• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 1,076 Views, 20 Comments

Equestria Girls: Galar Adventure - Solar Force

In the Galar Region, a young Sunset Shimmer sets out on a journey as a Pokemon Trainer.

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Chapter 2: Road To Hammerlocke

Author's Note:

Hi Solar Force here

At long last I have FINALLY finished the second chapter of this story! To any readers who who have been waiting on this story, if there are any left, I apologize for the VERY long wait.

Rest assured, that none of my stories are abandoned, and will all get updated eventually.

Hope you all enjoy this fun, action packed and extra long new chapter.

Bye for now

The train sped along through the lush green fields. On board the train, the three young trainers chatted with each other.

“I can’t wait till we reach Hammerlocke!” Sunset said excitedly.

“Don’t get too excited, you might just pop,” Said Mad Page with a cheeky smirk. “Though, I admit, I too am excited about reaching Hammerlocke. I hear that there are a lot of mysteries there.” Looking closely at his face, he gave a creepy smile. “And I will expose them all,” He said with a dark voice.

“Um, how did you get chosen as a Pokemon Trainer again?” Sunset asked, a little freaked out.

“Because my heart is big enough for all the good Pokemon and people of the world,” Mad Page replied, still with that same creepy smile and dark voice. Both Sunset and Solar were still a bit creeped out.

“Uh, how did we end up traveling with this guy?” Solar whispered to Sunset.

“I don’t know,” Sunset whispered back.

The train finally came to a stop at the next station, and the three new trainers disembarked.
Heading outside the station, they saw the town of Hammerlocke off in the distance. Between them and Hammerlocke is a huge, wide, beautiful meadow, with all kinds of different terrain, made up of grass, flowers and water. They made their way across the wide plains, looking in all directions in awe. There were all kinds of wild Pokemon roving through the fields. It was remarkable seeing them all living free in their natural environments.

Before they could reach Hammerlocke, they had to make a stop in a smaller town called Motostoke. They climbed a tall stairway and entered the city through an arched gateway. They looked around in awe, especially Sunset, who had never left her home town before. The buildings were all old fashioned but still charming, and everywhere she looked, she saw pipes and huge gears, turning and grinding to perform certain tasks to keep the city running. She was enthralled by it all. But amidst her excitement, she couldn’t help feeling a little confused.

“Er, why do we need to stop here?” She asked. “This place is really cool and everything, but weren't we going to just head straight to Hammerlocke?”

Solar then adjusted his thick glasses as they seemed to shine from the sun's light, as he gave a wide smirk. “That’s a good question, Sunset,” He said in a knowing tone. “And there’s a good reason why we have to stop here. You see-” He was interrupted by Sunset.

“Uh, where did those glasses come from?” She asked. “Since when did you need glasses?”

“I don’t need them, they are supposed to be for effect, OK,” Solar replied grouchily from being interrupted. “And thanks a lot, you ruined my moment.”

“Your...Moment?” Sunset asked slowly with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, my moment to share some of my encyclopaedic knowledge with you 2,” Solar explained.

“You mean to show off,” Mad Page said with a teasing grin.

“It’s not showing off,” Solar said grumpily. “Anyway, as I was about to say, the reason we have to stop here is because this is we need to go to sign up for the Galar League and get our jerseys.”

“OK, I get that we need to register for the league but why do we need to get jerseys?” Sunset asked.

“So we can look stylish,” Mad Page said with his usual grin.

“Rrrright,” Sunset said in a deadpan tone.

“Who cares why we need the jerseys,” Solar put in. “Let’s just go and register and then we can go catch ourselves some Pokemon.”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Sunset said, her smile returning.

“But before we can do that, we need to get our Pokedex,” Mad Page said, his grin widening again. “And there's only one place to go for one of those.”

Sunset and Solar just stood and stared up at the building in front of them. “This… is where we get our Pokedex?” Sunset asked, a little unnerved.

“Yeah, this doesn’t look how I thought a Pokemon Laboratory would look like,” Solar said with an astonished look.

“And yet it is,” Stated Mad Page, still grinning, “This is the lab of Professor Discord. Champion Cadence told me about him.”

Indeed, the building in front of them didn’t much look like a Pokemon Lab at all. It looked more like the home of a mad scientist. The house was old and gothic looking, with wires and electric pylons sticking out of the roof, and for some reason, a giant tesla coil sat in the very middle of the roof. The whole place gave off the vibe of something straight out of a horror movie.

Her eyes wide with fear, Sunset slowly turned and tried to sneak away. “Nope!” Mad Page said as he reached out and grabbed her collar, stopping her in her tracks.

“Let me go, Mad Page!” Sunset said, her voice quaking slightly. “There’s no way I’m going in there! I don’t want to die!”

“Nuh uh,” Mad Page said, “All new trainers need their Pokedex.” He then reached out and grabbed Solar’s collar too, as he also tried to sneak away. “That means all new trainers.”

“You seriously expect us to go inside that madhouse?!” Protested Solar as he struggled to get out of Mad Page’s iron like grasp.

“Yes, I do,” Mad Page said, still grinning, as he began dragging them, literally kicking and screaming, toward the old oak front door. He stopped in front of the door, and then said, “I would knock, but both hands are occupied.” His ever present grin then widened. “Well, better improvise.” He then threw back his head, and was about to lunge forward, head first into it, when the door suddenly opened. He stopped and looked up as Sunset and Solar turned their heads to see who was standing in the doorway.

To their great surprise, the young woman standing there was Cadence the 4th Champion. “Oh, hello, Mad Page,” She said with a cheerful smile. “We’ve been waiting for you and your friends to get here.” She then observed the position Mad Page was in, as well the fact that he had Sunset and Solar in his hands, and raised an eyebrow. “You were just about to use your head to knock, weren’t you?”

“Nooo,” Said Mad Page innocently, his eyes drifting to the right.

“Don’t lie to me, Mad Page,” Said Cadence, crossing her arms. “I’ve told you before, you shouldn't do that. Now, let go of your friends.”

“But they’ll run away if they do,” Said Mad Page with a childish whimper.

“I very much doubt that,” Said Cadence with a stern voice. “Now, let them go.”

“Yeah, can you please let us go?” Asked Solar in a choking voice. “You're kinda strangling us.”

“I-I’m s-struggling t-o b-breath,” Sunset stuttered, her face turning slightly blue.

Mad Page just hung his head in shame, before finally letting go of his companions. Sunset and Solar coughed and wheezed as they massaged their necks with their hands. Once they had regained their breaths, they turned to look at Cadence, but then began to quake again, their earlier nerves returning as they once again looked up at the perceived mad house.

Cadence, seeing the two young trainers’ fear, raised her hand to her mouth and giggled. “It’s all right, you two,” She said with an amused smile. “I know this old place looks a bit weird, but I assure you, there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

“Are you really sure about that?” Asked Solar nervously.

“Yes, I’m sure,” Said Cadence reassuringly. “Trust me, Professor Discord is perfectly harmless. He’s just a bit, uh,” She hesitated for a moment before saying, “spontaneous.” She then gave them all a smile as she said, “Now, come on inside, the Professor is waiting for you.”

Nervously, Sunset and Solar followed Cadence into the house. Mad Page, on the other hand, followed behind with his usual grin, not scared at all. The inside of the house was much like the outside, except for all the more modern technology that you’d expect to find in a Pokemon Lab. They stopped as they saw a tall man in a white lab coat, talking to a young woman with styled ginger hair. The two of them were in deep conversation with each other.

“All right, Sofia,” The man said, “In order to become a Professor you must pick a research subject. That’s what I had to do. How do you think I came up with the idea for giant Pokemon?”

“I understand that, Professor,” Said the woman. “And I’ve already chosen my research subject. I want to better understand the history of the Galar Region.”

“History?” the man said, rolling his eyes. “Why would you pick such a dull subject like that? At least my research is the whole reason we now have the ability to create giant Pokemon. I mean, be honest with me, who wouldn’t want a Pokemon the size of Godzilla?”

“You said in order to become a Professor, I must complete a research subject,” The woman replied. “But since you didn’t specify what kind of research subject, I choose history, and I choose it because there are questions about Galar’s history that still remain unanswered. I don’t know if you fully realise this, but Galar has a very mysterious past.”

“Well, yes, it is true that there are things about Galar’s past which are lost to the mists of time,” Discord agreed. “For example, the very creation of Galar itself.”

“Exactly,” The woman said. “It is said that the original kings used a sword and a shield to protect Galar from a great disaster. But the question remains about where the sword and the shield came from, and where did they go after the kings used them? Did the kings really use them to protect Galar from this terrible disaster? And one of the most important questions, did the Sword and the Shield even exist?”

“Alright alright, you’ve made your point,” The man said in resignation. “But if you choose to pursue this research subject, remember this. The option is always there for you to pursue a different field of research.”

“I understand. Thank you Professor Discord,” Said the woman with a smile.

“That’s perfectly alright my dear,” Processor Discord said as he smiled back.

At this point, Cadence spoke up.” Um, Professor Discord? The new trainers I told you about are here.”

“Ohh,” Professor Discord said with interest as he finally took notice of the other people in the room. “Well, hello, my young friends.” He dashed across the room, stopping in front of them and grasped their hands, shaking them vigorously. “Welcome to my humble little abode. I must say, it is always a delight to see fresh young faces about to head out into the world on their own grand adventure!” He took a step back and spread his arms out wide. “Now, I’m sure you all want to skip the boring stuff and get straight to your adventures!”

“Actually, Professor Discord,” Said Cadence before any of the bewildered trainers could speak. “They're actually here to be given their Pokedex, remember?”

“Uh, what?” Professor Discord said with a raised eyebrow, before slapping his head with his hand. “Oh, yes, of course! How could I possibly forget? You can’t go out into the world to see new Pokemon without the knowledge and equipment you need. But you don’t won’t one of those silly old fashioned Pokedex. These days, everything is done by phone!” He then held up what Sunset and her friends could only describe as a black plastic brick.

“That’s a phone?” Sunset asked.

“Aren’t those what you use to build houses?” Asked Mad Page.

“You could knock someone out with that thing,” Added Solar.

“Oh no, not this embarrassing old relic!” Discord said as he threw the old phone away. “I mean your actual phones! May I have them for a moment please?” At their suspicious glances, he said reassuringly, “No need to be worried, I just want to give them a quick upgrade.” They hesitated before, with an affirming nod from Cadence, taking out their phones and handing them over. “Thank you my young friends. You will have them back in jiffy.” He then walked over to a table and picked up a metal canister. He unscrewed the top, and with a whoosh, something flew out of it, or rather, three somethings. They zipped back and forth around the lab before stopping in front of Discord. They looked like little plasma balls with smiling faces.

“What are they?” Sunset asked as she stared in awe.

“I’m not sure,” Solar said.

“They’re Rotom’s,” Said Mad Page.

“Alright, boys, you know what to do,” Said Discord, and the three Rotom’s chirped excitedly as they flew into all three of their phones. “Upgrade complete.” The three trainers watched in astonishment as their phones floated out of his hands and hovered in front of each of them. “Say hello to your new Rotom phones. They have all kinds of useful features, such as hands free headsets for while you're on the go, like those things that came out all those years ago, except without all the earwax. Yuck! Gross! Also, with the hands free set, you can take great selfies, without the long stick. But let's not forget the best and most important feature, the Pokedex app! This allows you to scan any new Pokemon you see and look up any known information about any known Pokemon. And now that that is all taken care of, you children are now all set to register for the Pokemon League and away you go!” He finished with a flourish.

Once this had all been said, Sunset and the others all took a moment to play with their new toys. The first thing they all did was check the Pokedex entries for their respective starting Pokemon.

Solar’s entry for Charmander read:

Charmander: The Lizard Pokemon

It has a preference for hot things. When it rains, steam is said to spout from the tip of its tail.

Sunset’s entry for Torchic read:

Torchic: The Chic Pokemon

Torchic sticks with its trainer, following behind with unsteady steps. This Pokemon breathes fire of over 1800 degrees Fahrenheit, including fireballs that leave the foe scorched black.

And Mad Page’s entry for Fennekin read:

Fennekin: The Fox Pokemon

Eating a twig fills it with energy, and its roomy ears give vent to air hotter than 390 degrees Fahrenheit.

After reading her entry on Torchic, Sunset had the idea to use the Pokedex app to look up information the two mysterious Pokemon she and the boys had seen earlier that day. She pulled up a list of profile pictures of all the listed Pokemon and scrolled through them carefully. However, her search proved to be fruitless, as she could not find the two large wolf-like Pokemon anywhere. “That’s weird. They're not here,” She muttered.

“Oh, having trouble finding something?” Asked Professor Discord. “Looking for something small and cute to show to your friends Miss Shimmer?”

“Actually, Professor, I’m looking for two Pokemon that me and my friends kind of ran into earlier today, but weirdly, they don’t seem to be in here anywhere,” Sunset explained.

“Do you mean those two Pokemon?” Mad Page asked.

“Yeah, I do,” Sunset said.

“Ooh, well, now, that does sound interesting,” said Professor Discord. “Go on, my young friends. Do tell?”

And so, Sunset, Solar and Mad Page explained all about their encounter with the two wolf-like Pokemon, with Professor Discord hanging on to their every word with rapt attention. Once they finished their story, the Processor seemed particularly excited.

“My goodness, that is quite the story,” He exclaimed. “Such tension, such intrigue, it must have been pretty exciting for you all.”

“So, do you know anything about these two wolf Pokemon that we saw, Professor?” Sunset asked.

Professor Discord gave them all an apologetic frown. “Alas, my dear girl, I’m afraid I do not. You did say that it was very foggy when you saw these two Pokemon you saw, so it’s all too possible that what you saw was an hallucination brought about by the fog.”

“But you just said you believed us,” Said Solar in disbelief.

“Ohh, I do, my boy, but all the details of your story add up to the possibility of what you encountered not being real,” Professor Discord explained.

“They were twins,” Said Mad Page, “Almost mirror images, except it was like they were opposites of each other.”

“I am sorry, but i have just simply never heard of these Pokemon you described, and I don’t think anyone else has either,” Said Professor Discord with a shake of his head. “It’s nothing personal, it’s just that, unless you have hard, scientific proof of what you saw, as a man of science, I simply cannot bring myself to believe what you claim to have seen.”

Sunset was about to argue, when Mad Page cut her off. “Yeah, I suppose you're right,” He said, “Whether you believe us or not, It's highly unlikely that anyone eles would believe us without hard proof.” She had to admit he had a point.

“I guess I understand,” She said slowly, but inside, it irked her a little because of how it seemed no one believed their story.

“Well anyway, I think it’s about time you kids headed out to register for the league,” Said Discord with an enthusiastic smile. “Because if you don’t register soon, you won’t be able to participate.”

“He’s right guys,” said Mad Page. “We need to get going so we can register.

“Come on then you three,” Said Cadence, “Follow me to the Motostoke Stadium. I’m sure Professor Discord has a lot of important work to do,” She then whispered to them, “Actually yeah, this place gives me the creeps, too.” With that, they said goodbye to Professor Discord, before Cadence guided them out of the Lab.

Once they were outside, they all sighed in relief.

“Geez, I’m glad to be out of there,” Said Solar, rubbing his brow.

“Yeah, me too,” Sunset agreed with a frown.

“Hey, It wasn’t that bad,” Said Mad Page with his trademark grin, “I kinda liked the guy. I thought he was fun.”

“Well, anyway,” Cadence said, “You three had better get going now. You still have to go and get registered for the League, and then, once that’s done, why don’t you head out into the fields to catch some new Pokemon.”

“Well, we’d better get going then,” Said Sunset.

“I’ll see you later,” Mad Page said to Cadence.

“All right then, you three, see you all later, and good luck,” Said Cadence, “You can’t miss the Motostoke Stadium. It’s the largest building on the second level of the town.”

With that, the three young trainers parted ways with the champion, and headed through the town to find the Stadium. They soon found it after moving up to the second level of the town via a lift which was like a platform attached to a large gear. Once up there, they headed toward the largest building they saw. They entered the building, and were greeted by a man in what looked like a sports uniform.

“Hello,” He said. “Are you here to register for the tournament?”

“Yep,” Solar said.

“Sure are,” Said Mad Page.

“Can you help us out?” Asked Sunset.

“Right over there,” The man said, pointing over to the desks behind him. They thanked him and headed over to the desks.

“Hello, we're here to register for the League,” Said Sunset.

“Yes, of course,” Said the woman behind the desk. “If you would just hand me your Pokedex please?” They all handed over their Rotom phones, and the woman scanned them with the machine on her desk. “Alright, can I have your numbers, now, please?”

“Our numbers?” Asked Sunset in confusion.

“Yes, you need numbers to go on your jerseys,” The woman explained.

“Oh, um, OK,” Said Sunset, having a quick think. “How about, um, 39.”

“45, please,” asked Solar.

“88,” Mad Page said simply.

“Alright, that’s all in order,” Said the woman as she handed back their Rotom phones. “It will take a day to get your jersey’s ready, so you will have to come back tomorrow. There’s a hotel down the street where new trainers can stay for free, so why don’t you go cheek in there so you can spend the night.”

“Great, thank you,” said Sunset, and the three young trainers left the stadium. “So, what do we do now?” She asked the boys.

“Well, first, let's head over to the hotel,” said Solar.

They soon found the hotel. It was a charming little building. They headed inside, talked to the woman behind the reception desk, who gave them a key to their room.

Once they found their room and settled in, Sunset said, “Alright, guys, since we just have to wait until tomorrow, what do you say we head out into the fields and catch some new Pokemon? Put our new little friends through their paces?”

“That sounds great,” Smiled Solar, “Better than just sitting around here.”

“Yeah, let’s go,” Said Mad Page.

And so, the three trainers headed out of the hotel, toward the edge of town and back out into the fields. As they wandered through the open plains, they stopped as they heard a loud thud.

“What was that?” Asked Sunset.

“Sounded like a boulder being dropped on someone's head like in a cartoon,” Said Mad Page.

“It’s not a boulder,” Said Solar. “It’s that. Look!” They looked in the direction he was pointing, and saw a small Pokemon lift itself up off the ground and shake it self down, before running up a small hill which lead up to a short cliff, jumping off it, flapping it’s small arms furiously, before falling down to the ground once more with another great thud.

“What is that?” asked Sunset.

“Uh, Sunset,” said Solar, “You know you do have your Rotom phone.”

“Oh, yeah,” Sunset said, pulling out her phone, “Do your thing little guy.”

“Bagon: The Rock Head Pokemon

Type: Dragon

Whenever it sees bird Pokemon flying through the sky, it becomes envious and smashes its surroundings with headbutts.

“Aw, I think he’s cute,” Sunset said with a smile as she approached the little blue Dragon. As she got closer, her Rotom Phone gave out more information.

Caution: Do not approach a Bagon recklessly as it will attack using its Headbutt if disturbed while attempting to fly.

“Uh oh,” Said Solar. “Wait, Sunset, come back!” He tried to warn her, but it was too late.

“Hey, little guy,” Sunset said with a happy smile, kneeling down next to the Bagon. She reached out to pet it’s head…


... and her face contorted in agony, as she fell forwards, landing flat on her front, after being slammed in the stomach by a Headbutt attack.

“Bagon!” The little dragon said with a glare, before turning and kicking a plume of dirt at her head, before dashing away to attempt to fly again.

Mad Page and Solar both cringed as they looked at Sunset laying on the ground. “Ooh, she’s gonna feel that in the morning,” Solar said with a grimace.

“She’s feeling it right now,” Mad Page said, with his own grimace.

The two boys run forward to check on the fallen girl. Leaning down, they flipped her onto her back. Sunet’s eyes were wide open and blank, and thick white foam was pouring from her mouth.

“Are you OK, Sunset?” Asked Solar in concern.

“I’m afraid the great Arceus has called our friend home,” Said Mad Page solemnly as he reached down to close Sunset’s eyes.

As soon as he closed them, they heard Sunset say, “I’m not dead, guys.” She sat up and unsteadily got back to her feet, clutching and rubbing her stomach with her hands, while grimacing in discomfort and annoyance. “Oh, man, why didn’t the Pokedex warn us that it was going to do that,” She complained.

“Actually, it did,” Said Solar, holding up his own Rotom Phone. “You just didn’t hear it in time.”

“It was still uncalled for if you ask me,” she muttered in a grumpy tone. “To think that I thought that little blue wrecking ball was cute.”

“Well, regardless, Sunset,” Solar continued, before he gave an excited smile, reached into his Pocket, and pulled out a PokeBall. “I want to catch it!”

“What?” Sunset said incredulously. “Of all the Pokemon you could choose for your first catch, that’s the one you want? Why?”

“Because I like Dragons, of course,” Solar said, like it was obvious. “And the one Pokemon I always wanted was a Salamence, the final evolution of Bagon. I gotta catch it while I have the chance!”

“You can’t be serious,” Sunset said in a deadpan tone.

“Serious as a Charizard,” Solar said with a confident smirk, before holding out the PokeBall. The ball burst open, and in a stream of white energy and sparkles, his Charmander appeared. “Come on, Charmander. Let’s go and catch us a Bagon!”

“Char-Char!” The little orange lizard chirped happily, before they ran off together, with Solar snickering like a giddy child.

Sunset and Mad Page just stared after him for a moment, before Sunset turned to look at Mad Page with a raised eyebrow. “OK,” She said, “Well, since he’s gone to catch his own new partner, maybe we should do the same. Any Pokemon around here you want to catch, Mad Page?”

“Hmm,” Said Mad Page, looking all around him for anything that might catch his eye. Just then, he spotted something in the grass, which came out of the grass, cutting off the tops of the grass as it went. It then floated out in front of them. It looked like a sword in its sheath, with a blue tail-like sash, and a single eye in the middle of the handle.

Sunset could only stare at the strange sight. “Uh, what is that?” She asked. “Is that even a Pokemon?”

“It sure is,” Said Mad Page with a wide grin. “That’s a Honedge.”

“A Honedge?” Sunset asked, as she held up her Ratom Phone.

Honedge: The Sword Pokemon

Type: Steel / Ghost

Honedge is a sword that gained life when it was inhabited by a wandering spirit. It is always searching for battles to sharpen its blade.

“OK,” Sunset said, a little bit creeped out by the idea of a possessed sword. “Why do you want this thing?”

“You see that sash?” Mad Page said, pointing at the Pokemon. “I think it would look pretty cool if I had that wrapped around my neck like a scarf.”

Sunset took a moment to imagine how that would look. “Hm, I guess that would look pretty cool,” She said. “OK, if that's the one you want.”

“You bet,” Mad Page said with a smirk. “Later Sunset.” He dashed off after the Honedge.

“Well, if they’re going after their own Pokemon, I better find one I can catch to,” Sunset said to herself. “Now, which one do I want?” She looked around, trying to spot any Pokemon she might like. She paused, and her eyes widened, when she looked towards a nearby tree. Laying under the tree, shaded by the leaves above, was a small Pokemon with deep red fur, a curly tuft of darker red fur on its head, and 6 beautiful curly tails. “Hey, I know that Pokemon. That’s a Vulpix.” She pulled out her Rotom Phone and held it up.

Vulpix: The Fox Pokemon

Type: Fire

When each tail grows, It’s fur becomes more lustrous. When held, it feels slightly warm.

“Aww, a Pokemon that’s both adorable and cuddly,” Sunset said with a big smile and starry eyes. She then looked toward the little fox with a determined smirk. “I’m so gonna catch you.” She reached for her belt and unclipped a PokeBall. “Let’s get to work Torchic!” She tossed the PokeBall into the air, which promptly burst open, and the little chick Pokemon appeared in a flash.

“Tor! Torchic!” It chirped with determination, ready for battle.

“Glad to see your raring to go,” Sunset said proudly. “Alright, Torchic! Tackle that Vulpix!” The little chick charged toward the still dozing Vulpix. However, just before it could reach it, the Vulpix lazily opened its mouth, and released a plum of fire right at the little chick, engulfing it in flames.

“Torchic!” Sunset cried in worry.

The Vulpix then ceased the stream of flames, before lying back down and going back to dozing in the sun. Sunset ran forward and picked up Torchic in her arms. The poor little bird was covered in soot. Even though it was a Fire Type, that Flamethrower attack had packed a punch. Sunset looked down at the Vulpix. The Vulpix looked up at her. It blinked at her, before opening its mouth. She knew what was coming. “Please don’t,” She said, before she too was engulfed in flames. The flames subsided, and the Vulpix ran off. Like Torchic, Sunset was now covered in soot. She coughed, and out of her mouth came a plume of smoke. She watched as the Vulpix dashed away, and sighed. “You're lucky you're cute, or else I would never forgive you.” As she watched the little fox dash away, she narrowed her eyes in fierce determination. “Oh, it’s on!” She then brushed herself down to get rid of the soot.

Just then, Solar came running up to her, smiling excitedly, before holding out his hand, in which he was holding a PokeBall. “Hey, Sunset, check it out! I actually managed to catch that Bagon!” He said proudly. “It took me a while, and he broke a few of my ribs, but I got him!”

“You actually caught that little kamikaze?” Sunset asked, but then paused, raising an eyebrow. “Wait, he broke a few of your ribs?”

“That’s what I’m getting from this bruise,” Solar said as he raised the side of his shirt, showing a large, dark mark on the side of his chest.

“Ooohh,” Sunset said as she cringed heavily. “Yeah, that looks bad. We should get you to a Joy.”

At that moment, Mad Page returned. “Hey, guys, about Honedge... Whoa!” He started to say, before trailing off as he saw the black mark on Solar’s chest. “What happened to you?”

Solar held up the PokeBall in his hand and sighed. “You can blame this little kamikaze for this,” He said.

“Kamikaze?” Said Mad Page. “I guess this means you caught that Bagon? Is that it’s nickname?”

“No, that’s what Sunset called it,” Solar explained.

“Well, I think it’s a good name for it,” Said Mad Page. “You should definitely call it that.”

“Hmm,” Said Solar thoughtfully. “I guess you're right. He is always jumping off of high places in order to try and fly whenever he sees a flying type.” He held up the PokeBall and smirked. “Alright, Kamikaze it is. Oh, by the way, Mad Page. Did you manage to catch the Pokemon you wanted?”

“Yeah, what happened with that Honedge?” Sunset asked.

“Uh, yeah, he got away from me,” Said Mad Page with a dismissive shrug. “However,” he then said as he gave a wide grin, “I found this little cutie!” In his arms, he held up a little green Pokemon that looked like a small bulb, with two little leaves on the top, and a smiling face.

“Budew,” It said cutely.

“Awww,” Sunset said with a large smile and wide, starry eyes. “A Budew! I had one of these when I was a little. Well, a toy one, but still. It’s soooo cute!”

“Just then, Solar noticed something about Sunset. “Hey, never mind what happened to me, what happened to you? Why’s your hair covered in soot?” He asked her.

“And why do you smell like bacon?” Asked Mad Page randomly.

“What? I don’t smell like bacon,” Sunset said in an annoyed voice. “And if you must know, I was hit with a flamethrower attack from an adorable little Vulpix.”

“Wait? What?” Solar said, smiling with excitement. “There’s a Vulpix around here? I gotta try and catch it!” With that, he turned and dashed away to catch the little fox for himself.

“Solar, come back!” Sunset shouted after. “I haven't caught a Pokemon yet! I want that Vulpix!” But Solar either didn’t hear her, or just ignored her. She groaned, before looking at Mad Page. “Mad Page, please stop him? I haven’t caught my first Pokemon yet and I want it to be that Vulpix.”

Mad Page nodded before shouting, “Hey, Solar, get back here!” He then held up his Budew above his head before running after Solar and shouting, “Don’t make me use Stun Spore on you!”

Once both boys we’re gone, a curious Sunset raised her forearm to her nose, and took a quick sniff. Her eyes widened in surprise. “Wow, I smell delicious!” She said, before her irises shrunk to the size of pinpricks. “Why do I smell delicious?” She said nervously. She quickly shook off this concern. She had a bigger problem right now. “Solar!” She shouted as she gave chase after the red haired boy. “I’m supposed to catch that cute, cuddly, adorable little Vulpix!”

Sunset quickly caught up to Mad Page. “Did you catch up to him?” She asked.

“I did,” Said Mad Page, “Good news, I was able to stop him from catching Vulpix. Bad news, we lost the Vulpix.”

“What?!” Sunset said in annoyance, “How could you lose a Vulpix?”

“Easy,” Replied Mad Page, “We lost in a bed of Vulpix Flowers.”

“Vulpix Flowers?” Sunset asked with a raised eyebrow. “Those are a thing?”

“Yep,” Mad Page Said, “Their flowers with petals that look like Vulpix tails. See for yourself.”

Sunset looked, and groaned when she saw the oddly shaped, but aptly named flowers. “Oh, come on!” She said grumpily. She could see Solar Force rooting through the flowers for the elusive fox Pokemon, which caused her to roll her eyes and tut. “Someone doesn’t know when to give up,” she said, shaking her head. “Now what am I going to do?” She then turned her head skywards as she said, “I mean, it’s not like a Pokemon is going to just drop out of the sky so I can catch it, right?” She then heard a high pitched screaming noise coming from above her. “Huh? What’s that?” She squinted as she could make out something very small plummeting down toward her. “What the…?!” (Bonk!) Something landed hard on her face, knocking her down to the ground. The thing rolled off to the side, where it lay next to her, as both their eyes became spinning swirls.

“It’s raining Pokemon,” Said Mad Page.

“Hallelujah,” Agreed Solar as he came back to witness the sudden event.

Sunset quickly sat up, shook her head to get rid of her dizziness, and looked toward the boys with wide eyes. “What was that?!” Mad Page just pointed to what was lying beside her. Sunset looked down, and her eyes widened in shock and surprise.

On the ground was a little yellow Pokemon with mousey ears with black tips, red cheek spots, and a tail that looked like a yellow lightning bolt with a reddish brown tint near the base. The tip of the tail was notched, making it look like a love heart.

“Is… Is that a Pikachu?!” Sunset exclaimed. Seeing the zoned out state the little mouse Pokemon was in, she frowned in worry. “Oh, no, the poor thing is hurt!” She then paused. “Wait a minute. This Pikachu is hurt.” Her face then split into a wide grin. “That means that I can catch it!” She looked to the sky and put her hands together. “The great Arceus must have answered my prayers!”

Mad Page and Solar just stared at her strangely. “Do you think she has brain damage?” Solar asked uneasily.

“Oh, yeah, she definitely has brain damage,” Mad Page nodded.

Sunset pulled out a PokeBall and held it just above the Pikachu’s head. “And now, the moment of truth, my first catch as a Pokemon Trainer,” She said in delight. “They say you never forget your first anything.” She tapped the ball against the Pikachu’s head… and nothing happened. “Huh? Why didn’t it work?” She looked at the ball closely, before shrugging. “Eh, must have a glitch.” She put the ball and pulled out another one. “Let’s try this again.” She tapped the ball against the Pikachu again… and nothing happened. “This one’s defective too?” She put that ball away and tried another… and another… and another… and another. “Why isn’t this working?” She said, getting frustrated. “They can’t all be defective.”

Just then, her Rotom Phone floated up from her Pocket and hovered in front of her. “If a Pokemon has already been caught by another trainer, it can not be caught with a different PokeBall by another trainer,” It explained in it’s electronic voice.

“Wait, what?” Sunset said, with a look of utter disappointment on her face. “Your telling me this little cutie already belongs to someone?”

“Well, if that’s the case,” Said Mad Page, “They’re probably looking for this little thing right now, and likely worried sick.”

“Yeah, you're right,” Agreed Solar, “We should probably try and find it’s trainer.”

“Aww, but I wanted to catch this little sweetie,” Sunset said, pouting in resignation. “Just look at that shiny yellow coat and those little red cheeks, it’s so cute.”

“We know you want to keep it, Sunset,” Said Mad Page, “But it’s not yours.”

“You’ve only got two options here, Sunset,” Said Solar. “Either return that Pokemon to it’s trainer or keep and get arrested by Officer Jenny.”

At these words, Sunset was on her like a shot. “OK, let’s go find Pikachu’s trainer,” She said in a rush.

“Uhh, actually,” Solar said, looking down at the still unconscious Pikachu, “Maybe we should take it to see Nurse Joy first.”

“OK, good idea,” Sunset agreed. She knelt down, and very carefully picked the little mouse Pokemon up in her arms. “It’s OK, sweetie, we’ll get you some help,” She said softly.

Unbeknownst to the trio, high in the sky, what looked like a little star flashed, followed by the screams of another trio, as they plummeted toward the ground, before slamming into the upper branches of a nearby tree, bringing the screaming to an abrupt halt. The trio hung awkwardly from the branches, groaning and moaning heavily. They consisted of a young man, a young woman, and a small cat like Pokemon. Their names were Jessie, James and Meowth. Jessie shook herself off to regain her senses, before she glared at her two colleagues, quivering with rage. “You pair of morons!” she snapped. “We would have had Pikachu by now if it wasn't for your buffoonery!”

“Why are you blaming me?!” James yelled back. “We both know this is all Meowth’s fault! He was the one who built that stupid contration out of such cheap materials!”

“Well, excuse me!” Meowth snapped at him indignantly. “I had to make do with the little budget we had left after Jessie threw most of our cash away on beauty products!”

“Well, how else do you expect a girl to take of herself?”Jessie huffed arrogantly. “I mean,” She went on, with a vain, smug smile, while gesturing to herself, “You don’t think all of this just happens by accident, do you?”

“I dunno,” Said Meowth, glaring at the young woman, “Maybe you should ask your parents?”

Jessie glared at Meowth in utter, unbridled fury. “WHAT WAS THAT YOU SMART MOUTHED LITTLE FUR BALL?!!” She screeched, ready to tear the little cat apart. But before she could proceed to beat Meowth into a pulp, they all paused as they heard a young, unfamiliar voice say something which caught their attention.

“Come on, let's get this Pikachu to the Pokemon Centre.”

All three of their heads popped down out of the branches. (Pop) (Pop) (Pop) They all saw Sunset, Solar and Mad Page as they walked past the tree, heading in the direction of the nearby town. But what really got their attention was Sunset, as she gently cradled their ever evasive quarry in her arms. Their heads disappeared back into the tree’s branches. (Pop) (Pop) (Pop) Perched among the branches, James asked, “Who are they? New twerps?”

“Forget who they are, the important thing is they got Pikachu,” Meowth said.

“And there was no sign of the old twerp,” Jessie put in, before she gave a sinister smirk. “Which probably means they don’t know the old twerp, and therefore, don’t know who we are.”

“Ahh, I see your point, Jessie,” Meowth said, also smirking. “That means getting Pikachu should be a snap.”

“Ahh, you're right,” Smirked James, “All we have to do is walk up to them, say that Pikachu is ours, and they’ll just hand it right over.”

They all laughed snisterly, before jumping out of the tree.

Back with Sunset and the boys, they continued on their way back toward Motostoke to find the Pokemon Centre. Sunset looked down at Pikachu as she gently patted it between the ears. “Hey, little one?” She said softly, “Can you hear me?” The little yellow mouse didn’t respond, making Sunset even more worried. “I hope you're not seriously hurt.”

“Don’t worry, Sunset,” Solar said, “It’ll be fine. We’ll get the little thing some help in no time.”

“Yeah, I know,” Sunset sighed, “It’s just that-”

“Hey, look, a random encounter,” Mad Page interrupted.

Sunset and Solar both looked up, and stared. Walking towards them were three people. Well, at least two of them were people. The third was a Pokemon. But the strangest thing was what they were wearing. The young man and woman wore the same white uniform. The man had blue hair, wore black boots, white pants, and a white shirt with black gloves. The woman had maroon hair, wore black boots, a white mini skirt, a white top, and also wore black gloves. They each had a large capital letter R on their shirts. As they came towards the trio, their faces lit up in delight. “Oh, thank goodness you found our precious little one!” The woman, who was of course Jessie, cried dramatically.

“Oh, yes, we’re so relieved!” The blue haired man, or rather, James, said just as dramatically.

Sunset and the boys looked at them strangely. “Uh, precious little one?” Sunset said, raising an eyebrow, before looking down at Pikachu. “Do you mean this Pikachu?”

“Why, of course we mean that darling little Pikachu,” Jessie said with a wide smile, before she frowned. “You see, we were so worried after we got separated from our beloved Pikachu after we ambushed by this truly evil twerp of a girl.

“It’s true,” James said with tears in his eyes. “That little twerp just won’t leave us alone, and even goes as far as building these all crazy machines just to steal our precious Pikachu from us.”

“Really?” Sunset asked.

“Yes, and she’s been chasing us, just to steal Pikachu from us, ever since Kanto!” James finished.

“Wait?” Solar said sketically. “You guys are from Kanto, and this person has been chasing you, and building crazy machines, just to get their hands on this Pikachu?”

“Yes!” Jessie and James said in unison.

Solar frowned, before saying in a deadpan tone, “That… is the saddest thing I've ever heard. What kind of losers would waist all that time and effort doing something like that?”

At his words, Jessie and James visibly flinched. Holding in her temper as best she could, Jessie put on an almost sickly sweet smile, and said in the sweetest voice, “Well, regardless, can we have our precious little Pikachu back now, pretty please?”

“Why should we hand it over to you?” Sunset asked, getting a bit put off by these two weirdos.

“If this Pikachu belongs to you, why don’t you just call it back into its PokeBall? That would be a lot easier,” Put in Mad Page.

“Well, there’s a very good reason for that,” James said, smiling just as sweetly as Jessie. “Pikachu doesn’t like being inside of its PokeBall.”

“And besides,” Added Jessie, “The little darling’s PokeBall is in the repair shop right now.”

Sunset was still uncertain about handing over Pikachu. Something felt off about this. But before she could think about it anymore, they all heard a loud, annoyed sounding voice.

“Hey! What are you three doing with my Pikachu?!” Everybody’s heads turned toward the direction of the voice, and they all saw a teenage girl stomping her way towards them, with an angry scowl on her face. She was tall, with fair skin, dark shoulder length hair, and light brown eyes. She wore white and black sneakers, jeans, a black tank top under a blue jacket with yellow lining and white sleeves and collar, green fingerless gloves, and a red and white cap with a green, sideways V design on the front. She came to a stop beside them and glared at Sunset. “OK, listen up,” She said, pointing straight at Sunset, “I don’t know what these three creeps told you, but believe me, it’s all lies, because that’s my Pikachu!”

Jessie and James scowled at the sight of the tomboyish girl, before turning to look desperately at Sunset. “Oh no, it’s her!” Cried James. “This is that twerpy girl we told you about! Quick, give Pikachu to us right now!”

“Don’t listen to them!” the girl demanded, “Like I said, they're lying! That Pikachu belongs to me, and they’re always trying to steal it from me!”

“OK, everybody hold it!” Sunset shouted in a frustrated voice. “Both you guys,” she pointed at Jessie and James, “and you,” she then pointed at the cap wearing girl, “have told me the same thing! That this Pikachu belongs to you and that each of you are trying to steal it from the other! How am I supposed to know who to believe when you’re both telling me the exact same thing?!”

“I’ll tell you why,” Said the girl, “those three are bad guys who are always trying to steal other people's Pokemon, especially my Pikachu!”

“How am I supposed to believe that when they’ll probably say the same thing about you?” Sunset asked suspiciously.

“Because, unlike them, I can actually prove that Pikachu is mine,” the girl said.

“OK, I’m ending this malarkey, right now,” Said Mad Page, before reaching into his bag, and pulling out a bright red, spiky fruit. “With this, a Tamato Berry!”

Everyone just stared at him with vacant eyes, before Jessie said, “And how, pray tell, are you going to solve this with that?”

“Very simple, actually,” Mad Page replied, before he snapped off one of the spikes on the Tamato Berry, before holding out under the still unconscious Pikachu’s nose. “Raise and shine, sleeping beauty!” He exclaimed exuberantly.

As the pungent scent of the infamously hot fruit wafted into the little mouse’s nose, it twitched in Sunset’s arms, before it’s eyes snapped open, and it gave a cry of shock. “PIKACHU!!”

“Whoa, whoa, hold it, sweetie, calm down!” Sunset called out, trying to calm the flailing Pokemon.

“What did you do to my Pikachu you jerk?!” Shouted the irked girl.

“And what did that solve, genius?” Solar asked, “All you’ve done is irritate the poor thing!”

“Wait for it?” Mad Page said casually.

Sunset looked down at Pikachu as it rubbed its nose, before it paused, and began to breathe deeply, it’s red cheek spots beginning to crackle with electricity. “Pi… Pi… Pi…”

“Uh oh,” said the girl with a sweatdrop, before saying to Sunset, “Uhh, I’d drop Pikachu right now, if I were you!”

“Uhh, why?” Sunset asked.

She quickly got her answer, as Pikachu let out a massive sneeze, shocking her with a Thunderbolt in the process. “Pika...CHUUUU!!”

“That’s why,” said the girl with another sweatdrop.

“Not again,” Sunset muttered, her body twitching and crackling with electric sparks, before coughing up a small plume of smoke.

Pikachu then shook it itself off, before finally seeing the girl. “Pika Pi!” It squeaked happily, before jumping out of Sunset’s arms and running over to the girl, who scooped it up into her own arms, giving it a big hug.

“Pikachu!” She said with delight, “It’s so great to have you back, buddy!”

“Pikachu!” The little mouse chipred, before hoping out of her arms again, and perching on her shoulder.

“Well, that solves that,” Said Mad Page.

Observing all this, Jessie, James and Meowth were fuming at being so easily thwarted. “Plan B?” James whispered to Jessie.

“Plan B,” Jessie whispered back in agreement. She then leaned down to whisper to the cat Pokemon. “Meowth, get the machine ready.”

“Eh, what machine, Jessie?” Meowth asked in confusion. “You didn’t give me enough time to build one.”

“You dolt!” Jessie snarled. “Alright, fine, we’ll have to use our Pokemon.”

“Uh, Jessie, we don’t have any Pokemon, remember?” Said James.

“Oh, well, that’s just great!” Jessie fumed. “So, we’ve got no plan, no robot and no Pokemon! What are we going to do?!”

“I’ll just use my claws to pry Pikachu off them twerps!” Said Meowth, unsheathing said claws.

“Sleep Powder!” Mad Page called out, as he suddenly popped up behind them, taking them by surprise, and holding up his cute little Budew, who promptly sprayed the three would be villains with a light blue powder, knocking them all out. “Well, that takes care of that,” He smiled.

Sunset then walked up to the girl. “Hey, listen, I’m sorry that I almost gave away your Pikachu to those weirdos,” She said, scratching the back of her head.

“Hey, it’s OK,” The girl said with a smile and a dismissive wave. “It’s not the first time something like this has happened. Besides, you and your friends were just trying to help. Right, Pikachu?”

“Pika! Pikachu!” Pikachu chipred, before rubbing its nose, and letting out another, much smaller sneeze.

“Aw, your nose is still full of Tamato?” Sunset asked, before turning to look at Mad Page with a frown. “Apologize, Mad Page.”

“I have no sin,” Mad Page muttered darkly.

“Uh, how long have you known this guy?” The girl asked with a slight frown.

“Less than a day,” Sunset said, rolling her eyes.

“Well, that explains a lot,” Muttered the girl.

“Well, I still think we should take your Pikachu to the Pokemon Centre just to be safe,” Said Solar. “What with that Tamato Berry, and lets not forget, it did have a nasty fall.”

“Not to mention I kept hitting it over the head with PokeBalls,” Sunset said under her breath.

“What was that?” asked the girl.

“Uh, nothing,” Sunset quickly said.

“Wow, we are all just terrible people,” Mad Page blurted out.

“OK,” Solar said quickly, “I think we're done here, lets go.”

“Yeah, sure,” Sunset said as she turned and headed off, followed by the girl.

Before following them, Mad Page walked over to the still sleeping Jessie, James and Meowth, and smirked. “Don’t pass out,” He said, holding up a marker pen, “When there's markers about.” He then looked toward the camera and said, “Any true Pokemon fan would know where I got this idea from.”

Jessie yawned softly as she woke up, before sitting up with a stretch. “Ahh, that was a good nap,” she said. She then looked over at James and Meowth as they also woke up, and put her hand to mouth, trying hard not to burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny Jessie?” Asked James.

“If only you two could see your faces,” Jessie replied, struggling to hold back her giggles.

“Hey, Jessie, you looked in a mirror lately?” Asked Meowth in a deadpan tone.

“Uh, what?” Jessie said, before holding up and opening a small compact mirror. She took one look at her reflection… and growled in fury. “I… will… have… VENGEANCE!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Meanwhile, Sunset and the other young trainers had arrived at the Pokemon Centre, and we’re now waiting to hear news about the girls Pikachu. Just then, Nurse Joy came out from the back room. Good news,” She said cheerfully, “Your Pikachu’s going to be just fine. She just has to sneeze out the last of the Tamato Berry she inhaled, and there are no serious injuries.” She carefully placed the Pikachu on the counter in front of her.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you so much, Nurse Joy,” Said the girl with a grateful smile, as she opened her arms, and Pikachu lept into her arms for a cuddle. “I’m so glad you're OK, Pikachu.” She cuddled it for a moment longer, before Pikachu took its place on her shoulder once more.

“We’re all glad you're OK, Pikachu,” Sunset said with a smile. She reached out a hand to pet the little mouse Pokemon, before pausing and looking at the girl. “Uh, is it OK if I pet your Pikachu, uh…?”

“Oh, sorry, I never introduced myself,” said the girl with a chuckle, “I’m Ashley Ketchem. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, Ashley,” Smiled Sunset, shaking the girls hand, “I’m Sunset Shimmer.” She then gestured to the boys. “This is Solar Force…”

“Hello,” Solar said politely.

“And this lunatic over here is Mad Page,” Sunset finished.

“I’m not a lunatic,” Mad Page said, before saying with a smirk, “I’m just every flavour of insanity.”

Sunset and Solar just looked at Mad Page with a deadpan stare, “Right,” They said flatly, while Ashley just looked at him oddly with a sweat drop.

“Well, anyway,” Said Solar, “You’re from Kanto, right Ashley? You’re an awfully long way from home. What brings you all the way to Galar?”

“Well, I’ve been traveling from region to region for a while now,” Ashley explained, “I’m trying to fulfil my dream of becoming a Pokemon Master,” she said with wide starry eyes, “and I discovered that the Galar region was about to start its own Pokemon League, so I came here to compete in it.”

“You’re here for the Pokemon League?” Sunset said with a smile, “That’s awesome! So, who chose you to be a competitor?”

“Er, chose me?” Said Ashley in confusion.

“You know, which one of the champions?” Asked Solar, “It must have been the chairman, at least.”

Ashley now looked thoroughly confused. “Er, what are you guys talking about?” she asked.

Sunset, Solar and Mad Page all looked at each as realisation dawned on them, before turning back to Ashley. “Ashley,” Asked Mad Page, “Stupid question, but how long have you been in Galar for?”

“Er,” Said Ashley with a raised eyebrow, “about a day or so, I guess. Really, I only just arrived in Galar right before I got separated from Pikachu.”

“Geez, you really are new here,” said Solar.

“She’s not just new, she’s literally fresh off the boat,” stated Mad Page.

“Which means she doesn’t know how things work here in Galar,” finished Sunset.

“OK, can we stop playing 20 questions here,” Ashley said, getting a little annoyed, “and can you please just explain what’s going with you guys?”

“Yeah, sorry, Ashley,” Sunset apologised, “It’s just that things work differently here in Galar. You see…”

At that moment, the main doors of the Pokemon Centre opened and Nurse Joy cheerfully said, “Ah, Champion Cadence, welcome.”

“Champion?!” Blurted out Ashley, turning around on the spot to see the so called Champion, leaving Sunset and the boys to just shrug, as they too looked toward the newcomer.

Cadence turned to see the young trainers, and smiled when she saw Mad Page. “Ah, Mad Page, good to see you and your new friends again. How’s your journey going so far?”

“Eh, It’s going fine,” Said Mad Page casually, “I’m definitely having fun with these two.” He gestured toward Sunset and Solar.

“Er, excuse me, Champion Cadence?” Solar spoke up, “Can I just ask, why did you choose this guy, who is, and I quote, ‘every flavour of insanity’, as your challenger?”

Cadence laughed. “Well, let’s just say that despite everything, he has a big heart.”

“Speaking of the League,” Said Mad Page, “this girl here, called Ashley, is fresh off the boat here in Galar, and she wants to enter the League, but she hasn’t been chosen, and doesn’t know how the league here in Galar works. Could you please explain it to her?”

“Oh, I see,” Cadence said, “Very well, I’ll be happy to explain.” She turned to Ashley and smiled. “Ashley, is it? Well, first, let me just say, welcome to Galar.” She held out her hand for Ashley to shake, before she continued speaking. “Now, you see, the way the Pokemon League here works is probably different to most of the other ones you are used to. In Galar, each of the four League Champions chooses 4 new trainers to take part in the League Competition. As Well as the Champions, the Chairman of the League also chooses 4 trainers.”

“Well, what's the point of all that?” Asked Ashley in confusion.

“Simple, it’s tradition,” Stated Cadence. “Also, so that 4 teams of Trainers can challenge the League.”

“So, you're telling me that you have 20 trainers, and they are split up into 5 teams of 4?” Ashley asked.

“Precisely,” Said Cadence. “However, the teams are not formed of each trainer who was chosen by their Champion, it’s the Trainers themselves who decide who are teamed up with who.”

“OK, I think I get it,” Said Ashley, rubbing her chin, “So, if I can only enter the League if I’m chosen by a Champion or the Chairman…” She paused as she smiled at Cadence, before saying, “Then could you please choose me as one of your competitors?”

“I thought you would ask me that,” Cadence said, before smiling apologetically. “I’m very sorry, but I already chose Mad Page as my fourth competitor.”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Mad Page said.

“And also,” Cadence continued, “I think the Chairman and the other Champions have already chosen each of their four competitors.” She gave a gentle, sorrowful smile. “I am very sorry, dear, but there is no way for you to enter this year's Galar League.”

“Ohhh,” Ashley said dejectedly, hanging her head, as she felt her heart break. “I see. I understand.”

“Again, I am really sorry,” Cadence said with a gentle smile, “Maybe if you come back next year, you’ll have better luck.” She then looked around at the others and said, “Well, I must say goodbye now. Good luck on your journeys.” With that, she turned and headed over to resume her conversation with Nurse Joy.

“Hey, Ashley,” Said Sunset gently with a reassuring smile, “Even if you can’t take part in the League, at least you will be able to go and watch.”

“And,” added Solar, “If you stick around with us, you’ll be able to watch us competing.”

“So why don’t you come and travel with us?” Finished Mad Page.

“Uh, OK, sure,” Ashley said with a disappointed but grateful smile, “It would be better than just hanging around with nothing to do.”

Just then, they looked up as they all heard loud cheering coming from outside.

“What’s that about?” Wondered Solar Force.

“Let’s go found out,” Said Sunset.

They made their way outside the Pokemon Centre, where they saw a large crowd had gathered. They all seemed excited, and were circling someone in the middle of the crowd. “What’s going on?” asked Ashley.

“Hang on, I got this,” Said Solar as he walked over to a nearby fence and climbed part way up so he could see over the heads of the crowd. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw who was in the middle of the crowd. “Hey, that’s Champion Leon. Hey guys, it’s Champion Leon! He’s here early!”

“Champion?” Asked Ashley, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

“Leon’s here?” Said Sunset with a smile. “We’ve got to check this out.”

“Yeah, it’s time to move on with the actual plot,” Said Mad Page, casually breaking the 4th wall.

The four young trainers stepped forward, trying to push their way to the front of the crowd. After a bit of pushing and shoving, they stepped out in front of the other people, only to see the Champion give a departing wave to his fans.

“It was a pleasure as always that you came to meet me today, but sadly I can’t stay,” He explained to the crowd, a few of them sighing in disappointment. “You see, I have some other more pressing business I need to attend to. But, you can all come and see me and the other Champions at the opening ceremony for the Galar League tomorrow.” With that, the crowd parted so he could leave. However, as he was leaving, Ashley suddenly ran forward and jumped out in front of him.

“Wait, you can’t go yet!” She said with a hint of desperation.

Leon stopped and stared at the abrupt girl in surprise, before smiling and giving a light chuckle. “Oh, I see, you want an autograph,” He said. “Well, I don't want to disappoint one of my fans.”

“Uh, really?” Said Ashley, “Well, I can’t say no to a free autograph.” She then gave a determined look. “But that’s not why I’m here. Champion Leon, I’m here to challenge you to a Battle!”

“Uhh, OK,” Leon said slowly, “Are you in League?

“Well, actually, no,” Ashely admitted, “I was told I couldn’t be in the League because all the Champions had chosen all of the Competitors. So, I figured that if I couldn’t be in the League, I’ll just settle for having a battle with one of the Champions.”

Leon hummed in thought, and then smiled. “Well, it is unusual for a Champion to go up against a Trainer outside the League, but, I gotta say, I admire that spirit of yours, kid. You got Moxie. Say, where are you from, anyway?”

“Oh, I’m actually from Pallet Town in the Kanto Region,” Ashley explained.

“Kanto, eh?” Leon asked with an intrigued smile. “That’s an awful long way to come just to be disappointed. Be a shame to send you all the way back home without the full Galar experience. You know what, I think I will Battle you, after I have finished my current errands.”

“Really?!” Ashley said excitedly, her eyes sparkling. “You will?!”

“Sure,” Said Leon with a smile. “Just come and meet me at the town gate in about three hours time. I’ll be waiting for you.”

“You bet!” Ashley said with a determined smile, as Leon waved and walked away.

“Three hours?” Said Sunset, before she gave a big smile. “That’s just enough time for me to catch that cute little Vulpix!”

“OK, for the sake of saving time,” Said Mad Page to the reader, “Cue the original 90s Pokemon Theme song, Montage Style!”

Over the next three hours, the three friends and along with Ashley found and chased the elusive Vulpix. It took a lot of effort from all four of them, but finally, they had it cornered. Sunset threw her PokeBall, and after a few tense moments, a familiar ping was heard.

“Yes!” Sunset cheered happily. “I finally caught my first Pokemon!” She ran forward, grabbed up her PokeBall and nuzzled it against her cheek happily. “I’ll never let you go, you little cutie!”

“Good for you, Sunset,” Said Solar with a wheeze. He and Mad Page’s clothes were sooty and they had scorch marks on their faces. Mad Page then licked his finger and thumb, before using them to extinguish a tiny flame in Solar’s hair. “Thanks man,” Solar muttered.

“Aw, man,” Said Ashley, who was just as burnt up as the boys. “For a little Pokemon, that Vulpix was vicious.”

“Pikachu,” Muttered a just as sooty Pikachu, before coughing up a puff of smoke.

After that, the group headed back to the town to wait for Leon.

At the anointed time, by Motostoke’s Main Gate, Ashley stood, with a determined look on her face. Just then, the man himself, Champion Leon approached, looking just as determined as Ashley. “Well, good to see you showed up,” he said with a smile.

“You betcha,” Ashley said, also smiling, “I wouldn’t miss this for anything.”

“Well, in that case, let’s get this started,” Leon said as he held up a PokeBall.

“I can’t believe I’m watching a live battle with a Champion,” Sunset said excitedly, “This is going to be awesome!”

“I know right?” Said Solar with a smile, who was just as excited as Sunset.

“Eh, this should kill about 5 minutes,” Said Mad Page with a shrug.

“OK,” Said Ashley, “Let’s do this! You're up, Pikachu!”

“Pikachu!” Pikachu said as it leapt from her shoulder, before taking a battle ready stance, it’s cheeks crackling with electricity, as it stared down its opponent.

“All right, go!” Shouted Leon as he threw his PokeBall into the air, which burst open, and with a flash of white light, a large lizard like Pokemon appeared. It had orange skin, a pale yellow underbelly, large wings, two horns on its head, and a flame on its tail. It let out a fierce roar as it stared down the much smaller Pikachu, taking it by surprise.

Ashley was even more surprised. “Whoa, this guy has a Charizard?!”

“Leon’s gone straight for his ace this time,” Said Solar.

“Yeah, that’s his strongest Pokemon,” Sunset said with a hint of worry. “Do you think Pikachu even stands a chance against Charizard?”

“Well, don’t forget, Pikachu does have type advantage with Charizard being part Flying-Type,” Said Mad Page. “But Leon isn't one the Champions of Galar for nothing.”

“Even so, Ashley did say that she’s competed in a lot of other Pokemon Leagues,” Solar said, “That means she has plenty of experience right? So she must know how to make full use of Pikachu’s strengths.”

“So it comes down to the question of who has more experience,” Said Mad Page, “Ashley or Leon.”

“Well, we’ll soon find out,” agreed Sunset.

The battle finally began as Leon made the first move. “Charizard, use Flamethrower!” He commanded. Charizard opened its mouth wide, releasing a stream of fire straight at Pikachu.

“Pikachu, doge it!” Called Ashley, as Pikachu leapt out of the path of the flames just in time. “Alright, now use Thunderbolt!”

Pikachu charged itself up with electricity, before, with a loud cry, it released it as a bolt of lightning straight toward Charizard. “Pika-CHUUU!!” This time, the attack struck home, engulfing the large dragon like Pokemon in a burst of yellow electricity.

“Alright!” Ashley cheered, only for her smile to fall as she stared at the opposing Pokemon. Despite being engulfed by the electrical attack, not much damage seemed to be being inflicted on Charizard. In fact, Charzard didn’t seem fazed at all. It didn’t even flinch. It just stood there, taking the attack full force, unmoving, until, with a flap of its wings, it shook the attack off with a defiant roar. Ashley stared in astonishment. “Whoa! That Charizard is so strong!”

Leon smirked as he said, “That was only a taste of Charzard’s strength. Now, watch this. Charizard, use Dragon Tail!” Charizard’s tail began to glow with bright green light, which formed into a layer of what looked like dragon scales, before lifting into the air and diving at Pikachu, its enhanced tail ready to strike.

“Quick, Pikachu, match it with your Iron Tail!” Ashley called. Pikachu’s own tail glowed white before taking on a silvery, metallic shine. As Charizard got closer, Pikachu leapt into the air, swinging out its own tail as Charizard swiped at it with it’s own.

“We’re about to witness the epic clash of the tails,” Said Mad Page in anticipation. The two tails collided in mid air, resulting in a mini shockwave. “It’s glorious,” Mad Page whispered with wide starry eyes.

However, the moment didn’t last long, as Leon’s smirk widened even more, before he said, “Not bad, Kanto girl. But let’s see you handle this. Charizard, use Metal Claw!” Charizard’s right claw glowed white, just as Pikachu’s tail had done, before, with lightning speed, it slammed it’s claw into the little electric mouse, catching it off guard, and sending it plummeting into the ground, where it hit hard, kicking up a plume of dust.

“No, Pikachu!” Ashley cried.

“Come on, little sweetie!” Sunset shouted. “Keep fighting!”

As the dust cleared, they looked on in worry as they saw Pikachu laying on the ground. But then smiled with hope, as Pikachu struggled back to its feet, weakened, but not beaten yet. “Alright, Pikachu!” Cheered Ashley.

“Hmm,” Hummed Leon thoughtfully, “Not bad. It’s clear you’ve raised and trained your Pikachu well. However,” His smirk returned to his face, “I’m afraid it’s time for me to end this. Charizard, use Seismic Toss!” Charizard let out a powerful roar, as it swooped down on the momentarily defenceless Pikachu, grabbed it up in it’s claws, and shot up high into the air, before flying in a tight, fast somersault, gaining speed as it went. It came out of the circle and dived toward the ground like a dive bomber.

In a moment of desperation, Ashley yelled, “Pikachu, quick, use Thunderbolt!” With a burst of yellow lighting, Charziard was momentarily stunned, allowing Pikachu to leap free of its claws. Seeing her chance, Ashley gave the command, “Pikachu, now, use Electro Ball!” Pikachu held its tail high, forming a ball of electrical energy, which it flung at Charizard with all it’s might.

However, Leon was ready for such a move. “Good move, if not a desperate one,” he said calmly, before smirking once more as he gave the last command. “Charizard, counter with Metal Claw!” Charizard’s claw glowed white once more, before it thrust out its arm and intercepted the Electro Ball, right before flinging it right back at Pikachu. There was an almighty boom, as the battle field was covered in smoke. And then, to the shock of Sunset, Solar, and especially Ashley, Pikachu slammed into the ground once more. There was a tense moment, before, as everyone watched, Pikachu once again tried to struggle back to its feet. Had the little yellow Pokemon beaten the odds a second time? But it wasn’t to be, as Pikachu used up the last of its strength, before collapsing back to the ground, it’s eyes becoming little swirls as it fell unconscious.

The Battle was over. Leon had won.

Ashley slowly walked forward, before kneeling down to scoop Pikachu up into her arms. “You OK, Pikachu?” She asked softly.

“Pika...chu,” Pikachu chirped softly, as it looked up at it’s beloved Trainer with sorrowful eyes.

“It’s OK, buddy,” Ashley said with a warm smile, “You were great out there.”

“D’aww,” Sunset cooed, smiling sweetly at the heart warming moment.

Just then, Leon stepped toward Ashely, holding up a small spray bottle. “Hear, use this on Pikachu,” He said, “It’s a Healing Spray.”

“Thanks, Leon,” Ashley said gratefully, as she took the spray from him and applied it lightly on Pikachu’s forehead. “There you go Pikachu, that should make you feel better.”

“Regardless, that was an intense battle,” Said Leon, “You should take Pikachu to a Pokemon Centre just to be safe.”

“Yeah, I will,” nodded Ashley, before saying, “Well, thank you for accepting my challenge Leon. I look forward to facing you for real in next year's Galar League.”

“Why wait a whole year?” Leon said with a smile, “It just so happens, that my 4th choice for the League is moving to Unova with his family, so he was forced to back out.”

“Say what?!” Ashley exclaimed in shock. “Does that mean that…?!”

“Looks like there's a place for you in this year’s League after all,” Leon confirmed with a smile. “That is, if you want it.”

“YES!!” Ashley cried in delight, “I want it! I really, really want it!”

“Well, you impressed me so much in that battle, I would be honoured to fight you in an official match,” Leon said with a chuckle. “Congratulations. The place is yours.”

“AWW, YEAH!!” Ashley cheered as she literally jumped for joy.

“Uhh, I hate to be killjoy here, guys,” Said Solar, “But we need to get Ashley registered for the League and we haven’t got long to do that. The opening ceremony is tomorrow.”

“Wait? What?” Said Ashley, “I have to register?”

“That’s right,” Said Mad Page, “So we’d better shake a leg. We need to get her registered and get her jersey sorted, and before that, we need to give the Professor another visit to get her Rotom Phone.”

“Well, let’s not just stand here,” Sunset said, “We need to get to the arena fast.”

And so, after a rushed goodbye to Leon, the 4 trainers quickly made their way back to Prossor Discord’s Lab. After a quick explanation, he was delighted to give Ashley her own Rotom Phone. With that done, the next stop was the arena. Ashley managed to register and get her Jersey number just in time.

After all that rushing about, they were all exhausted, and looking forward to a good night's rest. They headed over to the Budew hotel, got a room, and settled in for the night.

The next day, they all took part in the Galar League's opening ceremony, and at last, their Pokemon Journey in Galar had officially begun.

To Be Continued...

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Pokémon Anime. With a female Ash.

I'm serious about the OC thing.

If you want an OC based from pokemon, I'll tell you my team and their moves.

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