• Published 27th Jan 2020
  • 3,355 Views, 17 Comments

Just Be Confident - Dark Tail

Smolder teaches Ocellus about how to be confident while taking a walk through the Dragon Lands... With nothing on.

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Comments ( 17 )

Smolder watched her lover rock back and forth for a moment. She let out a deep breath as she glanced back at her own clothing. She picked up the loin cloth and top. Ocellus turned, watching in silent fascination and horror as she casually threw them into the lava. "There, now we both can walk back naked."

A dragon, willingly destroying her own property? Love does make you lose your mind!

Smolder suddenly glanced down, realizing that bit of liquid was dripping down her leg. "Huh? Where did this come from?"

Actually, does she know this was her girlfriend's brother? It's never mentioned, but she also never asks who's this guy Smolder "loves" and uses pet names on who also was evaluating her?

Smolder chuckled. "Don't worry, I completely understand. She was my first after all."

Heck of a thing to just drop on your SO unasked.

grinding their bodies together as their tongues battle for dominance.

Oh no, why must they fight! Can tonguekind not know peace?

Smolder's face went between, I just won the lottery to are you sure about this? and quickly back to I love you so freaking much right now! She soon let out the happiest gasp she had ever let out. Like the gasp only heard about in legends of a certain pink fluff ball and her love bug.

I'm sure we all can share some of Smolder's feelings on the matter.

LOL @ the Fluffle-gasp. I hope you intended to convey that the rest of the typical Fluffle-gasp was in play, Smolder's star-filled eyes briefly staring into space as she flung herself bodily forward, because that's what I'm picturing.

"Hey Smolder, just here to see about a Ursa Minor siting. You wouldn't happen to know about that would you?"

hungerly making out with her.

the other Dragons quickly loosing interest.

Some had already left while some were just beginning to loose interest.

Lose interest. Loose means "let loose", Ocellus loosed a roar as Ursa Minor.

I have a bunch more talking about grammar like I'm your English teacher but won't be dropping that on you unasked.

Love these kinds of reactions. Lets me know I am doing something right. I will go back and fix those errors later to. Thanks. :twilightsmile:

"consensual hand/claw holding"
You are a vile degenerate

When you become the black sheep of your family, there is no turning back.

What if Ocellus demand Smolder to have sex with her in the Headmare's room with the intercom on at full volume?

I would read the sequel

anyone else a bit annoyed we dont have a threesome with ember here hehe or her watching them and complimenting the show

Exhibitionism, Skinny Dipping, Public Sex, Cunilings, Scissoring, and consensual hand/claw holding.

you mised out making garble hide in his cave from his sisters scary girlfriend lol

Tell you what. I'll get in touch with Ember, she and I go back a ways. If anyone can teach you how to be confident in ones self, its her." Yeah she did that for that changeling king OG yours that she’s been Fucking, she’ll help you toughen up no problem.

This was really nice, I kept putting off reading this for some reason but I’m grad I finally got round to it.

Also, you misspeld "changeling" as "changedling".

That's the fan interpretation of what the Changelings became. There are still those who have Changeling OCs and Changedling OCs. This helps to show which is which.

Smolder's face went between, I just won the lottery to are you sure about this? and quickly back to I love you so freaking much right now! She soon let out the happiest gasp she had ever let out. Like the gasp only heard about in legends of a certain pink fluff ball and her love bug.

Fluffle Puff and Chrysalis? :0
Curious on hows Chrysalis in the timeline of the story?

If I had my way she would still be out there somewhere, maybe having finally found some happiness in Exile. Maybe traveling with an excitable puff ball who always manages to keep her hopes up.

Maybe eventually she ends up redeeming herself too.

Man, I hated how what the writers had done to Chrysalis in the finale.
And all because of a certain chaos spirit's iffy plan..

Could you make a sequel with Smolder Ocellus and Ember having a threesome?

Eventually I want to. I am currently working on How to Be Your Dragon's Mate. As well as a few on the back burner. But yes, I do want to return to this at some point.

That was a lot of fun.
Nice Fluffelpuff and Chryssi referance.

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