• Member Since 20th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen 24 minutes ago


30 year old man from California who likes to fight with swords. Author of Successor, Love Mark, and Daybreaker at Canterlot Wedding Verses.


After sending Luster to Ponyville, Twilight's friends remind her of the horrible truth apparent on the surface. That she will outlive them someday because Alicorns live longer or forever. But Twilight points out ways for that not to happen and she takes it rather dark.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 36 )

This is less dark comedy and more... coping? Salt?

Intense and funny at the same time. Love it.


once again twilight making complete sense, just sad she couldn't get the seventh element -starlight- in her group of immortal forever friends.

I do not like this at all

Why not? I don’t see anything wrong with this fic.

I thought it was funny

Now I want pretzels. Yum.

Hey, I'm suprised this was never a option given to the girls in the last episode.

Well if we are going full metafictional here Pinkie Pie just has to point out "Were fictional characters we only die when humans forget about us!"

Well maybe I'm being a bit hostile toward those that want Twilight to outlive her friends.

They left it open for all sides I guess. Made the other girls look older so that people who wanted Twilight to outlive her friends could have that ending. But there is still the possibility of age spells and such, and my personal take on the finale with the student who was a lot like Twilight was Twilight was seeking a successor of her own so she can give up the power keeping her young.

Except you forget it took Celestia centuries to find a successor, plus it was destined according to the Tree of Harmony.

Luster won't be taking over from Twilight.

I don’t see it as hostile tbh.

According to the tree of harmony? Where does it say that? And you have no proof to go against my theory. It was left open for all sides, what else would be the purpose of introducing Luster?

Wasn't the story they wanted to tell.

I mean the series is over and they told us to go hog wild, so why not?

Strictly going by the synopsis, I'm a little surprised this story isn't rated M.

Well if you think it should be.

Hey congrats on getting featured!!


Maybe by the synopsis, but not by the actual story, I don't think.

"T" rated, sure, but not sure about "M" rated.

A Student for Twilight to set on the same course. The Heroe sending there protege out on the quest. The Neverending Story.

More like Twilight is following in her teacher's footsteps and taking students of her own. And Celestia had students before Twilight. But the important part is something people miss. That Twilight still has her friends after many years. Who still is friends with those they grew up with? Almost think the writers were channelling Stand by Me.

Well believe what you want. I'm gonna stick with shes grooming Luster to be her Successor like in my headcanon story.

Hey! Nothing wrong with that. I fully believe there story isnt over and the girls will get that Rainbow Power again which will make them young again myself. I have a hard time believing being linked to the Elements wont give them some kind of benefit.

Yeah that would be nice too. I'd be good with that. I have thought about doing another fic on that.


I wouldn't mind a story where the whole mane 6 and Spike gained extended life like Twilight (but not necessarily immortality) though an effect the Elements had on them. Even though the Elements are gone.

Assuming they all agree of course: otherwise it enters the territory of what Starlight did in the season 5 premier and effectively makes Twilight a villain,

Then again, that in itself could also make a good story where Twilight goes crazy and tries to make others immortal (assuming she is) like her. But it just wouldn't be played more for laughs like this story is.

Yeah, I have one started. Might come out in a few days. Miller said that her friends were exposed to a lot of magic so who knows its affected them. He also said that Celestia and Luna gave twilight their power over the sun and moon. I used both of those in my other story where she passes on. I find the one with the one with the magic a little sketchy since he was asked why her friends were aging while she wasnt. If it were the magic affecting their age they wouldn't look as old the other ponies, unless he meant that it could affect them in the future?

Either way, the writers obviously left it open for all sides. Made the rest of them look older so those that wanted Twilight to outlive her friends could have that ending, and left the rest of us loopholes like the magic affecting them or Luster being Twilights Successor.

Also the Tree of Harmony (now a treehouse) could intervene in their behalf.

Age spells can be cast by 'the highest level unicorns'. Starlight can make herself immortal.

I thought those were temporary or had some side-effect that made them not worth it due to not being powered by alicorns.

The show never really got into details about those kind of spells.

She then turned to the screen. “Would you like it if you had to watch everyone you loved die first?”

Simple answer : heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeck nah fam

Yeah I wouldn't want it either. Life of immortality is just sad unless you have your loved ones with you.

Yeah, and then they get a shortage of food and end up killing each other due to overpopulation.

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