• Published 22nd Mar 2020
  • 2,164 Views, 118 Comments

Empty Sky - Krickis

Sunset has been happily dating Twilight and Fluttershy for a year now, but when they start talking about the next step in their relationship, it brings up old demons that Sunset has never quite moved on from.

  • ...


“Hey, Sky. Bet you weren’t expecting to see me again so soon. I wasn’t really planning on visiting again already, but after everything that’s happened, well… you’ve just been on my mind a lot.

“So I guess the big news is that I’m three months sober. Again. It’s strange though, it doesn’t feel like a setback. I mean, I was a full year sober until I screwed that up, but… it feels okay. It’s not like I’m starting back at square one, I hit a bump, but all that progress I made is still there.

“I’m not doing it on my own this time, though. There’s a weekly meeting I go to with other ponies who are going through the same thing. I was nervous at first, and it didn’t take long for the press to catch wind of it, but it hasn’t been too bad. It’s what I should have done a year ago, when I first decided to do this.

“To think, all this happened because I miss you so much. No, wait, I didn’t mean it to sound like that. It was all on me, not because you’re, you know, not here. It’s just… it’s still hard, you know? I don’t know, I guess you’d have no idea what I was talking about. You’d be just learning how to say ‘Mama’ right about now, huh?

“Speaking of your Mama… look out for her, will you? I’m learning time and time again that no one gets by on their own, and well, I don’t know if she really wants to see me. She’s got your Aunt Rainbow to keep her company, but… Heh, there’s a scary thought, Aunt Rainbow Dash. Nah, that’s not fair, I bet she’d be good at it. You’d love her, I’m sure.

“I’ve also been thinking… about me. And what I want out of the future. All of this happened because I never really confronted the fact you’re gone – there, that’s a better way to put it. And now, well… Now I am. I told my girlfriends about you, and they’ve been really supportive. And… it’s nice to finally get to talk about you. I wish I had more to say, but you know. It’s not some deep dark secret anymore.

“And that’s got me thinking, maybe someday… No, not maybe. I want to be a mom. I’m not ready, not yet, but I want to be. Someday. And I will be. I think… I think I owe it to you to try again. You were such an important part of my life, but you would never want me to be so stuck on that one part that I hold myself back.

“That’s the real reason I wanted to come see you. See, I don’t believe in heaven, or any kind of afterlife, you know? But I always talk to you, and I guess maybe I’m just talking to myself, but… there’s a reason.

“Because back when we lost you, when your Mama was in the hospital, I prayed. First time for everything, right? Well, I prayed that she would wake up. And she did. And ever since then, I just kinda thought, you know. I could be wrong. I’ve been wrong before. I’ve been wrong a lot.

“So I could be wrong. Maybe there is a heaven, and maybe that’s where you are. And maybe you really can look after your Mama, and if that’s true… Well, someday I think it’s very likely you’ll have a little sister or brother. So please, when that time comes, look out for them too. Because let’s be honest, with me as a mom, they’ll need all the help they can get.

“I was gonna say ‘I hope you don’t mind me trying to move on’, but you wouldn’t. I know that now. So instead I’ll just say the one thing I really wish I got the chance to say to you. I love you, Sky. I love you, and no matter what happens, you’ll always be here in my heart.”

Author's Note:

Ending artwork by Pasu-Chan.

Who We Become is a story that takes place across two worlds. The human story and the pony story happen concurrently and affect each other, but they can also be read as standalone stories.

The next main story in this series is Thicker Than Water, which takes place in the human world. It follows the Fluttershy and Rainbow about a year after the events of Empty Sky as they go on tour with Bitchette. Go here if you want the full story.

And if you only care about the Equestrian story, the next main story is In Pieces, which picks up with Amber and Luna three years after we last saw them in Finding Home.

Comments ( 25 )

Sunset seems to have a lot of faith in Rainbow Dash helping Fluttershy..:unsuresweetie:

Can't wait for the next chapter of Thicker Than water:rainbowwild:

Good follow-up and ending, nothing much to say about it, other than it's good Sunset is getting back on track. Maybe one day humanshy will get to the same point, too. Lord knows she was hurt just as bad, maybe more, over losing Sky. She's certainly in a dark place in TTW, acting reckless, but with every instance of her helping out Gilda, or reining in Rainbow, or just being there for her band and friends, I know that she too can come out on top and move on, just like Sunny.

I think Rainbow would be a pretty good aunt all things considered. At least to an older kid. Would I want her to babysit a toddler? Ehh... But like a six and up kid? They’d love her, and she’d do pretty good with them.

Glad you enjoyed it :twilightsmile: Human Shy still has a ways to go, but that’s not to say she’ll never be in a better place. Only time will tell, because I sure as hell won’t :raritywink:

Such a great story, it was a perfect ending.
I guess Twilight has a spell for letting her wives get pregnant

No, there's no magical lesbian spawn in this universe. But there are the traditional options of artificial insemination with a sperm donor or adoption.

And thank you, glad you liked it :yay:

😢now the was a sweet ending nice to see sunset on the mend, this whole ordeal seems to be making a believer out of sunset and it's Nice to see her not bottle it up anymore. And now I'm looking forward to more thicker than water

It's cool that we are so familiar with the character and of course the writting is so good, that we can have a speach like this with multiple emotions without any extra words describing how it was said at various points. That's good faith from the author.

Speaking of faith, I am full prepared for sunset being the first equestrian jehovah witness.

Also now that I've read the epilogue somehow the epilogue art makes the sunset shimmer in it, look more at peace.

Even I can't keep her miserable all the time. It was nice to explore this side of Sunset, but also nice to move past this part of her life and let her heal a bit.

Omg yes, Sunset brings religion to those godless heathen horses! That's my next fic now.

I really like doing these dialogue only sections. I guess dialogue is generally my favorite thing to write in general, so it's natural for me to convey a lot through it alone. In any event though I'm really glad you liked it :ajsmug:

“Speaking of your Mama… look out for her, will you? I’m learning time and time again that no one gets by on their own, and well, I don’t know if she really wants to see me. She’s got your Aunt Rainbow to keep her company, but… Heh, there’s a scary thought, Aunt Rainbow Dash. Nah, that’s not fair, I bet she’d be good at it. You’d love her, I’m sure.

hehe quite a scary thought

“I was gonna say ‘I hope you don’t mind me trying to move on’, but you wouldn’t. I know that now. So instead I’ll just say the one thing I really wish I got the chance to say to you. I love you, Sky. I love you, and no matter what happens, you’ll always be here in my heart.”

💜 awww

thanks for the good book! :twilightsmile:

I do wonder if I should've focused more on Sunset telling her wives about what happened, but the idea that it was rushed honestly didn't occur to me until people in the comments started saying they felt it was :twilightblush:

In any event, I'm glad you enjoyed the story and I loved reading your play by play on it. Thank you for all the comments, it was a fantastic thing to wake up to! :yay:

“So I could be wrong. Maybe there is a heaven, and maybe that’s where you are. And maybe you really can look after your Mama, and if that’s true… Well, someday I think it’s very likely you’ll have a little sister or brother. So please, when that time comes, look out for them too. Because let’s be honest, with me as a mom, they’ll need all the help they can get.

You know, considering there are "traditional" groups in Equestria and human!Flutters is a Christian, I'm wondering what your take on the religion of Equestria is. Sunset seems to defer to Shy's faith by default, but in a land of magic and miracles, it seems odd for there to be an idea of... nothing. Or perhaps Sunset residing in the human world for so long has distanced her from whatever faith/faith-and-reality there is in Equestria because she's grown desensitized to some of the more mythic aspects of the world.

Oof okay so I always knew this question was coming but like I don't have the best answer for it. First off, yes, I think there's religion in Equestria, and I even think I should have put a lot more thought into that before writing this series. But man, I just do not know what it is.

I hate to explain it based on me, but I think understanding where I'm coming from is kinda important. See, I'm an atheist and I always have been. There was a period where I thought I was Christian because my parents were, but I never ever believed in all that religious stuff. So for me, I struggled a lot to write Fluttershy as a Christian and almost regretted making her one. But at least I have some experience with what Christianity is like, and I do respect religions even if my own religion is an atheistic one (I do have a religion that I consider myself a part of, but it's not a theistic one). So to me, writing about religion has never been interesting. But writing about the schism between a couple where only one person was religious was, so that's why I made Fluttershy Christian. I didn't and still don't care to write Christian stories, she could've been Jewish, Buddhist, or any other religion for all I cared, I just know Christianity a bit.

So anyway, all this is to say man I hate world-building at the best of times and I didn't want to fuck up a religion by making a parallel to one (or more likely multiple) existing in Equestria, but I think I should have tried. It's one of those things that I wish I would have put more effort in a long time ago that I'm kinda saddled into, but I do think there is some sort of religion going on in Equestria, Sunset's just not a member. Maybe I'll come in and have a character identify as some sort of Equestrian religion someday, but for now all I got is this :twilightblush:

(It's supposed to be Mega Yike Moments lmao)

I hate to explain it based on me, but I think understanding where I'm coming from is kinda important. See, I'm an atheist and I always have been. There was a period where I thought I was Christian because my parents were, but I never ever believed in all that religious stuff. So for me, I struggled a lot to write Fluttershy as a Christian and almost regretted making her one. But at least I have some experience with what Christianity is like, and I do respect religions even if my own religion is an atheistic one (I do have a religion that I consider myself a part of, but it's not a theistic one). So to me, writing about religion has never been interesting. But writing about the schism between a couple where only one person was religious was, so that's why I made Fluttershy Christian. I didn't and still don't care to write Christian stories, she could've been Jewish, Buddhist, or any other religion for all I cared, I just know Christianity a bit.

This explains a lot (though, I've never heard of an "atheistic religion" before). Though, I suppose with Equestria you always have the choice to make their myths reality. A religion relying heavily on ritual, ethics, and the unseen could be stranger to Sunset if she came from a world where worshipped entities could be physically interacted with. I think it would also lay to rest if the LGBTphobic groups in Equestria get their support from socio-cultural based prejudices or if there is some kind of cult or religious sect that does present a queerphobic view of the world to its members.

So anyway, all this is to say man I hate world-building at the best of times and I didn't want to fuck up a religion by making a parallel to one (or more likely multiple) existing in Equestria, but I think I should have tried.

If you want, you could ping me for help workshopping this. I have a lot of experience writing and reading about religious structures and pantheons in MLP. I also have a fair amount of theological/philosophy texts lying around and have taken uni classes about theology that often cover the varying kinds of models that can be used and the like. It might be helpful! I need to put this stuff to use somehow! :twilightblush:

It's one of those things that I wish I would have put more effort in a long time ago that I'm kinda saddled into, but I do think there is some sort of religion going on in Equestria, Sunset's just not a member. Maybe I'll come in and have a character identify as some sort of Equestrian religion someday, but for now all I got is this

I honestly just figured that it hadn't come up yet. Sunset is a pretty good example of a character that has every reason to be separate from any kind of religious affiliation with how separated she is from both worlds (either physically or culturally). She's essentially an immigrant all over again. I feel like another character would probably have to explain things to her all over again since she left Equestria when she was young, and young people often aren't drawn to religious involvement. Though, I wonder if the Fluttershy of this world is involved with any of Equestria's religion(s).

I think I'd prefer to avoid making their myths probable. I don't like the idea of a one true God, and wouldn't want to take that approach. I may rope you into help sometime though since you offered :raritywink:

I would see Fluttershy being a pony of faith, although I'm not sure what that faith is. Maybe it'll come up sometime soonish with her.


I don't like the idea of a one true God, and wouldn't want to take that approach.

That's why you have polytheism and do like the Romans did: canonical multicultural pantheon. :raritywink:

After all, you like poly stuff don't ya?

haha geddit

Thanks for the fic! I’m really glad Sunset got closure with Sky

They say funerals and graveyards aren't for the dead. The deads don't care, they're dead. These places are for the living. Those who mourn and cry and are shaken by death.

Very true, and it's what I keep in mind whenever Sunset visits Sky

Another amazing story in this amazing universe as we now get the oh so needed closure for the pony who tried to put it all on her and get the support she needed….

The Sky truly was Empty, but oh so full in shimmers

“Speaking of your Mama… look out for her, will you? I’m learning time and time again that no one gets by on their own, and well, I don’t know if she really wants to see me. She’s got your Aunt Rainbow to keep her company, but… Heh, there’s a scary thought, Aunt Rainbow Dash. Nah, that’s not fair, I bet she’d be good at it. You’d love her, I’m sure.

You never know Sunset, Fluttershy might possibly still want you back, even if she's the manager of a rock band and abandoned her original goal for the future. :fluttershysad:

“And that’s got me thinking, maybe someday… No, not maybe. I want to be a mom. I’m not ready, not yet, but I want to be. Someday. And I will be. I think… I think I owe it to you to try again. You were such an important part of my life, but you would never want me to be so stuck on that one part that I hold myself back.

That a girl Sunset. :twilightsmile:

“I was gonna say ‘I hope you don’t mind me trying to move on’, but you wouldn’t. I know that now. So instead I’ll just say the one thing I really wish I got the chance to say to you. I love you, Sky. I love you, and no matter what happens, you’ll always be here in my heart.”

Same here. 😊

While this story short, and that I surprisingly got it done under a day, I liked it. While there are times I do think Sunset needs to stop overthinking about her past, she has peo- I mean ponies out there to help her, and that with the aid of Twilight and Fluttershy, I know that with time, she'll be alright and back to the happy Sunset Shimmer and I know and love! :yay:

Author Interviewer

haha, I'm not crying, you're crying ;_;

*Rereads this epilogue*
You're right I'm crying

Good ending. Also, good ending art.
Now that Sunset seems to have some closure on Sky Shimmer and getting her life back on track, I wonder what this means for how things will go as human Fluttershy's been trying to re-contact her?

This is a favorite of mine. I'm not terribly good at shorter fics, but I think I did most of what I wanted to with this one. I got to explore both grief and alcoholism in ways that I didn't get to before. I'm glad you've enjoyed the story.

As for Shy and how things are going for her, well, that's coming up in Thicker Than Water which is tied for my personal favorite WWB story, so you'll find out then! :raritywink:

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