• Member Since 17th Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen Saturday


I like stories, this is my access to those stories, talk and theorize about them. I do exist, but I am a ghost! I have a story now too!

Comments ( 89 )

I would like to just say that this man is fantastic at writing and is great at storytelling more so than me so you will probably enjoy this guy stories more so than mine if you've read them and have seen the first attempt at it... Yeah not my most greatest moment... but I digress you did good my friend and I hope to see some more great works from you! ^^

Thank you Red. Thank you very much.

Dr. Wolf huh? That wouldn’t happen to be a reference to the YouTuber Dr. Wolf would it? One of the most well known and respected throughout the brony community.

Indeed, I felt like he would fit in this world. He is one of my favorite youtubers and I respect him greatly. It also allows me to imagine him and Sunset talking in a session, which may happen in a later chapter. Right now I shall let it sit, than decide on how I shall continue.

In terms of Sunset having a session with Dr. Wolf. Ever since I found out about him, I’ve been hoping she gets an AMWDW of her own about self forgiveness and not putting the whole world on her shoulders.

I have mixed feelings on this fic. Don't get me wrong thou.
Very well written, and i love it, but hearing how Celestia and Luna also fell for it, and how they ignored Sunset's suffering makes me furious.
I would love to seen celestia get a major chew out for that as well as Luna.

Seems she was forgiven to easily, if you do continue like to see if there were consequences for it small ones such as getting a warning ro shamed for it.
Alos if the other teachers did the same they get chewed out as well.

Glad to see the Rainidiots realizing how badly they screwed up and if the CMC are given proper punishments.
Also how they react to learning Sunset tried to end her life and was saved barely.

Maybe do a chapter showing how they reacted to getting the message on what almost happened and how they reacted to it.

Your comment has given me ideas. I was planning on having a chapter about the girls talking about how they reacted... and about how this was not really forgiveness.. but the beginning of it. I plan on having flashback or chapters set in the six days skipped over... as a way to show that.. well.. not all was easily forgiven. Celestia and Luna worked hard to earn forgiveness.. and so did the girls... however.. the rest of the staff and student body shall be tackled not just by Sunset... or her new family... but by all of them striving to make sure Sunset is treated fairly.
That is a great idea... but I could always give my impression of the Good Doctor Wolf for a chapter with a session in it... however... I will need time so I can get his tone and feel down pat.

You both have given me ideas... but their is no set schedule for updates.. Life is busy... but I won't leave it unfinished... if necessary.. I shall have it end via time skip... a meeting... and Sunset going to heaven after living her life. But that is just if I can no longer work on this story or I find myself out of ideas. So to all, I will accept ideas or inspiration... but know I have some myself... especially about a certain story element.. (AKA I ship Sunset and Fluttershy) so that keeps my brain making ideas and planning stuff.. just to make a cute ship... but hardships shall make it strong. After all.. the short description says it all.

I shall say this now, for all who have ideas to give me, pm me them so we do not spoil the story for others. Just something someone brought up, and their right on why this should be how you all should send me messages about the story.

Also thank you for those who have featured me in Anon-A-Miss and Suicide Groups. I hope you all enjoyed my work so far. More chapters coming soon, just slowly. No set schedule so keep an eye out for them.

i would like to see a continuation of this. i have not come across a concept like this and it intrigues me.

I am working on the next chapter, one I hope you all shall enjoy. It will take tame, for my life is busy. But do not fear, this story shall not die, for I like it to much. I also am happy you find it intriguing. Tell me, is it the supernatural elements at play, or what makes you find it so interesting?

it kinda remind remind me a the poem nevermore. but mostly with death itself coming in and intervening with sunset's suicide attempt. in many other stories i've read death is usually the impartial party or simply the straight up bad guy. this is the first time i've seen where death tries to actually stop someone from killing themselves.

Well this Death hates his job. He hates seeing such life wasted and end so soon. Xavier is not your typical Death, for he actually wants to help others. Having reaped and talk to the dead for eons, a change of pace is just what the doctor ordered for him.
So I hope you continue to enjoy this story.

May i suggest the discworld series by sir terry pratchett, i think you may enjoy death and his family

Its a series of books, the death series starts with Mort, its quite an old series but my god is it worth reading

This is great and I really hope to hear more from this canon, I kinda see this death character as a toned down discord. I love the feeling you gave him as an old caring man who just doesn't want someone to cut their experiences short. Also in my mind he has a voice like death from the amazon Good Omens show.

I am glad you enjoy this canon and this story so far. I never thought of Xavier as a toned down Discord, but I see the similarities between them. Yes, Xavier is a very old, and very caring, man who likes to see people live out their life to the fullest. You will see more of him later on I promise you. I haven't watch Good Omens, so when I do I'll keep an ear out for Death's voice when I watch it. Personally he sounds like the War Doctor, aka John Hurt, but you can imagine him to sound like anyone you want.

Long but very well written.

I do wonder how are the human CMC dealing?

That shall be shown in the coming chapters.

I normally don't do this on stories that have been out for a while, but I feel it important to mention that in your little wrap up paragraph at the end, that should really read "heroine", that extra e at the end is kind of important, hehe. I also noticed at least one instance of you using principle when you meant principal.

That said, this seems like a pretty decent foundation to build a story on.

dis series gonna be continued

Yes it will, I am working on it.

Please do its a very interesting story.

Life has occured and my family has become ill. So working on this has taken a back burner when I am caring for my father and grandmother. But have no fear this story will continue. Once I get the time to work on finishing editing it and reworking Shy to be more..angry. I hope to get the next few chapters done soon.


I understand please do take your time and keep us updated.

What is so interesting my friend?
Couldn't be AJ's strange Behavior? Oh perhaps something else? Oh so tell what us so interesting LEIGON555 and even PM me if you find it is spoilory.

Also feel free to see wise and just discuss what's happening in the story between chapters I mean come on. But I like reading your comments and gives me a bit of warm feeling in my chest when I know hey people like what I'm doing and they're talking about it you need to give me that sense of creating something engaging and interesting for all of you to enjoy.

Just the concept. Ps I'm glad to see this update!!!!!

I heard X Men's Charles Xavier's voice(Patrick Stewart!):rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

I Heard X Men's Charles Xavier A.K.A Patrick Stewart. First name and voice that came to mind to me!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

I'm adding Dr Wolf to my own anon a miss story I'm working on!

I'm sorry while I'm glad you used my idea...Grammar Grammar Grammar!!
It a bit mish mash and some of the stuff makes no sense.

Please explain this more, as I am actually horrible at grammar. I blame myself who has an odd mix of learning german while growing up. So, German and English have melded together. I often have to check for habe, ist, and other slight nuances in my writing. I don't know why I do this, as I speak English and perhaps it is due to my novice writing skills and habits when I was taking a foreign language. Any and all help will be appreciated. The story isn't dead, I just have life happening, sick grandma, grandfather going mental, and my own future being shaken up. But, I will finish this story, to the best of my ability.

Ok. Sorry to hear what happening, I hope things get better. Hang in there.

Thank you for your concern, I hope things get better too. I have ideas and the story all set, just have to get time to put it down. Thank you for the support too.

Please continueeee🙏😭 the plot is good and the story telling is great the only complain i have is the blue part of the story not that it makes it bad. I just like making my own assumptions on how the story will go rather than have the authors guide me to what may come and let me be surprised once they revealed it. The lessons in life in the blue part is a nice touch though

You're not a young pup anymore AJ, you're nearly a wolf, now,

Is that a figure of speech or is something going on with the Apple family?

"I already gave her a punishment, which is to shovel the entire path from here to the main road, no friends over till the new year, and...she has to bake Sunset a meal, get her a gift, and lastly, give her a big hug in apology. Oh..and she can't have those fancy smancy games or her phone till I say so."

Also I love how this is Apple Bloom punishment, I have what if you fix where she either gets spanked with a switch or beaten, it's refreshing to see effect that doesn't have the Apple family use corporal punishment

I can not comment.
And thanks, I been very busy, life has been keeping me down, but the Apple Family view punishments of the productive kind, doing chores and such. Plus it shows Granny is not cruel or hurtful. It fits their dynamic I think.

Also damn, I gotta write more on this, checking my rough drafts, oh boy. Now I got a new fan, can't keep you all waiting.

I very much agree, I honestly hate a lot of the fandom portrayals of the Apple family, because of how many of them featured corporal punishment AKA abuse, granny loves her grandkids and would never lay a finger/hoof on any of them in any universe, like I said this portrayal is refreshing

Even Fluttershy believed it.”

This is the second time she mentioned Fluttershy explicitly, is this just because Fluttershy is so amazing and kind or do I smell a ship

And I know you will probably rush through the portal once it reopens,

Okay little pet peeve and this isn't the first pick that I've seen with this timeline but the holiday comic can only take place after rainbow rocks I get that in the special sunset went to a first sleepover and in rainbow rocks it was supposed to sleepover but I find Twilight having the journal before rainbow rocks to be a bigger continuity error than when sunsets for sleep over it so personally, this is nothing against you like I said this isn't the first thick I've seen with it happening before rainbow rocks but every time I see it it just looks me because it can only happen after

You see, I've been trying to figure out the timeline for so long. I gave up on trying to figure it out fully when I started Session One way back in the middle of March of 2021. So let us just say Twilight gave her the book early. That and also I would have to rewrite some parts of the story. I know this may be confusing, but I do love the movies and know of the comic, but this takes place in an AU, so some events will be different. Like the sleepover would be more of a week-long stay for Sunset, at the Apples, as the others wanted to party with her early, and thus six days before Christmas, they hold a party to try and welcome her. Which failed. Now we go through this short six-day window (Which I totally was gonna skip but decided not to for ideas I had).

So overall, it is an AU, where Twilight, who was cautious, or given the book by Celestia, and gave it to Sunset once she realizes she may need it.
Apologizes if that is confusing.

Question who's Twilight giving the book to because Twilight didn't give sunset her book sunset already had her book, what did you mean to say Celestia?

I meant that Sunset is able to write to Twilight, so basically, however, than is done has happened. I am sorry for the unclear answers, I am very tired and not in a good mood. My apologizes.

It's okay I get it it's like 8:00 where I'm at I probably should take my medicine and go to bed

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