• Published 15th Jan 2020
  • 1,236 Views, 44 Comments

A life in a day - Mindscape

When the Alicorn Sisters detect a massive magical surge in the Everfree Forest, they never expected to find an infant unicorn foal.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Midnight

“This way Sister! We’re getting closer.”

“Luna, please slow down. We don’t know what we’re going to find when we get there.”

“But the magic is fading swiftly, if we do not discover its origin, we may never know what it could mean.”

Under the dark of the midnight sky, the princess of the Sun and Moon galloped through the thick brush of the Everfree Forest. They had previously been flying, but as usual the weather acted strangely around the unkind woods and the winter night sky had turned into a snowstorm, shielding the light of the moon, and forcing them to land.

Celestia was concerned she would fall behind. Luna always did have better eyesight at night, and she had been trampling through with far less hesitation than the solar sister. Still, she did her best to keep up, sticking to the path that Luna had carved through the underbrush. Though few of the dangers in the Everfree could pose a legitimate threat to the alicorn sisters, she didn’t want either of them to be caught alone.

And then, there was the magical anomaly they had sensed maybe twenty minutes prior. They had both felt it. An unexplained explosion of magical energy emanating from deep within the Everfree Forest, too close to their palace for comfort. Neither wanted to leave it alone, after all, the previous entity that gave off such a powerful magical signature had been when they fought Discord almost a year ago. Even with the elements, a threat of that magnitude could be devastating.

“Sister, here” Luna called.

Celestia slowed, and pushed past a branch that led her into a small clearing. The space was perhaps a bit smaller than the courtyard at their palace, and a shallow layer of snow covered the grass. Thick branches were scattered about, old enough they were beginning to mulch from time and weather. Above them, the snowstorm was beginning to calm down and the moon was granting them a dim light through the clouds. Doubtless their pegasi guards would be able to catch up with them soon.

Celestia’s horn shone for a moment as she closed her eyes. “This is where the magic originated, I’m certain.”

Luna stepped beside her, casting her eyes about the empty field. “But, there is nothing here? What could it mean?”

“I don’t know Luna, but for now we should investigate what we can” Celestia said, her magic moving aside large branches as she walked the clearing. Luna joined her task, turning stones and thick branches for any sign of what produced the magical burst they were able to sense all the way from the castle.

It didn’t take long before Luna stopped suddenly and held a hoof up for silence. Seeing this, Celestia dropped the stone she had been examining and went silent. “Do you hear that?” Luna asked quietly.

At first Celestia heard nothing, but then her ear twitched as she heard it. A quiet breathing, soft enough that somepony, or something, was likely trying to conceal itself.

The two of them silently looked about, honing in on where the breathing was coming from, until their eyes fell upon a hollowed out half log. The opening was small and wasn’t clear from their position, explaining how they had overlooked it till now.

They looked to each other and shared a nod. Luna was closer so she approached silently.

Luna took a breath to steel herself, and then invoked the Royal Canterlot voice. “We know you spy upon us and do not take kindly upon such action! Reveal thyself villain!” She grasped the cover in her magic, ripping the wooden shelter away to reveal its occupant. Luna gasped. “By the stars.”

“Sister! what is it?” Celestia called, racing to her side.

Luna wrapped her magic around the sleeping figure and gently brought him over to her hooves. “It’s a foal!”


Luna turned around to reveal a tiny unicorn colt with a grey coat and a deep golden mane, shivering in her forelegs. “He’s barely an infant.”

“This is impossible” Celestia mused. “How in Equestria is he all the way out here? We’re in the middle of the Everfree.”

“Sister we must do something, he’s freezing!”

Celestia hesitated.


What could it mean? Was this what they had come out here to find? She stepped forward and her horn shone as she cast a spell of detection on the foal. Though quickly fading, Celestia could feel the remnants of a magical effect on the child. Perhaps a teleportation spell gone wrong? It couldn’t possibly have come from him though. Unicorn foals were known for magical surges as they came into their magic, but it was impossible for them to display such magical strength they had detected all the way from the castle.

Celestia chose her words carefully. “I don’t know Luna. There is clearly more going on here than we are aware.”

“I am not so foolish to believe that this foal is here by mere coincidence. But Sister. This. Is. A. Child. And a child that will freeze to death if we do not do something.”

Celestia blinked once, and then smiled warmly. “You are right Luna. The rest of this mystery will have to wait.”

“Princess!” The alicorn sisters turned their heads skyward to see a small band of armoured pegasi find their way to the clearing. They landed in formation and bowed as their captain approached.

“Captain Bold Feather” Celestia addressed him.

The pegasus removed his helmet as he approached and knelt to one knee with a bow. “Princess, my deepest apologies we could not keep up with you behind the storm.”

Her eyes were drawn to the red knitted scarf he was wearing about his neck. That would be warm. “That is quite all right Captain. However, if it’s not too much to ask, may I trouble you for your scarf? I have need of it.”

The captain looked up with a mild surprise at the request but quickly composed himself and began unwinding it from under his armour. “Of course your majesty, it is no trouble. My devotion will keep me warm in even the harshest of weather.”

Celestia took the scarf in her magic and passed it to Luna. “Excellent idea sister” Luna said, taking it within her own magic.

“I apologize for leading you all out here into the cold only to return the moment you reach us, but I’m not certain we should remain out in the snow for much longer.”

“Of course, Your Majesty. But have you found the anomaly you spoke of?”

Celestia looked to Luna, holding the foal, now swaddled in the captain’s scarf. The child’s breathing had returned to normal and did not appear to be shivering any longer. “I am not certain.”

Upon their return to the castle, Celestia had the child examined by the unicorn mages of the palace for any unusual magical remnants. It looked like Luna wanted to protest, but she was well aware of the need to take precautions, and they had the assurance that the foal would be in no danger. As it was, as far as the unicorns could tell, it was a normal healthy unicorn colt, if a bit under the weather from exposure to the elements. It seemed that whatever lingering magic she detected before on the child had dissipated completely before they arrived home. The child even slept soundly through the whole procedure.

After being given a clean bill of health and no magical anomalies of note, both princesses were at a bit of a loss what step to take next. One of the servants managed to produce a baby’s cot for the child, and others swiftly cleaned out one of the guest rooms of the palace into a makeshift nursery.

The princess thanked the servants for their hard work, and sent them to bed, as they had been working most of the night, and morning would be on its way soon. Thus, it was just Celestia and Luna in the new nursery watching the sleeping child.

“Well” Luna started softly as to not wake their new guest. “I cannot say I had many expectations of what we would find tonight, but this was most certainly not among them.”

“Indeed” Celestia remarked.

“So... What now?”

“In the morning we shall have to inquire about any missing foals matching our guest’s appearance. He must have come from somewhere. Perhaps the magical anomaly we sensed was an unusual teleportation accident of some such?”

“Very unusual” Luna pointed out. “Our castle far from most civilization, and the anomaly took place deeper still into the Everfree Forest. And to leave a ripple like we felt would have taken multiple unicorns casting in unison.”

“We’ll have to make many inquiries on different topics. Perhaps if we…” She stopped as they heard a noise from the cot. There was a stirring from within and the two looked over the cot wall to see the foal groggily opening its eyes.

“Sister, it’s waking up” Luna said with a hint of worry. “What do we do?”

Celestia almost balked. “Why are you asking me?”

The foal opened its eyes, blinked a couple of times and then stared up at them wide eyed in the dim lamplight.

“I don’t know how to care for a baby foal” Luna continued.

“W-well neither do I.”

“Should we call one of the servants?”

“It’s late, I’ve already sent them to bed.”

Slack jawed, the young colt continued to stare up from one to the other as they spoke, possibly too young to know how to close its mouth properly.

“Well he’s awake now. I’ve heard they cry a lot if they don’t get their way and that might wake up the servants anyway.”

Celestia looked around the room quickly and fidgeted on her hooves. “Why did he wake up? Is he hungry? I think there’s a bottle around here somewhere.”

“Ooohhhh please do not tell me it needs it’s diaper changed. I do not think I am prepared for this.”

“Wait, shouldn’t a baby’s milk be warm? I’m fairly certain I heard that somewhere.”

“Why couldn’t it have just been timber wolves. I can deal with timber wolves.”

“Something about warming a pot on the stove and letting the bottle sit in that for a bit? Is that real? Where did I hear that?”

They both stopped when they saw the foal fall over backwards with a plop onto its mattress. Its large head was obviously too heavy for it to hold up for too long. The foal scrambled to its belly and stopped when it looked at its own hooves, as if noticing them for the first time. Then it sneezed. A tiny, cute sneeze that surprised the young colt, and he shook his head as he sniffed.

“That… is so… adorable” Luna managed, barely squeaking her words. “How? How do they do that? How do babies make the most simple of things so… adorable?”

“You’re asking the wrong pony Sister” Celestia replied, somehow also enraptured by the foal attempting to stand on wobbly legs and falling onto his rump. “But I understand completely.”

Luna turned to Celestia, almost pleadingly. “Can I… can I hold him?”

“W-why ask me?”

“Well… there’s nopony else to ask?”

Celestia looked down at the baby colt, now exploring its surroundings, tumbling over its blanket and getting its hooves tangled. “Well... be gentle.”

“I will” Luna promised.

Luna’s magic carefully enveloped the child as gently as possible, as if handling the most fragile thing in existence, and the foal slowly rose from the bed. It made a little squeak as it left the mattress and the blanket fell from its hooves, then it curled up as it got closer to the sitting Luna, who reached out and took him into her forelegs.

“Hello little one” Luna said with the biggest, gentlest smile Celestia had ever seen on her sister’s face. “My name is Luna.” The colt looked up, enraptured by Luna’s face, or rather her mane. He reached out with a hoof towards the magical flowing mass, far too short and tiny to reach. Seeing his curiosity, she brushed her mane over her shoulder to let the tiny thing examine it closer with his hooves. Somehow, her smile grew. “It is made of magic” she whispered. He made another sound, and began to smile as he ran his hooves through the magical strands of her mane, watching the colours and sparkles shift and change. He wasn’t even pulling on it, he was handling it gently, like it was something precious.

Celestia, now no longer in a panic noticed the bottle she recalled from earlier. Bringing it over with magic she placed it against the back of her hoof and found it was still warm. One of the servants must have prepared it in advance just in case. “Here” she said, passing it to Luna.

“Thank you Sister.” She brought it closer to the foal, who turned curious at the new object that made its way to his face. He tried poking it with a hoof, and then squeezed the nozzle, dripping a bit of milk on his nose. He sneezed again and rubbed the offending substance off his muzzle as Luna giggled. “No dear, in your mouth. Ahhh” she opened her own mouth demonstrating. Picking up quickly, the foal opened his own mouth wide like she had, and she guided the end inside. As his mouth closed over the bottle, he almost seemed confused for a moment, trying to pull, or squeeze it, until eventually finding a rhythm in his suckling that seemed to satisfy the colt, and he closed his eyes, continuing to feed.

“Look Tia! He’s eating” she said excitedly. “So precious.” Luna added with another whisper.

“It truly is” Celestia replied, edging closer to the two of them and watching earnestly. They sat there for a moment with nothing but the soft sound of wind outside the window and the quiet rhythmic sucking of the baby bottle.

“Oh my goodness” Luna said suddenly.

“What’s wrong?”

“Tia, does this make us mothers?”

Celestia shook her head in surprise. “Luna, this isn’t our child” she responded, somewhat uncomfortable at what the implication would mean for them both to be mother to a single foal. “His real mother will likely be worried for him. We really must return him to his real parents.”

“I realize that, but until that happens, we are the ones to take care of him are we not?”

Celestia sighed conceding the point. “I suppose you are right. But I’m not sure I’m… comfortable with the idea of being a mother quite this early. And what would the court think if we suddenly show up tomorrow morning with a foal calling ourselves his mothers? Perhaps something a little less… direct. Like… aunts?” she suggested.

“Hmm. I believe you have a point. The rumour mills do not need any new material to disregard reality. They do so quite well on their own. I would wager they would be quite happy to make up new rules on how alicorns reproduce if given the chance.”

Luna had taken that topic a little further than Celestia had intended, and she found herself sighing at the thought, now finally realizing just how tired she was. Celestia got to her hooves and stretched. “Well as much as I am enjoying myself, we really should get to bed. We have a long day ahead of ourselves tomorrow, which in reality is only a few hours away, and we’ll have to find this young one’s home. The foal probably needs his sleep as well.”

“What about a name?”

“I beg your pardon?” Celestia stopped at the door when her sister called to her.

“A name for the foal. We can’t just keep calling it “the foal” or “It.” He needs a name” Luna insisted.

Celestia frowned. “He likely already has a name.”

“I know that, but we do not know any name he may already possess, and until his real parents come for him, which could take days, we must have something to call him.”

“Can this not wait until morning? I’m dead on my hooves Sister, and that doesn’t seem the best time to come up with a name.”

“Well I am still awake” she protested. “What about, Little Hope?”

Celestia gave her sister a frown. “Luna, that sounds a bit belittling don’t you think?”

“How so? He truly is little, and…” she looked down at the foal in her forelegs. “Somehow, he gives me hope.”

She wasn’t going to let this go, was she? “I don’t believe a stallion would appreciate the name Little” she sighed. Celestia wracked her sleep deprived brain for an idea that could satisfy her sister for the moment. “Perhaps he was lucky we found him when we did?”

Luna pondered for a moment. “Lucky Hope. Yes” she smiled. The foal seemed to be done with its bottle and had gone back to playing with Luna’s mane. She magicked the bottle back to the table and bounced the little colt higher. “Do you like that name? Lucky Hope?” The newly named Lucky Hope giggled a little at the movement and made a curious “gah” noise.

Even tired as she was, Celestia couldn’t help but smile at the joy this little colt gave her sister. She had been a bit moody of late. It would be a shame when they had to part ways when they found his true parents. “Goodnight Sister, and do let him get back to sleep soon. Young foals need as much rest as they can get.”

As she turned to leave, she was once again interrupted.

“Oh, before you go…”

Celestia sighed and struggled to keep the exhaustion from her voice “Yes Luna?”

Luna shuffled slightly. “I know we were interrupted by the magical explosion we sensed, but you had promised to watch the night sky I made tonight. I was working hard on it and I thought you would appreciate…”

Celestia stopped her with a hoof before she went too far. “Luna, I should have gone to bed hours ago, and I’m exhausted. Perhaps another time?”

Luna’s face fell. “Oh. I just thought that…”

“I’m sorry Luna, but I don’t think I would be able to enjoy it as tired as I am. And I am sorry but things rather got away from us tonight.”

Luna took a deep breath and plastered a smile on her face. “No no, I understand. It has been very busy already and I shouldn’t keep you up any longer. I’m sorry for asking.”

“That’s quite alright Sister. Perhaps another time” Celestia said departing. Her eyes felt like they were weighed down by lead. Perhaps now she could see about getting at least a couple of hours rest before she needed to raise the sun. Tomorrow was going to be a difficult day as tired as she was.

Luna sat there in the nursery in silence. Why did she feel so miserable? Tia had a very good point, they had already been up for hours and they would be very busy tomorrow after the sun came up. It was logical. So why did it still hurt so much? Was it the broken promise? That had happened before as well. The affairs of court and running a country were numerous and often surprised them with additional tasks that exhausted her sister. She should be used to it.

Perhaps it was just one more broken promise on the pile, but it was getting heavy with rejection. It would help if anypony else would enjoy her nights. But even her sister kept rejecting the time to even look at the night sky.

Luna was broken out of her dreary thoughts as she felt a light tug on her mane, reminding her of the young colt in her hooves. “I guess you should be getting to bed also” she wondered. Of course, as she thought on it, he didn’t look that tired, and he had done nothing but sleep since they found him in the Everfree Forest.


“Would you like to see something? Even better than a sparkly mane?” she asked.

Lucky looked on curiously at her and she stood up, carefully holding him in one hoof. Luna made her way to the window, and stepped out onto the balcony. Lucky shivered lightly as the brisk air reached them, and wriggled deeper into Luna’s coat.

Luna sat down and looked towards the sky. “Look up there Lucky” she said, pointing to the sky. The wind had blown away most of the clouds from the earlier snowstorm, and painted in the sky was a work Luna had put her heart into earlier at dusk. The stars twinkled in the moonlight, forming the many constellations Luna had spent months crafting.

Lucky was entranced. Looking up slack jawed again. He couldn’t take his eyes off the dancing lights in the sky, turning his head this way and that as if to take it all in at once. The cold forgotten, he reached out away from the warmth of Luna’s coat, and she assisted him by lifting him onto her shoulders. Though she couldn’t see him that easily from his new vantage point, but instead she could hear his excitement.

She smiled at his wonder and turned back to whisper. “Watch this.” Luna’s horn glowed for a moment, and comets streaked across the sky, leaving a trail of colour dancing in the canvas. Lucky squealed in delight. A sound of unadulterated joy. A precious thing that brought a tear to her eye. “At least you enjoy my night.” She leant over kissed Lucky on the forehead, eliciting another giggle from the tiny ball of adorable energy.

They sat there in mostly silence for what seemed like an age, punctuated only by laughs and squeals of joy from Lucky.

Time went on, and as days turned into weeks it was quickly apparent that nopony was missing a foal matching Lucky’s description. It truly felt like he had appeared out of nowhere.

Celestia tried exploring other alternatives of what could have caused the magical anomaly. But Discord was still trapped in stone, thankfully, and there didn’t appear to be anything unusual about the Elements of Harmony. There hadn’t been any gatherings of unicorn magic, nor any unusual monster sightings in the area. It simply seemed to be a mystery that would remain unsolved, as the only possible witness to the events was far too young to speak.

She even got her mages to examine the foal further, despite the insistence that he seemed completely normal, magically speaking. Although, there were a few oddities that she and the servants that took care of Lucky had noticed. Little things that alone didn’t seem like much, but together painted an unusual picture for a foal his age.

For one, Celestia was aware that unicorn foals often had magical surges as a newborn unicorn flexed their magic, performing strange and unexpected effects. While Lucky certainly had his bursts of magic, they were surprisingly controlled, and rarely, if ever, dangerous. One night he had found his way into the storage room where the marching band kept their instruments and every instrument began playing music, quite well even. Luna swore she had no idea how Lucky got out of her sight (quickly adding she neither knew why he was awake so late at night when she was questioned on that particular point). While it woke up the whole castle, the band leader Arpeggio Parade couldn’t help but laugh, and swore he’d eat his helmet if a colt that talented in music didn’t get a cutie mark to represent it.

Secondly, Lucky never cried. The servants were happy he was so well behaved but had certainly noticed the distinct lack of crying as is usual with newborn foals. Crying when they’re hungry, or uncomfortable, or scared. Lucky just made himself loud with a single shout and pointing. He was very good at letting ponies know what he wanted without words. Luna claimed that Lucky was simply too joyful and curious to ever be upset.

He was also cleaner than she expected babies to be. He rarely made a mess while eating, his toys often remained in a single pile when he wasn’t using them, and they went through far fewer diapers than anypony predicted.

One way or another, it looked like Lucky was to here to stay. There were initially thoughts of finding a family to adopt the child, but Luna had so quickly grown attached, and Celestia wanted to keep an eye on the little colt. If not now, then perhaps someday in the future the mystery of his appearance would be solved. And that would be far easier if they kept him nearby.

There were of course rumours, just as they had predicted. Ponies with more a mind for gossip than sense whispered about potential hidden lovers, explaining away the lack of pregnancy with the idea of “unique alicorn magic” to hide any signs. Most sensible ponies naturally saw such stories to be exactly what they were. Complete hogwash.

When it came to actually explaining where the child came from however, Celestia had difficulty thinking on what precisely to say if questioned. She couldn’t just admit they simply found the foal and decided to keep it. There were orphanages and foster systems in place of course, keeping Lucky in the palace meant he was getting special privilege.

She had never expected that having a foal staying at the castle would make the politics and public appearances so complicated. But as her advisors insisted, this would just be a trend in the media. Ponies would get their fill of the rumours and then largely forget about it in a month or two. For Celestia it couldn’t come quick enough.

She supposed it was easier for Luna who wasn’t as heavily involved with the courtly duties of running Equestria. She spent most of her waking hours at night and, much to Celestia’s complaints, seemed to keep Lucky up around those hours also. Celestia had asked some of the servants to keep Luna’s antics to a minimum, but Luna had designed so many secret doors and passageways around the castle during its construction that if she wanted to move about unseen, it was difficult to stop her.

The nursery was silent and still, save for the hanging mobile above the cot, turning gently in the wind from the open window. The nursery looked more lived in than it had the first night, now stocked with all the necessities, a colourful carpet, and a pile of toys near the crib.

The silence was broken however when a part of one wall slowly creaked open, and the muzzle of a certain alicorn princes poked into the room.

“oh Luuuucky” she whispered playfully. “Are you awake? Because here’s auntie… Luna!” she leapt out from the secret passageway with a broad grin. However, the grin fell to a frown when she laid eyes on Lucky. “Oh. You are not” she said quietly to the foal sleeping in the cot.

She wandered over to the side of the cot, sidestepping the pile of toys on the floor nearby. As quietly as she could, she lowered the side of the crib, sitting down and letting her head rest on the mattress. Lucky Hope was sleeping soundly, making the occasional suckling sound on the pacifier in his mouth. Luna casually wondered why they bothered with such an object for a child who didn’t even cry. Perhaps it was just a comfort thing.

“Why must babies sleep so much? I was hoping to show you my sky again. Tia couldn’t make the time to come see. As usual” she muttered.

For a moment, Lucky shifted in his sleep, and Luna perked up expectantly. But the foal simply rolled over and returned to silence.

Luna sighed. “Very well, I can be patient.” As much as she would have wanted him to wake, she didn’t want to be the reason a baby’s sleep was disturbed. A cranky baby wouldn’t be much fun either.

But being patient meant that she was alone again with her thoughts. Things seemed so much simpler when she was with Lucky. Sometimes they would watch the night sky, or wander the halls and secret passageways, pranking the evening staff. Spending time with a child brought out her own childish side, where everything was about entertainment and laughter.

Celestia however had chided her earlier today on her antics, saying that one child in the castle was enough, and she didn’t need another making things difficult. Especially one the size of a full grown alicorn princess.

Luna stood and shook her head. Thinking about her sister was making her antsy, and it wouldn’t do to be in a foul mood if Lucky woke up.

“When” she corrected her thoughts. “When he wakes up.”

Instead she walked out and sat on the balcony, looking up at her night sky once more. Perhaps there was more she could do in preparation. Tonight, the moon took centre stage on her canvas, she had used a gentle touch of colour and sprinkles of light to accentuate the moon’s shine, enhancing the appeal of that glimmering pearl in the sky. He would enjoy this she was sure. If only others did too.

Once more, thoughts of loneliness rebelliously creeped their way into her mind. Her nights were always so quiet as everypony was sleeping. Some may welcome the silence, as a reprieve from the bustle and noises of the day, but to Luna the silence was deafening. The isolation made her loneliness that more apparent. She had nopony with her to ease her pain. She supposed it was easier for Celestia to stave off loneliness. Her sister was surrounded by ponies day by day, and it was easier to have the day admired when everypony was awake for it.

She sniffed and noticed that unbeknownst to her, tears had started forming in her eyes. “What am I doing? This is no reason to… to…” but even as she contended with her eyes, her words were interrupted by a sob. Then the very attempt to halt the tears made her feel worse, until the whole dam holding her emotions back began to break. Luna wept the pain she had been holding on to for longer than she realized. “Why? Why do they all hide away from the dark and shun my nights? Am I simply the lesser princess? Just the spare, lest something happen to their beloved sun? Why can they not see my nights for the beauty they are?”


Luna startled at the sound by her flank. Looking down, she saw Lucky staring up at her, leaning his hooves against her leg. “Lucky!” Looking back inside, she realized she had left the wall of the cot down, allowing him to reach her. “Wh-what are you doing here?”

He stared up at her with a look that till now looked alien on his face. It looked like he was about to cry.

“Oh no, did I wake you with my foolishness? I’m so s-sorry” She whimpered, wiping her own tears away.

Then, he did something Luna did not expect. He pulled his pacifier from his mouth and held it up to her in his hoof. “Uwa”

Luna was confused. She had no idea what he wanted, until the gesture of what he was trying to say reached her, and she gasped in amazement. Once more, tears came unbidden to the princess’s eyes, but this time for a different reason. “Oh!” She smiled and pulled the foal into the biggest hug she could give. “Oh you precious, precious little thing. You don’t want me to be sad. That’s it, isn’t it? I’m sorry my little piece of hope, as long as you’re with me, I shouldn’t have any reason to cry, should I?” she said, despite the tears of happiness rolling down her face. “Even if only one pony in all of Equestria can enjoy my night, that will make me happy beyond words.”

Lucky finally giggled and laughed into Luna’s coat, reaching his hooves around her as best he could with his tiny frame. Luna lay on her belly, allowing him to climb onto her back in his usual position to see the night sky, wrapped warmly within her flowing mane.

“You know” she said, a cheeky smile forming on her face. “I do believe, that tonight the sky would be appreciated a little closer.” She cast a small spell to ensure he was secure and wouldn’t fall off, then got to her hooves, spread her wings, and looked to the stars. “Hold on tight little one.” And together, they launched into the air.

Lucky immediately erupted into laughter and squeals of joy as Princess Luna beat her wings over and over pulling them higher above the castle. As they rose higher into the night sky, Lucky reached out with his hooves, as if wanting to catch a star.

Luna felt content. There was still sadness in her heart, that would likely never go away. But for now, in this moment, she truly felt that she would never have a reason to cry again. Not as long as she had Hope by her side. All of a sudden, her nights didn’t feel quite so lonely anymore.

Author's Note:

I got weirdly motivated recently with the conception and execution of this story. I'm planning four chapters total, plus maybe an epilogue. So let's see how this goes. (also, figuring out tags is difficult when I haven't written the whole thing 😛)
Some of the music I listened to while writing this chapter:
Hope you all enjoy my story