• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 886 Views, 3 Comments

Stuck - destinedjagold

A human finds himself stuck in a new yet familiar world.

  • ...


Spike quietly walks up the crystal castle's crystal steps, wearing a sad frown on his scaly face. Finally stepping on the floor, he moves away from the stairs and approaches the farthest door in the quiet crystal hallway. Standing before the door, the tiny drake takes a deep breath before he pushes the door open with both claws.

"Jay?" he calls, his voice echoing through the room. Receiving no reply, he walks in and closes the door behind him as his eyes scan the place.

A door to the bathroom, a modest-looking bed by the corner, a wardrobe, a table and a chair. His eyes fall on the thick curtains that are pulled back, revealing a glass-like crystal door that is also pulled open, leading towards a small balcony, where the setting sun's orange hues illuminate the room.

Spike walks out to the balcony, his gaze on the lone human leaning on the railing, the alien creature's clothed back on him.

"Hey, Jay," the drake says as he walks up to him. Standing beside the human, he looks up and opens his mouth to say ... what exactly?

'Don't worry. We'll get you home soon.'

'How are you holding up?'

'Twilight is—'

The drake winces. Better not mention Twilight.

The human closes his eyes and sighs. "She's still at it, isn't she?"

Him not mentioning her doesn't stop Jay from mentioning her...

Spike's earfins droop. "Yeah..." He shakes his head and smiles reassuringly. "Once she starts something, she won't stop until she finishes it."

"It's almost a month now, Spike," Jay says, frowning at him. "I think she should just stop."

"But Jay, you—"

"It's time for me to face the truth of the matter..." the human says quickly. He turns to the setting sun and sighs. "I'm not returning home."

Spike can't imagine what that is like.

The human was so confused when he and Twilight found him outside the Everfree Forest after the alicorn felt a strange magical surge from the forest and decided to cancel her class to investigate. The duo were even more confused when the human knew who they were and where he was.

Come to think of it, Jay has yet to tell him how he knows a lot about them. He told Twilight, but apparently the two had decided it best not to let the others know, 'for their own benefit' as they told him.

"I've been thinking," Jay quietly says, breaking the silence. "Since I can't go home, I should stop being a freeloader and get a job." He looks down at Spike. "Cliché as it may sound for me, Applejack's still looking for help around her farm, right?"

"Yep," Spike answers with a nod. "It's almost autumn, so I imagine the Apples are going to harvest every single apple in their farm in preparation for the Zap Apples."

"Huh..." Jay blinks. "I almost forgot about those Zap Apple things... Would be pretty cool to see them." He pushes himself upright and stretches. He shakes his head and smiles down at the drake. "Dinner's almost ready, right?"

Spike blinks. "Oh, right! I almost forgot about that."

"I'll help set the table then. You go fetch Twilight, but don't mention anything yet." He fails to stop the frown breaking through his features.

Almost a month of her working and researching. He was excited and even watched her work during the first week, but as the days flew by, the hope he had of returning home slowly fading, and he realized how overworked the alicorn has become. She barely had time for her other duties, and for her friends.

'Tomorrow, she'll figure it out.'

'Maybe tomorrow?'

'No breakthrough today, but maybe tomorrow?'

'Twilight, maybe you should---'

'You've been here for a while now, maybe you should---'


He hates himself for making her work so hard. It was supposed to be him who was working hard for his family. His family that he can never return to anymore, because apparently, the cosmic entities hated him so much for whatever reason.

"Tell her I have something important to say," Jay says as the two walk down the crystal stairs. "That will hopefully be enough to pull her out of her work."

"I sure hope so," Spike says.

He may not have meant anything by it, but Jay mentally slaps himself for robbing Twilight away from the drake for so long. Her friends may not think it, but he surely does and it is about time he fixes it.

He waves the drake goodbye as he enters the dining room, where Starlight is busy preparing their meals.

"Hey there, Jay," she greets him with a smile. "How are you holding up?"

The human shrugs before pulling out some plates from the cupboard. "Better than a few days ago, I think."

"Oh?" Starlight says, her ears perking up. "That's interesting. Did something good happen?"

"About to be," he replies. "But it being good is yet to be decided."

"Should I be nervous?"

Jay pauses. "Hm... Maybe prepare a shield spell, just in case."

Starlight arches an eyebrow at that.

The human chuckles as he grabs some forks. It feels good to be able to laugh again.

It feels weird to laugh at turning his back on an entire world he once knew...

Starlight doesn't push him for details as they prepare the dining table. Spike enters a few minutes later with a very sleepy alicorn in tow, who perks up and awkwardly pretends she's not as tired as she truly is the moment she notices the human's presence.

"So," Jay starts after everyone is seated around the table. "Before we begin eating, I wanted to say something."

Twilight nods her head. "Spike did mention you wanting to say something."

Jay feels a tap on his arm. He blinks and turns to Starlight.

"Should I put it up now?" she whispers quietly.

Jay rolls his eyes in amusement before looking back at the sleep-deprived alicorn. "I've been thinking..."

"That's usually not a good sign," Starlight comments.

"Starlight, hush," Twilight says. "That's only true for Rainbow Dash. Please continue, Jay."

Jay nods his head. "Well, I'm starting to feel a bit guilty for being a freeloader for almost a month, so—"

"Almost a month?" Twilight asks, blinking. "Wait, really? You've been with us for that long already?"

"You really need to get out of the lab sometimes, Twilight," Spike says and sighs before he munches on some crystals.

"Anyway," Jay continues, "I'm thinking of getting a job at Sweet Apple Acres, cliché as it may be for someone like me."

"Why would it be cliché?" Starlight asks, blinking. She turns to Twilight. "Come to think of it, why is it taking so long for you to send him back home, Twilight?"

Both Twilight and Jay really need to start thinking of a good fabricated story of the human's history.

Twilight shakes her head. "I'll explain in due time, I promise."

Jay arches an eyebrow.

Twilight glares at him. She shakes her head. "Anyway, you working at the farm? Sure. I don't see why not."

Jay nods and smiles. "Thanks. I'm thinking of moving out and getting my own place once I am financially stable."

Twilight blinks at that. "Uh, I see. The palace isn't really ideal for a long-term stay, I suppose?"

"Right," Jay says. "But don't worry; I promise to pay you guys back for your hospitality. And Rarity for the clothes."

"Pfft," Twilight blows a raspberry, waving a hoof dismissively. "You don't have to do that."

"I insist," the human says. "And um..." He takes a deep breath.

Here goes nothing...

He frowns. "I think it's finally time for me to accept the fact that I can't go back home."

Twilight slowly blinks. She opens her mouth to—

"What?" Starlight asks. "Why? What happened?"

Jay blinks. Oh shit, I didn't think I need to explain. "It's ... complicated."

"Did you get exiled or something?" Starlight asks. "Is that why Twilight's been working hard? Trying to figure your species' politics out?"

Both alicorn and human blink. "...yes!" they say in unison all too suddenly.

"That is exacly it!" Twilight continues with a nod. She frowns a sad frown. "But... You're giving up, why?"

Jay frowns as well. A defeated shrug. "It's ... time for me to move on, I suppose."

The dining table falls quiet.

Starlight clears her throat. "Um, Jay?"


"So uh, what did you do that got you exiled? If you don't mind me asking, of course."

As Jay thinks of something, his gaze falls on the drake, who appears as though he's not buying it, but decides not to say anything. Bless his soul, Jay thinks to himself. "I don't really know, Starlight," he says, shaking his head. "I was just working like I usually do, writing code and stuff. But then my vision went dark, and the next thing I know, I'm outside the Everfree Forest."

"Scary..." Starlight shivers. "It's a good thing you didn't get hurt or anything."

"Yeah..." Jay breathes out, ignoring Twilight's sad frown. "Nothing I can do about it, unfortunately..."

"Well, don't worry," Starlight says with a bright smile. "You're in good company."

A sad smile. "Yeah..."

"Does this mean—"

A new and sudden voice from behind Jay makes the human jump out of his seat in surprise.

The voice of Pinkie Pie continues: "—that I can finally throw you a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party?"

"For fuck's sake, Pinkie!" Jay yells at the smiling party pony. "Don't do that!"

"I'll take that as a 'yes' then. Buh-bye now!" And the pink mare zooms away.

Author's Note:

A little something that has been stuck on my mind. I finally decided to put it into writing.

Comments ( 3 )

Stuck you say. That would imply you cannot escape. Implying you would need a new home. And once you get that would you be


Short and very very sweet. I like it!

Ohh! Good story.

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