• Published 5th Feb 2020
  • 3,020 Views, 142 Comments

The Composer - Smug Anime Girl

Life after ruling for Celestia is boring, almost too boring. However, on one of her strolls, she comes across a lost runaway filly. It quickly becomes clear that there is more to the filly than what meets the eye.

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Guardian Discourse

In the week leading up to the school play, Celestia decided to take Schuberry back to the bakery on the main street. As Schuberry's little hooves danced across the glossy keys of the shiny black piano, Celestia helped behind the counter, keeping a watchful eye on the foal.

The return of the little filly drew more ponies in. They crowded in the tables nearest to her warming their hooves with hot chocolate and munching on the baked goods. The owner of the bakery, a pudgy mare by the name of Soda, happily regarded the little guest, telling Celestia several times that Schuberry was 'always welcome to practice here' and 'a few missing doughnuts for her trouble could be overlooked.'

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you!" Celestia responded. "Too many ponies!" She could, of course, hear Soda perfectly, but the thought of Schuberry inhaling an enormous amount of pastries didn't sit well with her. Celestia made a mental note to keep Schuberry from finding out about Soda's offer.

The filly played the sweet, mellow, and aptly named Pleasant Etude, another of Hoofel's works. She wasn't intimately familiar with the song, and every once in a while, she shuffled the sheet music about while holding down the keys with her wings. She finished the song softly, cutting it off awkwardly.

Several nearby ponies fed her some snacks. Celestia decided to swing by. "Want to go home now?"

"One more song." She insisted. Her pit crew fell back, and she dusted off the crumbs. Celestia watched her pick out a song titled 'sturdy.' After the mess with the Wonderbolts song, Schuberry's compositions became much more conservative. While this song wasn't in the classical style, she didn't dare tread much further from the line.

She kept her hooves low as she played. Most of the song revolved around a select few notes, and it felt repetitive. Celestia watched this sadly from behind the counter.

"Honey bun, please." A customer asked quietly.

"Oh, two bits, please." Celestia took the coins and exchanged it for the food. She missed a few seconds of the song. Somepony came into the shop loudly, and ponies by the door quickly shushed him. Celestia could make out Andante shuffling through the crowd, looking lost. "Soda, I need to go for a moment."

"Oh, sure." Soda waved her off. "Don't forget to wash your hooves when you come back!"

Celestia looked down at the stallion before sucking in a breath. "Andante. What brings you here?"

"Oh, what a pleasant surprise!" Andante turned around. "What's all this about?"

"Schuberry is playing." Celestia curtly responded. "Now answer the question."

"Well, business to be frank. I was reading the newspaper and I saw a report by some critics, and it wasn't very positive, I must say." The edge of his lip was curled slightly upwards. "It doesn't look as if spending time with...friends has helped her musical career."

"If you have something to say, then say it." The alicorn thinned her eyes.

"I wish to take Schuberry back to Canterlot." Andante marched up to the filly. "What do you say? I'll make sure you'll never have to deal with this kind of mess again."

"I have to play the piano at my school's Hearth's Warming play." Schuberry responded, taking Andante off guard.

He blinked. "She talks now?"

"Oh, there was an illegal operation of some sort. It's a long story." Celestia explained. "Are you done?"

"Mm. Let's go home." Schuberry gathered up her sheet music.

Andante placed a hoof on her back. "You can't play."

"Why not?" Schuberry's ears perked up.

"Because I'm in charge of the Grand Galloping Gala musical committee, and I want you to play for that." He smiled as genuine of a smile he could muster. "Be reasonable. Don't waste your time twiddling about in public school productions."

Schuberry actually paused at this. Celestia balked at her impressionability. The little filly paced several times, then pulled Celestia to the side. "I'm sorry about Luna."

"Wait, you're not actually going to leave, are you?" Celestia mumbled.

"I want to. Is it wrong?" Schuberry looked down at her hooves. "I feel like I'm always causing trouble for you. You have to make extra food for me, I bring my friends over and we always make huge messes...and worst of all, my music is falling apart."

"But you don't have to apologize." Celestia tried to explain. "You're polite and sweet."

"Being polite and sweet won't help me write music." The filly insisted. "This is what I want."

"I see." Celestia stood back. "I can't stop you."

Schuberry tucked the sheet music below her wing and put the lid down on the piano. "I'd like to stay tonight."

"Well, I have a tight schedule, we need to go back now." Andante urged.

"I'm staying tonight." Schuberry didn't wait for a response, gliding out the door. Andante and Celestia looked at each other.

Early next morning, Celestia walked Schuberry and Andante to the train station. The little foal's saddle bags were stuffed with snacks, a luck charm from Luster, and a pen from Hayseed.

The station's brick building with it's green awnings looked dulled in the morning light, fringes gently flapping in the wind.The train rounded the bend and let out two mournful toots of it's whistle. The train hissed and screeched as it slowed down, and when it finally stopped at the platform, the train let out a metallic clang.

"If you need anything, just phone me." Celestia stared into Schuberry's eyes. There were a million things to be said, the alicorn was sure, but nothing came to mind.

"We'll be off now." Andante herded the filly up the stairs. "Perhaps you'll be invited to the Gala."

"Perhaps." Celestia answered. She saw Schuberry find a window seat and press against the glass.

'I'll be fine.' She mouthed.

The train's whistle tweeted twice, pulling from the platform. It disappeared around the corner and soon, the sound faded away too.

Celestia sighed and turned for home.