• Published 15th Mar 2020
  • 1,654 Views, 261 Comments

The Titans' Orb: Breaking Dawn - Mister Horncastle

In the third instalment to the Titan's Orb saga, the stakes grow higher as Callum's newfound destiny is woven into his already treacherous mission, to protect his pony friends while they locate the remaining shards of The Titan's Orb...

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Chapter Four: Setting Sail

Time flies when one travels in a single direction for a seemingly endless duration, we had chased the sunset for almost a month; the vast number of bumps, rocks, twists and turns of the terrain had definitely affected the duration of the journey. If we hadn’t stockpiled on water from Hawnu Rey’eng’s old temple, we’d have died of thirst days ago. Although Rarity and Applejack still had plenty of food in their enchanted bags, supplies were being rationed to ensure we wouldn’t indulge ourselves and end up running out through sheer greed.

While we’d come across a number of towns and main roads, we adamantly stuck to travelling off-road as much as possible for the safety of solitude, the last thing we needed was to attain police or military attention; this had added a number of days to the journey, but it was definitely worth it for everyone’s safety and peace of mind.
We were now in Morocco and thankfully hadn’t encountered much trouble, we’d only encountered one bunch of angry Libyans along the way, whom had opened fire at us when we drove past, we had unfortunately acquired a couple of bullet holes on the right side of the chassis but had otherwise passed through unscathed.

Along the drive, the girls and I had devised a nifty plan on how to sneak everyone onboard a boat, or how to slip past people in general for that matter. Fluttershy generously emptied the contents of her bag into Rainbow Dash’s; with the bag being bigger on the inside, there was just enough room for everyone to slip inside along with their own bags and remain undetected, while I could then carry the single bag over my shoulder and smuggle everyone around when the situation demanded it. It was fool proof, as the bag also had an inner flap which could be pulled across to conceal the extra large compartment, essentially making it look like an ordinary satchel.

“Just don’t let anyone shoot, stab, or generally rip the bag while we’re inside it please.” Twilight requested.

“I’m afraid to ask why.” I replied cautiously.

“Well, as you know, our bags are unnaturally bigger on the inside because they’re pocket dimensions, many thanks to Discord’s unique magic. Having a single stable passageway into that dimension is fine, but just imagine a sudden rip in the very fabric of that dimension, forcing its entire volume outward into regular existence. In other words, it explodes with the force strong enough to level a castle.”

“Jeez, that’s mental.” I murmured.

“Indeed, so basica-”

“Hold up a second, you’re telling me you’ve all been carrying mini nukes this entire time!?” I interrupted.

“I’m not sure what a mini nuke is.”

“A very powerful bomb that can easily destroy a handful of buildings when it goes off.”

“Oh, well in that case, yes!”

Shaking my head with disbelief, I couldn’t believe that I’d been adventuring amongst seven magical explosives this entire time; all it would have taken was a bullet hitting any one of the girls’ bags, and we’d have all been killed. I recalled back in Brazil when we were being pursued through the sewers, bullets were whizzing past us until I got hit in the leg, any one of them could have hit a bag.

“I’m rather apprehensive to ask this, but what were to happen should a bag explode while you’re all hiding inside it?” I nervously inquired.

“Please don’t answer that Twilight, I don’t want to know.” Rarity butted in.

“I’m with Rarity, I’d rather not think about it.” Fluttershy agreed.

“Aw, come on, I’m curious!” Rainbow Dash protested.

Leaning forward into the front of the car, Twilight put her muzzle to my ear.

“We’d be forced outward with the rest of the pocket dimension, stretching us out in all directions into a very large mess. To put it bluntly, we would all explode as well, very violently.” She whispered.

Jesus fuck!” I yelped.

“Language, Callum!” Rarity scolded.

“What is it!? What happens? Come on, tell me!” Rainbow Dash demanded.

“Yeah, I’m not repeating that.” I spoke firmly with widened eyes.

“Twilight, say!”

“Ugh, fine.”

Sitting back down in her seat, Twilight leaned over to Dashie and also privately explained to her.

What the fu-

RAINBOW DASH, LANGUAGE!” Rarity shrieked before she could finish.

Every single one of us flinched as the piercing shrill of her voice ricocheted through our eardrums, everypony had their ears flattened for a brief moment,

“Sorry Rare…” She grumbled in response.

The sheer power of Rarity’s ear-splitting voice was simply incredible, I was entirely convinced that it could be weaponised under the right circumstances. To be fair, it was good that she’d interrupted, Pinkie was clearly stressed enough from being cooped up for so long, and bad language only made it worse.

“How long until we’re there?” Twilight asked, changing the subject.

“I can’t imagine it’ll be too much further now.” I sighed.

There was only so much enchanted clothing and water could do to combat the heat, I was exasperated from being sat behind the wheel for so long. The girls weren’t in such a good state either, they’d been packed like sardines in the back of the Landie, just melting away; they had taken hourly turns in the passenger seat to get some space, (Applejack was currently in the front). All seven of us reeked of sweat, which while Rarity couldn’t stand it, the rest of us had somewhat grown used to it.

“Oh crap…” I muttered as the car’s engine began to splutter.

Twilight popped her head back into the front, worried.

“What is it?”

“We’ve run out of fuel, the car’s going to die any second.”

“You mean we have to walk? Ugh…” She replied.

“You mean I finally get to stretch my legs? Woohoo!” Pinkie squealed.

To be fair on Pinkie, this would be our only opportunity to walk about before getting on a boat, to prevent going stir crazy, a walk might actually do us some good. The only two issues were the sun’s rays, and the risk of being seen by others, but it didn’t seem as though we had a choice.

The Land Rover kept fighting for another five or so minutes, before eventually coming to a slow halt and giving up on life entirely. Huffing with annoyance, I turned back to the girls and ordered them to prepare for a long walk. I opened the door and hopped out onto the sandy gravel, stretching dramatically, my arse had pretty much gone numb from sitting for so long. The girls hopped out of the back and all did the same, I couldn’t help but keenly stare at Rainbow Dash’s cat-like stretch, her wings splaying out to their full length (they were easily two metres in wingspan).

“Oy oy.” Applejack teased, elbowing me.

I quickly looked away and cleared my throat, to which AJ playfully tutted and rolled her eyes, chuckling and then putting her bag on. After we all donned our gear and took a few swigs of water, we embarked on foot once more, my compass leading us west to north-west.

We’d been trudging for about twenty minutes, and everyone was surprisingly chipper, being able to walk around was a pleasant change for the lot of us, regardless of the long journey ahead. With the pleasant mood around us, I began to hum a familiar melody to myself.

“What song is that?” Fluttershy asked me.

“Oh, it’s just the tune of my national anthem.”

“Wait a minute, humans have national anthems too? Wow, that’s really interesting, I presumed that it was just an Equestrian thing.” Said an astounded Twilight.

“Yeah, every nation has one. Despite faking my death and running from home, I consider myself a British patriot, so I’ve always been fond of it.” I admitted.

“Can you sing it?”

“Pfft, I don’t know.”

“SING IT!” Pinkie yelled.

“Jeez okay! Put me on the spot why don’t you?” I laughed.

Clearing my throat loudly, I made my best effort to do Britain proud.

“God save our gracious Queen, long live our noble Queen, god save the Queen!
Send her victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us, god save the Queen!
O’ lord our god arise, scatter her enemies, and make them fall…
Confound their politics, frustrate their knavish tricks, on thee our hopes we fix, god save us all!
Thy choicest gifts in store, on her be pleased to pour, long may she reign…
May she defend our laws, and ever give us cause, to sing with heart and voice, god save the Queen!”

As per usual with my singing, I had most likely grown a little carried away, for everyone was staring at me with intensity; Rarity (being her dramatic self), had tears in her eyes, most likely moved by the emotion and valour behind the anthem.

“Well, that sure was something.” Said Applejack, finally breaking the silence.

“Such majesty…” Rarity commended, wiping her eyes.

Twilight, (the autistic individual that she very evidently was), ignored the sentimental rhetoric of the anthem and simply focused on the lyrics, taking them far too literally; I was then instantly bombarded with a barrage of questions, which I knew had to be answered with equal enthusiasm, or I’d never hear the end of it.

“Isn’t it quite hypocritical to enjoy singing that anthem, when you know Earth doesn’t have a god?”

“Somewhat, yes,” I chuckled, “but our national anthem is very symbolic, we’ve always been a Christian nation and it’s a form of respect to our roots and heritage. For those that believe in the Christian and Catholic god, the anthem also implies that our nation is backed by god himself, essentially deeming us a strong and unbreakable country.”

“Bit arrogant.”

With a short chuckle, I admittedly agreed with Twilight, but then reinforced the fact that the anthem was mainly symbolic and wasn’t meant to be taken seriously word for word.

“Okay, so why does the Queen even need saving? Is she constantly in danger? For such a strong and hearty country, it doesn’t send a good message to your foreign neighbours if your royal family is in constant need of rescuing, especially via a divine power, it makes your royal security look incompetent.”

I couldn’t help but burst into laughter at that, and then explained to the best of my historical knowledge how the anthem was written in France for the recovery of one of their kings whom was suffering from a life-threatening illness; the British then adopted it for King George the Third after he recovered from a bout of madness. In the eighteen-hundreds, more verses were added, and it quickly became recognised as the national anthem for the United Kingdom, also known as the Royal Anthem in other commonwealth countries.

Despite giving Twilight such a lengthy explanation, it took no more than a few seconds for more questions to come tumbling my way; trust Twilight to turn a short song into a bloody history lesson.

“So, you have a ruling Queen, and a democratic government? How does that work exactly?”

“Well, while our parliament passes all the laws and maintains the country and such, a lot of legislations can’t officially be passed without the Queen’s approval, which is called Royal Assent.
She’s also the only person with the power to appoint knights, dames and lords, and has the right to consult the prime minister whenever she sees fit. So while she doesn’t run the country, she has a lot of power over the people that do run it.”

“I see…” Twilight murmured, before allowing me to continue.

“The royal family also have an incredibly symbolic role and duty to the country, The Queen formally opens parliament every year, and the royals visit many different countries to represent our national identity, unity, and pride. Oh, and don’t get me started on tourism, the royal family practically keep the entire country’s economy afloat with the amount income they generate from international tourists and whatnot.”

“Huh, that’s really interesting…” Twilight hummed, processing the information.

{Please stop asking me questions now.} I thought playfully, rolling my eyes.

“What happens when your Queen dies? Does the anthem change?”

{Goddammit. Well, at least this one’s easy to answer.}

“Yup, if the next ruling monarch is a man, the song changes to God Save the King, and vice versa.”

It appeared I wasn’t the only one getting a tad tired of the exposition, as Rainbow Dash emitted a groan.

“None of us asked for a history lesson, will the both of you shut up about it now?”

"Rude.” I uttered.

“Look, I’m tired, thirsty, boiling to death out here, and have sand stuck in places I really don't want sand to be stuck in! The last thing I need right now is a load of boring facts about human royalty bouncing around inside my head!”

Before Twilight could argue the toss, Fluttershy suddenly gasped loudly and flapped her wings with excitement, flinging sand all over Applejack and Pinkie.

“Everyone, look! Over there!” Fluttershy mumbled, pointing into the distance ahead.

I could smell it before I saw it, the faint (yet indisputable) scent of the salty ocean water.

“Whoa…” Rainbow breathed.

Just as we arose over the rocky uphill, we were blessed with a vast cerulean sight which we had not seen in what felt like forever, the ocean. Such a view was truly spectacular after so many weeks surrounded with nothing but the dusty yellows and beige browns of the desert; it was like looking upon a moving painting, the sun’s rays glistened and danced upon the blue horizon, while swirls of white wave caressed the pale sand below the image.

“Well it’s about time we had a change of scenery!” Rarity sang.

“Indeed, now let’s find ourselves a boat.” Twilight enjoined.

Rainbow Dash took to the air and glided down the hill towards the water, before swooping down and out of sight, indicating there was a cliff ahead; the rest of us ran down after her and stopped at the cliff’s edge, before finding a viable route to climb down. While Dashie waited, she shot upwards and tried to scout around to ensure there were no people nearby.

Eventually we all made it safely to the beach and put down our bags while we caught our breath, I decided to take off my socks and shoes to feel the sand below, as it appeared to be very soft, and very soft it was.

Last one to the water’s a rotten apple!” Applejack hollered unexpectedly.

After so long in the scorching desert, every single one of us were sprinting at full speed towards the water, Rainbow Dash caught sight of us from above and dived down like an arrow towards the sea as well; I pulled off my shirt and cast it aside while I ran, not wanting to get all my clothing wet. My feet made contact with the water at last and gosh was it cold, but I kept running anyway, as did the others; we kept going until a wave began to rise up above us, to which we all dived headfirst into it.

“Woohoo!” I shouted after resurfacing.

“Dear sweet Celestia, it’s so cold!” Rarity shrieked.

Blasphemy!” Twilight yelled wildly, diving onto Rarity and pushing her under the water.

I burst into laughter, and Rarity came up shrieking dramatically, she paddled away from Twilight while frantically apologising. That was when an icy cold Fluttershy leapt into my arms to avoid another large wave, I tossed her up into the air just as the wave knocked me over in order to keep her from being engulfed by it; when I re-emerged, I waded over to Twilight and allowed myself to float beside her.

“I needed a moment like this so badly.” She giggled, grinning at me.

Seeing such a pure smile from Twilight was warmer than the entire desert we’d crossed just to be here; after all we’d been through together, after so much pain, anger and confusion, it was a moment of absolute delight to witness the real Twilight returning from beyond the grave.
The next wave crashed over the both of us, and after wiping my eyes to regain vision, I couldn’t help but burst into laughter at Twilight’s new state; her soaking fringe now covered her eyes and a single strand of seaweed was now draped across her muzzle like a Fu Manchu moustache. She shook her head like a dog to remove both the moustache and the mane in her eyes, before looking at me sheepishly with her tongue sticking out slightly, which I believed was either known as a blep, or a mlem, depending on the context, in this case, I was certain that it was a blep.

“You alright there?” I asked teasingly.

“Pristine!” She replied, unashamed.

Chuckling, I wrapped an arm around her neck and ruffled her mane, to which she wriggled away and jumped backwards into the next wave. The laughter resonating from everyone playing in the water was almost overpowering, there was so much joy when it had been lacking for so long; while I was conscious that we needed to get out of plain sight and onto a boat sooner rather than later, there were no signs of people whatsoever, and I decided to let everyone enjoy the moment for a while longer.

Roughly ten, maybe fifteen minutes later, Applejack called out to the group, contented with the fun and now ready to continue onward.

“Alright y’all, don’t you think it’s time we get moving?”

“I couldn’t agree more, this water hasn’t grown any warmer!” Rarity concurred.

“Just a few more minutes?” Pinkie requested, giggling as a wave engulfed her.

“Methinks we need to get going now Pinks, we’re going to be spending a lot of time at sea and really ought to get a move on.” I added, agreeing with AJ and Rarity.

We waded out of the sea and back to our gear, which was when a strong breeze came by and fiercely chilled our damp bodies, my teeth quickly began to chatter and I rushed to put on all my clothes. Such a biting cold upon my bare skin almost made swimming regrettable, but the smiles amongst us were warm enough to keep us from such repentance.

“Can you please remind me what the mission is again?” Fluttershy asked through chattering teeth.

“We either smuggle ourselves onto a boat that’s heading for America, or we find a way to commandeer one and sail there ourselves.” I clarified, rubbing my biceps firmly in order to warm them.

{Implying I can successfully sail a boat across the ocean.} I thought to myself.

Nodding with understanding, Fluttershy continued putting on the desert cloth clothing; thanks to Hawnu Rey’eng’s enchantment, the apparel would warm us slightly. Once the lot of us were dressed and slightly warmer, we began trudging north, with the waves crashing in to the left of us; after she had warmed up a little more, Rainbow Dash took to the air to spot ahead for us, just in case any people showed up.

“See anything up there?” I called up to Rainbow after about half an hour.

“Nope, nothing! Just more beach!”

Rolling my eyes and puffing with annoyance, it irked me that we weren’t already on the sea, but I supposed one couldn’t be hasty, seeing as not all that long ago we had located Vitra ‘Aku and effectively brought a new Champion into the universe.

{One step at a time…} I thought.

Twilight looked at me with concern, reading my expressions and attempting to decipher my thoughts.

“Wait, I see something!”

Looking up, we all watched as Rainbow Dash shot forwards to get a closer look, before plunging back down to us to report her findings.

“Humans, buildings too, not all that far from here.”

“How far’s not far?” Twilight asked.

“I don’t know, egghead!”

Ruffling her wings, the pegasus rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof.

“Like, a mile away, maybe more. They’re just up off the beach, on a dirt road.”

“Right, did you spot a boat at all?” I asked.

“No, but I wasn’t close enough anyway, I just saw the people.”

Nodding, I ordered Rainbow Dash to take to the skies once more and scout ahead, using the clouds for cover, and hopefully find a boat. I then instructed the girls that we’d be sticking on the beach and hope to slip by unnoticed, but that it would be best that they prepare to hide inside Fluttershy’s bag just in case. Twilight and I put our collars back on, just so we could converse telepathically if need be.

{Working all good?} I thought to her.

{Loud and clear.}

“Okay girls, let’s move.” Twilight directed, trotting to the front of the group with me.

Using the earthy cliff face as cover, we made our way along the beach. The continuous sound of cars could be heard in the distance, implying a main road, which further implied a town or city ahead. While that would certainly mean the girls would need to get into the bag, it also brought me hope that there would be a port. My suspicion was confirmed, as Rainbow Dash returned from her scouting mission.

“I’ve got good news, and bad news! Firstly, if you want boats, bitch you’ve got about forty of them to choose from. But the bad news is that there are humans like, everywhere!” She panted.

“Forty? Damn, must be a port city or something.” I hummed.

“Yeah, something like that, there were lots of fishing boats.” Dashie agreed.

“Well, everypony, you know what to do.” I reluctantly announced.

Fluttershy removed her bag, and everyone began moaning and groaning with annoyance.

“I’ll try to get onto a boat as soon as possible, I promise.”

“What if the bag breaks?” Fluttershy squeaked.

“What if you can’t get on a boat?” Twilight asked.

“What if there’s a fight?” Rainbow joined in.

“Jeez, girls, have a little faith in me. Under no circumstance will I let the bag break, I will find a way onto a boat, and if there’s a fight, I’ll handle it. Now play nice and get in the bag.” I ordered.

Holding it open for them, everyone took their turn squeezing into the small entrance, somehow fitting inside despite it being the size of a regular backpack; it was still bizarre to me to see the wonders of magic, even after literally seeing the Titans with my own eyes. I supposed some things would just never grow old, like unvaccinated children.

{Why are you chuckling in thought?} Twilight asked telepathically.

{No reason.} I replied innocently.

Rolling her eyes, Twilight crouched down and crawled into the saddlebag. I squatted down to look inside, the poor girls were a tad cramped, the space inside was not much bigger than a bathroom cubicle.

“I swear I’ll try to get this over with as soon as possible.”

“No no, take your time Sugarcube, I’m comfortable.” Applejack joked, squished between two pegasi.

“How does gravity affect you in there?” I inquired curiously.

Twilight went on to explain that it was a separate pocket dimension which somewhat had its own gravity, basically meaning that they wouldn’t ever fall out, even if the bag were to be turned upside down; desperate to test this, I lightly lifted the bag and held it up with the opening facing the ground.

“That, is, awesome.”

Holding the bag high above my head, I looked up to see the girls slumped against one particular side where the gravitational pull was, looking back down at me with faint exasperation.

“Finished?” Twilight asked dully.

Chuckling, I nodded and lowered the bag to eye level; Twilight then went on to implore that I didn’t shake the bag, as it would disrupt the pocket dimension’s gravity centre, causing it to change location.

“You mean like this?” I asked, lifting up the bag and giving it a light shake.

As expected, the girls tumbled into one another, resulting in six resentful glares.

“Asshole!” Rainbow Dash spat.

“I had to test it!” I replied innocently.

“All in favour of Callum going in the bag later, say aye!”

I gulped upon all six ponies (even Fluttershy), emitting a confident ‘aye’.

“Seriously though, good luck.” Twilight said, nodding to me.

Dipping my head in return, I playfully blew the group a kiss and sealed the compartment with the decoy flap, making the bag appear to have ordinary proportions, and placed a few miscellaneous items in it, such as apples, my ruined Blood Family clothes from Portugal, and a water bottle.

{Can you still hear me Twi?}

{Crystal clear, please hurry, the elbowing has already begun.}

With that, I put the bag over my shoulder and trudged onward.

After about fifteen minutes of said trudging, I started spotting people ahead, lots of people.

“Ugh, great…” I muttered to myself.

There were wind breakers, umbrellas, and the odd tent, to which I sighed with assurance that it was just a commercial beach with ordinary folk, enjoying a sunny day. To blend in, I took off my long-sleeved shirt and tied the sleeves around my waist, along with rolling up my trouser legs. I was cautious at first, but I trusted my gut and made my way towards the crowd.

Children playing, people surfing and body boarding, couples holding hands, dogs fetching balls, a guitarist strumming away and singing something pleasant in Spanish, it was both calming and surreal to be surrounded by so much positivity from other humans; it was almost enough to forget the horrors that I’d seen over my adventure. Humanity had such a broad and curious contrast, there was so much mirth and innocence here, while my time in Brazil and Portugal had nothing but malice, disdain and callousness. There was no doubt Morocco also had its fair share of bad going on, but it was very satiating to witness some good for a time regardless.

A pair of young girls were kicking a beach ball together, when one of them accidentally kicked it too far, causing it to catch the wind and plop down before me, they looked over to me anxiously, hoping I would return it to them; rather than make myself look like an idiot by kicking it back and possibly missing, I picked it up and jogged their way, before kindly tossing it to them with a warm smile.

“Gracias!” They both sang, and went back to playing.

It was so uplifting and heart-warming to be part of such a moment, it may have been a simple gesture, but I’d been so distant from the simple innocence of children playing, my life over the past eight months had predominantly revolved around killing, and almost being killed.

Moving on across the beach, I found some stairs that took me up to the main town and I was quickly greeted by cars and pedestrians, it was almost like some form of culture shock to be back in such an environment, there were so many people, I damn near had a panic attack.

“Right… Dock…” I murmured to myself.

Weaving past people and crossing a street, I kept walking until the docks came into sight; Rainbow Dash wasn’t bluffing, there were easily more than forty boats to choose from. The question was, which one should I choose?

{Twilight, conundrum.}

{Shoot.} The unicorn replied.

{I’m at the docks, and I need a group decision on a boat choice.}

{Well, why are you having trouble choosing?}

{We’ve got either fuel powered fishing boats or sailing boats. One is faster, but we obviously run the risk of running out of fuel, leaving us dead in the water. The other is much slower and more difficult to operate, but there’s no risk of getting stranded.}

Twilight didn’t respond, but I could hear muffled voices from my backpack, so I presumed she was asking the group for their opinion, soon enough, I got an answer.

{We think you should go with the sailing boat. A day on Equus is a year on Earth, so we can afford the extra time if it means eliminating such a big risk.} She concluded.

{Got’cha.} I replied.

Looking around, I figured that the best way to go about stealing one of these boats would be to either board one that’s about to leave, and knock out the owner, or simply to steal one from scratch and pretend like I owned it, and just pray that the real owner was nowhere close-by.

(Twilight, conundrum.}

{Oh for goodness sake, what now?}

Explaining my situation, Twilight thought it would be best to steal a boat just as it was leaving, so we could make a quick getaway without spending too much time getting the boat prepared and lingering on the docks for so long. Settling on that decision, I looked around and thankfully spotted someone getting onto one of the sailing boats, it was dark green with a chocolate brown trim, and had white sails. The fellow onboard was acting awfully suspicious; he was constantly looking around while hurriedly prepping the vessel for departure.

Upon carefully moving to get a better view, I noticed the individual was lugging a few black bags onto the boat; more surprisingly however, he had a pistol sticking out of his back pocket. He took one last look around, and then forcefully kicked open the door to the inside of the boat in order to gain access.

He was a smuggler, and he was stealing the boat.

“Well I’ll be damned.” I huffed with bewildered amusement.

This was a better chance than ever to get close, so I swiftly crept down the dock and then hid behind some fish barrels as he re-emerged; he hopped off the boat and took a mobile phone out of his pocket, and dialled a number, most likely to inform whomever he was working with that he was on his way. While his back was turned, I took a huge gamble and left my hiding place to board the boat; the gamble paid off, as I was able to hop onboard and get downstairs, I then hid in the sleeping quarters.

{What’s the situation?} Twilight asked.

{You won’t believe this, but someone else is stealing a boat, and I’ve been able to sneak onboard.}

{Wait, what?}

{You heard me, someone else is nicking a boat, and we’re now onboard.}

{No way, you’ve got to be joking… Are you sure?}

{Oh I’m sure, he kicked the door in! He’s currently in the middle of preparing the boat now, I’ll take care of him once we’ve embarked and made some distance.}

{Gosh, talk about coincidence? Okay, I trust your judgement, good luck.}

Taking the bag off my back and placing it in a corner, I patiently waited as the man came back onto the boat and finished loading up his mysterious (and most likely illegal) cargo. After a few brief moments, I felt myself swaying side to side as the boat began to move; I couldn’t believe it had truly been this easy, it was about time we received a stroke of luck.

Soon enough, we were out of the dock and the smuggler had seemingly left undetected, and it didn’t take long until we were properly drifting away from the last dry land that I’d know for the next few weeks.

At long last, we were at sea…