• Member Since 1st Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen May 16th


Comments ( 18 )

Before I read this, I must know: Why would the Steel Rangers let a griffon join them? They don't seem like the type to do that.

Necessity. With the scope of the Zebra-Equestrian War in this series, they needed every able body they could get. Griffins in power armor with extremely heavy weapons? A rather useful thing to have. Especially with the brutal trench warfare that some battles would boil down to in some areas

You know im not actually sure.. ill have to look into that

Then why didn't they appear in the original Fallout: Equestria?

Cool map. Where did you get it from?

Nice chapter man. We’re you planning to make a separate story depicting what happened when they were both wasted that night? If not that’s ok.

Because this story and Lone Ranger are removed from the original FoE and the other offshoots. This is me and my bf's own lore that uses the original FoE as a basis but there's tons of stuff that's our own ideas and concepts. The Pre and Post-War worlds are mostly our own version of events pulling from the game lore and other sources we both found to be fun or interesting inclusions in the larger world. War Bird and Lone Ranger shouldn't really be compared to the original kkhat story in terms of content or characters since we wanted to be as much our own thing as we could. You're welcome to DM either of us and we are happy to answer questions you might have. :twilightsmile:

Heh, tbh prolly not for that time around but there's gonna be more detailed romps in the future so don't ya worry lol. :)

Boyfriend made it with my help and input on Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator since we both needed visual reference for where all our countries are located. It's my working cover art until I can afford to commission someone for something better.

(In case you wanted to mess around with it yourself!)

I thought this fic was dead, But NO the dream lives on

Thank you! Sorry for the lack of uploads, my bf and I have been busy and distracted by life but we're workin' on trying to write some more. Writer's block hit my bf hard for awhile there so that slowed things down for awhile. :)

I was just wondering when this would be updated awesome chapter

Made it ourselves using Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator! Still needs a lot of updating but it's a look at the world my bf and I's story looks like since there's so many countries involved. Sadly it's all I have to work with at the moment till I can afford to commission some art.

Thanks for the patience and the tuning in! Unfortunately my bf who edits and hella polishes my stuff is easily distracted by his other hobbies that are easier on the brain than writing lol. We'll keep kicking them out, just won't be as speedy as anyone would like (including us lol).

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