• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 2,629 Views, 69 Comments

The Alicorn Disability - TypewriterError

What if being an alicorn... was considered being disabled? Would that be better than treason?

  • ...


Luna lifted her head and cleared her throat of tears. Where to start?

“I . . . well, first of all: How are you still alive?”

Rarity’s lips withdrew from her teacup. She shared a look with Spike and nodded. He rose and exited into the kitchen again.

“Alicorn horn is barbaric. There are numerous ways to prolong a life unnaturally. Only one is not thoroughly disgusting.”

“What way is that?”

“To be immortal without taking something from another living creature requires a pony to be made an alicorn. Obviously, that was not an option for me.” Spike re-entered with a silver case, “It looks so clean, doesn’t it?” Spike opened the case to reveal a needle filled with red liquid. Rarity shook her head in disgust, “I would not have chosen to do it if I wasn’t the only pony available to remain until you returned. Thank you Spike.”

“Do you need it yet?”

“No.” Spike closed the box and placed it on the bench next to him. Rarity turned her gaze back to Luna, “I searched for every available option to keep me alive after my husband was murdered. Months of research led to month of experimentations. I would not have tried it,” she glanced at Spike who returned her look then stared at the floor again, “But I knew it was the best option.”

“You didn’t even know if I was coming back.”

“I had to keep hoping. I had to see if I could prolong my life enough to find out where you had gone to, or if you were alive. I had to hope that some day you would come back, or Twilight.”

“What’s in the needle?”

Rarity shifted and Luna heard a series of cracks to accompany her groans and movements.

“Spike’s blood, mingled with my own.”


“I understand your surprise. It’s barbaric, but less so than alicorn horn because alicorn horn doesn’t come from a willing donator!”

Luna felt a surge of affection for the elderly unicorn. She wasn’t willing to be blinded by immortality to not consider the cost. Luna glanced at the photograph again.

“What’s happened to the other Elements of Harmony? Besides you and Twilight, I mean.”

Rarity finished her tea and, with an elegant clink, set the empty cup, spoon, and saucer on the table. A grandfather clock gave its deep chime from the kitchen and Spike reached for the case.

“Not yet, Spike. I will tell you when the time is right.”

Spike sighed and withdrew his claw.

“After this question . . . then I’ll take it.” she said to Spike before turning her head towards Luna again, “As for the Elements of Harmony: It was Rainbow Dash who died first. You recall how she was,” Rarity said with a warm smile that wrinkled her eyes even more, “Always loyal, and always faithful. She defied the Queen’s annunciation. They tried to assassinate her. She ran. The Queen herself managed to hit her with some weapon called a rifle while she tried to fly away. Her right wing was blown off completely and she fell. For a while there was rumor that she was still alive, which was true. Applejack hid her at Sweet Apple Acres.” she gave a heavy sigh, “Or tried to, until Rainbow Dash disappeared. We would have attempted a search to find her, but we were under such scrutiny that it was best to let her go. Looking back, I believe she ran away to protect us. She moved from village to village. The warning for the pony with one wing became the frightened whisper between ponies, young and old. Then, they caught her.”

“So they executed her?”

“They didn’t have the patience to wait for a public execution. No, as soon as they found her, the Queen herself raised her rifle and . . .”

Luna didn’t know what to say as Rarity stopped, her teeth chattered with her trembling.

“Is she having a seizure?” Luna asked Spike. Spike removed the needle from the case and approached her.

“I’m sorry, Rarity, you can’t finish this story when you’re this old.” he said and Luna watched the needle disappear into the white coat. The red liquid entered her arm and she went still. From where the needle entered, a wave of luster and youthful sheen went out, erasing wrinkles and restoring the shine of her coat. Her hair turned gray and then purple like an artist drawing a brush over canvas. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes.

“Thank you, Spike, Darling.” she said, gracefully touching her hoof to his arm. He patted it and then moved towards the kitchen.

“Please, Princess Luna, forgive me. I wanted to show you what the injection looks like when it takes over.”

“Of course. How long does an injection last?”

“When I first started, an injection of that size could kill me. Now, I need it to get through a single day.”

“Rarity . . . I’m so sorry.”

“I had to stay. When Fluttershy . . . died I was needed to carry on in her stead.”

“But, why?”

Rarity stood up—the restoration of her youth was astounding—and walked to a thick volume on one of her shelves. Blue magic withdrew the book then floated it before the unicorn as she walked to deposit the tome in front of the princess, resting on its spine. The blue magic disappeared and the book fell open.

The Elements.

“You held on to them . . .”

“I knew that, one day, they would mean something again.” Rarity said. Luna slid the photograph from where the cover of the book concealed it and rearranged it so she could see both. Twilight’s crown was missing, but the rest of theElements of Harmony remained here, preserved.

“Rarity, this is perfect.”

“It’s all I could do: guard the Elements. I had to keep them safe and away from that Queen.” Rarity shuddered. Her last word had been spat out. Tears brimmed her closed eyes as she turned her face away towards the chair.

“Rarity, Tell me about the Queen, please. Who is she?”

Rarity walked away from Luna. Every step shook. A few times the unicorn looked about ready to be sick.

“She shot Rainbow Dash!" Rarity spat forcefully, "I was there. I watched her kill my friend. She’s a monster!”

Luna’s legs uncurled and she crawled from the couch to stand next to Rarity.

“I’m sorry that I’m crying, Princess.”

Luna holding her close silenced her. For a while, subdued sniffing and sobs were muffled in Luna’s mane. Luna wanted to say something grand that would comfort her. Nothing seemed appropriate. After a few moments, Rarity withdrew and wiped her eyes.

“Thank you, Princess Luna.”

“Call me Luna, please. I’m your friend.”

Rarity nodded with another small sniff before returning to her chair.

“More tea?” She asked.

“No, thank you. Could you tell me what happened to the others though?”

“Certainly,” she sat in her chair, refilling her teacup, “After I told the rest of us of Rainbow Dash’s death, we went into hiding. I had gained favor with the Queen so I acted as a spy in the high court.”

“How did you gain her favor?”

“She was a new Queen in need of a wardrobe. I was the only one ‘willing’ to do the task. I despised every moment. Then again . . .without that I would never have married.” Her eyes fell for a moment, “Then again, perhaps he would still be alive.” she sniffed the thought back and continued, “We the Elements remained in hiding with Zecora. She later returned to her homeland and left us the hut. We should have moved. We should have found another place deeper inside the forest. They eventually found us. Fluttershy, Spike and I managed to escape with the Elements. Pinkie Pie and Applejack were declared. The newspaper announcing their executions also announced my husband’s. They never got our children though.”

“What happened to your children?”

Rarity’s mouth stayed closed but still twitched for a few moments until she controlled it enough to speak again. Luna waited.

“I had to leave them. I left them with their godmother. They could still be alive, but I don’t know and I can’t. They’re better off . . . they’re better off not being my . . . not knowing me. They probably don't even know that they have another mother.” She closed her eyes tightly and a sharp, shuddering gasp came from her. Luna could see Rarity was attempting to hold it in. 300 years wasn’t enough to help her forget, “After . . .” Rarity began, forcing each word out, “Fluttershy and I escaped, she took over the care of the Elements. We moved further into the Everfree forest. After about 5 years we began to trust our safety and . . .” she couldn’t continue but Luna could see that she had to. Luna knelt in front of her and placed her forelegs over the arm of the chair.

“Go ahead and tell me. I’m here. Don’t hold it in.” Rarity hugged the Princess’s head to her shoulder and continued with her voice in a strained staccato,

“I didn’t even wait to see if she was dead when I heard them shooting. She was just going to get wood. It should have been me. I should have been out there. I should have gotten the wood for the stove. It should have been me! I just ran. I just ran away and transported away. I didn’t even try to help her.”

Luna looked up when she felt Spike approach. Spike picked Rarity up and held her tightly, his eyes closed, his mouth a grim, determined line. Luna rubbed the space between her shoulder blades.

“How could they shoot Fluttershy? She wouldn’t have hurt them! They never gave her chance!”

Luna gently shushed her.

“Rarity, you did the right thing.”

“I abandoned them! All of them! They all died without me lifting a single hoof to help them! I should have turned the rifle on the queen and shot her impudent face off! Rainbow Dash watched me say nothing! Pinkie Pie and Applejack knew I ran away! They wanted us to move but I argued against it. I’m the reason they’re not here now.”

“Rarity, they gave themselves up so we could escape—“

They shouldn’t have needed to make that sacrifice! It was my fault!”

“Rarity, they would understand if you could talk with them now.” Luna offered.

“And my fillies? Would they understand?”

“Would that change anything? You did what you did because you loved them.”

“But I abandoned them too.”

“Rarity,” Luna said urgently, “You couldn’t have kept both your children and the rest of the Elements alive. You shouldn’t have needed to make that choice, but you can’t go back now, no matter how much you wish, to change the past.”

Luna withdrew her hoof and Spike braced Rarity against his body as her eyes rolled back and her entire form quivered violently.

“This happens sometimes after the injection." Spike explained, "She gets into an emotional frenzy and then has a seizure. They’ve gotten more frequent lately.”

“Perhaps it’s not just the injection.” Luna said gravely as Rarity’s body gave one last jerk then went limp. The unicorn groaned as all of her muscles relaxed. Her forelegs draped over Spike’s arms and he gently returned her to the chair. A few grey hairs had sneaked back into her mane and tail.

“Thank you, Spike. I apologize, Luna. I don’t know what came over me.”

“Don’t feel ashamed.”

“I still know that I should have done more.”

“Rarity, you did all you could. Don’t devalue what you’ve done.”

“What else do you need to know?” she asked with a voice craving sleep. Luna thought about all the questions that needed answers still. One needed answering more than anything else.

“How can I kill the Queen?”

“Luna, don’t try to do it by yourself—“

“I won’t. Please tell me how to kill her.”

“I would assume she could die like any pony might.”

“What kind of pony is she?”

“An Earth Pony I was told. I never saw her face. All I know is that she was very thin, almost like you, with long legs and long forelegs. I almost wonder if she was a Changeling.”

“I see. Thank you, Rarity. You’ve given me a lot.”

“Can I do anything else for you?”

Luna leaned forward, over the arm of the chair and placed a kiss on the unicorn’s forehead.

“Let yourself die. Don’t keep torturing yourself.” Rarity's eyes shone.

“I’ve wanted to die so many times.”

“Then let yourself die now. It’s like falling asleep. I’ve been in the dreams of so many who have died.”

“What’s it like?” she asked, wistfully. Luna heard a gulp and glanced up at Spike. His eyes were filling with tears.

“Death appears differently for certain ponies. For some, it is a dark hold that appears under you and you fall in. For others, it’s a doorway you open. It can also be a hill you have to walk over. Sometimes, it’s a particular spot somewhere that you can’t see but can feel. For others, it’s a pony they loved who has already died. As soon as they touch that pony, they walk away with them and never wake up out of the dream." Rarity blinked and tears crept out, unceremoniously.

“Luna, can I die, please? Can you help me die tonight?”

Luna nodded. Spike sniffed again and Rarity turned to him.

“Spike, I’m sorry. I can’t keep—” He placed a digit of his claw over her lips.

“Go ahead . . . I’m happy for you. I’ll be ok.”

Rarity smiled and placed a small kiss on the hand that silenced her.

“Well then,” she said, a great deal more cheerful, “How shall we spend our last few hours?”

Comments ( 13 )

RIP Rarity, I normally wouldn't condone suicide only it was the extension of her life that was unnatural.

2099383 Technically it's not suicide. The injections only last her a day at a time and if Luna take her away while she sleeps it's almost a completely natural death.

What a sad, miserable world.

Good job.

After reading through 9 chapters...

...Wow... I just... I have no words...

This world seems so bleak and demented, a complete opposite of what Equestria is was. Truly, this story is what the 'Dark' genre is-- heart-wrenching, grimace-inducing, and perhaps the most grueling part of reading it: fear-inducing (I need to cut it with the hyphens-- this is getting out of hoof!) I guess what I'm trying to say is: This is a phenomenal story-- the perfect mixture of horror and suffering. Please, update this whenever you get a chance.

Noo, not second-best pony! :raritydespair:

1153969 Immortal

>1. living forever; never dying or decaying.

I won't lie, when I started reading the first chapter... well, I don't know what I was expecting. A dark alternate universe doesn't always... turn out well in a story, I guess. Whatever... what I'm trying to say is I apologize for having any doubts because this story is amazing and I wish there was more...

3582269 Uh... apology accepted? I'm a little confused exactly what you're apologizing for. lol. I seriously need to get back to this story :/


I don't know, in case my first comment came off as negative-ish? Like because I wasn't expecting something great due to the setting/tags? I didn't want it to come off as rude or anything. But yes yes yes, please continue.

3584471 Hmm, I've looked and I can't see your first comment. It's fine though. You should see some of the backlash I got for Believing Stories XD I appreciate your apology though. Thank you.


Oh, the first comment as in the one you just replied to a little bit ago. Never mind. I am making things way too confusing... :facehoof:

I'll be getting to more of your works soon!

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