestrian Earth Expo

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction

By Andrew J. Talon

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit fanbased work of prose. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro, and the reinvention of the lovely Lauren Faust. No copyright infringement is intended, please support the official release.

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Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Cloudy and Maud convened in a nearby tent where the patriarch of the Pie Clan was busy preparing water and snacks around a small table. Twilight was fit to burst with excitement as she sat down around the little table. Pa Pie had held out her chair politely for her, and she'd been barely able to thank him before she took the seat.

"I feel like I can't thank you all enough for this. This was a perfect opening for the expo!" Twilight said happily. Pa Pie poured a drink for Cloudy, who gave her husband an appreciative expression before she drained the glass. Maud too refueled on water, and had a few of the rock cakes on her plate. Pa Pie then turned to the princess with a small smile.

"How could we turn down our beloved daughters, as well as their dearest friend?"

Pinkie Pie grinned, dipping a rock cake in the water and chewed on it happily.

"Hee! Told you!" she said. Maud nodded.

"Yes. I assure you, this is one of the happiest days of my life."

It was said in her usual monotone. Pinkie Pie hugged her happily anyway, making their chairs rock unsteadily. Maud looked down.

"Didn't mean to gush," she said. Twilight shook her head, still smiling broadly.

"Oh no, I'm not offended. I'm just so excited to learn more about Earth control! Do you have these techniques written down at all?" She leaned forward eagerly. Cloudy nodded slowly.

"Certain techniques are. Many reside in the Earth Pony College of Earth Thaumatology Archives," she said.

"However," Maud interjected, "they would not part with any manuscripts for this event."

Twilight goggled in disbelief.

"What? They told me those techniques were hard to find and might take months to dig out!" It had taken her months just to get them to actually talk to her! And she was a princess! Maud looked... Sympathetic, for her anyway.

"They lied," Maud stated simply. "The Earth ponies running the college are bigoted morons. They still think the other tribes will try to subjugate them: Or that they might subjugate the other tribes instead."

"Those big meanies!" Pinkie Pie cried, making a face. The rest of the Pies looked similarly put out. Twilight's ears drooped just a bit.

"Oh... I see." It seemed she still had a long way to go with this exposition... Still. This is what it was for, after all.

"This is part of why I do so much field study," Maud continued. "I couldn't deal with the elitist snobs at the college. Sometimes it frustrates me so much I want to scream."

She paused.

"Ahhh." She blinked. "Sorry."

"It's been an emotional day for all of us," Cloudy Quartz said gently, patting Maud's hoof with her own.

"Uh... Yes," Twilight said. She shook her head. "That said, problems like those are why this exposition is so important. And I'm so thankful for all your efforts."

Cloudy Quartz nodded, a ghost of a smile on her face. "Indeed. This is why we are willing to share our own manuscripts and writings with you, Your Highness."

"They may not be as properly organized as a university archive," Pa Pie added, "but they are yours."

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie cheered. Twilight's smile grew: She had had misgivings about Pinkie Pie offering to get her family involved, but they were a far off memory.

"Thank you so much! And you don't have to call me that. Just call me Twilight!" She beamed. Cloudy nodded respectfully.

"Very well," she said calmly, "we will begin the training after the exposition."

Pinkie Pie gasped joyfully, her hooves coming up to her cheeks.

"TRAINING?! ALREADY?! WOWIE!" The pink pony bounced up and down, as Twilight blinked in confusion.

"Uh... Training?" She asked. Cloudy Quartz nodded gravely.

"If you are to learn our ways, you must be trained properly," she said. "You are already a member of the Pie Clan via Pinkie's adoption of you as a sister, so you can learn the family techniques without marrying in."

"I am fine with one wife as it is," Pa Pie said, almost wryly. Twilight gaped.

"Wait what?! Training? I just want to do research!"

Cloudy's stare was as cold and hard as a block of granite. "But you must be trained."

Twilight shook her head.

"I... I appreciate it, but as a Princess I already have so much to do-" Her protest was interrupted by the harsh, stony glare of the Pie family Matriarch. It was like trying to stare down a mountain.

"As a Princess of Equestria, you are committed to its defense are you not?" She asked pointedly. Twilight nodded slowly.

"Well, yes-" She tried, but Cloudy interrupted.

"You wish to understand all the magics of the three tribes? To better defend us?"

Twilight again nodded.

"Yes, I am but-"

"And," Cloudy stated emphatically, "you wish to learn more?"

"Absolutely!" Twilight tried, "but-"

"Then you will become my pupil," Cloudy stated, her tone brooking no further argument. "Maud's training is almost complete, and she will take over the school in a few decades. Limestone and Marble are beyond the basics. Pinkamenia never had great aptitude in Earth Control, but she can help you learn other arts. I have missed having a young pupil to break in. One without any bad habits to correct." She stared intently. "One who can carry our teachings into the future with her potential, and make them even greater."

Twilight held back a resigned sigh. She nodded gracefully. The Pie Matriarch was, of course, absolutely right.

"Well then... Yes, I will. Thank you Cloudy."

"Please," Cloudy stated, her gaze still hard but at the same time a bit more kindly, "call me Sensei."

Clearly, neither her own mother or Princess Celestia had the most intimidating mom look, Twilight reflected. Pinkie Pie shook her out of her reverie with a cheerful hug.

"WOOHOO!" Pinkie cheered. "Welcome to the family, Sister Twilight!"

"What an honor," Maud deadpanned.

What have I gotten myself into...? Twilight thought, not for the first time when it came to Pinkie Pie.

- - -

After sorting out the logistics of the lessons, training and research, Twilight emerged from the tent with a happily bouncing Pinkie Pie. The pink mare was flipping the map of the exposition in her hooves, excitedly babbling about what to see first.

"Ooh! The local alchemist is here! Fullmetal and his wife, Whinny! I love them so much! Fullmetal's brother, Armor Heart, is getting married to this nice Neighponese girl and he's gonna become the Royal Alchemist! Ooh! OOH! Or we could go see the Clockwork Pony exhibit! That's right by the Unicorn Puppetry exhibit! Or we could see-!"

"Pinkie, Pinkie, calm down!" Twilight chuckled. "We have the entire week to see everything!" She produced a clipboard, smiling broadly. "All properly organized and planned so we can hit every interesting vendor and exhibition at the right time!"

Pinkie Pie took the clipboard between her hooves and looked at it upside down. She stuck out her tongue, and produced a crayon from her mane. She began scribbling several corrections all over it, and hoofed it right back.

"Fixed it!" Pinkie Pie said cheerfully. Twilight took her map and frowned, trying to make sense of the squiggles and little drawings Pinkie Pie had put on it.

"Uh, Pinkie Pie, I don't understand all these little markings and things-"

"Oh, that's for later!" Pinkie Pie said cheerfully. "Also right now!" She bumped Twilight hard, just enough to make the Princess of Friendship stumble into another pony. This pony caught her, and she looked up to apologize and thank the stranger.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-!" She tried. The stranger smiled back.

"No, it's all right," he replied in a pleasing baritone. Twilight blushed at bit at their proximity, for the stranger was a tall, handsome stallion. His mane was a wild and black, like he was fresh out of the wind. His coat was a white that almost gleamed, and his eyes were a beautiful golden color. He used one of the wings sticking out of his sensible jacket over a sweater and tie to right her, and he bowed very low as the sunlight gleamed off his glasses. His cutie mark was obscured by his jacket, which a more primal part of Twilight found disappointing. That part, she quickly crushed.

"My apologies, your highness," he said. Twilight shook her head with a smile as she got her blush under control.

"It's quite all right, and you can just call me Twilight, Mister...?" She prompted. The pegasus stallion smiled good naturedly.

"Doctor, actually," he said. "Doctor Red Tome, of the University of Canterlot's Ancient History and Folklore department. I'm here as part of an assignment for our quarterly journal." He looked about the busy exposition, and chuckled in a self deprecating way. "Though I'm afraid I'm a bit lost already. I don't know where to start!"

"Oh! The University? You teach?" Twilight asked, immediately interested. "What is your major field of study?"

"I do indeed," Red Tome replied, "and my particular field is Pre-Equestrian Pony History. It's a fascinating subject that sadly doesn't get enough attention. Though I will admit," he shrugged, "I first got into into it because of my hero, Starswirl the Bearded."

Twilight beamed, and nodded. "I got into ancient history thanks to him, too, as well as magic," she admitted. "He was my foalhood hero! But you're right: Pre-Equestrian Pony history doesn't get the attention it deserves. I'm guessing that's the reason you're here?"

"Among other reasons, yes," Red Tome admitted. "I do love to learn, after all. It's why I'm here." He flashed her a charming smile. "Given your own talent at making history, it seems as though fortune has smiled upon me. Would you mind if I accompanied you? Having a fantastic scholar such as yourself to work with would make this expo far more enjoyable."

Twilight had dealt with a number of ponies who just wanted to use her to improve their own station. More than a few had used a few corny lines to try and get her interested. This pony though... He seemed so sincere. Almost as sincere as Flash, actually.

Who she was totally over and wasn't pining for, nosirree, not her at all! She nodded with a charming smile of her own, as Pinkie Pie shot her a wink over Red Tome's shoulder.

"We'd be delighted to," she said. Red Tome bowed his head, took her hoof, and kissed it. Twilight's blush returned with a vengeance as he smiled back up at her.

"Then it will be a day to remember for both of us," he replied.

- - -

As for Spike, the dragon was out and about without a care in the world. He was bent on enjoying the convention, a pouch full of bits from his allowance clinking against his side as he walked cheerfully through the little streets formed by the stands and stalls. He almost felt a song coming on as he looked out onto the huge exposition, so filled with possibilities! He was at the top of the world and nothing could knock him off his good mood!

"Hey Spike! Hey Spike!"

Well, that was a quick trip to rock bottom, Spike thought with a mental sigh. He looked up as a certain chubby, grayish-opal unicorn colt galloped up to him. He knew the fur shade was grayish-opal because it was something the unicorn would not shut up about.

"Hey Snips," Spike managed politely. "Enjoying the convention?"

"Oh, yeah! It's great!" Snips cheered, a little too loudly. He grinned, his buck teeth gleaming in the sun. "Hey! You wanna see my dad's demonstration?!"

Spike blinked, raising a scaly brow.

"Your dad's got a demonstration? Of what?" He asked. Snips' grin widened, like he had a secret he just couldn't wait to share! Usually with Snips, that would be something rather disappointing. So Spike was already thinking of some excuses.

"Just wait and see! Come on!" He turned to gallop off, and then gestured with his head again. "Come on!"

Spike sighed, and began trudging after Snips. He supposed he could see the stupid demonstration, whatever it was, and then make his excuses to leave. Maybe even catch Rarity later and... Do what?

He'd been hemming and hawing over it for years, but maybe he could finally find the courage to confess his feelings to her? For real? It wasn't just a crush, he knew this. But what would convince her that it wasn't just a childish crush? That he'd grown up?

Spike didn't know. He sure as Tartarus didn't think he'd find out at Snip's demonstration. Strangely, it wasn't in the merchants, craftsponies, or technical area-It was in the martial arts section.

Soon, they made it to one of the sandy arenas: This one was full of logs of freshly cut wood, and a few boulders. Snips leaned against the short wall, grinning widely with his buckteeth. Across the arena was a large, grayish-opal, fat unicorn who resembled Snips strongly save for his cutie mark and sports jacket. There was a taller, slimmer unicorn too. He had the same coloration, with a healthy stubble and the same mane color, andlooked about as easy to knock over as a pile of sticks. They were arguing over something in front of a small dressing tent. Spike felt his low spirits drift even further down. He looked over at Snips.

"So... Is that your dad?" He pointed at the two unicorns. He vaguely recalled seeing them at the soapbox derby. Snips shook his head furiously, his mane wafting in the breeze.

"Nah! Those are my uncles!" Snips insisted. He saw the tent flaps part, and Snips grinned. He pointed across the sandy arena with his hoof. "That's my dad!"

Spike stared. A tall unicorn emerged from the dressing tent. He had the same fur coloration as Snips, but his hair was black and tied in a topknot. He was built like a tree, strong and sure. He wore a white kimono, with the symbol of a circle cut into four equal shapes on the back-It formed a cross. He pulled on a wide straw hat, too fast for Spike to see his eyes, and he stared down at the two shorter unicorns. They stopped arguing, and stared back up. In embarrassment, they tried to explain something, but the tall unicorn was unmoved. Finally, both brothers shook eachother's hooves, though they didn't seem happy about it.

The tall unicorn, satisfied, nodded.

"Oh, and there's my mom!" Snips said, pointing to a nearby beautiful mare. Spike's jaw dropped.

The tall unicorn trotted over to a beautiful looking mare: She was Neighponese, with pale white fur, a short black mane, and a chrysanthemum cutie mark. She smiled up at the taller unicorn, and gave him an affectionate nuzzle-One he returned. Spike found himself looking back at the short, squat unicorn and then back to his parents.

"... That's your dad?! And your mom?!" Spike asked in complete disbelief. Snips nodded, his smile full of nothing but pride.

"Yup!" He said.

The tall unicorn at last slowly trotted into the arena. A few other ponies were watching, interested. Snips sucked in a deep breath and threw in a cheer, which started more applause to follow the unicorn to the center of the arena.

"GO FOR IT, DAD!" Snips bellowed. "YOU'RE THE BEST!"

It was then that the unicorn pulled his hat off, and looked right at them. He revealed his horn was quite long, but Spike wasn't paying attention to that. He could only focus on the stallion's eyes: They were hard, focused, and strong-Like solid stone.

Spike was gaping, but Snips just kept up his cheers. And the tall unicorn responded with a warm, fatherly smile at his son. It was then that the unicorn spoke, projecting his deep, baritone voice. Spike again was struck by the difference: Snip's own voice was scratchy and unpleasant, but his father's was like smooth chocolate over a plain of white ice cream.

Damn, now he was hungry.

"Long ago," the unicorn spoke, "unicorn Bladecasters kept the peace. They trained endlessly to stop evildoers and to bring justice. To protect the innocent. Now, those arts are used to create, rather than protect. But they stay the same." He turned his gaze to a large log in front of him, and his eyes narrowed.

"He's... Intense," Spike commented. Snips was bouncing up and down eagerly, hooves on his chubby cheeks.

"Oooh, wait for it, wait for it...!" The unicorn colt whispered. The rest of the crowd murmured in confusion and anticipation, as the tall unicorn's horn glowed.

The air was still. Not a bit of breeze. The tall unicorn's horn burned with magic power... And then he moved. He blurred, and came to a stop on the other side of the log. Spike's jaw again dropped-He could barely see the unicorn move!

Abruptly, his attention was brought back to the log. It shook, shivered... And then... Came apart into hundreds of perfectly cut, smooth cubes. Forming four neat little smaller cubes.

The silence was broken by gasps, and then? Applause, as dozens of ponies clopped the ground, whistling and cheering.

Snips and the beautiful mare got over the wall and trotted out happily to hug the tall unicorn, who returned their embraces with easy affection. Spike was still gaping, even as he slowly walked over at Snips waving him over. He finally came to a stop in front of the tall unicorn, who again fixed him with that hard stare.

"Dad," Snips said happily, "this is my friend Spike! Spike, this is my dad Glasscutter-But he goes by 'Ronin' when he's performing like this. And this is my mom, Kiku!"

"How do you do?" Glasscutter said with a slight bow. Kiku smiled back and bowed as well.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," she said. Spike's synapses began firing again, and he recalled a memory of seeing a little shop in Ponyville. One specializing in...!

"Wait! Glasscutter the actual glasscutter?" Spike asked in disbelief. Glasscutter chuckled, and nodded.

"Yes. Though I cut more than glass. Metal, wood, stone-But I like to go by Ronin out of respect to the wandering samurai of the past. I learned their arts as I learned my trade, after all." He looked to the sky, the wind now gently pushing his kimono to flare like a cape. Spike couldn't help but admit, he looked really cool like that.

"You look so cool like this," Kiku chuckled, echoing Spike's thoughts. Her expression became stern. "But remember: We need to sort out the receipts for tax time!"

Glasscutter... Winced, and looked annoyed. His serene facade was broken for the first time.

"Ease off woman," Glasscutter huffed, in what sounded like a Jamarecan accent, "I've got it covered! Don't bite like a green snake!" Glasscutter then coughed, and resumed his previous cool, stoic tone. "I mean, I will see to it soon my darling."

"That's all I ask, dear," Kiku cooed, nuzzling him. She looked over at Spike with a smile. "We met when he was in Neighpon as an exchange student," she said happily, "and he was so taken with the samurai lifestyle he trained under my father! And became one in his own right!" She chuckled. "Oh, but I do love his accent."

"I prefer speaking like this," Glasscutter sighed.

"I can't wait to grow up to be just like you, dad," Snips said in awe. Spike glanced again at Snips, and back at his parents. Glasscutter caught his look, and shook his head.

"Lots of exercise and braces will let you do just that," he said, an explanation to Spike as well as encouragement to his son.

"YEAH!" Snips cheered. Spike very slowly nodded.

"And I thought I'd seen all the weirdness ponies could offer me," he murmured.

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