• Published 22nd Jan 2020
  • 815 Views, 41 Comments

Radiant Hope and The Nightmare - EmmyRosie5

Radiant Hope who lost her friend a long time ago must now stop Nightmare Moon from bringing eternal night to Equestria. And she won't do it alone.

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Chapter Nine: Laugh The Darkness Away

The girls headed deep into the forest, as it got even darker and darker. “Oh man, It’s so dark and spooky in here.” Derpy said shivering in fear. “That ancient ruin could be right in front of our faces and we wouldn't even know it.” Hope said.

But as it got even darker, the girls didn’t know where they were going. They would bump into someone, step on something, and other dumb stuff.

That’s when Derpy bumped into something. But when she looked at what it was, she screamed.

“Derpy, what the heck are you screaming about?” Limestone asked. She then turned around, and saw a scary tree. And the whole area was full of scary trees.

The girls screamed in fear. But suddenly, they heard laughter. The girls were confused. Who was laughing? They turned around and saw Coloratura laughing.

Coloratura was laughing. And that girl was laughing hard. “Coloratura, what are you doing?! Run!” Hope told her. “Girls, there’s nothing to be afraid of.” Coloratura told them. But the girls weren't buying it.

“Rara, what the hay are you talking about?!” Vinyl asked. Coloratura only smiled, then she began to sing.

I was just like you, afraid
When the sun was going down.

“What is she doing?” Hope asked.

There were darkness and monsters
And they would always make me frown.

“Singing, apparently.” Raindrops said.

I was scared and petrified from all the things I saw.
But when I was older, I knew that wasn’t the way to deal with fears at all.

“Then what is?” Limestone asked.

I knew that I have to stand up tall, and learn to face my fears.
I know that they can’t hurt me, and laughing will make them disappear.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

And just like that, the scary tree turned into a normal tree. The girls were surprised.

So, laugh the darkness away!
Don’t make those monsters here to stay!
They might come to torment you,
So show them what you can do!
Just laugh the darkness away!
Don’t make those monsters here to stay!

And go tell those scary things to take a hike and leave you alone. And if you think they can scare you then they got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing makes you just wanna HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. ha..


And soon, all the scary trees were gone and the girls were laughing. After a few minutes of this, they stopped.

“Dude, that was awesome!” Limestone said happily. “Rara, you were amazing!” Vinyl said, hugging her friend. “Thanks, guys.” Coloratura said.

“Hey, it’s not dark anymore.” Hope said. The girls looked around and knew she was right. “Looks like we literally laughed the darkness away.” Limestone said.

“Well girls, let's keep moving.” Hope told the others. And they were off.

Now that they laughed the darkness away, the girls were ready for the next challenge.

Author's Note:

We are at the end of Chapter Nine. (AKA, the shortest chapter ever). And look at how amazing it was! Now that Coloratura is the Element of Laughter, we got two more Elements left to go!

Next Chapter, we got a hungry forest monster, and one pony will step up and give away their food to make the monster happy. Who will be the Element of Generosity? Will it be Derpy or Limestone?

And as always, Stay Magical!

Also, if you’re confused, Coloratura was in italics when she was singing.