• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 936 Views, 8 Comments

The Hidden Mind - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Grogar converses with his Bewitching Bell which has a mind of its own.

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The Hidden Mind

Author's Note:

Hey guys! I’ve been thinking about the Bewitching Bell and thought what if it had a mind of its own. What if the Bell has the same knowledge and experience that Grogar has? I’m quite sure that some of you haven’t thought of that before. This might seem ridiculous but just my head cannon I thought of. So I decided to make this short story on it. Enjoy reading and let me know what you think!

Grogar entered the main room of his cavern lair. As he walked in, he noticed that the room was empty; the Treacherous Trio were occupied amongst themselves within their chambers. They recently returned from their mission of retrieving his Bewitching Bell, the most powerful ancient artifact that can even destroy Equestria. He remembered how they told him that they failed their objective of getting the Bell back.

The evil ram snorted at the thought of their obvious pretentiousness. “Those three think that they have taken me for a fool. I know deception when I see it coming.” he said. He trotted to the same spot where they hid his artifact. There, he snatched his Bell and gazed upon it after so many years of being separated from it. With his most powerful weapon in his hooves, Equestria will finally crumble to submission at his mighty power.

“Hiding my Bell in this spot was the stupidest thing they have ever done. As if I was really that blind to not notice my own artifact glowing close by,” Grogar disdainfully said. “Soon, they will realize their fatal mistake once I deal with them.”

The Bell was glowing brightly right under Grogar’s eyes. Knowing fully well what it signified and what it was trying to do, he evilly smiled. He went back to his chambers and set his Bell on his table. He also locked his doors to make sure there wouldn’t be any disturbances during what was going to happen. He set his eyes on the talisman once more as he got closer.

“You have been asleep for far too long, old friend. It is high time for your rude awakening,” Grogar solemnly spoke. “As your rightful master and compassionate friend, I command you to awake from your long slumber!!” he finished before igniting his horns and sending a large blast of magic directly at the Bell. Once the magic made contact with the Bell, it furiously glowed yellow, slowly rose in midair, and made a ringing noise followed by an echo.

Grogar stood still beholding his artifact with a large satisfactory grin. The Bell then drew slightly closer to the tyrant until it stopped advancing further. Suddenly, a deep aged voice was heard from it. “Ughhh... ohhh... wha-what is the meaning of this? Who dares disrupt my slumber?”

“It is I... GROGAR.” the ram menacingly replied. “Do not fear, old friend, you are home. Your time of sleep is past, and your time of revival is come.”

“Grogar? My master? It truly is you? So my senses were true. I sensed your presence during my slumber but I couldn’t believe it. How long have I been asleep?” the Bell asked.

“Over a millennia now,” Grogar answered.

“My, my... after all these years, I am now fully awakened. The spell which Gusty cast upon me was truly powerful indeed. Ever since then, I couldn’t feel anything. I couldn’t even remember anything. The last thought I had was that self-absorbed nemesis of ours snatching me away from you. Afterwards, I was deactivated and dispelled by her power.” the Bell recalled.

Grogar sighed deeply as he listened attentively to it. “Indeed. But now I have brought you back. Gusty and her pathetic warriors are no longer around to stop us once again! Together, we will take back Equestria and bring the fear-soaked epoch of darkness which once existed under my previous rule.” Grogar exulted.

“Indeed, my master,” the Bell agreed. “However, there is just one thing I’ve been meaning to ask you before Gusty rose up against us. Where did I come from? Why would you need me to fulfill your greatest desire for conquest and tyranny?”

Grogar sighed deeply as he thought of how he can explain its origin properly. After a few moments of silence, Grogar looked back at the floating artifact. “I will explain your origin if only you will carefully listen to what I will say.”

“Please do share as I have been wondering about it for so long.” the Bell answered.

“It all started when I was just a young ram learning about necromancy. My mother taught me every ancient spell which I needed to master in order to be a magnificent foe that everypony feared. It was actually her that built you and enabled you to drain any pony of its magic so that it would transfer the magic to me. From that time forward, you were widely known as the Bewitching Bell. All the ponies and creatures that beheld you and witnessed your ability feared your existence.” Grogar explained.

“Amazing,” remarked the Bell. “So I have your mother to thank for my existence and might. When did I start becoming self-aware though?”

“You see, I needed someone to stand by my side; I needed an ally who would be with me at every step of the way. Before I had you in my thoughts, I first thought about Discord. I created him as the most chaotic being in Equestria to both spread chaos and disharmony. However, his chaotic nature strayed him away from my authority,” Grogar said, glaring at the ground. “Then I thought about Bray the donkey. I foolishly thought that he would be very useful to me since he was willing to do my bidding. But his incompetence forced me to drive him out.”

“What a pity,” the Bell said. “Even your closet minions can prove to be a severe disappointment.”

“Indeed. Lastly, I thought about you. Even thought you were just an object at that time, I felt that a powerful artifact that has a mind of its own would prove to be ten times more useful and resourceful to accomplish our missions and destroy our enemies,” Grogar continued. “Wherefore, I created a spell where I took a shred of my personality and flesh and transferred them inside you. That was when you were born in this world of ours.”

“Ahhhhh, so that means... everything I can see, you see; everything I hear, you hear; everything I feel, you feel. That explains how you and I have been one and are still one,” the Bell said, realization hitting it hard. “Together, we have been building our glorious empire founded on fear, destruction, and darkness. Whenever we combined our might and power against our adversaries, they constantly crawled back in terror and defeat.”

“Precisely, my good Bell,” concurred Grogar. “So as long as we are together, we will always remain as a formidable force! There will be nothing in Equestria that will stop us both!” Grogar boasted.

“Be careful not to get ahead of yourself, master,” the Bell admonished. “Anypony can snatch me away from you and thus slightly weaken that connection we have together. However, there is one thing that prevents any creature from completely destroying that connection.”

“Oh? And what would that be, pray tell?” Grogar asked.

“As you know, I am indestructible. No pony or creature can wipe out my existence because of my choice. My sturdy will to serve you and follow your command gave me the insurmountable power to be invincible! But since you have revealed my origins more clearly, I have now greater reason and power to remain what I am. It does not matter if I get taken away or stolen since my will is unbreakable and firm. Choosing to remain a part of you and strongly following your every word will be a tremendous source of strength for my infinite existence!” the Bell passionately expounded.

Grogar was amazed at this revelation. He had no clue of how much love and respect his own Bell had for him. At that moment, he was at a loss for words. The Bell noticed his reaction. “I see I have made quite an impression on you, have I?” it said, chuckling.

“Why yes... indeed.” Grogar muttered, still in surprise. “I can honestly say that you are a better ally than those back-stabbing fiends are whom I currently have under my command.”

“A better ally requires a better master,” said the Bell. “You though are more than just better. You are powerfully terrific. So now that we are together again, we will take back what was rightfully ours before we were overthrown.”

“Exactly! Now, may I properly introduce you to my minions? I feel like I need to reveal you to them in the most appropriate way possible. What do you think?” Grogar asked as they both approached the door.

“I am thirsty for magic; maybe that would be a good start!” the Bell answered. They both evilly chuckled together as they left the chambers.


Comments ( 8 )

Does this tie-in with the Transformers crossover trilogy?

Okay. Will there be a sequel to this?

No. I’m planning on making another crossover series sometime this weekend or so. So stay tuned for that.

Interesting shot. Kinda reminds me of the Evil queen from Snow White and the Magic mirror.

The bell's inability to be destroyed due to its determination to serve Grogar must mean its really DETERMINED due to with how it tanked a triple rainbow laser of doomfriendship and still worked perfectly fine afterwards(with it still managed to keep the magic it stolen in there).

Twilight: We have FRIENDSHIP!
Bewitching Bell: However, I am filled with DETERMINATION!
Twilight: uh...*twilighting mode*

I can't resist referencing that Undertale meme there.

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